Trump Fueled By Leftist Hatred


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
He thrives on it, depends on it, would be baffled and possibly ineffective without it. And that's what our commie dingbats don't understand about the man. With 92% negative news coverage, he's still got higher approval ratings than most past Presidents at this point. Why? Because he DOES things and instead of sitting back and admiring his handiwork, he's immediately on to the next project. He's only surprised when he doesn't win, he expects to win, and always does win even when it appears he didn't. The deep-state didn't get him, Bob didn't get him, Stormy didn't get him...he can't be got. Face it can't Trump this: :eusa_dance:

He thrives on it, depends on it, would be baffled and possibly ineffective without it.
It’s how he repealed Obamacare and built the wall so quickly. And the soaring trade deficit is just proof that the tariffs he’s taxing Americans with are working. And getting laughed at to his face by the leaders of our allies last month is proof that he’s tough.
It’s how he repealed Obamacare and built the wall so quickly. And the soaring trade deficit is just proof that the tariffs he’s taxing Americans with are working. And getting laughed at to his face by the leaders of our allies last month is proof that he’s tough.

Poor little envious "dreamer" about you scoot back across the don't belong here, nobody wants you here.
It’s how he repealed Obamacare and built the wall so quickly. And the soaring trade deficit is just proof that the tariffs he’s taxing Americans with are working. And getting laughed at to his face by the leaders of our allies last month is proof that he’s tough.

Poor little envious "dreamer" about you scoot back across the don't belong here, nobody wants you here.
Oh yeah there’s another thing Trump completely failed on.
The lefty Liberals are clueless when it comes to Pres. Trump.

He continually baits them, and this drives the Lib's into a crazed frenzy.

They fall for it every time. .. :lol: :lol:

It's better than any comedy show on tv. ... :thup:
Excellent, another whistling past the graveyard thread from the Trump cult.

But then, what else can they do?
Excellent, another whistling past the graveyard thread from the Trump cult.

But then, what else can they do?

Let's see, what else can we do? about destroying China's economy if they don't admit Trump is their daddy? How about continuing to replace commie judges with our guys....including Ginsberg's seat. The Wall of course.....the caravans sealed that deal. Had enough?
So little time. So much outrage. How do they all manage?
Exhibit #5,454....Trump walks into the major news story of the week....the Bush funeral. Says in a tweet "it isn't a funeral", then tweets a warning to OPEC, and walks into the lion's den of haters with beautiful Melania, sits down, and steals the show...the cameras were on him more than the Bush family. What were the stories about this morning? TRUMP. He's bigger than life and the envious hoards hate him for it, and secretly admire him for it.
Let's see, what else can we do? about destroying China's economy if they don't admit Trump is their daddy? How about continuing to replace commie judges with our guys....including Ginsberg's seat. The Wall of course.....the caravans sealed that deal. Had enough?

What is a partial list of just some of Trump's many failures supposed to prove?

A rational GOP would have said "It was largely Trump's policies that caused us to get pasted in 2018, so we should stop supporting those policies."

What the GOP has said is "Trump's fascist base will turn on us if we don't support his stupid policies. Riding the sinking ship down later beats being tossed off right now, so we'll keep supporting those loser policies."

So thank you. By fanatically defending Trump's loser policies, you're making it much easier for Democrats to win in 2020.
What is a partial list of just some of Trump's many failures supposed to prove?

A rational GOP would have said "It was largely Trump's policies that caused us to get pasted in 2018, so we should stop supporting those policies."

What the GOP has said is "Trump's fascist base will turn on us if we don't support his stupid policies. Riding the sinking ship down later beats being tossed off right now, so we'll keep supporting those loser policies."

So thank you. By fanatically defending Trump's loser policies, you're making it much easier for Democrats to win in 2020.

Are you this boring in person?
He thrives on it, depends on it, would be baffled and possibly ineffective without it. And that's what our commie dingbats don't understand about the man. With 92% negative news coverage, he's still got higher approval ratings than most past Presidents at this point. Why? Because he DOES things and instead of sitting back and admiring his handiwork, he's immediately on to the next project. He's only surprised when he doesn't win, he expects to win, and always does win even when it appears he didn't. The deep-state didn't get him, Bob didn't get him, Stormy didn't get him...he can't be got. Face it can't Trump this: :eusa_dance:


So you're saying Trump is a troll and his supporters are trolls?

I agree with the latter...Trump is much worse than that

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