Trump going Bat S--- crazy

I guess I just don't get it. If voters are making Trump soar over everyone that not We The People speaking on who they want? Sure, many don't want Trump, but the majority DO, hence where he is now in the polls and delegates. WE THE PEOPLE have spoken and are still speaking. I might not be with them, but I sure hear them. And who am I to shut them up or deny them the person THEY WANT in the MAJORITY?

So my question is....again....what happened to We The People? Do they no longer have a voice and now its up to they vs them and others with agendas get to choose FOR the People? It sure looks like it.

The majority do NOT want Trump. Only a plurality does. The majority actually wants someone, anyone, OTHER than Trump.

So that would be We the People speaking. The majority of votes have been cast for NOT-Trump, and when you factor in polls about second choices, it becomes even clearer.

Learn the difference between a majority and a plurality.
Sure, many don't want Trump, but the majority DO

If he does not gain a majority, then a majority do not.
And those who don't want him (insert reason here________) will make damn sure to rig it where he won't get the majority, even if that means giving up their own delegates to force a whole new ballgame.

To me..that stinks. Kinda like what Anonymous did in hacking his private info. I cheered for Anonymous when they went after the bad guys, after terrorists, etc. But to go after someone gaining due We The People's voices....well....that pretty much sucks just as how the GOP, the Dems, the Media, etc, suck for being poor losers.

I miss We The People. Even if I don't like their choice. WE. US. is now THEM.

You clearly have no idea who and what the Republican Party is, what their rules are, or how the whole process works. You just have a vague idea of how it "should" be, and want to have a pissy fit if reality doesn't match that.

I could explain it, but I'm damn sure not going to bother if I think you're not going to listen anyway.
You are correct. His supporters are angry, but as I've said before, it's the anger of helpless victims who have no clue how to stop being so, nor really any desire to.
On the contrary, I think they DO know how to stop being helpless victims. STOP allowing self-appointed elitist Oligarchist RULE rather than represent, 'throwing the bums out' is a good start. Unfortunately the only 'leader' to step to the forefront and offer to be their voice and take up the fight is Trump.

People have craved LEADERSHIP and a CHAMPION for so long but have only been offered would-be self-appointed rulers for so long. They crave leadership and a champion SO badly that they are even willing to follow a guy like Trump who promises (at least) to give them back REPRESENTATIVE government, making AMERICA...a higher priority that illegals, 'refugees', and people who wish us harm, and a government that supports and respects the Constitution and rule of law - which they swore an oath to support and defend.

The GOP have only offered lip service and false promises to provide these things. liberals don't even TRY to convince people that's what they are about anymore, as they are running a Socialist as a candidate for President and have sided with a terrorist / hate group like BLM while ignoring and breaking the law to bring Illegals into the country for their own benefit.

I am not surprised the American people have turned to and lifted up an alternative guy / choice like Trump...I am actually more surprised that it took THIS long for people to get frustrated and mad enough to do so.

No, they really don't. What they're doing right now is very akin to Black Lives Matter protestors having a riot. Running around preening themselves on how they're "throwing the bums out" without any idea how to define "the bums" - other than "someone I don't agree with" - or what constitutes "leadership" or thinking they need a "champion" to do things for them or having any fucking clue about a sensible, workable plan to replace the system they just want to smash and burn is not the behavior of people who've stopped being helpless victims. It's EXACTLY an example of the frustrated impotence one sees in a victim.
They crave leadership and a champion SO badly that they are even willing to follow a guy like Trump who promises (at least) to give them back REPRESENTATIVE government

No he doesn't. His entire agenda is that he's going to do whatever the hell he wants, because he wants, because he thinks that being President makes him king. The only people who are listening to him are the remnants of the once politically powerful Baby Boomers. An entire generation who have spent their entire lives stomping their feet and having hissies whenever they don't get what they want, who are now having the meltdown of their lives as they desperately try to hold on to power before senility takes them to the nursing home. But hey, at least they're used to wearing diapers.

