Trump gave porn star hush money ($130,000), Wall Street Journal reports

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Starā€™s Silence

Sadly, it doesn't matter. Benedict Donald has no morals. His supporters expect him to be a pervert and accept this as the new norm in the WH.

The GOP has gone from God's party to one that bows to a racist, immoral, lying pussy grabber.

You Trump Whores should be proud.

Pleas do show us where the GOP was ever mentioned in the Bible or the Dead Sea scrolls for that matter? Your GOP is the exact same party as the DNC. The only party either party represents are the ones where the adress is written on the crapper stall.
A sexual harassment claim was settled out of court?

Weird, sounds like Bill Clinton and Paula Jones. Didnā€™t Bill give Paula $950,000 for raping her?

Sounds like Trump is acting very Presidential. Isnā€™t that his personal life?
A sexual harassment claim was settled out of court?

Weird, sounds like Bill Clinton and Paula Jones. Didnā€™t Bill give Paula $950,000 for raping her?

Sounds like Trump is acting very Presidential. Isnā€™t that his personal life?

Another Trump Whore.... I'm keeping score....
Seriously, who fucking cares?

I don't give a rat's ass who Donald Trump is fucking/has fucked, provided it's consensual, or was.

I looked the woman up just to see if he had good taste. Can't say I'm a fan of the type. But oh well.
Seriously, who fucking cares?

I don't give a rat's ass who Donald Trump is fucking/has fucked, provided it's consensual, or was.

I looked the woman up just to see if he had good taste. Can't say I'm a fan of the type. But oh well.
With them gals it's like wagging yer weiner in the hallway...
You are still trying to deflect from the facts of trump's deranged and promiscuous life. Why is that?
You are deflecting from the precedent that has been set. Why?

What precedent? This thread is about the orange pervert in the Oval Office, who admits to a life of sexual promiscuity, and the possibility that he bedded a porn star, which would not surprise anyone, and then paid her to be quiet about it. This is not a discussion of anyone else.
I've already told you twice. The precedent has been set for married presidents to have illicit affairs, even in the Oval Office. Also for the wife to trash the whore, and the reigning political party to defend him with their very sold-out souls.

The problem progs have is they live in the moral gutter. There is nothing a Rep can do that they haven't done much worse.

You forget about all the so-called "Christians" who support a person with ridiculously low moral standards, while whining for decades about "morality." He,and they, are people from the gutter and as a group wallow in their shit. Look at moore, too. I never heard a person with progressive ideas recommending sexually seducing teenage girls as sex slaves in sham fundie "marriages" with grown men, like the duck guy and moore, and many of the others, so that they all have the babies of these filthy monsters by the time that they are 20. The progressives seem to have in mind for our girls that they get a chance to grown up, obtain a decent university education, be given an opportunity to see the world, and then decide what kind of a life that they want and who they want it with.

Men who describe themselves as "conservatives" live in the moral gutter. It's all they know. They are sex slobs out to ruin the futures of as many wonderful girls as they can get their slimy paws on.
Are you saying Democrats aren't Christians? They sold their very souls to defend the Oval Office pervert.

EDIT: Not to mention his woman bashing, child rapist defending wife.

No such thing happened. Ms. Clinton got her pastor to help out in counseling her marriage. The child-rapist case was manipulated by the right-wing trolls:
FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
When did Ms. Clinton bash women?

You still won't talk about trump, will you? Ms. Clinton is not in office. He is. He is the problem now. But you do like sleaze. It shows. And the phony "Christian" guys, who have themselves demonstrated quite a love of sexual sin over the years while yakking bibble at the rest of us, adore him. These guys have a real problem and refuse to admit it, even when they are out making no secret of their lust for teenage girls, not only for lustful reasons, but because they are too childish, too chickenshit scared of having a relationship with an adult woman.
I actually dont care about his affairs or any politicians affairs because it has nothing to do with their leadership ability.

