Trump gave a speech about Western Civilization

Did Trump give a speech on Western Civilization? You want to link to that too?
Did Trump give a speech on Western Civilization? You want to link to that too?
The speech was in Poland a few days is some of it....

"We write symphonies,” President Donald J. Trump told a crowd of some 15,000 Poles in Warsaw on Thursday. “We reward brilliance. We strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God. We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression.”

“We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success,” Trump continued in his remarks in Krasiński Square. “We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives. And we debate everything. We challenge everything. We seek to know everything, so that we can better know ourselves.”

“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost?” Trump wondered. “Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”

Read more at: In Eastern Europe, President Trump Bolsters Western Civilization
When I think of Western Civilization, I think of White power. I think of all the magnificent achievements made by our superior race. It makes me feel proud.
When I think of Western Civilization, I think of White power. I think of all the magnificent achievements made by our superior race. It makes me feel proud.
There is more than one race in America.....the ideals and values of Western Civilization is what allows for achievement....the Left opposes these superior values......
When I think of Western Civilization, I think of White power. I think of all the magnificent achievements made by our superior race. It makes me feel proud.
Guess that shows how perverted and twisted your thought processes are, huh?
Aren't you proud of your race?
The human race? Of course, I am ... some of the bigots who inhabit it, not so much.
There's nothing bigoted about being proud of your race.
Did Trump give a speech on Western Civilization? You want to link to that too?
Disconnected, much?

The media pretty much ignored it so I can understand the disconnect.....if they paid any attention at all they only called it code for white supremacy, etc...

You are insane. It was broadcast live on every ducking cable news program and was reported on at length by every major print media outlet in the nation.
There's nothing bigoted about being proud of your race.

What is amazing is how the "Swamp" has made it so they expect Whitey to feel guilty about creating the civilized world with all the brilliant inventions, the arts, the sciences, everything. Meanwhile some races, like individuals of jewish extraction have to have their own country (in addition to meddling in most other countries obviously)! Why don't Whites move to South Africa where there were no native Afro Americans when Whites settled it by the way, because the savages will kill them and the "Swamp" considers that justice! The genocide of Whites is what they are doing now in once great Europe obviously. And if Crooked Hillary had won, they would be doing it in the USA, that is why the "Swamp" is so upset and playing up the fake Russia narrative.
What a guy. After Barry Hussein spent eight years bowing down to dictators of every "emerging African nation" and every mid east temporary dictator, President Trump laid out the superiority of Western Civilization in half an hour.
I find that latest Hollywood "Planet of the Apes" movies strange. The brilliant one was the original with Charlton Heston. Now they keep cranking out these gay ones. Rather than over analyzing the "Swamp's" latest Hollywood garbage, the fact is the Earth would be the planet of the apes without Whitey. And there would be only a tiny fraction of what they are now, because no Whites would take care of them, attempt to teach them manners, send them food and medicine, etc.
There's nothing bigoted about being proud of your race.

What is amazing is how the "Swamp" has made it so they expect Whitey to feel guilty about creating the civilized world with all the brilliant inventions, the arts, the sciences, everything. Meanwhile some races, like individuals of jewish extraction have to have their own country (in addition to meddling in most other countries obviously)! Why don't Whites move to South Africa where there were no native Afro Americans when Whites settled it by the way, because the savages will kill them and the "Swamp" considers that justice! The genocide of Whites is what they are doing now in once great Europe obviously. And if Crooked Hillary had won, they would be doing it in the USA, that is why the "Swamp" is so upset and playing up the fake Russia narrative.
Very well said, Snouter.

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