And they think everything they've been pissed about is going to be wonderful, not because it's going to change, but because THEY are going to be the ones doing it . . . or so they believe. Of course, the first time what they want doesn't coincide with what Donald decides HE wants at that moment, they're going to find out very different. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss . . . but with uglier hair.
They crave leadership and a champion SO badly that they are even willing to follow a guy like Trump who promises (at least) to give them back REPRESENTATIVE government

No he doesn't. His entire agenda is that he's going to do whatever the hell he wants, because he wants, because he thinks that being President makes him king.

Trump's popularity is that he is giving voice to angry Americans and promising to give them what they want.

'He is going to do whatever the hell he wants' sounds like the comments of the Washington Establishment GOP and DNC self-appointed oligarchists who are afraid of someone who will actually strip the power from them and return it to the people.

'Make America Great Again', 'Secure the Border and build a wall' - these are things the Trump fanatics WANT...and he is vowing to give it to them.

He's not going to "return" power to anyone. Have you listened to him? He's all about admiration for the monarchical, dictatorial power Obama only BEGAN to exercise, except he thinks he should be the one doing it. And if anything, he's a bigger megalomaniac than Obama was.
They crave leadership and a champion SO badly that they are even willing to follow a guy like Trump who promises (at least) to give them back REPRESENTATIVE government

No he doesn't. His entire agenda is that he's going to do whatever the hell he wants, because he wants, because he thinks that being President makes him king.

Trump's popularity is that he is giving voice to angry Americans and promising to give them what they want.

'He is going to do whatever the hell he wants' sounds like the comments of the Washington Establishment GOP and DNC self-appointed oligarchists who are afraid of someone who will actually strip the power from them and return it to the people.

'Make America Great Again', 'Secure the Border and build a wall' - these are things the Trump fanatics WANT...and he is vowing to give it to them.

He's not going to "return" power to anyone. Have you listened to him? He's all about admiration for the monarchical, dictatorial power Obama only BEGAN to exercise, except he thinks he should be the one doing it. And if anything, he's a bigger megalomaniac than Obama was.

It's stunning to me how many people are buying this shit. I'll definitely say I'm impressed with Trump's skill as a salesman, ugly and depressing though it is. And I'm frankly ashamed of the number of American's falling for it.
Sure, many don't want Trump, but the majority DO

If he does not gain a majority, then a majority do not.
And those who don't want him (insert reason here________) will make damn sure to rig it where he won't get the majority, even if that means giving up their own delegates to force a whole new ballgame.

To me..that stinks. Kinda like what Anonymous did in hacking his private info. I cheered for Anonymous when they went after the bad guys, after terrorists, etc. But to go after someone gaining due We The People's voices....well....that pretty much sucks just as how the GOP, the Dems, the Media, etc, suck for being poor losers.

I miss We The People. Even if I don't like their choice. WE. US. is now THEM.

You clearly have no idea who and what the Republican Party is, what their rules are, or how the whole process works. You just have a vague idea of how it "should" be, and want to have a pissy fit if reality doesn't match that.

I could explain it, but I'm damn sure not going to bother if I think you're not going to listen anyway.
Where have I ever said I was a republican. Shall I wait?
Where have I ever said I was a democrat. Shall I wait?
Nah. I would be waiting a very long time because you will never find any place I ever said that.
I said We The People decide who is Potus. Not some gang of government thugs on someone's payroll to make things happen that are against what We The People vote on.
I could explain that further but I think I already did..numerous times...but you would have a pissy fit like you are now because I refuse to goosestep to your demands and won't listen anyway.
And while I'm at really need to break the totem posting. It makes you look desperate.
Sure, many don't want Trump, but the majority DO

If he does not gain a majority, then a majority do not.
And those who don't want him (insert reason here________) will make damn sure to rig it where he won't get the majority, even if that means giving up their own delegates to force a whole new ballgame.

To me..that stinks. Kinda like what Anonymous did in hacking his private info. I cheered for Anonymous when they went after the bad guys, after terrorists, etc. But to go after someone gaining due We The People's voices....well....that pretty much sucks just as how the GOP, the Dems, the Media, etc, suck for being poor losers.

I miss We The People. Even if I don't like their choice. WE. US. is now THEM.

