Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

As I predicted a while back, Trump has managed to identify what little morsel of dignity remains in contemporary American politics, and he's peed on it.

It looks like the 20% to to 25% of one party that is going to forgive every stupid, embarrassing thing he says will keep doing so. Yuck.


As I said on another thread; If this was just a billionaire making a vanity play taking his or her money and deciding, "Oh, holding public office may be fun" (ala Al Franken sort of or Meg Whitman or Sonny Bono or Clint Eastwood back when he was Mayor of Carmel, CA), you could look at it and dismiss it. But Trump sounds just like the hard right loonies here.

He's not blazing any new paths, he's giving the detestable morons of the GOP a loudspeaker.

If the Dems were smart, they would go into hiding and just let the GOP implode.
But he is candy, he is blazing a new path like I have never seen before, he is saying crap that don't stick, he is playing the left at their own game.he double down ...

No he isn't. He's not saying anything that I haven't heard on this forum time and again. He's taking the worst conservatives have to offer on this forum and giving it a national voice. That is all. The insinuation that Megan Kelly was menstruating is new ground. I'm not sure why you're proud of one of your candidates for making the insinuation but that's the GOP for you...the national party is becoming a pretty dependable joke.
Candy it was a flirt, trump was just girls under 45 plus deal with it every month and us guys know how to run away for a bit.

Quit being so sensitive and PC

from the sensitive one who indulged in the thread about Mrs. Palin liking black meat. they are all two faced hypcrites
Conservative organizations are dis-inviting him to their get together!

The GOP are being mean to Trump!! They are being very mean!!

Is it 3rd party time?:confused:

Boy, I sure hope so. It's shaping up very good for Ms. Clinton and America.

Its shaping up for Anthony "Carlos Dangerous" Wierner if by some miracle he becomes the nominee!!
Conservative organizations are dis-inviting him to their get together!

The GOP are being mean to Trump!! They are being very mean!!

Is it 3rd party time?:confused:

Boy, I sure hope so. It's shaping up very good for Ms. Clinton and America.
Just curious candy why do you want her as president? what does she have to offer than just as a vargina?

I would take Michelle Obama or Joe's binden wife over her.

I'm confident she will appoint center-left jurist to the High Court. That is pretty much it.
I think she will keep us out of wars of choice.
I have zero confidence in her ability to manage our debt but even if I did; I wouldn't have any confidence in her getting it through a divided Congress (which it will be).


Whomever you're going to support, tell us why.
Candy I wish Hillary was president for the past 8 years instead of Obama the country and world would of been in better shape

But since you guys instead elected a guy out of the cook county phone book
In 2008

I am voting for trump , I feel he represents me , this song says it all candy...
Lee Brice - Drinking Class (Official Music Video):
Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.

Then why were there women who won on the apprentice in season 3 and 6?
He has hired both men and women in leadership positions.

Are you aware that The Apprentice was a so-called "reality" show? Its not actually "reality".

He does okay if he's got a script but off the cuff, he has control of what comes out of his mouth.

The president of the United States - that's reality.

See the difference?

They get hired for his companies after the show.
Season 3 - Kendra Todd - took a job at Trump's Palm Beach Mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.
Season 6 - Stefani Schaeffer- She was awarded a one-year contract at the Trump Cap Cana in Santo Domingo.

Read more:


Why did you dodge the point?

Are you aware that The Apprentice was a so-called "reality" show? Its not actually "reality".

He does okay if he's got a script but off the cuff, he has control of what comes out of his mouth.

The president of the United States - that's reality.

Actually, it doesn't matter if he was referring to her menstruation or not.

Bottom line is, he couldn't handle the pressure and he fell apart.

Then, when he had the opportunity to act like a grown up, he made it worse.
So now you are back tracking and stopping being a drama queen on here?

What did Trump say that was so outrageous? Hell us guys say that all the time about girls when they get psycho....


Its biology , we know and understand that, just facts of life.

" guys say that all the time about girls..."

Its tacky and tasteless BUT you're not running for president.

The president of the United States is and should be held to a higher standard than "us guys".

Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.
What are you talking about? He put his daughter in a lot of power over his 120 some buissenes. He is accutaly was just flirting with meygan , He was playing with her..

He was putting on a show, that's what he does.


And he will continue to "put on a show" because that's all he is capable of.
I know, he wants the white house more then I ever seen a guy want something and I don't get why you on the left hates him because Trump is a social liberal.

What harm can he cause as president?

Trump can take on Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and ISiS and compromise with the democrats in congress

Hillary is a warhawk, she will get us in another war and she is bought and sold like obama is.

Drumpf has already said he would take us to war.

Stupidly, he wants to "bomb oil".


He would be helpless against Russia, China, NKorea. Just like the "debate", he would go all to pieces. All he knows is to call them "dummies" and then blame someone else.
Seriously you take his words as gospel?

He invested in real estate and used his advisors to make billions

He is playing your game to win the white house, to get votes.

