Trump FIRES! NAVY , secretary for being lib boatch.. drain the swamp

There will be no "hearing" the CIC has already stated that he will be keeping his rank and his trident. Do you know of anyone else in the chain of command that wants their ass fired rather than do what their CIC tells them to do?

There's going to be no hearing because he's leaving the Navy. So this isn't a win for Trump.
I hear trump Gave the show boat a call and it went like this

“ you’re FIRED!” Lol

He was asked to resign by the secretary of defense. Another coward, asking a honorable service veteran to resign to appease a coward and draft dodge, undermining the military defending a murderer of women and children, his own team members don't want around.

You have no idea how many good military men and women Obama forced to resign. Obama fired warriors, Trump is firing bureaucrats.
You sound like a fool.

Only a fool couldn't bring themselves to admit that what I said was right.
No, only a fool doesn't know he's a fool. Everyone else can clearly see it.

The military has set up procedures to ensure the killing machines that they create follow a strict set of rules and laws. Gallagher is a monster who did not follow those rules. He had 7 or 8 of his FELLOW SEALS come forward to describe the crazy shit he did that was against America's principles or the principles that we used to hold prior to this Administration.

The President intervened and continues to do so. He is breaking down structures that are necessary to keep our military in line. Maybe it's intentional or maybe he's a fool like you.
There will be no "hearing" the CIC has already stated that he will be keeping his rank and his trident. Do you know of anyone else in the chain of command that wants their ass fired rather than do what their CIC tells them to do?

There's going to be no hearing because he's leaving the Navy. So this isn't a win for Trump.

Pretty sure the SecNav is/was a Republican....LOL!
Who gives a damn what his party is? We have Civilian Control of our Military and this clown was engaged in an independent frolic.

Order has been restored

Defense Secretary Esper Asks Navy Secretary Spencer for Resignation Over Mishandling and Continued Threats of Navy SEAL Gallagher Case

Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper demanded the resignation of Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer on Sunday, after Secretary Spencer’s mishandling and continued threats to Navy SEAL Gallagher.

Secretary Spencer continued to threaten Navy SEAL Gallagher after his pardon by President Trump.

President Trump told Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher to, “Have no fear, all will end well.”

It did.

Here is Secretary of Defense Mark Esper’s statement on the removal of Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer.

“Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper has asked for the resignation of Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer after losing trust and confidence in him regarding his lack of candor over conversations with the White House involving the handling of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher.​

Violated The Chain of Command

After Secretary Esper and Chairman Milley spoke with the Commander in Chief on Friday regarding the case of Gallagher, Secretary Esper learned that Secretary Spencer had previously and privately proposed to the White House – contrary to Spencer’s public position – to restore Gallagher’s rank and allow him to retire with his Trident pin. When recently asked by Secretary Esper, Secretary Spencer confirmed that despite multiple conversations on the Gallagher matter, Secretary Esper was never informed by Secretary Spencer of his private proposal.

Secretary Esper has directed that Gallagher retain his Trident pin. Secretary Esper will meet with Navy Under Secretary (now Acting Secretary) Thomas Modley and the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday on Monday morning to discuss the way ahead.

“I am deeply troubled by this conduct shown by a senior DOD official.” said Secretary Esper. “Unfortunately, as a result I have determined that Secretary Spencer no longer has my confidence to continue in his position. I wish Richard well.”

Secretary Esper has proposed to the President that Ambassador Kenneth Braithwaite, current U.S. Ambassador to Norway and a retired Navy Rear Admiral, be considered as the next Secretary of the Navy.”​
Yes, he went outside of the process and he should be fired. I said that already. What's your point?
There will be no "hearing" the CIC has already stated that he will be keeping his rank and his trident. Do you know of anyone else in the chain of command that wants their ass fired rather than do what their CIC tells them to do?

There's going to be no hearing because he's leaving the Navy. So this isn't a win for Trump.

My god that is a dumb statement.

Trump saved him from a reduction in rank and having his classification taken away. That earned the respect of most American active duty personnel and veterans. Big win for Trump!

If you weren't afflicted with TDS you would know that.
The Navy Secretary slammed Trump in his termination letter
Putting principle and order above petty Trump politics
I hear trump Gave the show boat a call and it went like this

“ you’re FIRED!” Lol

He was asked to resign by the secretary of defense. Another coward, asking a honorable service veteran to resign to appease a coward and draft dodge, undermining the military defending a murderer of women and children, his own team members don't want around.

