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Trump & Followers Are America's Neo-Fascist

I just finally got to this page.

I made that comment in post #62 after reading page 3

Hate to say it, but it does seem like you support killing all the muslims, Sassy.

Do you want to exterminate all the muslims? Or do you mean just the terrorists?
Here is a post I made in a topic about Pam Geller last May. A topic which Sassy participated in, as it so happens:

The Klan and the Nazis are not allowed to openly advocate for the wholesale slaughter of blacks and Jews, but everyone knows that is their agenda. And even though they have not lynched anyone in recent memory, we all know they would if given half a chance. It is only because of federal intervention that they do not.

Pam Geller is not allowed to openly advocate for the wholesale slaughter of Muslims, but everyone knows that is her agenda.

Now read deltex1's post again:

Humans have been migrating since we rose
from the primordial soup. Especially in situations where their lives are threatened. Why do you think they would stop now?
They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Did I call it, or what?
I just finally got to this page.

I made that comment in post #62 after reading page 3

Hate to say it, but it does seem like you support killing all the muslims, Sassy.

Do you want to exterminate all the muslims? Or do you mean just the terrorists?

Terrorists you dip shit. No where has anyone supported killing all Muslims. Didn't you people pay attention in English class? Good grief I'm surrounded by loons. Then you all wonder why I think you're certifiable

Exterminate them, as we would have done before the rise of Libtard faggots.
hyperbole by the left and right, who can finally agree on something: they need to do something about this guy.

FTR I am no Trump supporter. The only amusement I get from the guy is watching people get so apoplectic about his carnival barker show. Maybe he'll show me something he hasn't yet, but to this point if I was within arms length of him I'd shake him to see if I heard a rattling noise coming from his head.

I get the hyperbolic attacks as part of a political campaign, but I can't see taking the products of the various spin machines all that seriously.

come on, fascist = nazi = Hitler. These are the connections that these people are trying to touch off. How many times did we hear Bush was Hitler. Obama is Hitler. Anyone that anyone wants to attack is feckin' Hitler at this point and it's beyond ridiculous that anyone buys it for 2 seconds.

Sure Trump spouts shit by the ton. He's tapped into a vein and he knows it, so he keeps right on flapping those gums but He. Is. Not. Fascist. And neither are those that support him.

I tend to agree -- Rump has no ideology beyond self-aggrandizement. I think he views the Presidency as the ultimate mirror in front of which to preen and admire his own bloated hot-air-filled ass.

He's only truly "fascist" in the same way that, say, Fox Noise is "racist" -- not that Fox IS racist but they sure know how to get the attention OF racists, constantly milking the theme of ... ACORN .. Jeremiah Wright.... Van Jones.... the "New Black Panthers"... Shirley Sherrod... Henry Louis Gates... the "Knockout Game"... "hip hop barbecues at the White House", etc etc ad nauseum -- doesn't make them necessarily racist but it does make them race-baiters. Rump's doing the same thing with the fascist element of the unwashed --- registering Muslims and closing mosques... Mexicans as "rapists".... appeals to aggression and appeals to authoritarian sycophancy.... and general polarization of everybody from women to reporters who ask probing questions to residents of New Jersey.

But as far as actually being a fascist, or any other sort of ideology -- that would require subservience of one's own ego to whatever cause one believes in. And that's something of which Rump is simply not capable.

It actually is tempting to plausibly see the whole Rump candidacy pretense as a massive cynical plot by Hillary Clinton to undermine and destroy the Republican Party and thereby eliminate the opposition. Except that that would require Donald Rump to be doing something that is not entirely feeding his own ego, and again he's not even capable of that.
Go ahead, folks. Look at the video in deltex's opening post of his extermination topic. See for yourself. It's a giant screed against Islamic immigration: The whole world is brain dead... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"The whole world is brain dead." For taking in Muslim immigrants. For taking in refugees. He said it plainly. And he said, "Exterminate them....as we would have done".

They were talking about immigrants and refugees. Not terrorists.

He and Sassy can't deny it. They were calling for the extermination of Muslim refugees and immigrants. It's as plain as the nose on your face.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
You've called for the extermination of the Syrian refugees.

So, yeah, nazi, you are what you are.

She called for the extermination? What post was that?
Yes. And you have seen it. Don't keep being the willfully blind monkey.

I haven't seen anyone calling for the extermination of anyone... Jesus, you need a shrink.

Wait, Sassy did suggest she wish to exterminate terrorists thrugh a question!!

But who don't want terrorists exterminated?

Maybe g5000 got refugee and terrorists mixed up?
KevinMcarthy was specifically speaking about the refugees when deltex responded to him that if it were up to him they would have exterminated them by now if not for "libtard faggots".

On the subject of the Islamic world as a whole, he declared they should all be exterminated.

It does not get more Nazi than that.
Stop lying girl...I said exterminate Isis and the like...just as Ralph Peters says. That's the short term solution. Long them warn all Muslims that if they don't manage their terrorists that live among them they will die with them. Their choice. That's the tenth time I have told you that, dumbass....try to remember.
She called for the extermination? What post was that?
Yes. And you have seen it. Don't keep being the willfully blind monkey.

I haven't seen anyone calling for the extermination of anyone... Jesus, you need a shrink.

Wait, Sassy did suggest she wish to exterminate terrorists thrugh a question!!

But who don't want terrorists exterminated?

Maybe g5000 got refugee and terrorists mixed up?
KevinMcarthy was specifically speaking about the refugees when deltex responded to him that if it were up to him they would have exterminated them by now if not for "libtard faggots".

On the subject of the Islamic world as a whole, he declared they should all be exterminated.

