Trump, Fiorina, Rubio and Carson


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There's little doubt that the 4 names mentioned in the thread's title will be winning the nomination in the first half-dozen or so primaries next year.

(Candidates like Kasich and even Christie would have been saner choices, but no objective person would ever "accuse" most right wingers of being too sane.)

Now, can one really picture a scenario where any of the above 4 can beat Hillary (not my favorite democrat) Clinton?
Can you really picture any of those 4 sitting in the oval office?

(rhetorical questions, I know.)
Fiorina will fade away, I have little doubt about that. Rubio is a possibility and to a lesser extent Carson. Trump is going to get bored.

Cruz is the best candidate, the only one who will roll back regressive bed wetter policy.

When moonbats say a GOP candidate is better choice, run away from that candidate.

There's little doubt that the 4 names mentioned in the thread's title will be winning the nomination in the first half-dozen or so primaries next year.

(Candidates like Kasich and even Christie would have been saner choices, but no objective person would ever "accuse" most right wingers of being too sane.)

Now, can one really picture a scenario where any of the above 4 can beat Hillary (not my favorite democrat) Clinton?
Can you really picture any of those 4 sitting in the oval office?

(rhetorical questions, I know.)

Any of those except Trump could probably earn my vote, if they nominate Trump I'll have to vote third party again (unless the Democrats come up with somebody that's not yet on the radar that's not a complete gub'mint worshipping a-hole).

As far as beating Clinton, she's beating herself, she's already way underwater with Independents and sinking deeper by the hour .... if the Democrats nominate her they're just handing the election over to the GOP.
Fiorina will fade away, I have little doubt about that.
Yikes are doing that "War on Women" Thing Pete ? :eek:

She couldn't even beat Boxer...

The other problem she will have is that she stiffed her campaign staff for 6 years and didn't pay them till she decided to go for POTUS.

If she somehow comes up with a good excuse I'd like to hear it, but until that time I'll never support her and I doubt many working people will.

Fiorina will fade away, I have little doubt about that.
Yikes are doing that "War on Women" Thing Pete ? :eek:

She couldn't even beat Boxer...
She couldn't beat Boxer (a popular Senator in her own State) in CALIFORNIA (aka leftwing-a-topia) Pete.. I don't think any Republican would have had much of a chance in that one.

The other problem she will have is that she stiffed her campaign staff for 6 years and didn't pay them till she decided to go for POTUS.

If she somehow comes up with a good excuse I'd like to hear it, but until that time I'll never support her and I doubt many working people will.
I think she talked about this one in a Interview with Megan Kelly a couple of nights ago, I'll let you decide whether you think her explanation was credible. I'll admit I'm biased since I've met and talked with Carly Fiorina on several occasions (about technology not politics) and found her to be both highly intelligent and extremely personable.

P.S. I was just joking about the "War on Women" thing :p
The candidate that finally gets the GOP nomination won't be the candidate the RW's want to be President.
There's little doubt that the 4 names mentioned in the thread's title will be winning the nomination in the first half-dozen or so primaries next year.

(Candidates like Kasich and even Christie would have been saner choices, but no objective person would ever "accuse" most right wingers of being too sane.)

Now, can one really picture a scenario where any of the above 4 can beat Hillary (not my favorite democrat) Clinton?
Can you really picture any of those 4 sitting in the oval office?

(rhetorical questions, I know.)

Bush will take the lead once the actual Primaries start
The candidate that finally gets the GOP nomination won't be the candidate the RW's want to be President.

Consevatives have not been happy with their pick since Reagan

They will not tell you who is a better choice....just that they are not happy
The candidate that finally gets the GOP nomination won't be the candidate the RW's want to be President.

Consevatives have not been happy with their pick since Reagan

They will not tell you who is a better choice....just that they are not happy

They're not happy because they're the ones doing all the work to pay for all the "free" stuff the gub'mint worshippers hand out.. has nothing to do with who the GOP nominates.

"I'm a conservative and I'm fucking miserable, how are you?" :)
There's little doubt that the 4 names mentioned in the thread's title will be winning the nomination in the first half-dozen or so primaries next year.


December 2007. Look who is on the bottom:

The candidate that finally gets the GOP nomination won't be the candidate the RW's want to be President.

Consevatives have not been happy with their pick since Reagan

They will not tell you who is a better choice....just that they are not happy

They're not happy because they're the ones doing all the work to pay for all the "free" stuff the gub'mint worshippers hand out.. has nothing to do with who the GOP nominates.

"I'm a conservative and I'm fucking miserable, how are you?" :)

Conservatives are not happy unless they are miserable
There's little doubt that the 4 names mentioned in the thread's title will be winning the nomination in the first half-dozen or so primaries next year.


