Trump: Gilibrand, who used to do anything to get my campaign contributions, is now fighting me

The Internet is on fire commenting on President Trump's lowest, sexiest, most demeaning tweet yet:

"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!"

-Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump), December 12, 2017
How is that tweet sexy? Weirdo..
(and would do anything for them)
Don't tell me if anyone else wrote that, your mind wouldn't have immediately gone to the gutter. Be honest.
I thought he was talking about "pay for play" honestly
So you are pretending to be too STUPID to know what a double entendre is!!!!!

For your education:
noun: double entendre; plural noun: double entendres
a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent.
I am not the one making shit up, you are. I never once said or implied that Gillibrand never asked for money. That is just some twisting of my words so you could get your righteous indignation high for the day. so get off your fucking high horse and stop being such a turd.
Dude, you are a dumbass.
Trump loves to make up stories about people coming to him and begging for money. what a pathetic human being he is
Come back when you are sober :rofl:

Thank you for proving that you are a fucking liar. I said nothing about Gillibrand and nothing about anyone asking for money. Dude, put down the bottle and go sleep it off. When you come back sober you will realize what an idiot you have been and you will feel bad.
Trump loves to make up stories about people coming to him and begging for money. what a pathetic human being he is.
What would one think when that is your immediate reaction to an OP about her?
Are you dumb? Do you know how the English language works? Do you know how these forums work?
deer geebuz :uhoh3:

When you come back sober you might have the basic intelligence (though I am starting to doubt it) to know there is a very big difference between asking and begging.
I love your denial and semantics game. Just jumping through one hoop and moving on, without missing a beat. Very talented.

And I love your basic dishonesty. It just seems to come natural to you. I guess we all have our talents.
How is that tweet sexy? Weirdo..

substitute cheatolini for weinstein.
or matt lauer.
or roger ailes.
or bill o'reilly.

& because it was trump.
are you saying trump is sexy?

i'm saying trump is a disgusting vile creature who is still dragging his knuckles.
umm ok lol

you seem to be quite clueless, TN.... that's pitiful.
clueless about what?
Dude, you are a dumbass.
Trump loves to make up stories about people coming to him and begging for money. what a pathetic human being he is
Come back when you are sober :rofl:

Thank you for proving that you are a fucking liar. I said nothing about Gillibrand and nothing about anyone asking for money. Dude, put down the bottle and go sleep it off. When you come back sober you will realize what an idiot you have been and you will feel bad.
Trump loves to make up stories about people coming to him and begging for money. what a pathetic human being he is.
What would one think when that is your immediate reaction to an OP about her?
Are you dumb? Do you know how the English language works? Do you know how these forums work?
deer geebuz :uhoh3:

When you come back sober you might have the basic intelligence (though I am starting to doubt it) to know there is a very big difference between asking and begging.
I love your denial and semantics game. Just jumping through one hoop and moving on, without missing a beat. Very talented.

And I love your basic dishonesty. It just seems to come natural to you. I guess we all have our talents.
Now you are switching it back to me. Your game dont have an end! Well played!
The Internet is on fire commenting on President Trump's lowest, sexiest, most demeaning tweet yet:

"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!"

-Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump), December 12, 2017
How is that tweet sexy? Weirdo..
(and would do anything for them)
Don't tell me if anyone else wrote that, your mind wouldn't have immediately gone to the gutter. Be honest.
I thought he was talking about "pay for play" honestly
So you are pretending to be too STUPID to know what a double entendre is!!!!!

For your education:
noun: double entendre; plural noun: double entendres
a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent.
WTF are you talking about? I answered her question, dumbfuck. Go hump someone elses leg.
The liberal blue check army on Twitter has gone ape over another of President Trump’s tweets, this time aimed at Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, whom he said will ‘do anything’ for campaign contributions.
Verified Liberals Lose Their Shit Over Trump Tweet About Senator Gillibrand
Verified Liberals Lose Their Shit Over Trump Tweet About Senator Gillibrand

LMAO leave it to the born trouble makers to start some bs. Leftist are born liars honest to Gawd and then we have the fake ass Republicans who are just as bad they are the wolf in sheeps clothing.

