Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish

It was very offensive and it is not about one person.
Get serious

Compare the political rhetoric coming from the Republican leadership about Obama and Obamas response and the presidents responses are timid
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.
Bush allowed his henchmen to blame Clinton
Opinions are like Assholes..........everyone has one and they all stink..................

Trump will challenge the Norm and force the other candidates to respond instead of the usual talking in circles..............

And he ensures that it will not be the same old same old..................Boring assed used car salesmen talking on and on and on for a year and a half......................Boring the living hell out of the public................

Usually, I am grateful when the elections end.................Because the lame ass never ending talk finally ends for a while..............


Trump is a wild card.....................possible traitor............if he runs 3rd party.......

He's forcing the PC Bull shit to get a time out...........and I love it.......

When is your side gonna debate.........oops a few months from
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

RWrs have not been calling people Racist? RWrs have not been calling people Bigots? RWrs have not been calling people Homophobes? RWrs have not been calling people Womanizers?
No, those are liberal talking points.
I read them all the time right here at USMB.
Coming from liberals.
Don't agree with Obama, you are a racist.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a homophobe.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a bigot.
Yeah you have one point, Bill Clinton is a womanizer.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish

It was very offensive and it is not about one person.
Get serious

Compare the political rhetoric coming from the Republican leadership about Obama and Obamas response and the presidents responses are timid
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.
Clinton didn't leave Bush stuck with the great recession, two wars and a nation hated by most of the world.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
'How about' you stop with the failed attempts to deflect and address the thread topic, which has nothing to do with the president.
bull shit ass hole you are the one that wants to change the topic that the pc police is a myth....

Again knob gobbler

Ask Howard or Jimmy the Greek.
Thing is, everyone's talking about the Republicans, so it is going well for them. They're getting all the viewing time, all the attention, everything.
Talking about how their poll leader attacked a strong, popular conservative woman by claiming she must be having her period is a good thing for Republicans?
This is the "attacking John McCain for his service" thing all over again. They gasp...then within a 24 hour period begin to justify it and deflect to Liberals doing the same or worse. It's getting fascinating in a psychological study kind of way.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish

It was very offensive and it is not about one person.
Get serious

Compare the political rhetoric coming from the Republican leadership about Obama and Obamas response and the presidents responses are timid
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.

Bush was given a surplus. He should have been respectful.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish
Kinda reminds me of all the negative things that were said about Bush from democrat leaders about the successful surge in Iraq. Remember all the negative thing democrat leaders said about our great troops also. Very childish and anti American.
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

RWrs have not been calling people Racist? RWrs have not been calling people Bigots? RWrs have not been calling people Homophobes? RWrs have not been calling people Womanizers?
No, those are liberal talking points.
I read them all the time right here at USMB.
Coming from liberals.
Don't agree with Obama, you are a racist.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a homophobe.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a bigot.
Yeah you have one point, Bill Clinton is a womanizer.
What is your point. You guys are slow learners and don't like guys who chase after women? Why would you care about a guy who chases after woman. You know you would do it too if you knew how or were any good at it. Stop you whining and go meet some girls.
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How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish

It was very offensive and it is not about one person.
Get serious

Compare the political rhetoric coming from the Republican leadership about Obama and Obamas response and the presidents responses are timid
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.

Bush was given a surplus. He should have been respectful.
By the republican controlled house. Clinton should've been thankful.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

RWrs have not been calling people Racist? RWrs have not been calling people Bigots? RWrs have not been calling people Homophobes? RWrs have not been calling people Womanizers?
No, those are liberal talking points.
I read them all the time right here at USMB.
Coming from liberals.
Don't agree with Obama, you are a racist.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a homophobe.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a bigot.
Yeah you have one point, Bill Clinton is a womanizer.
What is your point. You guys are slow learners and don't like guys who chase after woman? Why would you care about a guy who chases after woman. You know you would do it too if you knew how or were any good at it. Stop you whining and go meet some girls.
First of all it's women. Also a married man shouldn't be chasing women.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish
Kinda reminds me of all the negative things that were said about Bush from democrat leaders about the successful surge in Iraq. Remember all the negative thing democrat leaders said about our great troops also. Very childish and anti American.
I don't remember that. I remember a lot of people saying the surge was temporary and would fall apart once we stopped handing over bags of money to the Sunni tribal leaders. The predictions came true. As soon as the bags of money stopped getting handed out the Sunni tribes turned. The surge troop bought some temporary time. Just enough for Bush to get out and drop the mess on the next guy.
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!

Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

No they just post pictures of her in silky lingerie and say they would do her.

Not misogynistic at all. Nope.

Why do you think she posed for those pictures in the first place?
If Kelly wants to be taken seriously as a journalist you don't pose for pictures like that
God damn you are gay as shit. So confused now you are going after Kelly?

Who is your target bitch? Trump or Kelly, this is so fascinating, you don't know even know who to attack.:)
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.
Which leading liberal presidential candidate called Palin a c*nt?

