Trump Fires One of the Few Competent People Left in His Administration

Hey Donald; I'm a sociopathic, deceitful, genocidal, corrupt, megalomaniac degenerate. I'd fit in perfectly in your administration. Pick me! Let's rid the world of human filth.
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lol What you mean is they didn't want to try anything new. Trump ran as a reformer and he needs people around him with the balls and vision to press ahead with his reforms, not timid advisers like Tillerson. If you peruse the news articles that evaluate Tillerson's performance in office, academics and former State officials left and right rate him as the worst Secretary of State in US history, but of course that's not as important as attacking the President.

He ran as a reformer and an outsider and he stocked his cabinet and advisors with outsiders. Now most of them are gone and have been replaced with insiders and swamp denizens.
Not entirely. Trump is a reformer but also a pragmatist - that's what he means when he says he's a deal maker - and some of the outsiders he brought in were not pragmatists but ideologues and they had to go. On the other hand, being new to politics, he did depend on some advice from establishment Republicans, and that got him people like Tillerson, who were a bad fit for his agenda. Now I think he is finding the right balance. Pompeo is tough, smart a reformer but a seasoned politician who can work the system for change.
Trump's finding the right balance?
With Pompeo at State, he's starting to.
Starting to what? Put the organized crime in charge of the nation now?

It would not surprise me at all to find out that this Italian American, who was on the Italian American Congressional Delegation, and whose paternal grandmother was born in Italy, has connections. Most of us know about Trump's connections to the Mafia, and what he owes to them for his success. It was only a matter of time.

Likewise, if Mueller looked hard enough, it isn't to the Kremlin he should be looking for links into Russia.. .

Not that I am saying this is necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, you need to fight fire with fire. The corruption and fascism in this nation that has been festering in the Deep State has taken root since the 1930's, hell, probably before, it might take some dirty pool to root it out.

^^^^ I LOVE the Mafia, I mean "The Godfather Part 2" is one of the greatest films ever made.
Sarah Huckleberry Hound Sanders just tweeted McMaster's job is safe.
These idiots treat human beings like pawns on a chess board.
They've already been tagged as the most dysfunctional White House in history. Now they're just padding their stats.
.Trump's cleaning house

Trump is cleaning house??? Who the fuck MESSED-UP the house in the first place. LOL

Have some more kool-aid and go take a nap clutching an orange doll..

You cant blame Trump....I blame Kushner

Both Jared and Ivanka had too much of a hand in the initial cabinet selections. Pressing Trump to appear moderate with all that bullshit of hands across the aisle. I'm really relieved McMaster is out.

It's been out there that he authorized surveillance. Not sure I buy into that, but I do believe he was a leaker.

"Given the frequent and ongoing "deep-state" leaks to the MSM designed to undermine Trump, reports of Obama holdovers keeping dozens of national security positions - some say thanks to H.R. McMaster, and advisory team whittled down to Stephen Miller, Jared and Ivanka, it's no secret that at least some, if not all of what is known as the "deep state" has been after Trump since he became a serious threat to Hillary Clinton during the election. "

Retired CIA Agent Working With Blackwater Founder Claims H.R. McMaster Approved NSA Spy Job On Trump Family

At one point in time the buck used to stop at the President's desk. Now it's his children....who he be in the White House...and one of them (maybe both) can't pass a security clearance. But, yeah, why blame Trump?

I blame Trump. For freaking listening to those New York libs to begin with. Many of us were ripping our hair out over these choices.

Really? When?
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He ran as a reformer and an outsider and he stocked his cabinet and advisors with outsiders. Now most of them are gone and have been replaced with insiders and swamp denizens.
Not entirely. Trump is a reformer but also a pragmatist - that's what he means when he says he's a deal maker - and some of the outsiders he brought in were not pragmatists but ideologues and they had to go. On the other hand, being new to politics, he did depend on some advice from establishment Republicans, and that got him people like Tillerson, who were a bad fit for his agenda. Now I think he is finding the right balance. Pompeo is tough, smart a reformer but a seasoned politician who can work the system for change.
Trump's finding the right balance?

