Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham's Cell Phone Number in Televised Speech

He just keeps alienating one Republican after another. The R's are already falling apart, imploding and he's just making that worse.

He's very clever though. You notice that he never ever says anything about actual issues. He just says what he thinks the dumbest of the RWs want to hear.
If we as you suggest clown trash are imploding why is his SUPPORT growing?

The Repub party is all over the place and has been for some years now. They have no mandate, no solidarity and are at each others throats all the time.

(Note that is one paragraph. A new paragraph indicates a new subject. Are you following that?)

His support is among those who just need to be angry at something, ANYTHING. His fans are the tee potty types. Failures who can't and won't take responsibility for their position in this world.

You know the type I mean - people who must lie about their IQ in order to feel superior but then prove they're lying with every single post.

BTW, further evidence of the R total lack of cohesion is that he is at only 24% in the polls. Where are the other 76%? Think about it.
Have democrats put 10 more people in the race and see if ANYONE breaks 20 you moron.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Most of the time you do make stuff up. That doesn't mean accidentally put truth here sometimes.

Lindsay Graham is scum. Good for Trump.

If trump is stupid enough and has no sense of privacy or keeping a secret, what secrets would he tell putin or terrorists about America?

If trump is going to stab a fellow republican in the back that way, how will he stab America in the back?

You don't seem to have any capability of thinking past your own selfish wants.

They're the ones that have been stabbing Trump in the back. He's not a man to be trifled with.

He believes in payback. Trump's a different breed. He can dish it out and he can take the pain anyone gives him back.

Not so individuals like McCain and Lindsey who love to be smarmy and insult other people and because of their seniority in their little kingdom in Washington, they have never experienced a verbal knuckle sandwich right to the schnozz.

I expect Reince Priebus, the RNC Chairman is taking double doses of sleeping pills these days. An overdose would be embarrassing, huh?
BFD. Graham is an irrelevant NeoCon who will not make the debate cut.

Trump continues to effectively tap the deep well of mistrust towards establishment politicians.

He slapped down illegal immigrants
He slapped down McCain
He slapped down Perry
He slapped down Graham

He's now 4-0 with a 0.00 ERA

Who's next?

BFD. Graham is an irrelevant NeoCon who will not make the debate cut.

Trump continues to effectively tap the deep well of mistrust towards establishment politicians.

He slapped down illegal immigrants
He slapped down McCain
He slapped down Perry
He slapped down Graham

He's now 4-0 with a 0.00 ERA

Who's next?


Wait til' he gets to Hillary. He's still too busy dismantling the GOP Rinos'.
This is certainly an interesting time in American politics. At the current rate, Trump is going to energize enough trailer trash bottom feeders to win the White House in the most spectacular accident ever. But he will have pissed off so many people along the way that the GOP controlled Congress will vote unanimously to impeach on day one, followed by a unanimous conviction by the Senate. And nobody will even bother to ask what they crime was.
This is certainly an interesting time in American politics. At the current rate, Trump is going to energize enough trailer trash bottom feeders to win the White House in the most spectacular accident ever. But he will have pissed off so many people along the way that the GOP controlled Congress will vote unanimously to impeach on day one, followed by a unanimous conviction by the Senate. And nobody will even bother to ask what they crime was.

You smokin' the good stuff, eh?
This is certainly an interesting time in American politics. At the current rate, Trump is going to energize enough trailer trash bottom feeders to win the White House in the most spectacular accident ever. But he will have pissed off so many people along the way that the GOP controlled Congress will vote unanimously to impeach on day one, followed by a unanimous conviction by the Senate. And nobody will even bother to ask what they crime was.


Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Most of the time you do make stuff up. That doesn't mean accidentally put truth here sometimes.

Lindsay Graham is scum. Good for Trump.
Any examples? Try to keep a record. When you find one, promise me you'll let me know.

90% of your posts, pick one.
90% and you couldn't pick a single one? How does that make you look? Think about it.

I told you you stupid shit. 90% of your posts, pick one. What the fuck is the matter? Can't read?
Because you couldn't? And you call me stupid? What does that make you? Brain damaged? Assuming you ever had a working model.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Most of the time you do make stuff up. That doesn't mean accidentally put truth here sometimes.

Lindsay Graham is scum. Good for Trump.
Any examples? Try to keep a record. When you find one, promise me you'll let me know.

90% of your posts, pick one.
but 100% of them are about those nasty republicans.....
Tsk, tsk. Now you just lied. We knew it was coming. It's what your kind does.
I expect Reince Priebus, the RNC Chairman is taking double doses of sleeping pills these days. An overdose would be embarrassing, huh?
Trump has put him in the unenviable position of explaining why trump's positions don't represent the positions of the Republican Party when we all know they do.
This is certainly an interesting time in American politics. At the current rate, Trump is going to energize enough trailer trash bottom feeders to win the White House in the most spectacular accident ever. But he will have pissed off so many people along the way that the GOP controlled Congress will vote unanimously to impeach on day one, followed by a unanimous conviction by the Senate. And nobody will even bother to ask what they crime was.
Someone here said the Clinton s had been convicted of many crimes. I asked them to name them and the only one they named wasn't a crime as long as money isn't exchanged. There was plenty exchanged, just not money.
He just keeps alienating one Republican after another. The R's are already falling apart, imploding and he's just making that worse.

He's very clever though. You notice that he never ever says anything about actual issues. He just says what he thinks the dumbest of the RWs want to hear.
If we as you suggest clown trash are imploding why is his SUPPORT growing?

The Repub party is all over the place and has been for some years now. They have no mandate, no solidarity and are at each others throats all the time.

(Note that is one paragraph. A new paragraph indicates a new subject. Are you following that?)

His support is among those who just need to be angry at something, ANYTHING. His fans are the tee potty types. Failures who can't and won't take responsibility for their position in this world.

You know the type I mean - people who must lie about their IQ in order to feel superior but then prove they're lying with every single post.

BTW, further evidence of the R total lack of cohesion is that he is at only 24% in the polls. Where are the other 76%? Think about it.

Did you just ask of him to think?


Ain't gonna happen....

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Trump's skin is thinner than his wispy girl hair.

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Seriously, this guy has absolutely no interest in the presidency.
Neither do republicans who support him.
This is certainly an interesting time in American politics. At the current rate, Trump is going to energize enough trailer trash bottom feeders to win the White House in the most spectacular accident ever. But he will have pissed off so many people along the way that the GOP controlled Congress will vote unanimously to impeach on day one, followed by a unanimous conviction by the Senate. And nobody will even bother to ask what they crime was.

This posting goes on my top ten list for 2015.

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