Your own bs is eating yourselves alive lmfao.
Those who don`t goose step with Trump are "trouble makers"? Hitler had his brown shirts to deal with "trouble makers".
You do realize that Hitler was a Socialist at the start? Why do you morons keep getting history wrong?
He hated Jews and trade unionists. That`s not socialism genius.

This is what OBAMA brought in, and partly Bush too.............

Trump did not explain what he meant by "do anything" for campaign contributions, or how Gillibrand might have been "USED" by Bill and Hillary Clinton. (Last month, Gillibrand startled fellow Democrats by saying President Bill Clinton should have resigned in 1998 amid the Monica Lewinsky imbroglio.)

Several women on Monday revived their allegations that Trump, a former New York businessman, sexually harassed or assaulted them and called for a congressional investigation. During the campaign, at least one dozen women accused Trump of improper sexual advances that allegedly happened years earlier.

Gillibrand has also called for congressional hearings into the issue – especially since the backlash against sexual harassment sweeping the country has resulted in the resignations of other politicians, including Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., and Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.

"President Trump should resign," Gillibrand tweeted Monday. "But, of course, he won't hold himself accountable. Therefore, Congress should investigate the multiple sexual harassment and assault allegations against him."

Gillibrand's rebuke of Trump on Tuesday was echoed by other Democrats, including Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida.

Trump's tweet, Wilson said, "is yet another example of his bombastic propensity for attacking women – especially those who have the courage to call him out."

After Trump Twitter attack, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says: 'You cannot silence me'

Like most Trump tweets ....this defies understanding

Trump is outraged because Gillibrand is attacking his treatment of women

What does her asking for contributions have to do with it? (not clear if she ever did)
What does Bill or Hillary have to do with Gillibrands calling for Trump's resignation?
It's hysterical how he's upset about her attacking his treatment of women and he proceeds to prove exactly what she was talking about by throwing out sexual innuendoes.

Do you not have a sense of humor?

That is the joke.

Another layer to the joke is he said something not dirty in a dirty way

For smart people liberals sure are dumb.
Thats what i thought. Why do you have to make shit up? Isnt there enough on peaches-in-chief to blast him and NOT lie? Goddamn man..

I am not the one making shit up, you are. I never once said or implied that Gillibrand never asked for money. That is just some twisting of my words so you could get your righteous indignation high for the day. so get off your fucking high horse and stop being such a turd.
Dude, you are a dumbass.
Trump loves to make up stories about people coming to him and begging for money. what a pathetic human being he is
Come back when you are sober :rofl:

Thank you for proving that you are a fucking liar. I said nothing about Gillibrand and nothing about anyone asking for money. Dude, put down the bottle and go sleep it off. When you come back sober you will realize what an idiot you have been and you will feel bad.
Trump loves to make up stories about people coming to him and begging for money. what a pathetic human being he is.
What would one think when that is your immediate reaction to an OP about her?
Are you dumb? Do you know how the English language works? Do you know how these forums work?
deer geebuz :uhoh3:

When you come back sober you might have the basic intelligence (though I am starting to doubt it) to know there is a very big difference between asking and begging.
Enough is enough. Quit pickin on TN. He's sober and you ought to know that many wondrous vapors come from his brain in a totally natural state; you've been here long enough. When he's drunk his typing is sloppy and he blames his big thumbs.
The Internet is on fire commenting on President Trump's lowest, sexiest, most demeaning tweet yet:

"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!"

-Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump), December 12, 2017
How is that tweet sexy? Weirdo..
(and would do anything for them)
Don't tell me if anyone else wrote that, your mind wouldn't have immediately gone to the gutter. Be honest.
I thought he was talking about "pay for play" honestly
So you are pretending to be too STUPID to know what a double entendre is!!!!!

For your education:
noun: double entendre; plural noun: double entendres
a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent.
WTF are you talking about? I answered her question, dumbfuck. Go hump someone elses leg.
When the Right gets caught with their foot in their mouth, they play dumb!!!!!
I think Pocahontas indirectly called Sen. Gillibrand a slut while attempting to defend her against Trump's tweet. Man, Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well within the Democrat Party.