You clearly have no idea who and what the Republican Party is, what their rules are, or how the whole process works. You just have a vague idea of how it "should" be, and want to have a pissy fit if reality doesn't match that.

I could explain it, but I'm damn sure not going to bother if I think you're not going to listen anyway.
Where have I ever said I was a republican. Shall I wait?
Where have I ever said I was a democrat. Shall I wait?
Nah. I would be waiting a very long time because you will never find any place I ever said that.
I said We The People decide who is Potus. Not some gang of government thugs on someone's payroll to make things happen that are against what We The People vote on.
I could explain that further but I think I already did..numerous times...but you would have a pissy fit like you are now because I refuse to goosestep to your demands and won't listen anyway.

Where did I say you said you were Republican? Shall I wait?
Where did I ever say ANYTHING about your personal political affiliation? Shall I wait?

Nah. I would be waiting a very long time, because this isn't about you and your party preferences.

So let's skip right to dumbing down an explanation of the conversation so you can figure out what's being said.

Donald Trump is not running for President right now, sweet cheeks. He's running for the Republican Party nomination, so that he CAN run for President. It's not a majority of votes for President that you think he has and he actually doesn't; it's a majority of votes for the nomination.

The Republican Party is not the US government. They're not technically affiliated with the government at all. Their nominating procedure is not managed by any government agency, beyond having to comply with specific rules and procedures. They set their own rules for how their nominations work. If they violate those rules, then they can be sued for breach of contract, but that's about it.

No one is "rigging" anything right now. They're following the rules that are in place, and which have been pretty similar for a very long time. Also, no one "gives up their own delegates" for anything. That isn't how delegates at the convention work at all.

So do us all a favor, little Trumpette, and get the fuck out of your own belly button and over yourself, and stop trying to make this all about you and your personal whatever.

Your "We the People" vote comes later. Right now, it means exactly two things: jack and shit.
Sure, many don't want Trump, but the majority DO

If he does not gain a majority, then a majority do not.
And those who don't want him (insert reason here________) will make damn sure to rig it where he won't get the majority, even if that means giving up their own delegates to force a whole new ballgame.

To me..that stinks. Kinda like what Anonymous did in hacking his private info. I cheered for Anonymous when they went after the bad guys, after terrorists, etc. But to go after someone gaining due We The People's voices....well....that pretty much sucks just as how the GOP, the Dems, the Media, etc, suck for being poor losers.

I miss We The People. Even if I don't like their choice. WE. US. is now THEM.

You clearly have no idea who and what the Republican Party is, what their rules are, or how the whole process works. You just have a vague idea of how it "should" be, and want to have a pissy fit if reality doesn't match that.

I could explain it, but I'm damn sure not going to bother if I think you're not going to listen anyway.
Where have I ever said I was a republican. Shall I wait?
Where have I ever said I was a democrat. Shall I wait?
Nah. I would be waiting a very long time because you will never find any place I ever said that.
I said We The People decide who is Potus. Not some gang of government thugs on someone's payroll to make things happen that are against what We The People vote on.
I could explain that further but I think I already did..numerous times...but you would have a pissy fit like you are now because I refuse to goosestep to your demands and won't listen anyway.

Where did I say you said you were Republican? Shall I wait?
Where did I ever say ANYTHING about your personal political affiliation? Shall I wait?

Nah. I would be waiting a very long time, because this isn't about you and your party preferences.

So let's skip right to dumbing down an explanation of the conversation so you can figure out what's being said.

Donald Trump is not running for President right now, sweet cheeks. He's running for the Republican Party nomination, so that he CAN run for President. It's not a majority of votes for President that you think he has and he actually doesn't; it's a majority of votes for the nomination.

The Republican Party is not the US government. They're not technically affiliated with the government at all. Their nominating procedure is not managed by any government agency, beyond having to comply with specific rules and procedures. They set their own rules for how their nominations work. If they violate those rules, then they can be sued for breach of contract, but that's about it.

No one is "rigging" anything right now. They're following the rules that are in place, and which have been pretty similar for a very long time. Also, no one "gives up their own delegates" for anything. That isn't how delegates at the convention work at all.