If he won it all, he would just hire the best advisors possible, remember he told the Koch brothers to fuck off...

What republican in there right mind does that?

Hire the best advisors. Oh okay. And if the advisors don't have the nation's best interest at heart?

Ya know, it was kind of funny a few moments ago. I have some folks staying with me at my condo for the weekend and one of the youngsters had a movie on, "Escape for New York". I sat there watching it for a few moments while the movie started and a narrator explained that the island of Manhattan had been sealed off by a 50 foot wall built up the Jersey Shore, across Northern Harlem and down the West side of Queens and Brooklyn and across the bay in the South. Everything inside the wall was a prison and all of the nation's prisoners were put there.

I sat there and watched the President's plane crash into the City and thought to myself, "What President would authorize that?"

In light of this week's debate and the elements of the right that will support Trump regardless of how utterly classless he becomes, I can now see a Trump administration proposing sort a thing and some folks saying, "Well why not?"
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Oh, and don't count on Kelly remaining a top conservative show host for much longer.

Kelly just did a Natalie Maines move. It might take a year or two, but once the libtards have finished using her to goad conservatives, her career is done, at best second tier.

Maybe then she will let Trump find her a job?

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

So what, maybe she was having a bad day?

Lol, you libtards just don't get it. PEOPLE ARE SICK OF YOUR PC NAZIS!

My bet is that Kelly was just trying to protect her position of first BJ for Murdock.

"First BJ"?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
No, the one getting hurt is the GOP, and its chances of winning the WH in 2016.

The GOP's house is on fire and you and other rightwing nitwits are outside watering the lawn.
Conservative organizations are dis-inviting him to their get together!

The GOP are being mean to Trump!! They are being very mean!!

Is it 3rd party time?:confused:

Boy, I sure hope so. It's shaping up very good for Ms. Clinton and America.
Just curious candy why do you want her as president? what does she have to offer than just as a vargina?

I would take Michelle Obama or Joe's binden wife over her.

I'm confident she will appoint center-left jurist to the High Court. That is pretty much it.
I think she will keep us out of wars of choice.
I have zero confidence in her ability to manage our debt but even if I did; I wouldn't have any confidence in her getting it through a divided Congress (which it will be).


Whomever you're going to support, tell us why.
Candy I wish Hillary was president for the past 8 years instead of Obama the country and world would of been in better shape

But since you guys instead elected a guy out of the cook county phone book
In 2008

I am voting for trump , I feel he represents me , this song says it all candy...
Lee Brice - Drinking Class (Official Music Video):

So you can't articulate a single policy position of the man you're voting for? Why am I not surprised.
The one to be hurt by this exchange is going to be Megyn Kelly. It's a shame because she was likely fed that question. It was her, because criticism of women is impossible. Wherever, does not mean she was menstruating.

Trump is going to win this one. Kelly is getting battered from all sides.
No, the one getting hurt is the GOP, and its chances of winning the WH in 2016.

The GOP's house is on fire and you and other rightwing nitwits are outside watering the lawn.

It would be so wonderful if this kept up until November 2016...
At some point the GOP has got to come to it's senses...doesn't it?
NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You've got a sick mind boy..Get some help. This thread should be in the badlands or flame room certainly not the political room.:slap:
Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.

Then why were there women who won on the apprentice in season 3 and 6?
He has hired both men and women in leadership positions.
I don't know. I do not watch the show. I have read there have been 15 seasons. Are you saying that in 15 seasons there have only been two female winners?

There was six seasons of The Apprentice, a new format was introduced: The Celebrity Apprentice. The celebrity series generally follows the same premise as the original, but with celebrities as contestants participating to win money for their chosen charities, rather than winning a job opportunity
Last edited:
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

lmao..... this is getting comical now the clown parade on here is defending Fox

I'm not defending Fox. This thread is not about Fox. Question: are you brain-damaged?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Don't be a hypocrite yes you are, you are playing Murdoch and Kelly as a victim....

You are trying everything you can to throw Trump under the buss so he don't go after Hillary.

Uhm, no.
Good luck with Trump as your nominee!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
We are witnessing the crude behavior of not only Trump, but his supporters. One need look no further than the pages of USMB to find immature and foul behavior. Wonder why America's standards and morals are in decline. Well, here you go.
Opinions are like Assholes..........everyone has one and they all stink..................

Trump will challenge the Norm and force the other candidates to respond instead of the usual talking in circles..............

And he ensures that it will not be the same old same old..................Boring assed used car salesmen talking on and on and on for a year and a half......................Boring the living hell out of the public................

Usually, I am grateful when the elections end.................Because the lame ass never ending talk finally ends for a while..............


Trump is a wild card.....................possible traitor............if he runs 3rd party.......

He's forcing the PC Bull shit to get a time out...........and I love it.......

When is your side gonna debate.........oops a few months from
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

We graciously accept your concession. Generally, "STFU" is just a jump away from "fuck you"....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So, you figured out that Shut the Fuck Up means Fuck you. Excellent. How long did it take you to figure that out.

