Trump FIRES! NAVY , secretary for being lib boatch.. drain the swamp

I like good news~ :04: :2up:
I'm sure all of those like you who are pro-war criminal do think of this as good news.

Next up: trumpanzees denigrating the hundreds of thousands of military members who manage to serve this country without committing war crimes.
God bless Trump! Looking out for our warriors.

I was not pleased with the way that Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s trial was handled by the Navy. He was treated very badly but, despite this, was completely exonerated on all major charges. I then restored Eddie’s rank. Likewise, large cost overruns from past administration’s.....
....contracting procedures were not addressed to my satisfaction. Therefore, Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer’s services have been terminated by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. I thank Richard for his service & commitment. Eddie will retire peacefully with all of the.....
....honors that he has earned, including his Trident Pin. Admiral and now Ambassador to Norway Ken Braithwaite will be nominated by me to be the new Secretary of the Navy. A man of great achievement and success, I know Ken will do an outstanding job!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 24, 2019
Every single patriot who stands up to this lawless hack president is immediately branded a traitor by Trump ass lickers.

It would be a dangerous thing if they weren't morons being led by a moron.


When did you leftisst stop being the Tories and start considering yourselves "patriots"?

That's a hoot. :21:
Drain the swamp. Get those fat a-holes out of their entrenched positions in the Pentagon. All they cared about was political power while good men like Chief Gallagher were used as political pawns and discarded when it appeared that they were doing their jobs too well.
"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States..."
--US Constitution, Article 2, Section 2.

Yet another reason the constitution - in some parts - sucks donkey balls.
Sounds like s real credit to the navy (my parts bolded). Not surprised the Deplorable on here love him.
Eddie Gallagher (Navy SEAL) - Wikipedia

Chief Gallagher was accused of multiple offenses during his final deployment to Iraq and during the Battle for Mosul. The most prominent accusation and the best-attested to was the murder of a prisoner of war, a war crime.[6]A captured young fighter of the Islamic State(also known as ISIL, ISIS, and Daesh) was being treated by a medic. According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said over the radio "he's mine" and walked up to the medic and prisoner, and without saying a word killed the prisoner by stabbing him repeatedly with his hunting knife. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photos of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messageda fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”[6]

Another accusation was that Gallagher's sniper work during his 2017 deployment became indiscriminate, reckless, and bloodthirsty. He allegedly fired his rifle far more frequently than other snipers;[3]according to testimony, the other snipers in the platoon did not consider him a good sniper, and he took "random shots" into buildings.[1]Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.[1]Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.[6]
Sounds like s real credit to the navy (my parts bolded). Not surprised the Deplorable on here love him.
Eddie Gallagher (Navy SEAL) - Wikipedia

Chief Gallagher was accused of multiple offenses during his final deployment to Iraq and during the Battle for Mosul. The most prominent accusation and the best-attested to was the murder of a prisoner of war, a war crime.[6]A captured young fighter of the Islamic State(also known as ISIL, ISIS, and Daesh) was being treated by a medic. According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said over the radio "he's mine" and walked up to the medic and prisoner, and without saying a word killed the prisoner by stabbing him repeatedly with his hunting knife. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photos of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messageda fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”[6]

Another accusation was that Gallagher's sniper work during his 2017 deployment became indiscriminate, reckless, and bloodthirsty. He allegedly fired his rifle far more frequently than other snipers;[3]according to testimony, the other snipers in the platoon did not consider him a good sniper, and he took "random shots" into buildings.[1]Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.[1]Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.[6]

Wikipedia is written and maintained by leftists who hate the military.

Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials, and then has his peon Esper that doesn't know how tight a group like the Seals need to be to watch each others' backs getting rid of one of the few people on this planet that can actually understand the situation.

I honestly think that Trump and Esper read the story about the top Navy officials talking about resigning if Trump's decision was not reversed so he just had them fired to try and make himself look good. It's not working.