So do us all a favor, little Trumpette, and get the fuck out of your own belly button and over yourself, and stop trying to make this all about you and your personal whatever.

Your "We the People" vote comes later. Right now, it means exactly two things: jack and shit.

Yanno if you could just go ahead and get the fuck over your juvenile neuroses and start treating people like human beings, that'd be great.
If he does not gain a majority, then a majority do not.
And those who don't want him (insert reason here________) will make damn sure to rig it where he won't get the majority, even if that means giving up their own delegates to force a whole new ballgame.

To me..that stinks. Kinda like what Anonymous did in hacking his private info. I cheered for Anonymous when they went after the bad guys, after terrorists, etc. But to go after someone gaining due We The People's voices....well....that pretty much sucks just as how the GOP, the Dems, the Media, etc, suck for being poor losers.

I miss We The People. Even if I don't like their choice. WE. US. is now THEM.

You clearly have no idea who and what the Republican Party is, what their rules are, or how the whole process works. You just have a vague idea of how it "should" be, and want to have a pissy fit if reality doesn't match that.

I could explain it, but I'm damn sure not going to bother if I think you're not going to listen anyway.
Where have I ever said I was a republican. Shall I wait?
Where have I ever said I was a democrat. Shall I wait?
Nah. I would be waiting a very long time because you will never find any place I ever said that.
I said We The People decide who is Potus. Not some gang of government thugs on someone's payroll to make things happen that are against what We The People vote on.
I could explain that further but I think I already did..numerous times...but you would have a pissy fit like you are now because I refuse to goosestep to your demands and won't listen anyway.

Where did I say you said you were Republican? Shall I wait?
Where did I ever say ANYTHING about your personal political affiliation? Shall I wait?

Nah. I would be waiting a very long time, because this isn't about you and your party preferences.

So let's skip right to dumbing down an explanation of the conversation so you can figure out what's being said.

Donald Trump is not running for President right now, sweet cheeks. He's running for the Republican Party nomination, so that he CAN run for President. It's not a majority of votes for President that you think he has and he actually doesn't; it's a majority of votes for the nomination.

The Republican Party is not the US government. They're not technically affiliated with the government at all. Their nominating procedure is not managed by any government agency, beyond having to comply with specific rules and procedures. They set their own rules for how their nominations work. If they violate those rules, then they can be sued for breach of contract, but that's about it.

No one is "rigging" anything right now. They're following the rules that are in place, and which have been pretty similar for a very long time. Also, no one "gives up their own delegates" for anything. That isn't how delegates at the convention work at all.

So do us all a favor, little Trumpette, and get the fuck out of your own belly button and over yourself, and stop trying to make this all about you and your personal whatever.

Your "We the People" vote comes later. Right now, it means exactly two things: jack and shit.

Yanno if you could just go ahead and get the fuck over your juvenile neuroses and start treating people like human beings, that'd be great.

Y'know, if they could just go ahead and BE human beings, I might be inclined to treat them as such.

As it is, I have no obligation or desire to extend respect to people who haven't earned it. Breathing in and out simply doesn't impress me.

Don't like it? Take your sandy vagina and go snivel at someone else.
And those who don't want him (insert reason here________) will make damn sure to rig it where he won't get the majority, even if that means giving up their own delegates to force a whole new ballgame.

To me..that stinks. Kinda like what Anonymous did in hacking his private info. I cheered for Anonymous when they went after the bad guys, after terrorists, etc. But to go after someone gaining due We The People's voices....well....that pretty much sucks just as how the GOP, the Dems, the Media, etc, suck for being poor losers.

I miss We The People. Even if I don't like their choice. WE. US. is now THEM.

You clearly have no idea who and what the Republican Party is, what their rules are, or how the whole process works. You just have a vague idea of how it "should" be, and want to have a pissy fit if reality doesn't match that.