But I find it hypocritical that right loony tunes call Trump "man of God" and then they call themselves the party of family values. Yet the men in their family values party are all adulterers.

The hypocrisy is what bothers. Not the affairs.
You prefer your adulterers loud and proud.

I just prefer people not to promote this holy wholesome family values when they're running cheating on their wives.
Should Melania jump in and call this woman a bimbo? Maybe some adviser talk about dragging dollar bills through trailer parks?

I agree, the hypocrisy is stunning.
Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Starā€™s Silence

She settled for far too little to have seen that fat ass up close.

Wasn't [family values, 3-times wed] Trump married to Melania at the time?
I actually dont care about his affairs or any politicians affairs because it has nothing to do with their leadership ability.

But I find it hypocritical that right loony tunes call Trump "man of God" and then they call themselves the party of family values. Yet the men in their family values party are all adulterers.

The hypocrisy is what bothers. Not the affairs.
You prefer your adulterers loud and proud.

I just prefer people not to promote this holy wholesome family values when they're running cheating on their wives.
Should Melania jump in and call this woman a bimbo? Maybe some adviser talk about dragging dollar bills through trailer parks?

I agree, the hypocrisy is stunning.
The first bimbo, married to a whore, calling another woman a bimbo? Hilarious!
You are deflecting from the precedent that has been set. Why?

What precedent? This thread is about the orange pervert in the Oval Office, who admits to a life of sexual promiscuity, and the possibility that he bedded a porn star, which would not surprise anyone, and then paid her to be quiet about it. This is not a discussion of anyone else.
I've already told you twice. The precedent has been set for married presidents to have illicit affairs, even in the Oval Office. Also for the wife to trash the whore, and the reigning political party to defend him with their very sold-out souls.

The problem progs have is they live in the moral gutter. There is nothing a Rep can do that they haven't done much worse.

You forget about all the so-called "Christians" who support a person with ridiculously low moral standards, while whining for decades about "morality." He,and they, are people from the gutter and as a group wallow in their shit. Look at moore, too. I never heard a person with progressive ideas recommending sexually seducing teenage girls as sex slaves in sham fundie "marriages" with grown men, like the duck guy and moore, and many of the others, so that they all have the babies of these filthy monsters by the time that they are 20. The progressives seem to have in mind for our girls that they get a chance to grown up, obtain a decent university education, be given an opportunity to see the world, and then decide what kind of a life that they want and who they want it with.

Men who describe themselves as "conservatives" live in the moral gutter. It's all they know. They are sex slobs out to ruin the futures of as many wonderful girls as they can get their slimy paws on.
Are you saying Democrats aren't Christians? They sold their very souls to defend the Oval Office pervert.

EDIT: Not to mention his woman bashing, child rapist defending wife.

No such thing happened. Ms. Clinton got her pastor to help out in counseling her marriage. The child-rapist case was manipulated by the right-wing trolls:
FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
When did Ms. Clinton bash women?

You still won't talk about trump, will you? Ms. Clinton is not in office. He is. He is the problem now. But you do like sleaze. It shows. And the phony "Christian" guys, who have themselves demonstrated quite a love of sexual sin over the years while yakking bibble at the rest of us, adore him. These guys have a real problem and refuse to admit it, even when they are out making no secret of their lust for teenage girls, not only for lustful reasons, but because they are too childish, too chickenshit scared of having a relationship with an adult woman.
Uhm...I remember it. She called the entire truth a vast right-wing conspiracy. All lies, made up by the big bad Republicans.

And if you like I can post the recording of that fat loser laughing about tricking the legal system into freeing a child rapist. Your call.
I actually dont care about his affairs or any politicians affairs because it has nothing to do with their leadership ability.

But I find it hypocritical that right loony tunes call Trump "man of God" and then they call themselves the party of family values. Yet the men in their family values party are all adulterers.

The hypocrisy is what bothers. Not the affairs.
You prefer your adulterers loud and proud.