I never liked the choices of McMaster or Tillerson to be on Trump's staff to begin with. Since I don't participate in the election process of this corporate entity since I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status, I am simply a knowledgeable observer. This swamp of totally compromised politicians and high ranking D.C Beltway insiders and the draining there of is simply a daunting task of monumental proportions.
Of course you didn't like those two. They actually were competent. It threw off the whole balance of this White House.


They were corruptible, and they were corrupt, just like every establishment goon.
They were doing the boss' business. You can't work in this WH without being corrupt
lol You would have called anyone Trump fired sane and competent. The fact is most people who have evaluated Tillerson's performance have rated him as one of the worst Secretary's of State in US history. Remember all the unfilled posts at State you guys were whining about a few days ago?

Dummy, have you not been reading our posts? The only 2 people on Trump's staff most of us liberals consider remotely competent are McMaster and Kelly.
Why would anyone read your posts? You considered Hillary competent.

Hillary was competent. Which is why Putin hated her when she was Secretary of State and is one reason why he helped Trump win in 2016.
lol Competent at what? Lying? Stealing? She wasn't competent enough to understand how the electoral college works and she stopped campaigning even when he own internal polls showed the race tightening and Trump campaigning hard in critical swing states. Hillary's entire career as a lawyer and in politics was based solely on not standing by her man during his sex scandals.

Dude, you're not interested in a real debate about Hillary's competence. If you were, you wouldn't post moronic nonsense about the electoral college. If you're going to judge competence solely by who wins or loses elections or the other frivolous crap that you mentioned, then the only fool is you.
It's not just who wins but why he or she won, and in Hillary's case, it was her poor judgement that cost her the election. Days before the election was over, the polls showed the race tightening, and Trump campaigned hard in swing states that held critical electoral vote, but Hillary spent her time in California, a state she had already won by a large margin. That was just poor judgement and that poor judgement cost her the election. Had she spent the last few days stomping hard in those close mid western states instead of in California, she might have become president.
Sarah Huckleberry Hound Sanders just tweeted McMaster's job is safe.
These idiots treat human beings like pawns on a chess board.
They've already been tagged as the most dysfunctional White House in history. Now they're just padding their stats.

So that means that The Washington Compost who are linked in your OP they were just shit stirring, it was they who insist that The Donald has fired McMaster.
It's not just who wins but why he or she won, and in Hillary's case, it was her poor judgement that cost her the election. Days before the election was over, the polls showed the race tightening, and Trump campaigned hard in swing states that held critical electoral vote, but Hillary spent her time in California, a state she had already won by a large margin. That was just poor judgement and that poor judgement cost her the election. Had she spent the last few days stomping hard in those close mid western states instead of in California, she might have become president.

Clinton was a damn TERRIBLE candidate......and her poor performance allowed a buffoon into the WH...THAT is her unforgivable sin to this nation.
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He ran as a reformer and an outsider and he stocked his cabinet and advisors with outsiders. Now most of them are gone and have been replaced with insiders and swamp denizens.
Not entirely. Trump is a reformer but also a pragmatist - that's what he means when he says he's a deal maker - and some of the outsiders he brought in were not pragmatists but ideologues and they had to go. On the other hand, being new to politics, he did depend on some advice from establishment Republicans, and that got him people like Tillerson, who were a bad fit for his agenda. Now I think he is finding the right balance. Pompeo is tough, smart a reformer but a seasoned politician who can work the system for change.
Trump's finding the right balance?

I never liked the choices of McMaster or Tillerson to be on Trump's staff to begin with. Since I don't participate in the election process of this corporate entity since I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status, I am simply a knowledgeable observer. This swamp of totally compromised politicians and high ranking D.C Beltway insiders and the draining there of is simply a daunting task of monumental proportions.
Of course you didn't like those two. They actually were competent. It threw off the whole balance of this White House.