I could explain it, but I'm damn sure not going to bother if I think you're not going to listen anyway.
Where have I ever said I was a republican. Shall I wait?
Where have I ever said I was a democrat. Shall I wait?
Nah. I would be waiting a very long time because you will never find any place I ever said that.
I said We The People decide who is Potus. Not some gang of government thugs on someone's payroll to make things happen that are against what We The People vote on.
I could explain that further but I think I already did..numerous times...but you would have a pissy fit like you are now because I refuse to goosestep to your demands and won't listen anyway.

Where did I say you said you were Republican? Shall I wait?
Where did I ever say ANYTHING about your personal political affiliation? Shall I wait?

Nah. I would be waiting a very long time, because this isn't about you and your party preferences.

So let's skip right to dumbing down an explanation of the conversation so you can figure out what's being said.

Donald Trump is not running for President right now, sweet cheeks. He's running for the Republican Party nomination, so that he CAN run for President. It's not a majority of votes for President that you think he has and he actually doesn't; it's a majority of votes for the nomination.

The Republican Party is not the US government. They're not technically affiliated with the government at all. Their nominating procedure is not managed by any government agency, beyond having to comply with specific rules and procedures. They set their own rules for how their nominations work. If they violate those rules, then they can be sued for breach of contract, but that's about it.

No one is "rigging" anything right now. They're following the rules that are in place, and which have been pretty similar for a very long time. Also, no one "gives up their own delegates" for anything. That isn't how delegates at the convention work at all.

So do us all a favor, little Trumpette, and get the fuck out of your own belly button and over yourself, and stop trying to make this all about you and your personal whatever.

Your "We the People" vote comes later. Right now, it means exactly two things: jack and shit.

Yanno if you could just go ahead and get the fuck over your juvenile neuroses and start treating people like human beings, that'd be great.

Y'know, if they could just go ahead and BE human beings, I might be inclined to treat them as such.

As it is, I have no obligation or desire to extend respect to people who haven't earned it. Breathing in and out simply doesn't impress me.

Don't like it? Take your sandy vagina and go snivel at someone else.

Thank you for that ample demo of exactly what I meant.
Miserable wretch.
You clearly have no idea who and what the Republican Party is, what their rules are, or how the whole process works. You just have a vague idea of how it "should" be, and want to have a pissy fit if reality doesn't match that.

I could explain it, but I'm damn sure not going to bother if I think you're not going to listen anyway.
Where have I ever said I was a republican. Shall I wait?
Where have I ever said I was a democrat. Shall I wait?
Nah. I would be waiting a very long time because you will never find any place I ever said that.
I said We The People decide who is Potus. Not some gang of government thugs on someone's payroll to make things happen that are against what We The People vote on.
I could explain that further but I think I already did..numerous times...but you would have a pissy fit like you are now because I refuse to goosestep to your demands and won't listen anyway.

Where did I say you said you were Republican? Shall I wait?
Where did I ever say ANYTHING about your personal political affiliation? Shall I wait?

Nah. I would be waiting a very long time, because this isn't about you and your party preferences.

So let's skip right to dumbing down an explanation of the conversation so you can figure out what's being said.

Donald Trump is not running for President right now, sweet cheeks. He's running for the Republican Party nomination, so that he CAN run for President. It's not a majority of votes for President that you think he has and he actually doesn't; it's a majority of votes for the nomination.

The Republican Party is not the US government. They're not technically affiliated with the government at all. Their nominating procedure is not managed by any government agency, beyond having to comply with specific rules and procedures. They set their own rules for how their nominations work. If they violate those rules, then they can be sued for breach of contract, but that's about it.

No one is "rigging" anything right now. They're following the rules that are in place, and which have been pretty similar for a very long time. Also, no one "gives up their own delegates" for anything. That isn't how delegates at the convention work at all.

So do us all a favor, little Trumpette, and get the fuck out of your own belly button and over yourself, and stop trying to make this all about you and your personal whatever.

Your "We the People" vote comes later. Right now, it means exactly two things: jack and shit.

Yanno if you could just go ahead and get the fuck over your juvenile neuroses and start treating people like human beings, that'd be great.

Y'know, if they could just go ahead and BE human beings, I might be inclined to treat them as such.

As it is, I have no obligation or desire to extend respect to people who haven't earned it. Breathing in and out simply doesn't impress me.

