Trump flees to 2016

Fleeing to 2016 is a poor effort, considering his goal is to flee to the 1950's

... far better than the 1860's.. :lol:

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Well now that the GOP is the pre-civil rights Democrat party anything before the 60's is a pretty bad place for Trump to take things.

The new improved Democratic Party... angry vaginas, fake news, sedition snowflakes and molotov cocktails..

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You are thinking "back to 2016" but really he is fast forwarding to 2020.
Thats too far away. Eventually some of the rubes will wake up.
It will all depend on whether he gives the blue collar workers who voted for him jobs.

If he does not soon then they will vote Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer into leadership in the Congress in 2018.

If he still does not by 2020 they will vote him out of office then.
Once again, Trump ran off yesterday for a campaign rally. That's a rather expensive security blanket he has.

Trump’s Nashville rally, in three minutes - The Washington Post

Trump is a candidate for 2020.

Suck it. It's going to be a long, fantastic 4 years.

Fantastic if your idea of CEO of your country is someone who entertains you.

"Er, sir, why is the CEO dressed like a clown?"

"Well Johnny me old mucker, it's because he is a fucking clown!"

"But sir, why would anyone appoint a clown as CEO of one of the largest companies in the world?"

"Well Johnny, some people like to smoke some serious shit"
meanwhile, his handlers grit their teeth, and cringe at the thought of having to make excuses while the majority of the people in this country see through their veil of deflection, and laugh at them..

yes sir Lyin' Donald, Lyin' Donald.

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