You have no idea how many good military men and women Obama forced to resign. Obama fired warriors, Trump is firing bureaucrats.
You sound like a fool.

Only a fool couldn't bring themselves to admit that what I said was right.
No, only a fool doesn't know he's a fool. Everyone else can clearly see it.

The military has set up procedures to ensure the killing machines that they create follow a strict set of rules and laws. Gallagher is a monster who did not follow those rules. He had 7 or 8 of his FELLOW SEALS come forward to describe the crazy shit he did that was against America's principles or the principles that we used to hold prior to this Administration.

The President intervened and continues to do so. He is breaking down structures that are necessary to keep our military in line. Maybe it's intentional or maybe he's a fool like you.

Killing machines?


Crazy shit?

Do you even read what you write? :laughing0301:
He was asked to resign by the secretary of defense. Another coward, asking a honorable service veteran to resign to appease a coward and draft dodge, undermining the military defending a murderer of women and children, his own team members don't want around.

You have no idea how many good military men and women Obama forced to resign. Obama fired warriors, Trump is firing bureaucrats.
You sound like a fool.

Only a fool couldn't bring themselves to admit that what I said was right.
No, only a fool doesn't know he's a fool. Everyone else can clearly see it.

The military has set up procedures to ensure the killing machines that they create follow a strict set of rules and laws. Gallagher is a monster who did not follow those rules. He had 7 or 8 of his FELLOW SEALS come forward to describe the crazy shit he did that was against America's principles or the principles that we used to hold prior to this Administration.

The President intervened and continues to do so. He is breaking down structures that are necessary to keep our military in line. Maybe it's intentional or maybe he's a fool like you.

Killing machines?


Crazy shit?

Do you even read what you write? :laughing0301:
Yes, killing machines. Read about Bob Kerry`s Vietnam experience.
Bob Kerrey’s War Record Fuels Debate in Vietnam on His Role at New University
Because Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump knows more than our military leaders.

Because it takes guts to pose with a dead guy?
Because it takes guts to breaks the rules?

Rules? Fuck the rules. The military does not need rules, Just give them guns & let 'em go.

Civilians, women, children kill anyone you feel like because rules aren't important.

Trump keeps pissing on our military & Trumpettes keep cheering it.
Who gives a damn what his party is? We have Civilian Control of our Military and this clown was engaged in an independent frolic.

Order has been restored

Meh, this is another case where people are falling all over themselves to please the Orange Man-Baby in the White House.

Please note, they are letting Gallegher "Retire" at the end of this month before holding a hearing on whether or not he gets to keep his SEAL Trident.


The Navy Secretary slammed Trump in his termination letter
Putting principle and order above petty Trump politics
Wonder if our mental detectives would want to go back and PROSECUTE ALL these hero's of Omaha Beach POSING WITH A KILLED GERMAN?.....The more these leftist traitors to America post, the more we show them how REALLY DEFECTIVE THEY ARE!!!!!...REMEMBER VOTE FOR THE PARTY OF INFANTICIDE, AND YOU TOO CAN DIE IN THE NEXT WAR WITH OUR ENEMIES THAT WANT TO KILL AND RULE US!!!

Last edited:
These deep state idiots still haven't gotten the message, Trump is the president he's their boss. I'm fine with firing their ass.
The Navy Secretary slammed Trump in his termination letter
Putting principle and order above petty Trump politics
Wonder if our mental detectives would want to go back and PROSECUTE ALL these hero's of Omaha Beach POSING WITH A KILLED GERMAN?.....The more these leftist traitors to America post, the more we show them how REALLY DEFECTIVE THEY ARE!!!!!...REMEMBER VOTE FOR THE PARTY OF INFANTICIDE, AND YOU TOO CAN DIE IN THE NEXT WAR WITH OUR ENEMIES THAT WANT TO KILL AND RULE US!!!

There is no party of infanticide.
The Navy Secretary slammed Trump in his termination letter
Putting principle and order above petty Trump politics
Wonder if our mental detectives would want to go back and PROSECUTE ALL these hero's of Omaha Beach POSING WITH A KILLED GERMAN?.....The more these leftist traitors to America post, the more we show them how REALLY DEFECTIVE THEY ARE!!!!!...REMEMBER VOTE FOR THE PARTY OF INFANTICIDE, AND YOU TOO CAN DIE IN THE NEXT WAR WITH OUR ENEMIES THAT WANT TO KILL AND RULE US!!!

