Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham's Cell Phone Number in Televised Speech


A triumphant and unrepentant Donald Trump launched a barrage of personal attacks and name-calling on his campaign rivals Tuesday. He called South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham an “idiot,” dismissed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “weak on immigration ... (Time)

Both true.

I think Trump supporters are testing to see how far the Trump train will go.

Ka-Thump! was that Lindsey Graham?

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Who cares if Trumps goes all the way or not...He's DIRECTING the conversation to all the HRD QUESTIONS the DemocRATS and RINO'S DON'T want to talk about... Where's the Hildebeast, Slimeball Sanders, or most of the other Republican candidates?... Easy answer is that Trump has sucked all the air out of everyone else's campaign... BTW, who was the NEXT Republican contender that announced today.... I think it was some failed governor from the Midwest, but not certain, as there is NO COVERAGE, it's simply TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP all day and night....The Donald must be LOVING THIS, his BRASHNESS and ARROGANCE are feeding on it... he'll continue to grow, he's an EXPERT on PR and staying out in front of the weak competition!
When I heard this I thought "Wow he fights dirty!" I love it. All these little pus pocket politicians that have been getting away with smearing others are gonna get theirs.

A triumphant and unrepentant Donald Trump launched a barrage of personal attacks and name-calling on his campaign rivals Tuesday. He called South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham an “idiot,” dismissed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “weak on immigration ... (Time)

I can't wait until he debates Hillary. He'll leave her sobbing in a puddle of her own tears.
When I heard this I thought "Wow he fights dirty!" I love it. All these little pus pocket politicians that have been getting away with smearing others are gonna get theirs.

When Trump refused to apologize for supposedly insulting McCain the war hero I liked him even more.

A triumphant and unrepentant Donald Trump launched a barrage of personal attacks and name-calling on his campaign rivals Tuesday. He called South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham an “idiot,” dismissed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “weak on immigration ... (Time)

I can't wait until he debates Hillary. He'll leave her sobbing in a puddle of her own tears.

He'll bring his BAT especially for that bitch!


Republican presidential contender Donald Trump revealed the personal cell phone number of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during a televised campaign speech in that state Tuesday.

CBS News Associate Producer DJ Judd tweeted that the number Trump read on air, which Trump said Graham gave him, was in fact the Senator's personal cell phone number.


And USMB Republicans think I make this stuff up.

Most of the time you do make stuff up. That doesn't mean accidentally put truth here sometimes.

Lindsay Graham is scum. Good for Trump.

If trump is stupid enough and has no sense of privacy or keeping a secret, what secrets would he tell putin or terrorists about America?

If trump is going to stab a fellow republican in the back that way, how will he stab America in the back?

You don't seem to have any capability of thinking past your own selfish wants.

They're the ones that have been stabbing Trump in the back. He's not a man to be trifled with.

He believes in payback. Trump's a different breed. He can dish it out and he can take the pain anyone gives him back.

Not so individuals like McCain and Lindsey who love to be smarmy and insult other people and because of their seniority in their little kingdom in Washington, they have never experienced a verbal knuckle sandwich right to the schnozz.

When I heard this I thought "Wow he fights dirty!" I love it. All these little pus pocket politicians that have been getting away with smearing others are gonna get theirs.

When Trump refused to apologize for supposedly insulting McCain the war hero I liked him even more.
The reason why McCain wants this to go away is because he's up for reelection. Trump is reminding the voters that McCain called them crazies.
When I heard this I thought "Wow he fights dirty!" I love it. All these little pus pocket politicians that have been getting away with smearing others are gonna get theirs.

When Trump refused to apologize for supposedly insulting McCain the war hero I liked him even more.
The reason why McCain wants this to go away is because he's up for reelection. Trump is reminding the voters that McCain called them crazies.
He also said he'd finance McLame's Republican competition! LOLOLOL.... Now McLame black pants have huge brown stains!

If he's not the candidate, PLEASE write him in!!

This idea that democrats have that there needs to be an apology for this or that is a bunch of crap. If he or anybody feels the need to get up in the morning and kick a Rino in the teeth LET HIM DO SO.

It's Trump's right to say what the hell he thinks in this a free country. It is NOT the right of the Rino to say "I'm offended MAKE HIM stop". That is NOT a right in a free country.

Now today you got those dumb ass democrats whining over a damn telephone number. We got 17 TRILLION in debt and you want the world to stop over a phone number? We have tens of thousands of ILLEGALS coming into this country every month and you want me upset over a phone number? What planet are you from?

" Trump insulted John McCain oh my God!"
John McCain can kiss my ass.
"Trump gave out Lindsey's phone number oh my God!"
Lindsey can kiss my ass as well.

I could TRULY care less how many Rino's are destroyed this election cycle. We ALL know they need to go and we have been saying such for months. The half witted liberals DEMAND apology's and SHOCK when a Rino gets wacked?

Got a simple rule of thumb for you folks. ANYTIME a liberal DEMANDS an apology for a Rino that Rino does NOT work for YOU. This election cycle is going to break down to WHO works for YOU? That's important to have a say in YOUR future in YOUR safety in YOUR security.

We have an ASSHOLE working for us in the county I live in. You know what OUR hired ASSHOLE does?
He puts drunk drivers in JAIL.
He puts drug dealers in JAIL.
He puts child molesters in JAIL.
He puts rapists in JAIL.
He puts thieves in JAIL.
He puts arsonists in JAIL.

You have had 6 plus years of LIP SERVICE from the democrat and from the Rino. Tell you what, you WANT things done?

You WANT that NEW pipeline? HIRE the ASSHOLE.
You WANT better TRADE agreements? HIRE the ASSHOLE.
You WANT better NUKE agreements? HIRE the ASSHOLE.

We have had six long years of lying of lip service out of this White house and government in general. I WANT things to GET DONE. I WANT TO HIRE THE ASSHOLE. And if that bothers democrats or Rino's?

You can KISS MY ASS as warm up to KISSING HIS!


This thread is the best on USMB.

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