Trump going Bat S--- crazy

I didn't say you did. I asked a simple question.
Thank you.

And you are wrong about Trump not giving a damn. He's thin- skinned beyond comprehension.

By saying I don't think Trump gives a damn I meant he has NO PROBLEM going after you with everything he's got, to destroy you...unlike the timid 'PC' GOP politicians before him. Oh yeah, I agree he is thin-skinned, and when you insult him he goes after you with the attempt to destroy you.

What a lovely set of qualities in the President: thin-skinned, petty, and vindictive. And we thought the IRS was bad before.
What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Exactly. This isn't just about "Woo hoo, I jumped on the most popular bandwagon!" We either win by having a good President, or we lose by having a shitty one. If we get down to Trump v Clinton, there is no path to winning for America.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Well, thank you for putting your partisan rivalries ahead of the future of America. Way to prioritize.

Meanwhile, if you really believe that Donald Trump - not "Republicans"; Donald fucking Trump is who we're talking about - "pales in comparison", then you aren't paying very close attention . . . or you're busy making up excuses for him because you're so desperate to say the guy you voted for won, like that conveys some sort of personal luster onto you.
By saying I don't think Trump gives a damn I meant he has NO PROBLEM going after you with everything he's got, to destroy you...unlike the timid 'PC' GOP politicians before him. Oh yeah, I agree he is thin-skinned, and when you insult him he goes after you with the attempt to destroy you.

This is the way impotent people talk. Or as Trump calls them: His base.
By saying I don't think Trump gives a damn I meant he has NO PROBLEM going after you with everything he's got, to destroy you...unlike the timid 'PC' GOP politicians before him. Oh yeah, I agree he is thin-skinned, and when you insult him he goes after you with the attempt to destroy you.

This is the way impotent people talk. Or as Trump calls them: His base.

You are correct. His supporters are angry, but as I've said before, it's the anger of helpless victims who have no clue how to stop being so, nor really any desire to.
What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.

Yeah, except now the "Republicans" are just like them in that regard, so . . .

No amount of dodging and trying to deflect off onto, "But Hillary!" is going to change the fact that Donald Trump is a coin from the same mint.

You must prove your point, not merely pronounce it.
The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Of course you do. You're an Eliminationist. That would leave you with the one-party state you masturbate about.

I am an American, and tire of those determined to destroy it by claiming it is something that it most assuredly by Constitutional mandate is not.
And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Of course you do. You're an Eliminationist. That would leave you with the one-party state you masturbate about.

I am an American, and tire of those determined to destroy it by claiming it is something that it most assuredly by Constitutional mandate is not.

Then you have a bizarro way of expressing it, since Rump has declared war on the Constitution, at least twice.
The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Well, thank you for putting your partisan rivalries ahead of the future of America. Way to prioritize.

Meanwhile, if you really believe that Donald Trump - not "Republicans"; Donald fucking Trump is who we're talking about - "pales in comparison", then you aren't paying very close attention . . . or you're busy making up excuses for him because you're so desperate to say the guy you voted for won, like that conveys some sort of personal luster onto you.

I am not partisan. I have no party. I belong to no political organizations.

I am not a particular fan of Donald Trump. I do however, consider the Democratic Party no better than a garden variety terrorist organization, more akin to foreign interlopers.

I will therefore vote to oppose it.
Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Of course you do. You're an Eliminationist. That would leave you with the one-party state you masturbate about.

I am an American, and tire of those determined to destroy it by claiming it is something that it most assuredly by Constitutional mandate is not.

Then you have a bizarro way of expressing it, since Rump has declared war on the Constitution, at least twice.

You may feel free to post the evidence now.
And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Well, thank you for putting your partisan rivalries ahead of the future of America. Way to prioritize.

Meanwhile, if you really believe that Donald Trump - not "Republicans"; Donald fucking Trump is who we're talking about - "pales in comparison", then you aren't paying very close attention . . . or you're busy making up excuses for him because you're so desperate to say the guy you voted for won, like that conveys some sort of personal luster onto you.

I am not partisan. I have no party. I belong to no political organizations.

I am not a particular fan of Donald Trump. I do however, consider the Democratic Party no better than a garden variety terrorist organization, more akin to foreign interlopers.

I will therefore vote to oppose it.

What's more, they could pass a law against blanket statements.
Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Well, thank you for putting your partisan rivalries ahead of the future of America. Way to prioritize.

Meanwhile, if you really believe that Donald Trump - not "Republicans"; Donald fucking Trump is who we're talking about - "pales in comparison", then you aren't paying very close attention . . . or you're busy making up excuses for him because you're so desperate to say the guy you voted for won, like that conveys some sort of personal luster onto you.

I am not partisan. I have no party. I belong to no political organizations.

I am not a particular fan of Donald Trump. I do however, consider the Democratic Party no better than a garden variety terrorist organization, more akin to foreign interlopers.

I will therefore vote to oppose it.

What's more, they could pass a law against blanket statements.


I call it as I see it.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.