Don't like it? Take your sandy vagina and go snivel at someone else.

Thank you for that ample demo of exactly what I meant.
Miserable wretch.

You've upset me so much, I almost yawned.

You're still sniveling at me. It's still affecting nothing. Butch up, or move the fuck along. I will be who and how I choose to be, and you mean nothing to that equation. Deal with it, or piss off.
Adolf Trump is scary! And his supporters are even scarier!
There are vast numbers of them... I wonder why?

Probably has something to do with the limp-wrists on both sides of the aisle, handling Illegal Aliens with kid gloves.

Probably has something to do with an Imperial Edict on the subject of Dreamers.

Probably has something to do with shoving shitty, expensive Socialized Medicine down the throats of the American People.

Probably has something to do with presiding over an abandoning of morals, in conceding marriage rights to sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals.

Probably has something to do with an executive who spend his first year or two circling the globe embarrassing his countrymen and apologizing for us time and again.

Probably has something to do with an executive who won a Nobel Peace Prize under conditions wherein the nominations closed within 30 days of his first inauguration, before he'd actually had a chance to do anything.

Probably has something to do with a main squeeze who was only proud of America for the first time when her old man nailed the nomination for the first time.

Probably has something to do with eight years of the Magic Negro and his failed messianic Hopey-Changey horseshit.

Probably has something to do with eight years of Rule by Imperial Decree.

Yeah... some of that shit probably has something to do with it... maybe... kinda sorta... ya think?

Way too long bruh. I can simplify in one line.

Has plenty to do with the old adage, 'Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

It is understood that Liberals cannot deal with the fact that a huge percentage of the American People are rejecting their agenda.

Anything to deflect attention away from the fact that the Liberal agenda sucks, and is unpopular, and is unhealthy for America over the long haul.

And, as to the stupidity of the American People, well...

That's another stereotypically Liberal piece of political dogma - the idea that Liberals know what's good for you, even better than you do, yourself.

Another reason to sweep you characters off the national stage for a while.

Time for a political Market Correction.
Adolf Trump is scary! And his supporters are even scarier!
There are vast numbers of them... I wonder why?

Probably has something to do with the limp-wrists on both sides of the aisle, handling Illegal Aliens with kid gloves.

Probably has something to do with an Imperial Edict on the subject of Dreamers.

Probably has something to do with shoving shitty, expensive Socialized Medicine down the throats of the American People.

Probably has something to do with presiding over an abandoning of morals, in conceding marriage rights to sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals.

Probably has something to do with an executive who spend his first year or two circling the globe embarrassing his countrymen and apologizing for us time and again.

Probably has something to do with an executive who won a Nobel Peace Prize under conditions wherein the nominations closed within 30 days of his first inauguration, before he'd actually had a chance to do anything.

Probably has something to do with a main squeeze who was only proud of America for the first time when her old man nailed the nomination for the first time.

Probably has something to do with eight years of the Magic Negro and his failed messianic Hopey-Changey horseshit.

Probably has something to do with eight years of Rule by Imperial Decree.

Yeah... some of that shit probably has something to do with it... maybe... kinda sorta... ya think?

Way too long bruh. I can simplify in one line.

Has plenty to do with the old adage, 'Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

It is understood that Liberals cannot deal with the fact that a huge percentage of the American People are rejecting their agenda.

Anything to deflect attention away from the fact that the Liberal agenda sucks, and is unpopular, and is unhealthy for America over the long haul.

And, as to the stupidity of the American People, well...

That's another stereotypically Liberal piece of political dogma - the idea that Liberals know what's good for you, even better than you do, yourself.

Another reason to sweep you characters off the national stage for a while.

Time for a political Market Correction.

No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?

Is he leading this "Liberal agenda"?

Based on his repeated attacks on the Constitution itself and that Liberal document the "Bill of Rights".... it would not seem so.
'Cause you want edgy people who are susceptible to paranoid fits with their finger on the nuclear button.
Based on his repeated attacks on the Constitution itself and that Liberal document the "Bill of Rights".... it would not seem so.

You have yet to document that. You bleated something last night, but have yet to show relevance to your claim. See #218 and 219.

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