Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

This is what the orange dickhead will stop:

What Does the US Export to Mexico?
  • Machinery $42 Billion.
  • Electrical Machinery $41 Billion.
  • Vehicles & Vehicle Parts $21 Billion.
  • Mineral Fuels $20 Billion (Gasoline, natural gas)
  • Medical Instruments $12 Billion.
  • Plastics $16 Billion.
  • Textiles 4.13 Billion.
  • Agricultural Products $18 Billion (Corn, soybeans, dairy products, pork, beef, apples, malt, margarine)
There will be no wall and there will be no border closing.

When will some of you stop sucking Trump’s ass?

Will you take up arms to ensure that America's border is never secure? You may have to traitor, or there very well may be a wall.

I’m for border security. Moron.

Fucking liar.

You and the rest of your traitor party are engaged in civil war to stop any and all border security.

Dang best hope the level of division doesnt keep heading for the cliff it is now. The whole Cowboys and lefties thing wont go well for you and the other meathead progressives on this thread.....will be the first to lose all their shit btw:113::113:.

You think I’m afraid of a bunch of bigoted morons?
  • Thanks
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Given that the Trump caves 100% of the time when challenged, we can be sure Trump will cave on his latest promise.

Remember, Pelosi has far bigger balls than Trump does. She's going to bitch-slap him and leave him whimpering. Again.

Yeah, I remember a week ago the filthy lying fucks of the fascist press reported that Trump had caved on shutting down the government.

Turns out you Marxist scum were lying, as always.

The faux government shutdown is a farce, it impacts only 3% of federal sloths, mostly ticket booth operators at national parks. But shutting down e border will impact even Borg Queen Pelosi.

How far are you traitor motherfuckers willing to go with your war on America? What will you do to keep us from having secure borders?
In the mean time, you're still a liar for not proving to us that all these illegals are voting.

First off traitor, learn to read. Illiterate Marxist fool.

If I make a declarative, I'll support it. I notice you failed to answer the question... You dumb fucker.
You haven't supported anything but your own lies. Where is the link proving all these illegals are voting liar?
In California you get a drivers license you can vote. California gives drivers license to illegals.

You lie.
There will be no wall and there will be no border closing.

When will some of you stop sucking Trump’s ass?

Will you take up arms to ensure that America's border is never secure? You may have to traitor, or there very well may be a wall.

I’m for border security. Moron.

Fucking liar.

You and the rest of your traitor party are engaged in civil war to stop any and all border security.

Not true.

But I see you’ve really outdone yourself.

You oppose a wall to secure our border, true or false?

You oppose funding for additional security along our border, true or false?

So in what possible world do you support a secure border? :dunno:



Fuck off.
In the mean time, you're still a liar for not proving to us that all these illegals are voting.

First off traitor, learn to read. Illiterate Marxist fool.

If I make a declarative, I'll support it. I notice you failed to answer the question... You dumb fucker.
You haven't supported anything but your own lies. Where is the link proving all these illegals are voting liar?
In California you get a drivers license you can vote. California gives drivers license to illegals.


To vote in California, you have to register to vote.

View attachment 237251

You do not get to cast a ballot by simply showing up with a driver’s license.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

Who states that? Name please.
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OMG! Does this mean that Ford and Carrier and GM and all those others can't get parts?
Trump created this faux melodrama for his base and it amazes me they see him as strong instead of brutishly stupid and blind to the ripples emanating from his decisions.

Trump doesn’t care about American jobs

Yeah, cuz if he did he'd invite Mexicans in to take them... :eusa_shifty::eusa_wall:

They might have to

Shut down the border and American products can’t be sold down there

Oh my Allah...

Of course Chevy's and Fords won't come up here..

Say, you Communists scammed America for a trillion dollars for your UAW buddies, claiming it would save American jobs. WHERE are those jobs?
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Thanks. That is in a local school board election; much different than what we were talking about here. Nice retreat from the topic at hand though.
Voting in California was the issue... right? Of course you ignored this evidence
Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.
so you can't be trusted to tell the truth anyway.
The website states that A Us Citizen is allowed to register through the program
If Democrat socialists don't want the economic disruption of a closed border they can fund the wall.

