Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
Are you kidding? Trump is the one that has something to fear. He just outed himself as a misogynist that Megan Kelly and I always knew him to be. Now she's going to make sure that America knows what kind of creep this guy is. And if an enterprising reporter sets up an interview with Carrie Prejean, we're going to see how he had "Miss California" fired because she wouldn't pose nude for Playboy because of her Christian values. You people are putting your faith in the wrong man if you value morality, decency, and equal rights for women.
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!
Pretty much the way I saw it. Fox may have it's own Rino problem as well.

Now, this is fun. Whacked out Righties who even think that other hard-core Righties are not hard-right enough for them and are therefore Rinos.

It's a chance for you and many others to get to know Megan Kelly. She isn't hard right and when interviewing conservatives will ask the tough questions. The motto of Fox News is "fair and balanced" and when you get past all the shrill rhetoric from the Left about how "right wing" Fox News is and actually see for yourself, it isn't right wing, it truly is fair and balanced and the Left's views are well represented there. That's why it's the most popular cable news channel.
Don't agree with the fair and balanced part, but Kelly was the big winner
If Trump gets elected to the White House, will he stay up late at night and into the early morning drunk texting and tweeting to world leaders? Is it really wise to have a President with a serious alcohol problem with bouts of insecurity moods and temper tantrums?
When did this conversation get turned around to be talking about Obama. Except he is drinking and snorting cocaine.
Would seem witty if you had links or evidence to back up your failed attempt at humor. As it is, there is lots of evidence on your guy. It's all over the news.
As I predicted a while back, Trump has managed to identify what little morsel of dignity remains in contemporary American politics, and he's peed on it.

It looks like the 20% to to 25% of one party that is going to forgive every stupid, embarrassing thing he says will keep doing so. Yuck.


As I said on another thread; If this was just a billionaire making a vanity play taking his or her money and deciding, "Oh, holding public office may be fun" (ala Al Franken sort of or Meg Whitman or Sonny Bono or Clint Eastwood back when he was Mayor of Carmel, CA), you could look at it and dismiss it. But Trump sounds just like the hard right loonies here.

He's not blazing any new paths, he's giving the detestable morons of the GOP a loudspeaker.

If the Dems were smart, they would go into hiding and just let the GOP implode.
Isn't that pretty much what team Clinton is doing? She's very quiet right now and is letting the GOP crush itself under its own weight.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

She's quiet because her handlers insist she remain so. We all know what happens when she speaks.
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.
Tell us about the Presidential campaigner who got foul the way Trump has. All you have is a few comedians making comments. No Presidential hopeful ever said what you claim. There is a difference between a comedian and a person seeking the Presidency.
Which polls? Where?

Links? Figures?

Come on, put your money where your big fat mouth is, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.

Trump is a misogynist, that should be what's clear. The only difference is, many are just now finding that out for the first time. He hates and objectifies women and I've known that for years.
translation~ he is a guy who likes girls

Yea I agree I love girls :)

There's no doubt he's a ladies man, but he also hates women and if any woman stands up to him....well we just saw what happens. He's a misogynist. Don't be so blind.
Fox News set the tone from the get go. They attacked Trump and wanted to diminish his poll results...............He hit back..........and the menstruating comment is how Trump jokes around in talking about how it went down. Now she will get offended and will go he attacks women...............

Some has stated that he has been shitty to she has poster this morning on another thread said Trump demanded Miss America, or a contestant, to pose nude for Playboy.............Is it true........or was he joking around.........or did he even say it.....................

He DQ'd a Miss Universe member FOR posing nude.

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes? Surely there would have been press coverage of this, eh?
Was Kelly on her period at the time of the debate..........

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes?
Was Trump wrong...........was she in the cycle?

The very fact that you think a woman's menstrual cycle would play a role in any of this is already a sure sign of how batshit crazy Conservatives have become, but I am thrilled that you said it.

And THAT should scare you. Because it means that I want Conservatives to fail miserably. And it looks like my wish is going to come true again.


It's very amusing how much energy you are putting into Trump. Especially since Hillary is slipping away. Only in looney liberal land. The only thing more amusing would be if he pick Palin as his vp.
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

lmao..... this is getting comical now the clown parade on here is defending Fox

Nobody is defending Fox. They did their usual hatchet job, only this time their target was Trump, and his response was a childish, disgusting comeback. They can both be wrong, and they were.
Let me comprehend what you said.... The only way to get through to low information. Voters is go to entertainment and that's exactly what trump is doing, he is being a showman, trying to spark interest
Fox News set the tone from the get go. They attacked Trump and wanted to diminish his poll results...............He hit back..........and the menstruating comment is how Trump jokes around in talking about how it went down. Now she will get offended and will go he attacks women...............