U.S. soldiers should be better, especially a group like the Seals, when it comes to morality and integrity. Posing with a dead body like it is some trophy animal is wrong and not only hurts the morale of the group, but means that any U.S. soldiers captured will be treated far worse because of it.

Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials, and then has his peon Esper that doesn't know how tight a group like the Seals need to be to watch each others' backs getting rid of one of the few people on this planet that can actually understand the situation.

I honestly think that Trump and Esper read the story about the top Navy officials talking about resigning if Trump's decision was not reversed so he just had them fired to try and make himself look good. It's not working.

U.S. soldiers should be better, especially a group like the Seals, when it comes to morality and integrity. Posing with a dead body like it is some trophy animal is wrong and not only hurts the morale of the group, but means that any U.S. soldiers captured will be treated far worse because of it.

"Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials,..."

And Obama did?

Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials, and then has his peon Esper that doesn't know how tight a group like the Seals need to be to watch each others' backs getting rid of one of the few people on this planet that can actually understand the situation.

I honestly think that Trump and Esper read the story about the top Navy officials talking about resigning if Trump's decision was not reversed so he just had them fired to try and make himself look good. It's not working.

U.S. soldiers should be better, especially a group like the Seals, when it comes to morality and integrity. Posing with a dead body like it is some trophy animal is wrong and not only hurts the morale of the group, but means that any U.S. soldiers captured will be treated far worse because of it.

"Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials,..."

And Obama did?

Oh gotcha. So you are going to play this shit-show game of being illogical? Yep, seems about right.

Trump does something that is clearly wrong, and his little Trumplings immediately start pointing fingers at others rather than to discuss what HE DID. Jesus I can't wait for this dumbass to be out office and you guys can go back to arguing about who is a real conservative and who is a RHINO. You don't really give 2 shits about this country, otherwise despite Trump having an R after his name you wouldn't defend every single action he makes.

Trump just had the leader of the team that just gave him a golden egg in the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi... and what does he get in return? Fired.
Sounds like s real credit to the navy (my parts bolded). Not surprised the Deplorable on here love him.
Eddie Gallagher (Navy SEAL) - Wikipedia

Chief Gallagher was accused of multiple offenses during his final deployment to Iraq and during the Battle for Mosul. The most prominent accusation and the best-attested to was the murder of a prisoner of war, a war crime.[6]A captured young fighter of the Islamic State(also known as ISIL, ISIS, and Daesh) was being treated by a medic. According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said over the radio "he's mine" and walked up to the medic and prisoner, and without saying a word killed the prisoner by stabbing him repeatedly with his hunting knife. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photos of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messageda fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”[6]

Another accusation was that Gallagher's sniper work during his 2017 deployment became indiscriminate, reckless, and bloodthirsty. He allegedly fired his rifle far more frequently than other snipers;[3]according to testimony, the other snipers in the platoon did not consider him a good sniper, and he took "random shots" into buildings.[1]Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.[1]Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.[6]

Wikipedia is written and maintained by leftists who hate the military.

Trump is a nice guy...

....I mean, while we're making shit up and all...
Sounds like s real credit to the navy (my parts bolded). Not surprised the Deplorable on here love him.
Eddie Gallagher (Navy SEAL) - Wikipedia

Chief Gallagher was accused of multiple offenses during his final deployment to Iraq and during the Battle for Mosul. The most prominent accusation and the best-attested to was the murder of a prisoner of war, a war crime.[6]A captured young fighter of the Islamic State(also known as ISIL, ISIS, and Daesh) was being treated by a medic. According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said over the radio "he's mine" and walked up to the medic and prisoner, and without saying a word killed the prisoner by stabbing him repeatedly with his hunting knife. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photos of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messageda fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”[6]

Another accusation was that Gallagher's sniper work during his 2017 deployment became indiscriminate, reckless, and bloodthirsty. He allegedly fired his rifle far more frequently than other snipers;[3]according to testimony, the other snipers in the platoon did not consider him a good sniper, and he took "random shots" into buildings.[1]Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.[1]Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.[6]
Sounds like he needs to be sent out on a final mission with his peers.