I just prefer people not to promote this holy wholesome family values when they're running cheating on their wives.
Should Melania jump in and call this woman a bimbo? Maybe some adviser talk about dragging dollar bills through trailer parks?

I agree, the hypocrisy is stunning.
The first bimbo, married to a whore, calling another woman a bimbo? Hilarious!
I'll say. And to think some fools voted for her to be POTUS! haha
Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Starā€™s Silence

Sadly, it doesn't matter. Benedict Donald has no morals. His supporters expect him to be a pervert and accept this as the new norm in the WH.

The GOP has gone from God's party to one that bows to a racist, immoral, lying pussy grabber.

You Trump Whores should be proud.
Trump has no morals? How can anyone who supported Hillary say anything about morals, or honesty, or love for this country? Get a life.
I actually dont care about his affairs or any politicians affairs because it has nothing to do with their leadership ability.

But I find it hypocritical that right loony tunes call Trump "man of God" and then they call themselves the party of family values. Yet the men in their family values party are all adulterers.

The hypocrisy is what bothers. Not the affairs.
You prefer your adulterers loud and proud.

I just prefer people not to promote this holy wholesome family values when they're running cheating on their wives.
Should Melania jump in and call this woman a bimbo? Maybe some adviser talk about dragging dollar bills through trailer parks?

I agree, the hypocrisy is stunning.
The first bimbo, married to a whore, calling another woman a bimbo? Hilarious!
I'll say. And to think some fools voted for her to be POTUS! haha
You STILL won't talk about your favorite whore, trump, will you? We've now got a common whore for a "president," and a common tramp as our first "lady." Good luck with that. They deserve each other as they are both from the gutter.
You prefer your adulterers loud and proud.

I just prefer people not to promote this holy wholesome family values when they're running cheating on their wives.
Should Melania jump in and call this woman a bimbo? Maybe some adviser talk about dragging dollar bills through trailer parks?

I agree, the hypocrisy is stunning.
The first bimbo, married to a whore, calling another woman a bimbo? Hilarious!
I'll say. And to think some fools voted for her to be POTUS! haha
You STILL won't talk about your favorite whore, trump, will you? We've now got a common whore for a "president," and a common tramp as our first "lady." Good luck with that. They deserve each other as they are both from the gutter.
I AM talking about him. The precedent has already been set. He hasn't even had sex in an Oval Office side room yet.
Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Starā€™s Silence

Sadly, it doesn't matter. Benedict Donald has no morals. His supporters expect him to be a pervert and accept this as the new norm in the WH.

The GOP has gone from God's party to one that bows to a racist, immoral, lying pussy grabber.

You Trump Whores should be proud.
Trump has no morals? How can anyone who supported Hillary say anything about morals, or honesty, or love for this country? Get a life.


how can anyone with their head stuck up Hillary's ass expect any respect?
Steve Herman āœ” @W7VOA
Saturday front pages of NYC tabloids.

Nathan Carter @NPCesq
This man speaks for all of us

11:16 PM - Jan 12, 2018

Obama & Emanuel - Members
Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House

By Wayne Madsen
First Published 5-24-10

President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicagoā€™s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.

The bath house, Manā€™s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicagoā€™s ā€œgrand old bathhouses.ā€ WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year ā€œlifetimeā€ memberships to paying customers and that the clubā€™s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to ā€œManā€™s Countryā€ believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.

Obama & Emanuel - Members Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House


Produce any competent, respected source for this. Would these "sources be willing to appear on camera?

P.S. Even if stories like this were true, President Obama is no longer in office and we now have an unapologetic whore in the Oval Office who has even bragged about his ongoing sexual immorality. This is why the phony "Christians" love him so much.

Identical to the shit you Maoists are pimping.
Trump will be giving BJs in jail

Of course he will, you raging hate filled little moron.

The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Trump was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party's purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching. Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even - so it was occasionally rumoured - in some hiding-place in Oceania itself.


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