Trump going Bat S--- crazy

Based on his repeated attacks on the Constitution itself and that Liberal document the "Bill of Rights".... it would not seem so.

You have yet to document that. You bleated something last night, but have yet to show relevance to your claim. See #218 and 219.

I don't "have to" do jack shit. You played dumb last night, and you got your little piñata. Now you're afraid to bust it open.
Based on his repeated attacks on the Constitution itself and that Liberal document the "Bill of Rights".... it would not seem so.

You have yet to document that. You bleated something last night, but have yet to show relevance to your claim. See #218 and 219.

I don't "have to" do jack shit. You played dumb last night, and you got your little piñata. Now you're afraid to bust it open.

Ah, the usual non-answer. Welly-well.
...No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?...
No idea? Unlikely.

The thread is, indeed, about Donald Trump.

Trump is leading the American reaction against that same agenda.

Had Libs not gone overboard in a half-dozen areas, Trump would not have been able to gain the foothold he now enjoys.
...No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?...
No idea? Unlikely.

The thread is, indeed, about Donald Trump.

Trump is leading the American reaction against that same agenda.

Had Libs not gone overboard in a half-dozen areas, Trump would not have been able to gain the foothold he now enjoys.
he's leading the republican agenda which is light years away from being the american agenda Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
...he's leading the republican agenda...
Incorrect. He's leading the Right half of the Populist agenda that has sprung-up this campaign season.

...which is light years away from being the american agenda...
What is the American Agenda?

Trump is leading the reaction of that portion of the American People which are rebelling against the forcibly imposed Liberal Agenda of the past seven years.

...Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
Never said they weren't anti-Trump.

They are.

Establishment Ruling Elites within the Republican Party Old Guard are getting their asses kicked on the campaign trail at the moment.

Vast numbers of Americans, disgusted with the Liberal Agenda, are attempting to brush aside the Old Guard in the Republican Party, and using the shell.
...he's leading the republican agenda...
Incorrect. He's leading the Right half of the Populist agenda that has sprung-up this campaign season.

...which is light years away from being the american agenda...
What is the American Agenda?

Trump is leading the reaction of that portion of the American People which are rebelling against the forcibly imposed Liberal Agenda of the past seven years.

...Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
Never said they weren't anti-Trump.

They are.

Establishment Ruling Elites within the Republican Party Old Guard are getting their asses kicked on the campaign trail at the moment.

Vast numbers of Americans, disgusted with the Liberal Agenda, are attempting to brush aside the Old Guard in the Republican Party, and using the shell.
Kondor I have bad news for you If Drumpf is your final answer ,in my educated opinion ,you'll lose the senate too..You talk about the past 7 years but make no mention of the 8 previous to that?? the 8 years of a repub president that almost sank America?
...No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?...
No idea? Unlikely.

The thread is, indeed, about Donald Trump.

Trump is leading the American reaction against that same agenda.

Had Libs not gone overboard in a half-dozen areas, Trump would not have been able to gain the foothold he now enjoys.
he's leading the republican agenda which is light years away from being the american agenda Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
That's hilarious!
You put up the names of two LOSERS! and claim THEY are the best judges of who is a winner and who isn't?
...he's leading the republican agenda...
Incorrect. He's leading the Right half of the Populist agenda that has sprung-up this campaign season.

...which is light years away from being the american agenda...
What is the American Agenda?

Trump is leading the reaction of that portion of the American People which are rebelling against the forcibly imposed Liberal Agenda of the past seven years.

...Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
Never said they weren't anti-Trump.

They are.

Establishment Ruling Elites within the Republican Party Old Guard are getting their asses kicked on the campaign trail at the moment.

Vast numbers of Americans, disgusted with the Liberal Agenda, are attempting to brush aside the Old Guard in the Republican Party, and using the shell.
Kondor I have bad news for you If Drumpf is your final answer ,in my educated opinion ,you'll lose the senate too..You talk about the past 7 years but make no mention of the 8 previous to that?? the 8 years of a repub president that almost sank America?
How did Bush "almost sink America"? You libs love to repeat shit over hoping it finally becomes fact, like Joseph Goebbels.
...he's leading the republican agenda...
Incorrect. He's leading the Right half of the Populist agenda that has sprung-up this campaign season.

...which is light years away from being the american agenda...
What is the American Agenda?

Trump is leading the reaction of that portion of the American People which are rebelling against the forcibly imposed Liberal Agenda of the past seven years.

...Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
Never said they weren't anti-Trump.

They are.

Establishment Ruling Elites within the Republican Party Old Guard are getting their asses kicked on the campaign trail at the moment.

Vast numbers of Americans, disgusted with the Liberal Agenda, are attempting to brush aside the Old Guard in the Republican Party, and using the shell.
Kondor I have bad news for you If Drumpf is your final answer ,in my educated opinion ,you'll lose the senate too..You talk about the past 7 years but make no mention of the 8 previous to that?? the 8 years of a repub president that almost sank America?
Oh, hell, I think Trump would be a frigging disaster as President; I'm simply enjoying watching the Ruling Elites on both sides of the aisle squirm, as The People rebel.

I see merit in several of his ideas: ejecting Illegal Aliens; banning immigrants from Muslim-dominated countries for some years; bringing jobs back on-shore, etc.

His tactics in pursuit of those solutions are ridiculous in the classic sense: worthy of ridicule --- worthy goals; stupid plans for accomplishing them.

It's just that Trump is entirely unsuited for the Presidency, and I don't want him anywhere near the Launch Codes, or the Treasury.

