Trump Floated Firing Missiles at Mexico to ‘Destroy the Drug Labs, Cartels’, according to new book by Trump's Defense Secretary Mark Esper

Trump wanted to cut their heads off and parade them.
Hey, maybe Mexico should bomb the homes and neighborhoods of the suspected American drug dealers who are sending billions to Mexico to fund the cartels!


Hey, maybe Mexico should bomb the homes and neighborhoods of the suspected American drug dealers who are sending billions to Mexico to fund the cartels!



That actually might be the first good idea that you have had.
Hey, maybe Mexico should bomb the homes and neighborhoods of the suspected American drug dealers who are sending billions to Mexico to fund the cartels!


They can start with LA...then San Fran...not a bad idea at all
Holy crap, they think it's a good idea.

Sometimes I forget what I'm dealing with.
Hey, maybe Mexico should bomb the homes and neighborhoods of the suspected American drug dealers who are sending billions to Mexico to fund the cartels!


Why neighborhoods? Why are you so damned dishonest or is it just plain stupid?

Why can't we take care of those problems ourselves? Oh, that's right! We have a Constitution.
Trump reportedly suggested the U.S. launch missiles into Mexico to “destroy the drug labs,” insisting when his defense secretary expressed doubts that they could pull it off without raising anyone’s suspicions

IF its true, and we only have the word of a guy hawking his book for that, its not too crazy an idea to at least consider

Presidents before trump used drone strikes to take out bad guys many times

Why not the mexican drug cartel ?
In Normal World, this would be mind-blowing. Just fucking mind-blowing.

Mexican Drug Cartels slaughter their own cops and politicians who can't be bought, engage in human / sex trafficking (of American women as well), break our laws, illegally cross our borders, murder Anericans, bring poison that kills millions of Americans, etc...

Cartels should be told the order is now closed to them - cross it, keep doing this shit, and it will be considered acts of on-going war against the US.

The Mexican govt should be told to fix / solve / contain their shit or we will take action to protect and defend the US, which we have every right to do.

If you don't have the stomach to defend the US and Americans don't run for office.

The term 'War against Drugs' has been used inappropriately for decades. You don't wage war against DRUGS - you wage war against the Cartels who grow / produce / bring the drugs across our borders.
Trump reportedly suggested the U.S. launch missiles into Mexico to “destroy the drug labs,” insisting when his defense secretary expressed doubts that they could pull it off without raising anyone’s suspicions

Could he not painted them as Chinese....

He was some idiot... What must the adults in the room be thinking at the time...

Future Presidential Question:
Is launching missiles into Mexico an Act of War?

This guy must have ate too much paste when young...
Could he not painted them as Chinese....

He was some idiot... What must the adults in the room be thinking at the time...

Future Presidential Question:
Is launching missiles into Mexico an Act of War?

This guy must have ate too much paste when young...
well certainly, it very well could be.

but, a rather dumb question....the better question would be, if you worked with the Mexican Govt to take out that a bad idea?

Well, maybe to folks like's a bad idea.

Another good question would be, is surrendering the southern border to cartels, and aiding and abetting them an act of war?

Biden policies stir Mexican concerns over new boom for cartels​

Biden immigration policies have left drug cartels in charge of U.S.-Mexico border,​


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