Trump Funneled Donations For Children’s Cancer Hospital to His Own Business

You do realize that overstating what your charities net, and racketeering, are two different things?

"Even with the lower total, Trump’s fundraiser brought in millions of dollars for veterans’ charities. The Washington Post’s accounting, based on interviews with charities, has found at least $3.1 million in donations to veterans groups."

Trump said he raised $6 million for veterans. Now his campaign says it was less.
"In some cases, the money came from friends of Trump’s who sent checks directly to veterans groups. In other cases, the money was routed through Trump’s personal foundation.

"For the groups that received this money — often dealing with aging veterans from the Vietnam War, along with returning troops from Iraq and Afghanistan — the money was an enormous help."

Trump said he raised $6 million for veterans. Now his campaign says it was less.
"Trump should not be faulted for promising $6 million in donations.

“What he said was, ‘We hope to get $6 million.’ He said this at an event where we were trying to get money. It was a best guess,” Lewandowski said. “That was his goal. His goal was to get somewhere around $6 million.”

"On the night of the fundraiser, Trump named nine big donors, including himself.

"Since then, The Post has found evidence from Trump’s staff, from the donors or from veterans charities that received money that seven of those nine gave money as promised. Those gifts added up to $3.78 million.

"On top of that, Trump said small-dollar donors gave $670,000 over the Internet. That adds up to $4.45 million."

Pretty significant charitable donations. Awesome.

Trump said he raised $6 million for veterans. Now his campaign says it was less.
It puts me in mind of lefties freaking out when wealthy people file their taxes legally and take advantage of incentives that are legally available to reduce their tax burden.

WTF? Whining because people are doing things legally?

You forgetting that part where they bought Congress to make it legal Cupcake?


Didn't happen.
Every charity event has expenses. It says 11 million raised and a measly 100k was used for expenses.

Really? You idiots are whining about that?

Really? You are ok with him lying about the amount going to charity?

The best part about all this, according to Eric Trump, is the charity's efficiency: Because he can get his family's golf course for free and have most of the other costs donated, virtually all the money contributed will go toward helping kids with cancer. "We get to use our assets 100% free of charge," Trump tells Forbes.

That's not the case.
In reviewing filings from the Eric Trump Foundation and other charities, it's clear that the course wasn't free--that the Trump Organization received payments for its use, part of more than $1.2 million that has no documented recipients past the Trump Organization. Golf charity experts say the listed expenses defy any reasonable cost justification for a one-day golf tournament.

Additionally, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which has come under previous scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing the interests of its namesake rather than those of charity, apparently used the Eric Trump Foundation to funnel $100,000 in donations into revenue for the Trump Organization.


How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

He didn't lie about money going to charity, you moron.

He said there were no costs, and there were. Meh. It's not a crime, and there is exactly zero evidence of any criminal acts. Even the pathetic douches who are trying to spin it into a scandal have to repeatedly affirm that they raised an amazing amount of money, and the amounts that covered expenses are negligible.

Not a crime. Not even questionable.

But meanwhile:

Stop with the Clinton has nothing to do with this Koshergirl..

Sure it does.

You presented an accusation that Trump funneled charity money into didn't happen.

So I'm showing you what it looks like when politicians REALLY rape a charity.

Former Haitian lawmaker denounces Clinton Foundation graft

"In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation. “Clinton, where’s the money?” the Haitian signs read. “In whose pockets?” Said Dhoud Andre of the Commission Against Dictatorship, “We are telling the world of the crimes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for in Haiti.”

Read more at: How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians


A US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing, but concluded the IHRC's decisions were "not necessarily aligned with Haitian priorities".

Mr Clinton's own office at the UN found 9% of the foreign aid cash went to the Haitian government and 0.6% to local organisations.

The bulk of it went to UN agencies, international aid groups, private contractors and donor countries' own civilian and military agencies.