Some has stated that he has been shitty to she has poster this morning on another thread said Trump demanded Miss America, or a contestant, to pose nude for Playboy.............Is it true........or was he joking around.........or did he even say it.....................

He DQ'd a Miss Universe member FOR posing nude.

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes? Surely there would have been press coverage of this, eh?
Was Kelly on her period at the time of the debate..........

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes?
Was Trump wrong...........was she in the cycle?

The very fact that you think a woman's menstrual cycle would play a role in any of this is already a sure sign of how batshit crazy Conservatives have become, but I am thrilled that you said it.

And THAT should scare you. Because it means that I want Conservatives to fail miserably. And it looks like my wish is going to come true again.


It's very amusing how much energy you are putting into Trump. Especially since Hillary is slipping away. Only in looney liberal land. The only thing more amusing would be if he pick Palin as his vp.

She would turn him down. Publicly. I have no doubt that Sarah Palin sees this guy for what he is.
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!
Pretty much the way I saw it. Fox may have it's own Rino problem as well.

Now, this is fun. Whacked out Righties who even think that other hard-core Righties are not hard-right enough for them and are therefore Rinos.

It's a chance for you and many others to get to know Megan Kelly. She isn't hard right and when interviewing conservatives will ask the tough questions. The motto of Fox News is "fair and balanced" and when you get past all the shrill rhetoric from the Left about how "right wing" Fox News is and actually see for yourself, it isn't right wing, it truly is fair and balanced and the Left's views are well represented there. That's why it's the most popular cable news channel.
Don't agree with the fair and balanced part, but Kelly was the big winner
If Trump gets elected to the White House, will he stay up late at night and into the early morning drunk texting and tweeting to world leaders? Is it really wise to have a President with a serious alcohol problem with bouts of insecurity moods and temper tantrums?
When did this conversation get turned around to be talking about Obama. Except he is drinking and snorting cocaine.
Would seem witty if you had links or evidence to back up your failed attempt at humor. As it is, there is lots of evidence on your guy. It's all over the news.
He wrote about it in his book, dumbass. Except he would smoke a joint to come down off of the cocaine. Now the link you can provide that Trump has a serious alcohol problem.
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
No, the one getting hurt is the GOP, and its chances of winning the WH in 2016.

The GOP's house is on fire and you and other rightwing nitwits are outside watering the lawn.

It would be so wonderful if this kept up until November 2016...
At some point the GOP has got to come to it's senses...doesn't it?
There's nothing that can really compel Trump to drop out before the end of the year, save for the loss of the 25 percent or so who support him now – and there's no indication that's going to happen.

The problem for republicans is either Iowa or New Hampshire could go for Trump – perhaps both; meaning Trump could still be in the race through the end of February, where he'll fail to win the South Carolina primary on the 20th.

But as long as Trump is leading in the polls, as he is now, he can't be forced out until the voters themselves do it during primary season – all to the benefit of democrats.

You're right. But lets play the devil's advocate. He becomes the nominee. Looming in the distance is that fourth square in the equation; the DEM nominee could stumble and we wind up with a Trump Presidency. It's not as far fetched as I wish it were.

At the end of the day, we should want what is best for America regardless of party as Americans.

But unfortunately there are a significant number of Americans who have lost sight of the original intent of our Republic.

The genius of our Constitutional Republic is that regardless who is victorious in the political process, the Constitution and its case law would safeguard the civil liberties of those who lost – a concept unique in the history of Western Civilization.

Women, African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and gay Americans should be able to say to themselves: “well, even if a republican is elected president, I needn't fear that my civil rights would be in jeopardy, because regardless of what the majority might believe or want, my individual liberties will be protected by the Constitution, its case law, and the respect for the rule of law.

Sadly, today, that's simply not the case.


No, just a tiny minority on the extreme right who continue to propagate the lie and myth of 'PC.'
how much you get paid for this bull shit post asshole?

Again dumb fuck tell that to Howard or Jimmy the Greek You lying asshole
You seem angry...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
He DQ'd a Miss Universe member FOR posing nude.

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes? Surely there would have been press coverage of this, eh?
Was Kelly on her period at the time of the debate..........

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes?
Was Trump wrong...........was she in the cycle?

The very fact that you think a woman's menstrual cycle would play a role in any of this is already a sure sign of how batshit crazy Conservatives have become, but I am thrilled that you said it.

And THAT should scare you. Because it means that I want Conservatives to fail miserably. And it looks like my wish is going to come true again.