There is no party of infanticide.
Unfortunately...they weren't promting it when YOU were born!

There will be no "hearing" the CIC has already stated that he will be keeping his rank and his trident. Do you know of anyone else in the chain of command that wants their ass fired rather than do what their CIC tells them to do?

There's going to be no hearing because he's leaving the Navy. So this isn't a win for Trump.
What a ridiculous claim. This is a win for Trump and Win for the American People.
He was asked to resign by the secretary of defense. Another coward, asking a honorable service veteran to resign to appease a coward and draft dodge, undermining the military defending a murderer of women and children, his own team members don't want around.

You have no idea how many good military men and women Obama forced to resign. Obama fired warriors, Trump is firing bureaucrats.
You sound like a fool.

Only a fool couldn't bring themselves to admit that what I said was right.
No, only a fool doesn't know he's a fool. Everyone else can clearly see it.

The military has set up procedures to ensure the killing machines that they create follow a strict set of rules and laws. Gallagher is a monster who did not follow those rules. He had 7 or 8 of his FELLOW SEALS come forward to describe the crazy shit he did that was against America's principles or the principles that we used to hold prior to this Administration.

The President intervened and continues to do so. He is breaking down structures that are necessary to keep our military in line. Maybe it's intentional or maybe he's a fool like you.

Killing machines?


Crazy shit?

Do you even read what you write? :laughing0301:

Another silly post. Do you doubt that our seals are not lethal? They are trained to kill. They are killing machines to carry out the mission of our country.

I can't discuss serious matters with someone who doesn't understand or know the basics about the subject.
You have no idea how many good military men and women Obama forced to resign. Obama fired warriors, Trump is firing bureaucrats.
You sound like a fool.

Only a fool couldn't bring themselves to admit that what I said was right.
No, only a fool doesn't know he's a fool. Everyone else can clearly see it.

The military has set up procedures to ensure the killing machines that they create follow a strict set of rules and laws. Gallagher is a monster who did not follow those rules. He had 7 or 8 of his FELLOW SEALS come forward to describe the crazy shit he did that was against America's principles or the principles that we used to hold prior to this Administration.

The President intervened and continues to do so. He is breaking down structures that are necessary to keep our military in line. Maybe it's intentional or maybe he's a fool like you.

Killing machines?


Crazy shit?

Do you even read what you write? :laughing0301:

Another silly post. Do you doubt that our seals are not lethal? They are trained to kill. They are killing machines to carry out the mission of our country.

I can't discuss serious matters with someone who doesn't understand or know the basics about the subject.

That depends on whether they like you or not. They'd probably kill you, but not me, I'm special.

There will be no "hearing" the CIC has already stated that he will be keeping his rank and his trident. Do you know of anyone else in the chain of command that wants their ass fired rather than do what their CIC tells them to do?

There's going to be no hearing because he's leaving the Navy. So this isn't a win for Trump.

My god that is a dumb statement.

Trump saved him from a reduction in rank and having his classification taken away. That earned the respect of most American active duty personnel and veterans. Big win for Trump!

If you weren't afflicted with TDS you would know that.

No, it didn't. Those who respect the rule of the military recognize his interference has only weakened them. Those in the ranks will now question whether they need to follow the rules or the chain of command. It only puts the troops at more risk.

You keyboard warriors have no idea what this is doing to the military.
You sound like a fool.

Only a fool couldn't bring themselves to admit that what I said was right.
No, only a fool doesn't know he's a fool. Everyone else can clearly see it.

The military has set up procedures to ensure the killing machines that they create follow a strict set of rules and laws. Gallagher is a monster who did not follow those rules. He had 7 or 8 of his FELLOW SEALS come forward to describe the crazy shit he did that was against America's principles or the principles that we used to hold prior to this Administration.

The President intervened and continues to do so. He is breaking down structures that are necessary to keep our military in line. Maybe it's intentional or maybe he's a fool like you.

Killing machines?


Crazy shit?

Do you even read what you write? :laughing0301:

Another silly post. Do you doubt that our seals are not lethal? They are trained to kill. They are killing machines to carry out the mission of our country.

I can't discuss serious matters with someone who doesn't understand or know the basics about the subject.

That depends on whether they like you or not. They'd probably kill you, but not me, I'm special.


Yes, I've already acknowledged you're special but probably not in the way you think you're special. (eyeroll)

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