For example, the Pentagon billed the State Department hundreds of millions of dollars for sending US troops to hand out bottled water and keep order on the streets of Haiti's ravaged capital, Port-au-Prince.

...But he believes the State Department and IHRC simply replicated the mistakes of the whole foreign aid industry by chasing short-term gains instead of building longer-term capacity on the ground.

"They relied too much on outside actors," Mr Johnston says, "and supplanted the role of the Haitian government and domestic producers."

While the Clintons in their respective roles clearly had a say over where some of the quake relief cash flowed, their political enemies have wrongly claimed the family foundation directly controlled all the billions in funds.

The foundation itself raised a relatively modest $30m for aid projects in Haiti.

A spokeswoman for the charity told the BBC: "Every penny of the more than $30m raised was deployed on the ground, with no overhead taken by the Clinton Foundation."

US election 2016: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti? - BBC News
It puts me in mind of lefties freaking out when wealthy people file their taxes legally and take advantage of incentives that are legally available to reduce their tax burden.

WTF? Whining because people are doing things legally?

You forgetting that part where they bought Congress to make it legal Cupcake?


Didn't happen.

Sure Cupcake, sure

Those "job creators" don't expect ANYTHING for the money they buy off the politicians with :(
Stop with the Clinton has nothing to do with this Koshergirl..

After eight years of Bbbbuuut Booooooosh!!!


BUSH WHAT? WTF are you talking about?


Woooosh right over the noob's noodle. We got us a dumb one here

Sure Cupcake, when you talk POLICY past matters, Cheeto and his son using charity a a piggy bank, not so much :(

Awww the noob thinks she's cute.

Its a nothing, bone head. Nothing will come if it. Save this post and choke on it when nothing happens

Now scram, noob boob

Money was transferred from a Non-Profit organization to a For-Profit business while the donors were informed that 100% of the money would be going to the Non-Profit children's cancer research.

Perhaps that is legal, I am not sure but Ethically Trump Sr. actions are Horrendously Shameful..
After eight years of Bbbbuuut Booooooosh!!!


BUSH WHAT? WTF are you talking about?


Woooosh right over the noob's noodle. We got us a dumb one here

Sure Cupcake, when you talk POLICY past matters, Cheeto and his son using charity a a piggy bank, not so much :(

Awww the noob thinks she's cute.

Its a nothing, bone head. Nothing will come if it. Save this post and choke on it when nothing happens

Now scram, noob boob

Money was transferred from a Non-Profit organization to a For-Profit business while the donors were informed that 100% of the money would be going to the Non-Profit children's cancer research.

Perhaps that is legal, I am not sure but Ethically Trump Sr. actions are Horrendously Shameful..

Oh the horrors....can ya tell I'm mocking you?
After eight years of Bbbbuuut Booooooosh!!!


BUSH WHAT? WTF are you talking about?


Woooosh right over the noob's noodle. We got us a dumb one here

Sure Cupcake, when you talk POLICY past matters, Cheeto and his son using charity a a piggy bank, not so much :(

Awww the noob thinks she's cute.

Its a nothing, bone head. Nothing will come if it. Save this post and choke on it when nothing happens

Now scram, noob boob

Money was transferred from a Non-Profit organization to a For-Profit business while the donors were informed that 100% of the money would be going to the Non-Profit children's cancer research.

Perhaps that is legal, I am not sure but Ethically Trump Sr. actions are Horrendously Shameful..

Yes, it is legal and he was quite up front about it.
So you are whining about something that is legal, and which all agree resulted in huge donations being routed to the people who the charities were serving. Hm.

Meanwhile, what the clintons did was actually illegal, and people did actually suffer.
From the link you so graciously provided... "To date, Eric Trump has raised more than $11 million for St. Jude's hospital."