Indeed, I graciously accept your concession.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Actually, it doesn't matter if he was referring to her menstruation or not.

Bottom line is, he couldn't handle the pressure and he fell apart.

Then, when he had the opportunity to act like a grown up, he made it worse.
Was that in Texas or Mississippi?
Do you have a problem keeping the two states sorted out in your decelerating cobweb-brain, little huey?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Boy, I sure hope so. It's shaping up very good for Ms. Clinton and America.
Just curious candy why do you want her as president? what does she have to offer than just as a vargina?

I would take Michelle Obama or Joe's binden wife over her.

I'm confident she will appoint center-left jurist to the High Court. That is pretty much it.
I think she will keep us out of wars of choice.
I have zero confidence in her ability to manage our debt but even if I did; I wouldn't have any confidence in her getting it through a divided Congress (which it will be).


Whomever you're going to support, tell us why.
Candy I wish Hillary was president for the past 8 years instead of Obama the country and world would of been in better shape

But since you guys instead elected a guy out of the cook county phone book
In 2008

I am voting for trump , I feel he represents me , this song says it all candy...
Lee Brice - Drinking Class (Official Music Video):

So you can't articulate a single policy position of the man you're voting for? Why am I not surprised.
and Obama did what economically? Except what? He just followed Bush Jr lead

Obama copied off of Bush Jr.

It was the same old shit except Obama made it worse.

Hillary's time came and went we need a business man in office that represents the working man

Trump is the guy.
Maybe they should change the name of their organization from "Red State" to "RINO State" lol

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was dumped from a prime speaking role to an important gathering of conservative activists on Friday for his criticism of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly after a combustible debate performance.

Trump was scheduled to deliver the keynote address on Saturday night at a conference in Atlanta organized by Red State, an influential conservative group.

Red State chief Erick Erickson said he had disinvited Trump from the event because of what he described as "demeaning" remarks about Kelly who was one of three moderators during the first major Republican debate on Thursday night in Cleveland.

"While I have tried to give him great latitude, his remark about Megyn Kelly was a bridge too far," Erickson said, adding he had invited Kelly, one of Fox's highest profile anchors, to attend his conference in Trump's place.

Trump was unbowed by the dumping.

"This is just another example of weakness through being politically correct," his campaign said in a statement.

"For all of the people who were looking forward to Mr. Trump coming, we will miss you. Blame Erick Erickson, your weak and pathetic leader. We'll now be doing another campaign stop at another location."​

Trump dumped from conservative event in Atlanta over inappropriate comments - Yahoo News

Trump is a total douche.

What a train wreck.
Yes. I made a thread about this already... :)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Just curious candy why do you want her as president? what does she have to offer than just as a vargina?

I would take Michelle Obama or Joe's binden wife over her.

I'm confident she will appoint center-left jurist to the High Court. That is pretty much it.
I think she will keep us out of wars of choice.
I have zero confidence in her ability to manage our debt but even if I did; I wouldn't have any confidence in her getting it through a divided Congress (which it will be).


Whomever you're going to support, tell us why.
Candy I wish Hillary was president for the past 8 years instead of Obama the country and world would of been in better shape

But since you guys instead elected a guy out of the cook county phone book
In 2008

I am voting for trump , I feel he represents me , this song says it all candy...
Lee Brice - Drinking Class (Official Music Video):

So you can't articulate a single policy position of the man you're voting for? Why am I not surprised.
and Obama did what economically? Except what? He just followed Bush Jr lead

Obama copied off of Bush Jr.

It was the same old shit except Obama made it worse.

Hillary's time came and went we need a business man in office that represents the working man

Trump is the guy.

And you still can't articulate a single policy position of the man you're voting for. Look, you asked me why I was voting for Hillary. I told you why. Center left jurists in the SC. Surely, you do know something about what Trump would do....anything?

OOOooooohh now there ya had to go and blatantly expose the progs HYPOCRISY... they don't like that.

When letterman, maher or the other guy partipate in the democratic presidential debate, would it be proper to ask them about those obnoxious comments?

If they were running for prez, yes.

What he said, which is nothing more than a misspeak, and what the left said about Palin doesn't even begin to compare. Yesterday the left thought it was funny to say a litany of vulgar, sexist and demeaning things about Palin and her family - and here we are today - Trump makes a gaffe - and here comes the clown brigade wit their false outrage.
Your all hypocrites.

There is a huge difference in what messageboard posters say about women and what the leading Republucan candidate says about women


No, just a tiny minority on the extreme right who continue to propagate the lie and myth of 'PC.'
Trump deflected and attempted to promote the spin that his crude, uncouth and ignorant comments were somehow related to political correctness are only believed by some of his fanatical followers. Fact is it exposes him for what he is. What he is is not a nice image to project for a possible President or elected official of any kind. Pretty much a common thug and dirt bag with lots of money to dress himself up with.

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