Trump Gave us Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years, and Democrats Destroyed That

He isn't saying I am making it up he is saying one person's experience is meaningless in the overall scheme but I disagree.

In a big picture way he is correct, but when it comes to our personal views our experiences always matter, especially when it is our children involved
Ladies and Germs, there are a lot of fake threads with insane lies in this forum blabbing about Senile Joe creating Jobs.

Here are the facts: UNDER TRUMP, by October 5, 2018, Trump had given us the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Yes, thats right. As reported by PBS, the friend of the Left:

October 5, 2018
U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.7 Percent, Lowest In Nearly 50 Years

The U.S. jobless rate dropped to 3.7 percent in September — the lowest since 1969, though the economy added a lower-than-expected 134,000 jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said. The jobless rate fell from August's 3.9 percent.

So, what happened to that? Covid and Democrats.
The China Virus made problems, and the Democrats took advantage of Covid to impose needless shutdowns and lockdowns, destroying the economy and jobs, all to defeat Trump.

And Now, the jobs that they destroyed on purpose are slowly coming back, no thanks to Biden mind you, and the extremist Left hails that as "job creation". Oh man, that is some nerve.
So 3.7% is phenomenal and the best in 50 years? That was BEFORE covid.

Last month month Biden's unemployment number was 3.9%. This month it ticked up to 4%. Pretty good with covid still raging.

Way to go Joe!
I get it, facts are kryptonite to a trumper. The facts destroy you. All you can do is try and falsely claim the facts aren't facts, but that is why they are facts. Facts are facts, and the facts prove Trump had a weak low growth economy with massive deficits.

Facts also prove Biden has a booming economy with booming GDP and booming jobs.

I have completely and totally destroyed you. You are my bitch and you are a total joke.
The 'FACTS' Democrats pull out their asses are derived from fake stories they conjure up and then have their fake MSM parrot so suckers who voted for Biden because "Orange Man Bad" feel good about their ill founded arrogance.
Virtually EVERY state has recovered 10% from the covid disaster numbers...

Thanks for pointing out that Biden is taking care of red states so well though
Democrats created the disaster and used a virus for political cover.
Didn't blame anyone, just pointing out that what you were saying about Covid shutdowns (and resulting job contraction) being exclusively Democrat idea while Trump was some sort of unwavering freedom fighter is pure fantasy.

There are reasons for job growth and job loss that are not hinged on who is in the WH, but what intelectually bankrupt nutters like to do is give full credit for job growth to their Dear Leader while absolving them of any responsibility when economy goes south. It's always the same ol' heads-I-win-tails-you-lose scam.

It is you nutters with TDS who blame Trump on all of the job losses and on the global COVID pandemic. You want to talk intellectual bankruptcy? You were afraid or in refused to call China out at the onset for visibility and accountability. Now that the Democrats are entrenched, they have just started to that because it is politically necessary.

I agree with your opening statement to a point in that it is not based on who is in the White House but what policies they pursue. For example, U/E jumped to just under 15 percent in April 2020. Earners could not make a living due to the initial lockdowns. Trump pushed to open businesses back up, Democrats fought him. So, based on the policies each side pursued, which one had the better outcome on the economy and why? I argue Trump’s policy because it got people back to work and revenue flowing into the Treasury. What did the State and local Democrats locking down businesses get US while they let BLM and ANTIFA protests proceed?
WTF do you think you are talkin about?

Trump was president stupid
You are living in fantasy land.....Trump wanted to open up the country but Democrats kept businesses shut, prosecuted people for running their businesses, punished kids by keeping schools closed, etc. Trump also cleared the bureaucratic road blocks and red tape that usually causes vaccination research to take years. Then, he assembled the distribution network that would be needed to get the vaccine out quickly. Trump also promoted theraputics. Democrats denigrated him and made fun of him for that but, as we see now, those treatments could have saved lives. Democrats and Biden have blood on their hands.
If you're going to credit Trump with the good pre-covid have to also credit Joe with the current good UE numbers
Not really. The Democrats are the cause of the economic downturn that they blame on Covid. The People are tired and disgusted of being locked down by Democrats so it is THEY not Biden that deserve the credit for pushing back on tyrannical Democrat 'scamdemic' policies. To put it succinctly, The People are reclaiming their freedom.
If you're going to credit Trump with the good pre-covid have to also credit Joe with the current good UE numbers
You clowns kept saying it was the "Obama economy" for the first 3 years of Trump.
Trump lost 3 million jobs in four years
A disaster

Biden has added 6.8 million jobs in ONE YEAR
The most of any President in HISTORY

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Trump didn't lose anything Obama and FAUCI working with and paying the CHINESE to make a bioweapon aka COVID was released just in time for the elections to allow the dems to cheat their asses off.
Trump didn't lose anything Obama and FAUCI working with and paying the CHINESE to make a bioweapon aka COVID was released just in time for the elections to allow the dems to cheat their asses off.
Trump gave us the worst economy since the Depression

Thankfully, the Amazing Biden came to save us
If you're going to credit Trump with the good pre-covid have to also credit Joe with the current good UE numbers
I merely asked how. It’s obvious you don’t know shit. Mandates killing businesses, that’s xiden, not governors. Red states told him to shove it. Those are the facts. Feel free to give me your reasons why xiden should get credit?
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