Start taxing remittances too.
Look at all these Right-wing cowards talking shit about a wall Mexico was going to pay for, and now they retreat to the tax payer. No thanks! Fund your own stupid wall. Do you know how much fun Mexico would have going over the wall? They would have so much fun; This much fun.

To vote in California, you have to register to vote.

View attachment 237251

You do not get to cast a ballot by simply showing up with a driver’s license.
Lol, liberals on here state why shouldn't illegals be able to vote. They live here too. That's okay, there is a forum says illegals are getting guns. So they want to be able to purchase guns. Thanks for the future votes, oh and alot of mexicans are against abortion. So thanks again, maybe you should do some research before you import voters.

That's not Donald Trump's wall. If we tax remittances there is more than enough money to pay for the wall.

So you’re for new taxes now?

On Mexicans sending wealth OUT of the nation?

Absolutely - that is the type of indirect taxation the nation was founded on.

GOP for new taxes. Wonderful
This is what the orange dickhead will stop:

What Does the US Export to Mexico?
  • Machinery $42 Billion.
  • Electrical Machinery $41 Billion.
  • Vehicles & Vehicle Parts $21 Billion.
  • Mineral Fuels $20 Billion (Gasoline, natural gas)
  • Medical Instruments $12 Billion.
  • Plastics $16 Billion.
  • Textiles 4.13 Billion.
  • Agricultural Products $18 Billion (Corn, soybeans, dairy products, pork, beef, apples, malt, margarine)
We lose more money than the freak’n wall costs
I’m not sure what you’re talking about…not that I really give a shit.

I do know you have to be a citizen in California to cast a ballot.

Then let's remind you, you lying fuck.

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

That is the text of the law, with a link.

Are you saying the law is lying? What is it you're trying to say, Hamas Gurl? :dunno:

Only US citizens and Residents of California can vote in elections in California.
Sorry if that ruins your day. No, actually, I’m happy to ruin your day.

The law says otherwise, as cited and highlighted.

I get that your filthy party got caught balls deep in the pooch, but lying isn't going to get you out of it.

I’m Not sure what you’re talking about….not that I really care.

I do know that you have to be a US Citizen and a resident of the State of California to cast a ballot as is shown on the Official State of California website.

View attachment 237258

That doesn't alter the law, sploogy.

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

If you are an illegal and vote, California has your back. Lie all you like, the law says what it says. MILLIONS of illegals vote in California every election.
The kids are not criminals dumb ass. Why are you going to take the blame out on them?

And by the way, your enabler buddy down the street who hires illegals for yard work or farm work, or construction work, or cleaning work, and should I go on, doesn't seem to have a problem with them being here.

Let's cut out the bs shall we. At the end of the day, employers across this country want them in the chicken farms, dairy farms, produce fields, you name it. If illegal immigration were that much of an emergency, the enablers would have put a stop to it decades ago. That's the truth, and that's reality. You can bellyache about it all day, but the illegals aren't the problem, the enablers are. They aren't going to be here if the enablers just stop hiring them. You don't need a wall for that. They will go back on their own.

This has been a symptom in search of a problem, mainly because of hate, and nothing more.

You want to solve problems that don't exist? Fine! Arrest the enablers hot shot, because that is where your problem is.

But remember, the enablers don't see it as a problem, because the illegals are doing the work we won't do, while the enablers see profits. Stick that in your sock the next time you think you need to complain.
Your argument is old and tiresome and I've heard it all for years. If the enablers want cheap labor while we, the citizenry, bear the brunt of supporting tens of millions of illegals (the old Wal Mart complaint from the left) then let them
bear more of the cost of bringing people here from Mexico (to educate, medicate, adjudicate, house, etc.).
We'll see how much they like their "cheap labor" then.

What has worked in the past, the old Bracero program, would work again if we need manpower that much, which I doubt.
Give people a green card for a period of time and then pay them when they go back and collect their money in Mexico (minus reasonable living expenses). Families in Mexico could even deduct part of those wages for their expenses too.

Or is that too sensible?
I’m Not sure what you’re talking about….not that I really care.