They were corruptible, and they were corrupt, just like every establishment goon.
View attachment 182890
He ran as a reformer and an outsider and he stocked his cabinet and advisors with outsiders. Now most of them are gone and have been replaced with insiders and swamp denizens.
Not entirely. Trump is a reformer but also a pragmatist - that's what he means when he says he's a deal maker - and some of the outsiders he brought in were not pragmatists but ideologues and they had to go. On the other hand, being new to politics, he did depend on some advice from establishment Republicans, and that got him people like Tillerson, who were a bad fit for his agenda. Now I think he is finding the right balance. Pompeo is tough, smart a reformer but a seasoned politician who can work the system for change.
Trump's finding the right balance?

I never liked the choices of McMaster or Tillerson to be on Trump's staff to begin with. Since I don't participate in the election process of this corporate entity since I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status, I am simply a knowledgeable observer. This swamp of totally compromised politicians and high ranking D.C Beltway insiders and the draining there of is simply a daunting task of monumental proportions.
Of course you didn't like those two. They actually were competent. It threw off the whole balance of this White House.


They were corruptible, and they were corrupt, just like every establishment goon.
^^ believes only Trump can fix it.
Too damn funny.
lol You would have called anyone Trump fired sane and competent. The fact is most people who have evaluated Tillerson's performance have rated him as one of the worst Secretary's of State in US history. Remember all the unfilled posts at State you guys were whining about a few days ago?

Dummy, have you not been reading our posts? The only 2 people on Trump's staff most of us liberals consider remotely competent are McMaster and Kelly.
Why would anyone read your posts? You considered Hillary competent.
She's 100 times more competent than the idiot in chief.
He had a resume of knowing nothing about how government works. Hillary , just the opposite.
Yet you voted for the moron.
She was never competent at any job she ever had and if she hadn't married Bill and stood with him during his sex scandals she never would have had any career in politics.
She was an excellent SOS and did more as a First Lady than any previously or since.
How do you like Melania's projects?
Hiding from her husband.

HOLY SHIT! You just passed the threshold over to "Parody Poster" status because ANYONE that can claim that the Hildebeast was a great SoS after Libya, Benghazi, her unsecured server, Uranium One, selling of diplomacy for donations to her slush fund can never be taken seriously ever again. You are like the kid with the chicken killing dog that hides behind you with blood and feathers on it's muzzle while declaring the dog was with you the entire time.

Seriously, you are an unmitigated joke.........
Sarah Huckleberry Hound Sanders just tweeted McMaster's job is safe.
These idiots treat human beings like pawns on a chess board.
They've already been tagged as the most dysfunctional White House in history. Now they're just padding their stats.

Safe " just for now according " to DM.
It's not just who wins but why he or she won, and in Hillary's case, it was her poor judgement that cost her the election. Days before the election was over, the polls showed the race tightening, and Trump campaigned hard in swing states that held critical electoral vote, but Hillary spent her time in California, a state she had already won by a large margin. That was just poor judgement and that poor judgement cost her the election. Had she spent the last few days stomping hard in those close mid western states instead of in California, she might have become president.

Clinton was a damn TERRIBLE candidate......and her poor performance allowed a buffoon into the WH...THAT is her unforgivable sin to this nation.
While I will grant that Trump has a highly distracting personal style, if you check, you will see he laid out exactly what he was going to do during the campaign and he has been doing exactly that and with considerable success.
It's not just who wins but why he or she won, and in Hillary's case, it was her poor judgement that cost her the election. Days before the election was over, the polls showed the race tightening, and Trump campaigned hard in swing states that held critical electoral vote, but Hillary spent her time in California, a state she had already won by a large margin. That was just poor judgement and that poor judgement cost her the election. Had she spent the last few days stomping hard in those close mid western states instead of in California, she might have become president.

Clinton was a damn TERRIBLE candidate......and her poor performance allowed a buffoon into the WH...THAT is her unforgivable sin to this nation.
While I will grant that Trump has a highly distracting personal style, if you check, you will see he laid out exactly what he was going to do during the campaign and he has been doing exactly that and with considerable success.