As I recall Eric Trump has been forced to close down the foundation and Democrats are proud of themselves for screwing over the kids that could have received free and necessary care the multi-millions could have provided..
You are a f*cking idiot. Theft is theft. And Trump isn't allowed to shut down his so called charity because it's under criminal investigation. How can you not know that? Where the f*ck is your head buried?
Doesn't anybody watch the news? What is going on here?
"Haitians such as Andre, however, noticed that very little of this aid money actually got to poor people in Haiti. Some projects championed by the Clintons, such as the building of industrial parks and posh hotels, cost a great deal of money and offered scarce benefits to the truly needy. Port-au-Prince was supposed to be rebuilt; it was never rebuilt. Projects aimed at creating jobs proved to be bitter disappointments."

"Together the Clintons were the two most powerful people who controlled the flow of funds to Haiti from around the world. Haitian deals appeared to be a quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons. The Haitian protesters noticed an interesting pattern involving the Clintons and the designation of how aid funds were used. They observed that a number of companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Haitian contracts appeared less tailored to the needs of Haiti than to the needs of the companies that were performing the services. In sum, Haitian deals appeared to be a quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons.

For example, the Clinton Foundation selected Clayton Homes, a construction company owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, to build temporary shelters in Haiti. Buffett is an active member of the Clinton Global Initiative who has donated generously to the Clintons as well as the Clinton Foundation. The contract was supposed to be given through the normal United Nations bidding process, with the deal going to the lowest bidder who met the project’s standards. UN officials said, however, that the contract was never competitively bid for.

Clayton offered to build “hurricane-proof trailers” but what they actually delivered turned out to be a disaster. The trailers were structurally unsafe, with high levels of formaldehyde and insulation coming out of the walls. There were problems with mold and fumes. The stifling heat inside made Haitians sick and many of them abandoned the trailers because they were ill-constructed and unusable. The Clintons also funneled $10 million in federal loans to a firm called InnoVida, headed by Clinton donor Claudio Osorio. Osorio had loaded its board with Clinton cronies, including longtime Clinton ally General Wesley Clark; Hillary’s 2008 finance director Jonathan Mantz; and Democratic fundraiser Chris Korge who has helped raise millions for the Clintons."

Read more at: How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

You should perhaps start a thread on that Cupcake?

Trump’s claim that a Clinton-backed Haiti factory ‘amounted to a massive sweatshop’


Trump earns Four Pinocchios for distorting the facts.

Pence’s Unsupported Haiti Claim
Pence's Unsupported Haiti Claim -

A False ‘Corruption’ Claim
A False 'Corruption' Claim -

Fact-checking the Clinton Foundation controversy

Fact-checking the Clinton Foundation controversy


Hey what about the big Vet donation problem last year...

Even the Rightwing Federalist sites see's what Trump does to charity money...WTH

Trump’s New Pro-Veterans Website Directs All Donations To Trump’s Personal Foundation

Trump’s New Pro-Veterans Website Directs All Donations To Trump’s Personal Foundation
Rather than going directly to veterans groups, 100% of online donations on Trump's pro-veterans site will go directly to Trump's personal foundation.
JANUARY 28, 2016 By The Federalist Staff

After ducking the final Republican presidential debate heading into next week’s Iowa caucuses, GOP front-runner Donald Trump announced that he would hold his own pro-veterans event during the debate to raise money for veterans. Trump even set up a special website to solicit donations to help veterans.

So are the vets complaining?

Because Haiti is.

Well I think the Clinton's got kicked in the ass for their actions , she lost the election....This thread is talking about Trump and his unbelievable creepy addicted to money/ ego character...
BUSH WHAT? WTF are you talking about?


Woooosh right over the noob's noodle. We got us a dumb one here

Sure Cupcake, when you talk POLICY past matters, Cheeto and his son using charity a a piggy bank, not so much :(

Awww the noob thinks she's cute.

Its a nothing, bone head. Nothing will come if it. Save this post and choke on it when nothing happens

Now scram, noob boob

Money was transferred from a Non-Profit organization to a For-Profit business while the donors were informed that 100% of the money would be going to the Non-Profit children's cancer research.

