Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

In spite of the fact that i have always known that Trump was a crude asshole, even I was shocked about his latest attack on a woman. Trump has managed the imposible, in that he has put me into a position where I am defending a Fox "news" commentator. From here on out, i will find it impossible not to make judgements about anyone defending Trump.


No, just a tiny minority on the extreme right who continue to propagate the lie and myth of 'PC.'
how much you get paid for this bull shit post asshole?

Again dumb fuck tell that to Howard or Jimmy the Greek You lying asshole
The typical Trump supporter.
your showing your true ignorant colors, again tell that to Howard and Jimmy the Greek bitch


No, just a tiny minority on the extreme right who continue to propagate the lie and myth of 'PC.'
Trump deflected and attempted to promote the spin that his crude, uncouth and ignorant comments were somehow related to political correctness are only believed by some of his fanatical followers. Fact is it exposes him for what he is. What he is is not a nice image to project for a possible President or elected official of any kind. Pretty much a common thug and dirt bag with lots of money to dress himself up with.

Americans want their President to be a nice guy. Someone they can respect and relate to

Trump is not a nice guy

He's very fearful and defensive. If he had any balls, he would stop blaming women for his own weakness.


No, just a tiny minority on the extreme right who continue to propagate the lie and myth of 'PC.'

and Obama did what economically? Except what? He just followed Bush Jr lead

Obama copied off of Bush Jr.

It was the same old shit except Obama made it worse.

Hillary's time came and went we need a business man in office that represents the working man

Trump is the guy.

And you still can't articulate a single policy position of the man you're voting for. Look, you asked me why I was voting for Hillary. I told you why. Center left jurists in the SC. Surely, you do know something about what Trump would do....anything?
I want a Reagan or JFK type of guy in the white house.and I already explained it to you, what are you worried about candy on the supreme court? The abortion issue was decided on a right leaning SC

Obama care mandate was decided on a right leaning SC.

Gay marriage was decided on a right leaning SC
Close votes. Next change could make a big difference. Who are next potential justices to leave their posts?

Replacing Scalia will go a long way toward ensuring that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
What are you talking about?

What fantasy is this you have candy?

A supreme court justice is elected for life....

You can't replace one.

For most humans, they die when they get to be too old. Scalia is 80 years old. Tick tick tick. I wish nothing but the best for him and his but as a Supreme Court Justice, he has been among the worst.
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
So Stephanie....who do you support at this time? You do a lot of complaining, but I don't think you have told us who you think will make it better.
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.

Really? Well you do know she's been asked to replace Trump at the podium of the Red States Gathering, right?

I Have Disinvited Donald Trump to the RedState Gathering
I Have Disinvited Donald Trump to the RedState Gathering RedState

Tipsy, you have more "Ooops" moments than Rick Perry on pain killers.
Wishful thinking, stat. I haven't heard anybody (liberal or conservatives) say that wasn't a setup. Megyn tried to ambush Trump and it backfired on her. She was way out of line and lost a lot of respect from a lot of their viewers. The comment about menstruation (as you claim) is not specific enough to hang that on him. Nice try though.

"Bleeding out her eyes......or somewhere" sounds pretty specific to me.

Not or somewhere
or where ever
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Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!
Pretty much the way I saw it. Fox may have it's own Rino problem as well.

Now, this is fun. Whacked out Righties who even think that other hard-core Righties are not hard-right enough for them and are therefore Rinos.

It's a chance for you and many others to get to know Megan Kelly. She isn't hard right and when interviewing conservatives will ask the tough questions. The motto of Fox News is "fair and balanced" and when you get past all the shrill rhetoric from the Left about how "right wing" Fox News is and actually see for yourself, it isn't right wing, it truly is fair and balanced and the Left's views are well represented there. That's why it's the most popular cable news channel.


No, just a tiny minority on the extreme right who continue to propagate the lie and myth of 'PC.'

And you still can't articulate a single policy position of the man you're voting for. Look, you asked me why I was voting for Hillary. I told you why. Center left jurists in the SC. Surely, you do know something about what Trump would do....anything?
I want a Reagan or JFK type of guy in the white house.and I already explained it to you, what are you worried about candy on the supreme court? The abortion issue was decided on a right leaning SC

Obama care mandate was decided on a right leaning SC.

