Trump Floated Firing Missiles at Mexico to ‘Destroy the Drug Labs, Cartels’, according to new book by Trump's Defense Secretary Mark Esper

I don’t know if Esper is exactly reliable. Still, what if he did ask about the prospect of striking Mexican drug cartel labs?

I can think of several good reasons to ultimately decide, “nah. Can’t really do that.” But that doesn’t mean the idea can’t be considered.

I don’t remember him doing it. How did the Mexicans take those strikes?
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.

Regardless, some of us know the practice of throwing out such ideas, no matter how absurd, as "spitballing".

Audacious as Trump is, I could see him saying a thing like that in such a spitballing session.
Jesus Christ. Just because you talk about something doesn't mean you're going to do or actually want to.

I say crazy shit to my wife all the time and it's just talking. Besides this is a book written by someone with the intention of saying stuff that will make it sell so he makes more money. I bet if trump said "I wish all of these BLM rioters would kill eachother so they stop burning and looting" the author would have said "president trump insinuated he wanted all blacks to be killed".
Of course it is for book publicity. What does that matter if true? The Secretary of Defense is not your wife, when you rant about killing your enemies in foreign countries, or randomly shooting protestors outside your fence. These people could make it happen, if willing to take responsibility or think it could be kept secret or covered up with plausible deniability, as if not getting caught publicly were the same as being innocent.
In Normal World, this would be mind-blowing. Just fucking mind-blowing.

Not now. Half the country is fine with this kind of thing. And it will be blown away in the orange shit storm, along with everything else.

The Grooming democrat Party love the Fentalyn and trafficked kids coming through the border
In Normal World, this would be mind-blowing. Just fucking mind-blowing.

Not now. Half the country is fine with this kind of thing. And it will be blown away in the orange shit storm, along with everything else.
You do not know what "spitballing" means?

Also, Esper should know that Patriot missiles are surface to air missiles. They do not have the ability to attack ground targets.
Of course... it is immediately assumed to be true and without context.
Would it surprise me that he said it? Not really, course would I have thought the Obama administration purposefully sold the Cartel military grade weapons? No. Wouldn't have thought that either. or would I have thought that the Obama administration's handling of parentless Mexican children was so bad that his administration was handing kids DIRECTLY to child traffickers??
No I would not have thought that either.
But somehow, Trump saying something dumb is worse? I don't know how that works.
Well, actually I do.
Watch the video.

Trump reportedly suggested the U.S. launch missiles into Mexico to “destroy the drug labs,” insisting when his defense secretary expressed doubts that they could pull it off without raising anyone’s suspicions

not a bad way to take out the cartels
Watch the video.

not surprised folks at the Cuomo News Network were shocked that someone would want to take out drug cartels

The folks there apparently like to take advantage of women, much easier when they are doped up
not surprised folks at the Cuomo News Network were shocked that someone would want to take out drug cartels

The folks there apparently like to take advantage of women, much easier when they are doped up
Trump wanted to cut their heads off and parade them.

Trump wanted to cut their heads off and parade them.

Yeah, druglords that run these cartels are sick people, and we should take them out....and be proud about taking them out too.

Your TDS now has you defending cartels....that's some crazy stuff....but not surprised, given your cult like following of Xiden...the cartels favorite President.....building cartels back better
Yeah, druglords that run these cartels are sick people, and we should take them out....and be proud about taking them out too.

Your TDS now has you defending cartels....that's some crazy stuff....but not surprised, given your cult like following of Xiden...the cartels favorite President.....building cartels back better
Trump didn't finish his wall. Why not?
Trump didn't finish his wall. Why not?
Dems blocked him...why? Oh because they love drug cartels....

The Latest: Dems block Pentagon funding over border​

Democrats offer security bill that prohibits border wall funding

Democrats Reject Trump Border Wall Proposal, Calling It A 'Non-Starter'​


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