Perhaps that is legal, I am not sure but Ethically Trump Sr. actions are Horrendously Shameful..

Yes, it is legal and he was quite up front about it.
So you are whining about something that is legal, and which all agree resulted in huge donations being routed to the people who the charities were serving. Hm.

Meanwhile, what the clintons did was actually illegal, and people did actually suffer.
Money was transferred from a Non-Profit organization to a For-Profit business while the donors were informed that 100% of the money would be going to the Non-Profit children's cancer research.

He wasn't "up front". He f*cking lied. What is going on with these right wingers? Why the determined ignorance??????????????
BUSH WHAT? WTF are you talking about?


Woooosh right over the noob's noodle. We got us a dumb one here

Sure Cupcake, when you talk POLICY past matters, Cheeto and his son using charity a a piggy bank, not so much :(

Awww the noob thinks she's cute.

Its a nothing, bone head. Nothing will come if it. Save this post and choke on it when nothing happens

Now scram, noob boob

Money was transferred from a Non-Profit organization to a For-Profit business while the donors were informed that 100% of the money would be going to the Non-Profit children's cancer research.

Perhaps that is legal, I am not sure but Ethically Trump Sr. actions are Horrendously Shameful..

Yes, it is legal and he was quite up front about it.
So you are whining about something that is legal, and which all agree resulted in huge donations being routed to the people who the charities were serving. Hm.

Meanwhile, what the clintons did was actually illegal, and people did actually suffer.

Show me a link to where it is legal, and up front that is not true... the people were not informed..
"Trump should not be faulted for promising $6 million in donations.

“What he said was, ‘We hope to get $6 million.’ He said this at an event where we were trying to get money. It was a best guess,” Lewandowski said. “That was his goal. His goal was to get somewhere around $6 million.”

"On the night of the fundraiser, Trump named nine big donors, including himself.

"Since then, The Post has found evidence from Trump’s staff, from the donors or from veterans charities that received money that seven of those nine gave money as promised. Those gifts added up to $3.78 million.

"On top of that, Trump said small-dollar donors gave $670,000 over the Internet. That adds up to $4.45 million."

Pretty significant charitable donations. Awesome.

Trump said he raised $6 million for veterans. Now his campaign says it was less.

Washington Post started asking what happened to the money. The newspaper found that Trump did not raise $6 million as he’d claimed, and making matters worse, though his campaign said Trump had already made a $1 million contribution, that turned out not to be true, either.

Yesterday, the presumptive Republican nominee held a press conference to set the record straight, though as the Washington Post reported, it didn’t go well.

Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he had given away all the money he had raised four months earlier for veterans – and at the same time bitterly attacked the news media for pressing him to explain what he had done with the money.

“Instead of being like, ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,’ or ‘Trump did a good job,’ everyone’s saying, ‘Who got it, who got it, who got it?‘ “Trump said during a news conference here at Trump Tower. “And you make me look very bad. I have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job.”

“Phone calls to all 41 of the groups by The Associated Press brought more than two-dozen responses Tuesday. About half reported checks from Trump within the past week, typically dated May 24, the day The Washington Post published a story questioning whether he had distributed all of the money.”

In other words, four months after his big fundraiser, where Trump touted a tally that turned out to be untrue, Trump only started cutting checks to a variety of groups after the Washington Post published a story that made the candidate look awful.

...Trump said he’d raised $6 million for veterans, but that wasn’t true. He later claimed he never used the $6 million figure, but that wasn’t true. His campaign insisted Trump had contributed $1 million himself, but that wasn’t true. Trump said he “didn’t want to have credit” for the fundraising efforts, but that wasn’t true. He said he and his team were vetting groups they’d never heard of four months after the fact, but that wasn’t true.

Trump's veterans controversy goes from bad to worse


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