December 2007. Look who is on the bottom:


That graph points to a common trend among Republicans. Their initial responses in a campaign are of the "I'm mad as hell, I want someone new" variety

That is how we get candidates like Palin, Bachmann, Cain or Gingrich polling well in 2012 and see Trump, Carson and Fiorina polling well today

Once the primaries start, the moderates take over and more traditional candidates take the lead
She couldn't beat Boxer (a popular Senator in her own State) in CALIFORNIA (aka leftwing-a-topia) Pete.. I don't think any Republican would have had much of a chance in that one.

Well I suppose you're right about that. She'd have to be a bigger RINO than McCain to win there.

I think she talked about this one in a Interview with Megan Kelly a couple of nights ago, I'll let you decide whether you think her explanation was credible. I'll admit I'm biased since I've met and talked with Carly Fiorina on several occasions (about technology not politics) and found her to be both highly intelligent and extremely personable.

P.S. I was just joking about the "War on Women" thing :p

Do you have a link or transcript? I realize the media will savage a republicrat for anything possible, so I'm willing to hear her explanation.

She is very intelligent, and if that issue isn't what it seems to be I could renew support for her.

They're not happy because they're the ones doing all the work to pay for all the "free" stuff the gub'mint worshippers hand out.. has nothing to do with who the GOP nominates.

"I'm a conservative and I'm fucking miserable, how are you?" :)

What do bed wetters know about "happy" other than going gay?

Seriously, when they win elections, they're still miserable. Then the entire agenda is about getting revenge on whitey and stealing more from "rich" people. They manage to elect an incompetent meat muppet, then they're pissed because so little gets done, but rather than face reality they pretend it's all about GOP "racism".

Never mind that the moonbat messiah has NEVER gotten a budget passed, and on one of them the vote was 0-99. Not a single democrook was insane enough to support his budget.

When they lose elections the wailing and gnashing of teeth can be heard in hell. The demons must be like "Dammit bed wetters, shut the fuck up". They petulantly dig in their heels, challenge every policy in court, trump up bullshit charges and insist everything the GOP does is for the rich, screws the poor and old, hates (add moonbat victim group) and they're trying to give guns to criminals.

There's little doubt that the 4 names mentioned in the thread's title will be winning the nomination in the first half-dozen or so primaries next year.


December 2007. Look who is on the bottom:


That graph points to a common trend among Republicans. Their initial responses in a campaign are of the "I'm mad as hell, I want someone new" variety

That is how we get candidates like Palin, Bachmann, Cain or Gingrich polling well in 2012 and see Trump, Carson and Fiorina polling well today

Once the primaries start, the moderates take over and more traditional candidates take the lead

In past elections, I knew what you said today was correct. Not this time!

I, like you, believe that Trump is going to go away. He doesn't have credible answers for the problems he points out. His whole shtick is, "who do you want handling it other than Trump!" That is NOT a good answer.

On the other hand, everything that he has brought up will propel the eventual winner to the GOP nomination, when whomever it is brings up plausible solutions, besides "I am Trump, and am great." This is exactly why the moderates are done. The questions and problems being addressed have changed. Oh sure, we want to know about Putin, Iran, taxes, and all of the other things GOP voters always look at. But now we want to know about illegal immigration. We want to know about caps on legal immigration. We want to know about energy policy going forward, and this incessant climate change joke being taken out of it.

All of the extras I posted will determine who the GOP nominee is. Most of the rest of the stuff is cookie cutter between all of them. But if you notice, the NEW issues in this cycle have the person who brought them up in the lead, and those who also go along with it in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Also notice, that NONE of the moderates (establishment) go along with it.

No Mr RW, you are going to get a different animal this time from the GOP. Look at what Mr Statistics (your pal I am sure) has posted...............that basically over 60% of the GOP think they got hosed by the GOP in Washington. (I am paraphrasing, not quoting, but you get the drift) Do you actually believe we are going to change course and vote Bush or Kasich? If you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you too.

And then, may I suggest as a good citizen that you pay attention to your own post on how things can change quickly. I, like you, never buy into polls this far out. In politics, things change weekly, sometimes daily.

Here is something you can bring back to haunt me later, but I am 90% sure I am correct. Bernie Sanders will not beat ANY of the GOP candidates if he is the nominee, no matter what the polls say today. Not going to happen, no matter how hard people try to convince everyone it is so.

Unless Hillary Clinton comes out smelling like a rose; in other words exonerated before spring of next year, every GOP candidate in the top 5 will beat her, with the possible exception of Trump....and that is a toss-up.

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