I do know that you have to be a US Citizen and a resident of the State of California to cast a ballot as is shown on the Official State of California website.
Non-Citizens Will Now Vote In At Least One State -

Well, if “” says so….LOL

I’ll stick with the official State of California website for my information; thanks for the input though. It was quite humorous.

But you'll ignore the actual law because it exposes your lies....

It's the Hamas way. :thup:

The requirement for voting in State elections is US citizenship in the state of California.
Trump doesn’t care about American jobs

Yeah, cuz if he did he'd invite Mexicans in to take them... :eusa_shifty::eusa_wall:

They might have to

Shut down the border and American products can’t be sold down there

Oh my Allah...

Of course Chevy's and Fords won't come up here..

Say, you Communists scammed America for a trillion dollars for your UAW buddies, claiming it would save American jobs. WHERE are those jobs?
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Americans have made it clear they do not want a wall.
Border states are against a wall

Only Deplorable conservatives want a wall
Yeah, cuz if he did he'd invite Mexicans in to take them... :eusa_shifty::eusa_wall:

They might have to

Shut down the border and American products can’t be sold down there

Oh my Allah...

Of course Chevy's and Fords won't come up here..

Say, you Communists scammed America for a trillion dollars for your UAW buddies, claiming it would save American jobs. WHERE are those jobs?
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Americans have made it clear they do not want a wall.
Border states are against a wall

Only Deplorable conservatives want a wall
Show me the GREAT DEMOCRATIC BILLS to fix immigration.......

That would get rid of the loop holes.
Force businesses to make sure they hire only those who can legally work here.
They might have to

Shut down the border and American products can’t be sold down there

Oh my Allah...

Of course Chevy's and Fords won't come up here..

Say, you Communists scammed America for a trillion dollars for your UAW buddies, claiming it would save American jobs. WHERE are those jobs?
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Americans have made it clear they do not want a wall.
Border states are against a wall

Only Deplorable conservatives want a wall
Show me the GREAT DEMOCRATIC BILLS to fix immigration.......

That would get rid of the loop holes.
Force businesses to make sure they hire only those who can legally work here.
Easy Peasy
There was bipartisan support from the “Gang of 8” that developed comprehensive immigration reform with DACA, reparations and a path towards citizenship

When it hit the conservative media, they threw a fit and it was DOA

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia
Trump is hurting American business and costing jobs

If a business relies on key components of his product to be shipped from Mexico and the border is shut down.......the production line stops

Trump does not care

Airmail is a part of completely shutting down the border. The border includes all normal points of entry too.
Not really. Anyone airlifted has to undergo a screening process. Otherwise they’d have to hijack a plane to equate with an illegal ground border crossing.

Are you kidding me? You think every airplane has it's cargo and all people aboard closely inspected every time it takes off or lands? What a silly thought.
Oh my Allah...

Of course Chevy's and Fords won't come up here..

Say, you Communists scammed America for a trillion dollars for your UAW buddies, claiming it would save American jobs. WHERE are those jobs?
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Americans have made it clear they do not want a wall.
Border states are against a wall

Only Deplorable conservatives want a wall
Show me the GREAT DEMOCRATIC BILLS to fix immigration.......

That would get rid of the loop holes.
Force businesses to make sure they hire only those who can legally work here.
Easy Peasy
There was bipartisan support from the “Gang of 8” that developed comprehensive immigration reform with DACA, reparations and a path towards citizenship

When it hit the conservative media, they threw a fit and it was DOA

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia
DACA was BS.........and went further than the catch and release of BS of Obama..........

Schumer tried that shit for 20 Billion on the wall to Trump...........but played the game I will pay for it later if you give me DACA now......

I suggest you ask Schumer to offer the 20 Billion right now......up front..........and you get DACA right now........

There you go..........go for it.
How about this one Rightwinger............hmmm

Not passed in the House.....
Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 3711)

To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to make mandatory and permanent requirements relating to use of an electronic employment eligibility verification system, and for other purposes.

There you employment or old employment ......must go through an electronic verification ensure you are a citizen......and/or legal to work in this country.

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