He hasn't done anything that Charles Manson couldn't have done.
Sarah Huckleberry Hound Sanders just tweeted McMaster's job is safe.
These idiots treat human beings like pawns on a chess board.
They've already been tagged as the most dysfunctional White House in history. Now they're just padding their stats.

So that means that The Washington Compost who are linked in your OP they were just shit stirring, it was they who insist that The Donald has fired McMaster.
I see you come from Trump's world version of the 1st amendment.
More likely this incompetent WH changed their minds. They'll probably change it again before I finish this post.
The Wash Post is very thorough and Ashley Parker wouldn't get the story wrong.
It's not just who wins but why he or she won, and in Hillary's case, it was her poor judgement that cost her the election. Days before the election was over, the polls showed the race tightening, and Trump campaigned hard in swing states that held critical electoral vote, but Hillary spent her time in California, a state she had already won by a large margin. That was just poor judgement and that poor judgement cost her the election. Had she spent the last few days stomping hard in those close mid western states instead of in California, she might have become president.

Clinton was a damn TERRIBLE candidate......and her poor performance allowed a buffoon into the WH...THAT is her unforgivable sin to this nation.
While I will grant that Trump has a highly distracting personal style, if you check, you will see he laid out exactly what he was going to do during the campaign and he has been doing exactly that and with considerable success.
He promised affordable healthcare for all. Mexico will pay for the wall. Hi s policies will create cleaner air and water. He's a pathological liar and you believed him. Doesn't say much for you.
This White House is in total free fall.
But trump thinks it's running like a finely tuned machine.
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Not entirely. Trump is a reformer but also a pragmatist - that's what he means when he says he's a deal maker - and some of the outsiders he brought in were not pragmatists but ideologues and they had to go. On the other hand, being new to politics, he did depend on some advice from establishment Republicans, and that got him people like Tillerson, who were a bad fit for his agenda. Now I think he is finding the right balance. Pompeo is tough, smart a reformer but a seasoned politician who can work the system for change.
Trump's finding the right balance?

I never liked the choices of McMaster or Tillerson to be on Trump's staff to begin with. Since I don't participate in the election process of this corporate entity since I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status, I am simply a knowledgeable observer. This swamp of totally compromised politicians and high ranking D.C Beltway insiders and the draining there of is simply a daunting task of monumental proportions.
Of course you didn't like those two. They actually were competent. It threw off the whole balance of this White House.


They were corruptible, and they were corrupt, just like every establishment goon.
View attachment 182890
Not entirely. Trump is a reformer but also a pragmatist - that's what he means when he says he's a deal maker - and some of the outsiders he brought in were not pragmatists but ideologues and they had to go. On the other hand, being new to politics, he did depend on some advice from establishment Republicans, and that got him people like Tillerson, who were a bad fit for his agenda. Now I think he is finding the right balance. Pompeo is tough, smart a reformer but a seasoned politician who can work the system for change.
Trump's finding the right balance?

I never liked the choices of McMaster or Tillerson to be on Trump's staff to begin with. Since I don't participate in the election process of this corporate entity since I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status, I am simply a knowledgeable observer. This swamp of totally compromised politicians and high ranking D.C Beltway insiders and the draining there of is simply a daunting task of monumental proportions.
Of course you didn't like those two. They actually were competent. It threw off the whole balance of this White House.


They were corruptible, and they were corrupt, just like every establishment goon.
^^ believes only Trump can fix it.
Too damn funny.
OMG, I just realized, I wasted 20 minutes of my time, on one of YOUR threads, and,

oh jeebus, here is the kicker, it was based, oh good lord, this is rich, it was based on an article of all places, the place that gave us the biggest FAKE NEWS propaganda story OF ALL GD TIME!


I admit it, you trolled me hard Unreasonable! Nice going douchebag. :45:

The 'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful and Disgusting

The capital's paper of record crashes legacy media on an iceberg
Taibbi: 'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful and Disgusting

So here is the question, why didn't I click the link to find out what the hell we were discussing? It all could have been just a smoke screen, a lie, a scam? wft?


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