So lets support a lying twat who LIED and said she was NATIVE american just to get into a college Mmmmk.
Why do you TRUMP haters get off on supporting gawd dam LIARS and LIES that can be proven, yet you all DENY the facts when it shows what SCUM your political fks are.
Trump sends sexually suggestive and demeaning tweet about Gillibrand

President Trump attacked Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) in a sexually suggestive tweet Tuesday morning that implied Gillibrand would do just about anything for money, prompting a swift and immediate backlash. “Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Charles E. Schumer and someone who would come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions....

I wonder WHICH of Trump's attorneys will take the "blame: for this latest blunder......."GO, Trump"

This is EXACTLY like the "bleeding from her wherever" quip and we will spend endless hours for many months arguing over whether he meant something sexual by it.
I say he did. He was clearly pissed off and he was slamming her without using the "c" word, though he certainly wanted to. That wouldn't have been Presidential.
Another layer to the joke is he said something not dirty in a dirty way
Another wing-nut pretending to know nothing about double entendres.

noun: double entendre; plural noun: double entendres
a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent.
Thank you for proving that you are a fucking liar. I said nothing about Gillibrand and nothing about anyone asking for money. Dude, put down the bottle and go sleep it off. When you come back sober you will realize what an idiot you have been and you will feel bad.
Trump loves to make up stories about people coming to him and begging for money. what a pathetic human being he is.
What would one think when that is your immediate reaction to an OP about her?
Are you dumb? Do you know how the English language works? Do you know how these forums work?
deer geebuz :uhoh3:

When you come back sober you might have the basic intelligence (though I am starting to doubt it) to know there is a very big difference between asking and begging.
I love your denial and semantics game. Just jumping through one hoop and moving on, without missing a beat. Very talented.

And I love your basic dishonesty. It just seems to come natural to you. I guess we all have our talents.
Now you are switching it back to me. Your game dont have an end! Well played!

You are the one that started this train rolling, don't cry when it runs you over.

Or as told someone last night...
What would one think when that is your immediate reaction to an OP about her?
Are you dumb? Do you know how the English language works? Do you know how these forums work?
deer geebuz :uhoh3:

When you come back sober you might have the basic intelligence (though I am starting to doubt it) to know there is a very big difference between asking and begging.
I love your denial and semantics game. Just jumping through one hoop and moving on, without missing a beat. Very talented.

And I love your basic dishonesty. It just seems to come natural to you. I guess we all have our talents.
Now you are switching it back to me. Your game dont have an end! Well played!

You are the one that started this train rolling, don't cry when it runs you over.

Or as told someone last night...
YOU got it rolling with your implication of bullshit.
So you are a liar, manipulator AND you have no integrity.
Just shut up already, goober. Damn
When you come back sober you might have the basic intelligence (though I am starting to doubt it) to know there is a very big difference between asking and begging.
I love your denial and semantics game. Just jumping through one hoop and moving on, without missing a beat. Very talented.

And I love your basic dishonesty. It just seems to come natural to you. I guess we all have our talents.
Now you are switching it back to me. Your game dont have an end! Well played!

You are the one that started this train rolling, don't cry when it runs you over.

Or as told someone last night...
YOU got it rolling with your implication of bullshit.
So you are a liar, manipulator AND you have no integrity.
Just shut up already, goober. Damn

Ahh...don't get all butt hurt! I didn't mean to hurt your little snowflake feelings.

Maybe this will help you feel better.

Liberal playbook: If you can't defend your position rationally, then declare racism............or in this case "sexiest".
The Internet is on fire commenting on President Trump's lowest, sexiest, most demeaning tweet yet:

"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!"

-Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump), December 12, 2017
Why hasn’t twitter suspended this sex predator’s account?
Disgusting, but no surprise coming from Trump.

Dems say Trump's tweets about Gillibrand sexist, crude

Plowing into the sexual harassment debate in a big way, President Donald Trump laced into Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Tuesday, tweeting that the New York Democrat would come to his office "begging" for campaign contributions and "do anything" to get them. Democrats accused the president of making unsavory insinuations.

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