It does not get more Nazi than that.
Stop lying girl...I said exterminate Isis and the like...just as Ralph Peters says. That's the short term solution. Long them warn all Muslims that if they don't manage their terrorists that live among them they will die with them. Their choice. That's the tenth time I have told you that, dumbass....try to remember.
It was quite plain you were saying you would exterminate the refugees. Your topic was all about Muslim immigrants. Not terrorists.

Too late to try and walk back your comments now. You said what you said. It's there for all to see.

You just didn't expect to be called out on it like you have. Well, too bad, you cowardly nazi. You're busted.
Yes. And you have seen it. Don't keep being the willfully blind monkey.

I haven't seen anyone calling for the extermination of anyone... Jesus, you need a shrink.

Wait, Sassy did suggest she wish to exterminate terrorists thrugh a question!!

But who don't want terrorists exterminated?

Maybe g5000 got refugee and terrorists mixed up?
KevinMcarthy was specifically speaking about the refugees when deltex responded to him that if it were up to him they would have exterminated them by now if not for "libtard faggots".

On the subject of the Islamic world as a whole, he declared they should all be exterminated.

It does not get more Nazi than that.
Stop lying girl...I said exterminate Isis and the like...just as Ralph Peters says. That's the short term solution. Long them warn all Muslims that if they don't manage their terrorists that live among them they will die with them. Their choice. That's the tenth time I have told you that, dumbass....try to remember.
It was quite plain you were saying you would exterminate the refugees. Your topic was all about Muslim immigrants. Not terrorists.

Too late to try and walk back your comments now. You said what you said. It's there for all to see.

You just didn't expect to be called out on it like you have. Well, too bad, you cowardly nazi. You're busted.
GFY...there are terrorists in the refugee horde. You can read anything you want into my remarks you tit less bitch...it's a free country.
I haven't seen anyone calling for the extermination of anyone... Jesus, you need a shrink.

Wait, Sassy did suggest she wish to exterminate terrorists thrugh a question!!

But who don't want terrorists exterminated?

Maybe g5000 got refugee and terrorists mixed up?
KevinMcarthy was specifically speaking about the refugees when deltex responded to him that if it were up to him they would have exterminated them by now if not for "libtard faggots".

On the subject of the Islamic world as a whole, he declared they should all be exterminated.

It does not get more Nazi than that.
Stop lying girl...I said exterminate Isis and the like...just as Ralph Peters says. That's the short term solution. Long them warn all Muslims that if they don't manage their terrorists that live among them they will die with them. Their choice. That's the tenth time I have told you that, dumbass....try to remember.
It was quite plain you were saying you would exterminate the refugees. Your topic was all about Muslim immigrants. Not terrorists.

Too late to try and walk back your comments now. You said what you said. It's there for all to see.

You just didn't expect to be called out on it like you have. Well, too bad, you cowardly nazi. You're busted.
GFY...there are terrorists in the refugee horde. You can read anything you want into my remarks you tit less bitch...it's a free country.

Ignore the twit, she's been rambling on incoherently for hours on this.
Donald Trump seems to have found an issue and topic being supported by all spectrums of the politics in America. The left and right are shouting out warnings that Trump and his cult of followers are fascist promoting fascist agenda's.





National Socialism does not seem like a conservative idea....
Soggy's response to the overwhelming evidence is a case study of exactly how Germany allowed the Nazification of Germany.

Willful blindness.


Oh whatever.... the only overwhelming evidence is that you're a nitwit demagogue unwilling to acknowledge reality. Nobody wants to exterminate all the Muslims so stop lying. We do however want to exterminate the crazy ones.
Definition of FASCISM
1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


fascism | a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government


Definition of FASCISM
1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

fascism | a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government



You just described G and his fellow leftists.
Donald Trump seems to have found an issue and topic being supported by all spectrums of the politics in America. The left and right are shouting out warnings that Trump and his cult of followers are fascist promoting fascist agenda's.





National Socialism does not seem like a conservative idea....
Trump nor his followers are not really conservatives. Trump certainly isn't. Fascism and racism are two different things. The topic at hand is the fact, not opinion, that both conservative news publicans and liberal news publications are coming to the same conclusion about the Trump campaign and the relationship it has to the advancement of fascism in America. If you don't get, understand, recognize or realize the significance that both conservatives and liberals are agreeing that Trump and his followers are promoting fascism, you are probably a Trump supported to embarrassed and ashamed to admit you are a fascist.
You just described G and his fellow leftists.

As a history geek, I always find it amusing when leftists label conservatives as being NAZIs or Fascists. When you ask them what Fascism is, they never know.

I was having a mild, friendly debate with one of my liberal atheist acquaintances once. He was starting to get frustrated and emotionally blurted out that the country was being taken over by "Christian Theological Fascism". That cracked me up. He either didn't know what the words Christian or Fascism meant. I asked him what Fascism meant to him. He got the deer in the headlight look so I said, "Go ahead, Google it." As the definition appeared on his smart phone, he got an embarrassed look on his face. He then turned to me and petulantly whined, "Well, that's not what it means to me!"
You just described G and his fellow leftists.

As a history geek, I always find it amusing when leftists label conservatives as being NAZIs or Fascists. When you ask them what Fascism is, they never know.

I was having a mild, friendly debate with one of my liberal atheist acquaintances once. He was starting to get frustrated and emotionally blurted out that the country was being taken over by "Christian Theological Fascism". That cracked me up. He either didn't know what the words Christian or Fascism meant. I asked him what Fascism meant to him. He got the deer in the headlight look so I said, "Go ahead, Google it." As the definition appeared on his smart phone, he got an embarrassed look on his face. He then turned to me and petulantly whined, "Well, that's not what it means to me!"

Sad but true.. and they are usually the first ones to tell you how smart t hey are.. when in fact, most of them are dumber than a sack of doorknobs.

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