Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.
Which leading liberal presidential candidate called Palin a c*nt?

It is your leading candidate for president who is using these terms, not some comedian

Can you tell the difference?
The bitch was on the rag....that is why she treated Trump so badly
The bitch was on the rag....that is why she treated Trump so badly
Statistikhengst, there's your Leftist saying misogynistic things about Kelly. So let's admit it happens on both sides.
It should be glaringly obvious that Rightwinger was making fun of Trump and writing as many Righties do, just to goad them.

Ask him...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You were proven wrong. This wasn't the first time RW has said something like this. Your side has bigots. Live with it.
Did you ask him?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's not my business to allow him the chance to mitigate his bigoted statements. He's done this before and if it were a conservative making these statements, you would take it at face value. You can admit you made a mistake. I promise not to upbraid you for it.
OK, I'll ask.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.
Which of those is asking us to be President?
In spite of the fact that i have always known that Trump was a crude asshole, even I was shocked about his latest attack on a woman. Trump has managed the imposible, in that he has put me into a position where I am defending a Fox "news" commentator. From here on out, i will find it impossible not to make judgements about anyone defending Trump.
Where the correct, accurate, and appropriate judgment would be that those defending Trump are blind partisan hacks.
This will end when Kelly's ratings fall through the floor. She will whine to the network. Trump will be invited on her show, as he has been many times before. They will kiss and make up.

Maybe, just maybe, the RNC will get off the Jeb Bush rag.
Kelly is to tough for that, that's why Murdoch likes her...

She is one of those girls that has a brain and won't take shit from no one.
So? Someone wanted to make nice and give her a lollipop and a pat on the head. Her widdle fweelings were hurt.

Likely her feelings weren't hurt at all. She's a tough cookie. She was fed an odious question and had to read it. Whoever gave her the question deserves to have their knuckles rapped.

So you think the delicate little flower couldn't come up with her own questions, and a man had to tell her what to ask?
Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes? Surely there would have been press coverage of this, eh?
Was Kelly on her period at the time of the debate..........

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes?
Was Trump wrong...........was she in the cycle?

The very fact that you think a woman's menstrual cycle would play a role in any of this is already a sure sign of how batshit crazy Conservatives have become, but I am thrilled that you said it.

And THAT should scare you. Because it means that I want Conservatives to fail miserably. And it looks like my wish is going to come true again.


A liberal's miss understanding of the intent of a reply or the usual strategy of taking comments out of the context of the intent is expected of you...................

You can't tell the difference of the intent to Mock you and your petty thread................But enjoy your 2 seconds of fame............


Not really sure who "Miss Understanding" is, but if she's pretty, well then.

Uhm, yeah, I understood your intent.

Only, in the moment you decided to get personal and make this thread about me instead of the OP material, then you long-lost the debate...

Not really, your comments often resemble Menstruation.

There's that classy RW stuff. :clap:
Statistikhengst, there's your Leftist saying misogynistic things about Kelly. So let's admit it happens on both sides.
It should be glaringly obvious that Rightwinger was making fun of Trump and writing as many Righties do, just to goad them.

Ask him...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You were proven wrong. This wasn't the first time RW has said something like this. Your side has bigots. Live with it.
Did you ask him?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's not my business to allow him the chance to mitigate his bigoted statements. He's done this before and if it were a conservative making these statements, you would take it at face value. You can admit you made a mistake. I promise not to upbraid you for it.
OK, I'll ask.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
OK...I'll answer

I was translating Trumps intent into crude terms to highlight the impact of what he said
What Trump said was repulsive and deserves derision.
His terminology in referring to women should not be tolerated
As I predicted a while back, Trump has managed to identify what little morsel of dignity remains in contemporary American politics, and he's peed on it.

It looks like the 20% to to 25% of one party that is going to forgive every stupid, embarrassing thing he says will keep doing so. Yuck.


As I said on another thread; If this was just a billionaire making a vanity play taking his or her money and deciding, "Oh, holding public office may be fun" (ala Al Franken sort of or Meg Whitman or Sonny Bono or Clint Eastwood back when he was Mayor of Carmel, CA), you could look at it and dismiss it. But Trump sounds just like the hard right loonies here.

He's not blazing any new paths, he's giving the detestable morons of the GOP a loudspeaker.

If the Dems were smart, they would go into hiding and just let the GOP implode.
But he is candy, he is blazing a new path like I have never seen before, he is saying crap that don't stick, he is playing the left at their own game.he double down ...

He's just saying the same things the rabid right has been saying for a while now: it's women's fault, Hispanic's fault, send jobs to China, punish children for being poor but force more to be born, starve vets, elderly, handicapped, screw the Constitution, force religion on everyone, yadda yadda ...

Actually, he's just the inevitable next step in the dumbing down, race to the bottom, anti-American, tee potty, fundie nutter movement.

No. No left/Dem pres candidate has said things like the garbage that Duh Donuld does.
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!
Pretty much the way I saw it. Fox may have it's own Rino problem as well.

Now, this is fun. Whacked out Righties who even think that other hard-core Righties are not hard-right enough for them and are therefore Rinos.

It's a chance for you and many others to get to know Megan Kelly. She isn't hard right and when interviewing conservatives will ask the tough questions. The motto of Fox News is "fair and balanced" and when you get past all the shrill rhetoric from the Left about how "right wing" Fox News is and actually see for yourself, it isn't right wing, it truly is fair and balanced and the Left's views are well represented there. That's why it's the most popular cable news channel.


Like I said - the dumbing down of the right continues.

I DARE you to back that up with FACT. There have been many threads, posts, links posted here that prove the opposite is true. Even fux fans know they're being lied to in 86% of the stories.