Except for the violence he's inciting, it's almost a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger; much like the Paulite dilemna.

In Trump's case, the price for obtaining some of those excellent goals is simply too high, and carries too much risk for Democracy in the United States.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the hell out of both Trump and Sanders, sending a gut-wrenching message to Ruling Elites on both sides of the aisle.

That message being: "You have lost touch with The People, and what they want, and how they want you to go about accomplishing what they want. You're fired."
Last edited:
...No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?...
No idea? Unlikely.

The thread is, indeed, about Donald Trump.

Trump is leading the American reaction against that same agenda.

Had Libs not gone overboard in a half-dozen areas, Trump would not have been able to gain the foothold he now enjoys.
he's leading the republican agenda which is light years away from being the american agenda Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
That's hilarious!
You put up the names of two LOSERS! and claim THEY are the best judges of who is a winner and who isn't?
Were these 2 losers as you call them republicans top choices??? and fyi bush was the greatest loser of them all
...he's leading the republican agenda...
Incorrect. He's leading the Right half of the Populist agenda that has sprung-up this campaign season.

...which is light years away from being the american agenda...
What is the American Agenda?

Trump is leading the reaction of that portion of the American People which are rebelling against the forcibly imposed Liberal Agenda of the past seven years.

...Many in his own party smell the stink of drumph too Are they all unamerican?? Romney McCain etc etc come to mind
Never said they weren't anti-Trump.

They are.

Establishment Ruling Elites within the Republican Party Old Guard are getting their asses kicked on the campaign trail at the moment.

Vast numbers of Americans, disgusted with the Liberal Agenda, are attempting to brush aside the Old Guard in the Republican Party, and using the shell.
Kondor I have bad news for you If Drumpf is your final answer ,in my educated opinion ,you'll lose the senate too..You talk about the past 7 years but make no mention of the 8 previous to that?? the 8 years of a repub president that almost sank America?
How did Bush "almost sink America"? You libs love to repeat shit over hoping it finally becomes fact, like Joseph Goebbels.
Guess the greatest recession of our time wasn't a fact Guess the unnecessary war killing 1000's wasn't a fact either Seems all you repubs have alzheimers
...Guess the greatest recession of our time wasn't a fact Guess the unnecessary war killing 1000's wasn't a fact either Seems all you repubs have alzheimers
What has any of this to do with the unsuitability of the Liberal Agenda, and the present Populist Rebellion against it?
...Guess the greatest recession of our time wasn't a fact Guess the unnecessary war killing 1000's wasn't a fact either Seems all you repubs have alzheimers
What has any of this to do with the unsuitability of the Liberal Agenda, and the present Populist Rebellion against it?
Your rebellion takes place in different amounts EVERYTIME a dem is president You remind me of the boys who cry ""wolf" America has never been better Many times better than under the killer GWB
...No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?...
No idea? Unlikely.

The thread is, indeed, about Donald Trump.

Trump is leading the American reaction against that same agenda.

Ah, I see now.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, and Rump rails against it every chance he gets.
Well, can't argue with that. True dat.

The mystery therein would be (a) why any American would support such an attack, and (b) how he could ever get through the oath of office which specifically requires the oathtaker submit to it.
...Guess the greatest recession of our time wasn't a fact Guess the unnecessary war killing 1000's wasn't a fact either Seems all you repubs have alzheimers
What has any of this to do with the unsuitability of the Liberal Agenda, and the present Populist Rebellion against it?
Your rebellion takes place in different amounts EVERYTIME a dem is president You remind me of the boys who cry ""wolf" America has never been better Many times better than under the killer GWB
Newflash, my friend...

Trump is leading the Populist Rebellion on the Right...

Sanders is leading the Populist Rebellion on the Left...

The Magic Negro has nothing to do with it...
...No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?...
No idea? Unlikely.

The thread is, indeed, about Donald Trump.

Trump is leading the American reaction against that same agenda.

Ah, I see now. Liberals wrote the Constitution, and Rump rails against it every chance he gets. Well, can't argue with that. True dat...
C'mon, now, Pogo... that's about the worst long-reach I've seen you make, to try (and fail) to establish a segue, in quite some time. Having an off day?

...The mystery therein would be (a) why any American would support such an attack, and (b) how he could ever get through the oath of office which specifically requires the oathtaker submit to it.
Your question only works if the underlying premise (above) works... trouble is, it does not.
...No idea what a "Liberal agenda" is, other than the country we're living in, but I believe this thread is about Donald Rump?...
No idea? Unlikely.

The thread is, indeed, about Donald Trump.

Trump is leading the American reaction against that same agenda.

Ah, I see now.

Liberals wrote the Constitution, and Rump rails against it every chance he gets.
Well, can't argue with that. True dat.

The mystery therein would be (a) why any American would support such an attack, and (b) how he could ever get through the oath of office which specifically requires the oathtaker submit to it.
Easy answer is that drumph and most republicans speak out of both sides of their mouths ,,,what was good yesterday is bad today and visa versa
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

How is predicting riots going off the deep end?
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

How is predicting riots going off the deep end?
If trump is at or near the requisite No. of delegates, and the Establishment Ruling Elites of the Republican Party steal the nomination away from him, there will, in all likelihood, be considerable rioting.

I fail to see how Trumps snapshot off-the-cuff prediction is either (a) inaccurate or (b) an example of inciting to riot.

LibTards and their Mainstream Media butt-buddies notwithstanding.

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