It's very amusing how much energy you are putting into Trump. Especially since Hillary is slipping away. Only in looney liberal land. The only thing more amusing would be if he pick Palin as his vp.

She would turn him down. Publicly. I have no doubt that Sarah Palin sees this guy for what he is.

I know but it would make liberals lose what little mind they have left.
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
Are you kidding? Trump is the one that has something to fear. He just outed himself as a misogynist that Megan Kelly and I always knew him to be. Now she's going to make sure that America knows what kind of creep this guy is. And if an enterprising reporter sets up an interview with Carrie Prejean, we're going to see how he had "Miss California" fired because she wouldn't pose nude for Playboy because of her Christian values. You people are putting your faith in the wrong man if you value morality, decency, and equal rights for women.
We all know your type is a blow hard it's only August 2015. It won't stick to Teflon trump,

It won't He will just say another thing to get your panties in a waddle

He is becoming unstoppable
The bitch was on the rag....that is why she treated Trump so badly
The bitch was on the rag....that is why she treated Trump so badly
Statistikhengst, there's your Leftist saying misogynistic things about Kelly. So let's admit it happens on both sides.
It should be glaringly obvious that Rightwinger was making fun of Trump and writing as many Righties do, just to goad them.

Ask him...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
No, the one getting hurt is the GOP, and its chances of winning the WH in 2016.

The GOP's house is on fire and you and other rightwing nitwits are outside watering the lawn.

It would be so wonderful if this kept up until November 2016...
At some point the GOP has got to come to it's senses...doesn't it?
There's nothing that can really compel Trump to drop out before the end of the year, save for the loss of the 25 percent or so who support him now – and there's no indication that's going to happen.

The problem for republicans is either Iowa or New Hampshire could go for Trump – perhaps both; meaning Trump could still be in the race through the end of February, where he'll fail to win the South Carolina primary on the 20th.

But as long as Trump is leading in the polls, as he is now, he can't be forced out until the voters themselves do it during primary season – all to the benefit of democrats.

You're right. But lets play the devil's advocate. He becomes the nominee. Looming in the distance is that fourth square in the equation; the DEM nominee could stumble and we wind up with a Trump Presidency. It's not as far fetched as I wish it were.

At the end of the day, we should want what is best for America regardless of party as Americans.

America knows better than to elect an evil man like Trump. He won't even get the nomination of his party. Have more faith in your fellow Americans, especially now that Kelly and many others in the media will expose Trump for the bigoted bag of hate he truly is.
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!
Pretty much the way I saw it. Fox may have it's own Rino problem as well.

Now, this is fun. Whacked out Righties who even think that other hard-core Righties are not hard-right enough for them and are therefore Rinos.

Looks to me like Trump has you on the rag, just scanning thread titles.
The bitch was on the rag....that is why she treated Trump so badly
The bitch was on the rag....that is why she treated Trump so badly
Statistikhengst, there's your Leftist saying misogynistic things about Kelly. So let's admit it happens on both sides.
It should be glaringly obvious that Rightwinger was making fun of Trump and writing as many Righties do, just to goad them.

Ask him...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You were proven wrong. This wasn't the first time RW has said something like this. Your side has bigots. Live with it.
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
Are you kidding? Trump is the one that has something to fear. He just outed himself as a misogynist that Megan Kelly and I always knew him to be. Now she's going to make sure that America knows what kind of creep this guy is. And if an enterprising reporter sets up an interview with Carrie Prejean, we're going to see how he had "Miss California" fired because she wouldn't pose nude for Playboy because of her Christian values. You people are putting your faith in the wrong man if you value morality, decency, and equal rights for women.
We all know your type is a blow hard it's only August 2015. It won't stick to Teflon trump,

It won't He will just say another thing to get your panties in a waddle

He is becoming unstoppable
It isn't Trump that's unstoppable. It's the Trump insurrection that's unstoppable.
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.
Tell us about the Presidential campaigner who got foul the way Trump has. All you have is a few comedians making comments. No Presidential hopeful ever said what you claim. There is a difference between a comedian and a person seeking the Presidency.
Obama made fun of kids in the special Olympics. Pretty low, but you support it and make excuses for it. Liberals are the shit of the earth. Do you really want to go there. I support Carson so Trump can do what he wants. I find it very amusing he lives in your head rent free! Lol
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

Maher and Cher plus others called her a ****.
Hustler made a porn movie called "Who's Nailin Paylin?"
Had her e-mail hacked in 2008 by a Democrat's son.
David Letterman attacked her daughter saying she was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez.

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