It is your leading candidate for president who is using these terms, not some comedian

Can you tell the difference?
Like I said my guy is Carson, but Trump driving you nuts is quite amusing. I hope he turns it up a notch. He is keeping liberals away from the real republican nominee. I think it's great! I can't wait for Hillary to come out of hiding and Trump puts her on her ass!
I hope Trump does turn it up a notch. I hope he runs third party
He damages Republicans not Democrats
Actually he is getting the uninformed voter crowd. That would be the democrat side. So no, Trump would be hurting democrats, Perot did take republican voters away and gave Clinton the presidency, but Trump third party would take votes from Hillary. Especially after the young voters find out her stance on issues. If she ever tells us that.

Trump would take votes from Hillary? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yes, most uninformed voters are democrats. You have entertaining Trump on one side, and you have a boring ole bat on the other side. They would vote for Trump in a heart beat. Trump was once a liberal so he can get their vote. The liberal education system could bite you in the ass on this one.
RWrs have not been calling people Racist? RWrs have not been calling people Bigots? RWrs have not been calling people Homophobes? RWrs have not been calling people Womanizers?
No, those are liberal talking points.
I read them all the time right here at USMB.
Coming from liberals.
Don't agree with Obama, you are a racist.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a homophobe.
Don't agree with gay marriage, you are a bigot.
Yeah you have one point, Bill Clinton is a womanizer.
What is your point. You guys are slow learners and don't like guys who chase after women? Why would you care about a guy who chases after woman. You know you would do it too if you knew how or were any good at it. Stop you whining and go meet some girls.
First of all it's women. Also a married man shouldn't be chasing women.
I fixed the grammar mistake. Sorry. Please change the grade on my paper. I can't fix that holier than thou attitude and tendency to judge people. You are stuck with that. Good luck.
Trump is on the front page. He had been disinvited to a conservative conference and Megan Kelly has been invited to attend. The rats are jumping from the Trump ship. Proof that "it's PC" spin is a fail. Crude misogyny is what it is, and it ain't a political correctness thing.
Pfft... Kelly's facebook page was BLOWN UP with outraged people that were also UNliking and UNfollowing her, and Fox news got an ear full from MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people DISGUSTED with their SHAMEFUL attack job on what was SUPPOSED to be a DEBATE, not a HIT JOB on the REPUBLICAN FRONT RUNNER.

Trump came out on top, Kelly has had her nasty little ears pinned back.

Deal with it.
Love it! :clap:
Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish
Kinda reminds me of all the negative things that were said about Bush from democrat leaders about the successful surge in Iraq. Remember all the negative thing democrat leaders said about our great troops also. Very childish and anti American.
I don't remember that. I remember a lot of people saying the surge was temporary and would fall apart once we stopped handing over bags of money to the Sunni tribal leaders. The predictions came true. As soon as the bags of money stopped getting handed out the Sunni tribes turned. The surge troop bought some temporary time. Just enough for Bush to get out and drop the mess on the next guy.
Rewriting history again? The surge was the reason Obama successfully ended the Iraq war. Plenty of negative things were said about Bush from democrat leaders. History can be a liberals worst enemy.
Trump is on the front page. He had been disinvited to a conservative conference and Megan Kelly has been invited to attend. The rats are jumping from the Trump ship. Proof that "it's PC" spin is a fail. Crude misogyny is what it is, and it ain't a political correctness thing.
Pfft... Kelly's facebook page was BLOWN UP with outraged people that were also UNliking and UNfollowing her, and Fox news got an ear full from MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people DISGUSTED with their SHAMEFUL attack job on what was SUPPOSED to be a DEBATE, not a HIT JOB on the REPUBLICAN FRONT RUNNER.

Trump came out on top, Kelly has had her nasty little ears pinned back.

Deal with it.
Facebook likes and Twitter followers is the true measure of a person in this nation. I have no doubt that there are millions of Americans just as fucking stupid as you who would react to Trump this way. The rest of us just laugh at you. Like Trump, your idiocy is hugely entertaining.

The lefts demoralizing of the right is not working, deal with it.
Sure. Everything's fine. :lol:
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!

Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

No they just post pictures of her in silky lingerie and say they would do her.

Not misogynistic at all. Nope.

Why do you think she posed for those pictures in the first place?
If Kelly wants to be taken seriously as a journalist you don't pose for pictures like that

Why not? This isn't the dark ages and we already went through the sexual revolution so feminists could go braless and fuck where ever when ever like the men do.

What kind of a prude are you?
It should be glaringly obvious that Rightwinger was making fun of Trump and writing as many Righties do, just to goad them.

Ask him...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You were proven wrong. This wasn't the first time RW has said something like this. Your side has bigots. Live with it.
Did you ask him?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's not my business to allow him the chance to mitigate his bigoted statements. He's done this before and if it were a conservative making these statements, you would take it at face value. You can admit you made a mistake. I promise not to upbraid you for it.
OK, I'll ask.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
OK...I'll answer

I was translating Trumps intent into crude terms to highlight the impact of what he said
What Trump said was repulsive and deserves derision.
His terminology in referring to women should not be tolerated
Exactly as I interpreted it. Unfortunately, many righties have problems with context....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
What about it?

Our president is entitled to respond to his critics and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions. He was not using offensive terms, he was stating the obvious
The president has a political platform that he ran on. A majority of the voters supported that platform. Whining that he does not "represent" you is childish

It was very offensive and it is not about one person.
Get serious

Compare the political rhetoric coming from the Republican leadership about Obama and Obamas response and the presidents responses are timid
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.
Bush allowed his henchmen to blame Clinton
All I can say on the is lol.

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