You're not very bright and very dishonest but really, if you could be honest for just a moment, you know it too.
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?
It should be glaringly obvious that Rightwinger was making fun of Trump and writing as many Righties do, just to goad them.

Ask him...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You were proven wrong. This wasn't the first time RW has said something like this. Your side has bigots. Live with it.
Did you ask him?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's not my business to allow him the chance to mitigate his bigoted statements. He's done this before and if it were a conservative making these statements, you would take it at face value. You can admit you made a mistake. I promise not to upbraid you for it.
OK, I'll ask.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
OK...I'll answer

I was translating Trumps intent into crude terms to highlight the impact of what he said
What Trump said was repulsive and deserves derision.
His terminology in referring to women should not be tolerated

I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary if I was a registered R, but, deep down inside, I hope assholes like you bring a Trump down upon yourselves.

I truly do, and would certainly vote for him if he gets the nod for the R's.
It should be glaringly obvious that Rightwinger was making fun of Trump and writing as many Righties do, just to goad them.

Ask him...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You were proven wrong. This wasn't the first time RW has said something like this. Your side has bigots. Live with it.
Did you ask him?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's not my business to allow him the chance to mitigate his bigoted statements. He's done this before and if it were a conservative making these statements, you would take it at face value. You can admit you made a mistake. I promise not to upbraid you for it.
OK, I'll ask.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
OK...I'll answer

I was translating Trumps intent into crude terms to highlight the impact of what he said
What Trump said was repulsive and deserves derision.
His terminology in referring to women should not be tolerated

And, IMO, even more than that, almost all of what he says in inappropriate and repugnant in a president of the United States.

He has a filthy mouth and would fit right in here but again, none of us are running for prez.
As I predicted a while back, Trump has managed to identify what little morsel of dignity remains in contemporary American politics, and he's peed on it.

It looks like the 20% to to 25% of one party that is going to forgive every stupid, embarrassing thing he says will keep doing so. Yuck.


As I said on another thread; If this was just a billionaire making a vanity play taking his or her money and deciding, "Oh, holding public office may be fun" (ala Al Franken sort of or Meg Whitman or Sonny Bono or Clint Eastwood back when he was Mayor of Carmel, CA), you could look at it and dismiss it. But Trump sounds just like the hard right loonies here.

He's not blazing any new paths, he's giving the detestable morons of the GOP a loudspeaker.

If the Dems were smart, they would go into hiding and just let the GOP implode.
But he is candy, he is blazing a new path like I have never seen before, he is saying crap that don't stick, he is playing the left at their own game.he double down ...

He's just saying the same things the rabid right has been saying for a while now: it's women's fault, Hispanic's fault, send jobs to China, punish children for being poor but force more to be born, starve vets, elderly, handicapped, screw the Constitution, force religion on everyone, yadda yadda ...

Actually, he's just the inevitable next step in the dumbing down, race to the bottom, anti-American, tee potty, fundie nutter movement.

No. No left/Dem pres candidate has said things like the garbage that Duh Donuld does.
is that the message you get from him?

He loves his daughter, you can tell.

He won't do mass deportation's that's insane

He will just be like Bill Clinton if he gets the job, a social liberal a fiscal Conservative
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!

Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

No they just post pictures of her in silky lingerie and say they would do her.

Not misogynistic at all. Nope.

Why do you think she posed for those pictures in the first place?
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.
Which leading liberal presidential candidate called Palin a c*nt?

It is your leading candidate for president who is using these terms, not some comedian

Can you tell the difference?
Like I said my guy is Carson, but Trump driving you nuts is quite amusing. I hope he turns it up a notch. He is keeping liberals away from the real republican nominee. I think it's great! I can't wait for Hillary to come out of hiding and Trump puts her on her ass!
We are witnessing the crude behavior of not only Trump, but his supporters. One need look no further than the pages of USMB to find immature and foul behavior. Wonder why America's standards and morals are in decline. Well, here you go.
Opinions are like Assholes..........everyone has one and they all stink..................

Trump will challenge the Norm and force the other candidates to respond instead of the usual talking in circles..............

And he ensures that it will not be the same old same old..................Boring assed used car salesmen talking on and on and on for a year and a half......................Boring the living hell out of the public................

Usually, I am grateful when the elections end.................Because the lame ass never ending talk finally ends for a while..............


Trump is a wild card.....................possible traitor............if he runs 3rd party.......

He's forcing the PC Bull shit to get a time out...........and I love it.......

When is your side gonna debate.........oops a few months from
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

RWrs have not been calling people Racist? RWrs have not been calling people Bigots? RWrs have not been calling people Homophobes? RWrs have not been calling people Womanizers?
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.
Which of those is asking us to be President?

How about our current President who calls the opposite party the enemy and refuses to represent the whole country?

Uh, actually, starting with election day, it was the Repubs who said that.

Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!

Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

No they just post pictures of her in silky lingerie and say they would do her.

Not misogynistic at all. Nope.

Why do you think she posed for those pictures in the first place?
Is there any reason to think they are not photoshopped?

If she did, they aren't exactly porn.
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.
Which leading liberal presidential candidate called Palin a c*nt?

It is your leading candidate for president who is using these terms, not some comedian

Can you tell the difference?
Like I said my guy is Carson, but Trump driving you nuts is quite amusing. I hope he turns it up a notch. He is keeping liberals away from the real republican nominee. I think it's great! I can't wait for Hillary to come out of hiding and Trump puts her on her ass!

Poor Carson. He really showed he's not ready for prime time. If he had said "duh", I would not have been surprised.

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