Gay marriage was decided on a right leaning SC
Close votes. Next change could make a big difference. Who are next potential justices to leave their posts?

Replacing Scalia will go a long way toward ensuring that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
What are you talking about?

What fantasy is this you have candy?

A supreme court justice is elected for life....

You can't replace one.

For most humans, they die when they get to be too old. Scalia is 80 years old. Tick tick tick. I wish nothing but the best for him and his but as a Supreme Court Justice, he has been among the worst.
candy the left won the battle on everything, so please enlighten us on your next social battle.... Just curious?
If a nation were to have an all-female army it would only make sense to try to get their cycles synchronized.

Then you'd know when to schedule attacks for maximum destruction of enemy forces.

Danger is that an enemy with a good intelligence arm would know and synchronize THEIR PMS battalions with yours. The outcome would not be fierce-vs-fierce. They'd turn on anyone foolish to try to lead them.
So? Someone wanted to make nice and give her a lollipop and a pat on the head. Her widdle fweelings were hurt.

Likely her feelings weren't hurt at all. She's a tough cookie. She was fed an odious question and had to read it. Whoever gave her the question deserves to have their knuckles rapped.
:rofl: ...Seems I've heard that before!
Stats is a rather dim bulb, okay a retard. Trump is NOT trying to rally the party. He is just as upset at the party as MILLIONS of people in BOTH parties at BOTH parties.

Trump is trying to rally the PEOPLE. People make the poll numbers go up NOT some party. I have seen Trump polls that put him at 44 to 48 at this point. Trump beat Fox.

Which polls? Where?

Links? Figures?

Come on, put your money where your big fat mouth is, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.

Trump is a misogynist, that should be what's clear. The only difference is, many are just now finding that out for the first time. He hates and objectifies women and I've known that for years.
We are witnessing the crude behavior of not only Trump, but his supporters. One need look no further than the pages of USMB to find immature and foul behavior. Wonder why America's standards and morals are in decline. Well, here you go.

One low class individual and his somewhat-misled backers are not responsible. The moral structure of American society has been in decline for decades, and history clearly shows the responsibility falls squarely on the heads of the Democrats and their supporters.

So you're saying that it's not trump's's societies?
If Trump gets elected to the White House, will he stay up late at night and into the early morning drunk texting and tweeting to world leaders? Is it really wise to have a President with a serious alcohol problem with bouts of insecurity moods and temper tantrums?
When did this conversation get turned around to be talking about Obama. Except he is drinking and snorting cocaine.
Stats is a rather dim bulb, okay a retard. Trump is NOT trying to rally the party. He is just as upset at the party as MILLIONS of people in BOTH parties at BOTH parties.

Trump is trying to rally the PEOPLE. People make the poll numbers go up NOT some party. I have seen Trump polls that put him at 44 to 48 at this point. Trump beat Fox.

Which polls? Where?

Links? Figures?

Come on, put your money where your big fat mouth is, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.

Trump is a misogynist, that should be what's clear. The only difference is, many are just now finding that out for the first time. He hates and objectifies women and I've known that for years.
translation~ he is a guy who likes girls

Yea I agree I love girls :)
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!

Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

No they just post pictures of her in silky lingerie and say they would do her.

Not misogynistic at all. Nope.
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

lmao..... this is getting comical now the clown parade on here is defending Fox

Nobody is defending Fox. They did their usual hatchet job, only this time their target was Trump, and his response was a childish, disgusting comeback. They can both be wrong, and they were.
there just is no low the left will CRAWL if they think it can HELP their masters in the PARTY get elected. we saw what they did to Governor Sarah Palin.

people better WAKE UP in this country.
No one has ever lowered standards the way Trump supporters are doing right now. He has done and said things that even Republican leaders have found to be horrible, crude and disturbing behavior. Yet the Trump supporters, that old Tea Party crowd, accepts the lowing of standards and cheers it on.
Liberals called a governor a cu$t. Low life's.

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