Trump Floated Firing Missiles at Mexico to ‘Destroy the Drug Labs, Cartels’, according to new book by Trump's Defense Secretary Mark Esper

Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.

Regardless, some of us know the practice of throwing out such ideas, no matter how absurd, as "spitballing".

Audacious as Trump is, I could see him saying a thing like that in such a spitballing session.

Thats the problem, Trump thought that spitballing attacking Mexico in an act of war was somehow reasonable..

Last week it was getting the Military to shoot peaceful protestors in the legs...

Each time serious people with serious jobs had to explain in simple english to this guy that he can't do this and did he understand the consequences.. This is experts trying to explain very remedial stuff to a leader. Sesame Street could explain why you don't shoot unarmed people.
Why not Agent Orange? That would be fun for the con-servatives.
we've had to spend billions cleaning up the mess from when Dems in the Johnson Admin used that in Vietnam....I would vote no to using Agent Orange
Thats the problem, Trump thought that spitballing attacking Mexico in an act of war was somehow reasonable..

Last week it was getting the Military to shoot peaceful protestors in the legs...

Each time serious people with serious jobs had to explain in simple english to this guy that he can't do this and did he understand the consequences.. This is experts trying to explain very remedial stuff to a leader. Sesame Street could explain why you don't shoot unarmed people.
when did he say anything about attacking Mexico?
well certainly, it very well could be.

but, a rather dumb question....the better question would be, if you worked with the Mexican Govt to take out that a bad idea?

Well, maybe to folks like's a bad idea.

Another good question would be, is surrendering the southern border to cartels, and aiding and abetting them an act of war?

Biden policies stir Mexican concerns over new boom for cartels​

Biden immigration policies have left drug cartels in charge of U.S.-Mexico border,​

Sorry but Trump cut funding to fighting the Cartels in Central America..

This made these countries less safe, actually really fucking dangerous and made people want to flee more...

On top of that Trump Admin broke the immigration system, probably Steve Millar...
when did he say anything about attacking Mexico?
when did he say anything about attacking Mexico?

Floated Firing Missiles at Mexico to ‘Destroy the Drug Labs, Cartels’,​

That is missiles into Mexican land... That is attacking Mexico...

If Canada started firing missiles into Kanas to take out a drug lab, what do you think the US government response would be?
Sorry but Trump cut funding to fighting the Cartels in Central America..

This made these countries less safe, actually really fucking dangerous and made people want to flee more...

On top of that Trump Admin broke the immigration system, probably Steve Millar...
your links are about foreign aid..not funding to fight cartels.

Aid that was actually being corrupted by those govts to help the cartels

Floated Firing Missiles at Mexico to ‘Destroy the Drug Labs, Cartels’,​

That is missiles into Mexican land... That is attacking Mexico...

If Canada started firing missiles into Kanas to take out a drug lab, what do you think the US government response would be?
he never said he would. do it without mexico’s support.
Thats the problem, Trump thought that spitballing attacking Mexico in an act of war was somehow reasonable..

Last week it was getting the Military to shoot peaceful protestors in the legs...

Each time serious people with serious jobs had to explain in simple english to this guy that he can't do this and did he understand the consequences.. This is experts trying to explain very remedial stuff to a leader. Sesame Street could explain why you don't shoot unarmed people.
Meanwhile, your pants-shitting senile fraud is bragging about being involved with actually killing troops of a nuclear armed power, with whom we are not at war.

IOW, go clean your fucking room.
Thats the problem, Trump thought that spitballing attacking Mexico in an act of war was somehow reasonable..

Last week it was getting the Military to shoot peaceful protestors in the legs...

Each time serious people with serious jobs had to explain in simple english to this guy that he can't do this and did he understand the consequences.. This is experts trying to explain very remedial stuff to a leader. Sesame Street could explain why you don't shoot unarmed people.
And again, the fact that this even needs to be said paints a pretty dark picture of this country.

Have we decayed this badly, or have we always been like this and I'm just now noticing?
You gotta love the mindless hypocrisy of the left.

More upset about something Trump might have said... than the verified outrageous policies/actions Biden and Obama ACTUALLY DID.

Would be hilarious if not so tragic.
And again, the fact that this even needs to be said paints a pretty dark picture of this country.

Have we decayed this badly, or have we always been like this and I'm just now noticing?
Where is this we should shoot protesters in the legs garbage. MSDNC? If it was said about a100% change he was trolling and you are using it out of context as normal.
You gotta love the mindless hypocrisy of the left.

More upset about something Trump might have said... than the verified outrageous policies/actions Biden and Obama ACTUALLY DID.

Would be hilarious if not so tragic.
When your party has nothing but failure what else can they do?
When your party has nothing but failure what else can they do?
Let's just imagine, for only a moment...

How CNN, MSNBC would have reacted if the Trump administration were the ones revealed by a congressional investigation, that actually handed over Mexican children directly into the hand of child traffickers.
How explosive and non stop do you imagine the coverage would be?
What would be the reaction by Mac1958 and others here??...

Well. Obama's administration actually did that.
And the left media... buried it. Simply almost imperceptibly mentioned it once... and went on.

So the Mac1958s of the world.... take your faux outrage on this report of something Trump is supposed to have said - and place it deeply up your rectum. Cause that is where your fake outrage belongs.

To not engage in outrage over what the Obama administration did to Mexican children.. and get outraged by something that didn't even happen.... that is pretty fucking sad.
Not the worst idea he ever threw out there. However, if history is any guide, the most expedient way to kill a criminal enterprise is to put Trump's name on it, so letting them incorporate as Laboratorios de Trump, Inc. would be a much cheaper and more efficient way to destroy them
'Breaking Bad"
What a dumb-ass. Good thing he got voted out, before he could find the right combination of "yes men" and "ends justify the means" Right wing fanatics to carry out the things he contemplated.
We're not talking about Biden. Half of America would be THRILLED to see smoking craters where the labs used to be. Also, Mexico has no nukes. If the Cartels decided to try to break bad on us, we could go total scorched earth on their asses and if we did, they'd back off really damned quick.
But somehow, Trump saying something dumb is worse? I don't know how that works.
That's part of the beauty of his run for '24. There is NOTHING they can say, do, or scream about that is going to matter in comparison to the current shitstorm their turnip has allowed to happen.
We're not talking about Biden. Half of America would be THRILLED to see smoking craters where the labs used to be. Also, Mexico has no nukes. If the Cartels decided to try to break bad on us, we could go total scorched earth on their asses and if we did, they'd back off really damned quick.
You are want a president to commit acts of war? I'm shocked, shocked I say. You nut balls usually seem to be a little off, but you usually do not jump and cheer for that kind of thing. Even the neocons didn't go in for that kind of thing.
Sounds like Trump... creative thinking, uncommon soltions, trying to solve the problems of America.

Anyone who wouldn't like to see drug manufacturing sites eliminated?

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