Kidding aside, this hurts morale and could call into question whether his brothers can trust him to have their backs and vice versa.

This dudes a monster.

Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials, and then has his peon Esper that doesn't know how tight a group like the Seals need to be to watch each others' backs getting rid of one of the few people on this planet that can actually understand the situation.

I honestly think that Trump and Esper read the story about the top Navy officials talking about resigning if Trump's decision was not reversed so he just had them fired to try and make himself look good. It's not working.

U.S. soldiers should be better, especially a group like the Seals, when it comes to morality and integrity. Posing with a dead body like it is some trophy animal is wrong and not only hurts the morale of the group, but means that any U.S. soldiers captured will be treated far worse because of it.

"Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials,..."

And Obama did?

Oh gotcha. So you are going to play this shit-show game of being illogical? Yep, seems about right.

Trump does something that is clearly wrong, and his little Trumplings immediately start pointing fingers at others rather than to discuss what HE DID. Jesus I can't wait for this dumbass to be out office and you guys can go back to arguing about who is a real conservative and who is a RHINO. You don't really give 2 shits about this country, otherwise despite Trump having an R after his name you wouldn't defend every single action he makes.

Trump just had the leader of the team that just gave him a golden egg in the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi... and what does he get in return? Fired.

No, seriously. What did Obama ever do for the military except refusing to support them, putting their lives in unnecessary danger, and allowing ISIS to become the problem it was, until a real adult stepped up and dealt with them?
Every single patriot who stands up to this lawless hack president is immediately branded a traitor by Trump ass lickers.

It would be a dangerous thing if they weren't morons being led by a moron.


When did you leftisst stop being the Tories and start considering yourselves "patriots"?

That's a hoot. :21:

You freaks think waving a flag and singing country songs makes you patriotic. You thought that you had claimed that mantle by always SAYING that you are patriots. Talk is cheap, bitch. You're no patriot. You're a Trump supporter. Own it.

Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials, and then has his peon Esper that doesn't know how tight a group like the Seals need to be to watch each others' backs getting rid of one of the few people on this planet that can actually understand the situation.

I honestly think that Trump and Esper read the story about the top Navy officials talking about resigning if Trump's decision was not reversed so he just had them fired to try and make himself look good. It's not working.

U.S. soldiers should be better, especially a group like the Seals, when it comes to morality and integrity. Posing with a dead body like it is some trophy animal is wrong and not only hurts the morale of the group, but means that any U.S. soldiers captured will be treated far worse because of it.

"Yep, so you have a President that has not a fucking clue about serving in the military making decisions that undermines the actions of CAREER military officials,..."

And Obama did?

Oh gotcha. So you are going to play this shit-show game of being illogical? Yep, seems about right.

Trump does something that is clearly wrong, and his little Trumplings immediately start pointing fingers at others rather than to discuss what HE DID. Jesus I can't wait for this dumbass to be out office and you guys can go back to arguing about who is a real conservative and who is a RHINO. You don't really give 2 shits about this country, otherwise despite Trump having an R after his name you wouldn't defend every single action he makes.

Trump just had the leader of the team that just gave him a golden egg in the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi... and what does he get in return? Fired.

No, seriously. What did Obama ever do for the military except refusing to support them, putting their lives in unnecessary danger, and allowing ISIS to become the problem it was, until a real adult stepped up and dealt with them?

Red Herring.

Obama actually caught a lot of flack because he said he was the best at killing people with drones.

So seriously, do you really like the idea that the child in the White House is sacrificing some of the safety and security of the country because the Secretary of the Navy didn't agree with his actions? That's about as partisan as you can get.
Now bust that Admiral down to Seaman and assign him to a ship patrolling the frigid waters of North Korea.
He's a civilian. The law requires that position be held by a civilian. So.....he won't be demoted or shipped anywhere.
I’m referring to Naval Special Warfare Command, Rear Adm. Collin Green who led this PC charade against a fine sailor who risked his life so you could sleep comfortably in your bed tonight.

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