Yeah, except now the "Republicans" are just like them in that regard, so . . .

No amount of dodging and trying to deflect off onto, "But Hillary!" is going to change the fact that Donald Trump is a coin from the same mint.

You must prove your point, not merely pronounce it.

No, I "must" do nothing. If you need someone to PROVE to you that Donald Trump is a nightmare in a bad comb-over, then you wouldn't listen, internalize, or believe the proof, anyway. He puts my point on display every time he opens his mouth. You either get that, or you never will. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see, y'know?
And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Well, thank you for putting your partisan rivalries ahead of the future of America. Way to prioritize.

Meanwhile, if you really believe that Donald Trump - not "Republicans"; Donald fucking Trump is who we're talking about - "pales in comparison", then you aren't paying very close attention . . . or you're busy making up excuses for him because you're so desperate to say the guy you voted for won, like that conveys some sort of personal luster onto you.

I am not partisan. I have no party. I belong to no political organizations.

I am not a particular fan of Donald Trump. I do however, consider the Democratic Party no better than a garden variety terrorist organization, more akin to foreign interlopers.

I will therefore vote to oppose it.

That's you. I don't cast votes "against". I cast them for. If I'm not being presented anyone I want to vote FOR, then I will find someone. I will NOT vote willy-nilly, simply to be "against". That has never, EVER worked out well.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Of course you do. You're an Eliminationist. That would leave you with the one-party state you masturbate about.

I am an American, and tire of those determined to destroy it by claiming it is something that it most assuredly by Constitutional mandate is not.

Then you have a bizarro way of expressing it, since Rump has declared war on the Constitution, at least twice.

You may feel free to post the evidence now.

What --- AGAIN?

Don't go :lalala: this time... K?

This came first
I believe ---- directly against the First Amendment, from which the entire Bill of Rights flows, specifically Freedom of Religion...

This came later ---- blatant, unquestionable violation of the First Amendment, this time Freedom of the Press..

--- we could go into all the anti-Freedom of Assembly turds he's been flinging too. That's ..... guess what.... First Amendment yet again.

How in the fuck can this goon even take the oath of office to "preserve protect and defend" the Constitution --- if he can't even grok the First (as in primary, number one) Amendment?

Let him go be the President of North Korea. At least they're used to this kind of shit.
Fuck Donald Rump and everything he stands for.
The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.

Yeah, except now the "Republicans" are just like them in that regard, so . . .

No amount of dodging and trying to deflect off onto, "But Hillary!" is going to change the fact that Donald Trump is a coin from the same mint.

You must prove your point, not merely pronounce it.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see, y'know?

See what? Define your claim factually.
Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Well, thank you for putting your partisan rivalries ahead of the future of America. Way to prioritize.

Meanwhile, if you really believe that Donald Trump - not "Republicans"; Donald fucking Trump is who we're talking about - "pales in comparison", then you aren't paying very close attention . . . or you're busy making up excuses for him because you're so desperate to say the guy you voted for won, like that conveys some sort of personal luster onto you.

I am not partisan. I have no party. I belong to no political organizations.

I am not a particular fan of Donald Trump. I do however, consider the Democratic Party no better than a garden variety terrorist organization, more akin to foreign interlopers.

I will therefore vote to oppose it.

That's you. I don't cast votes "against".

I do, and have through eight presidents, save Reagan.
Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Of course you do. You're an Eliminationist. That would leave you with the one-party state you masturbate about.

I am an American, and tire of those determined to destroy it by claiming it is something that it most assuredly by Constitutional mandate is not.

Then you have a bizarro way of expressing it, since Rump has declared war on the Constitution, at least twice.

You may feel free to post the evidence now.

What --- AGAIN?

Don't go :lalala: this time... K?

This came first
I believe ---- directly against the First Amendment, from which the entire Bill of Rights flows, specifically Freedom of Religion...

This came later ---- blatant, unquestionable violation of the First Amendment, this time Freedom of the Press..

--- we could go into all the anti-Freedom of Assembly turds he's been flinging too. That's ..... guess what.... First Amendment yet again.

How in the fuck can this goon even take the oath of office to "preserve protect and defend" the Constitution --- if he can't even grok the First (as in primary, number one) Amendment?

Let him go be the President of North Korea. At least they're used to this kind of shit.
Fuck Donald Rump and everything he stands for.

What is unconstitutional about holding the press responsible for their exercise of free speech rights? Of course, the press can say what they will, but certainly they are as liable as anyone else under libel laws for damaging lies against any person. People get sued everyday for libel. Why should they not?
Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Of course you do. You're an Eliminationist. That would leave you with the one-party state you masturbate about.

I am an American, and tire of those determined to destroy it by claiming it is something that it most assuredly by Constitutional mandate is not.

Then you have a bizarro way of expressing it, since Rump has declared war on the Constitution, at least twice.

You may feel free to post the evidence now.

What --- AGAIN?

Don't go :lalala: this time... K?

This came first
I believe ---- directly against the First Amendment, from which the entire Bill of Rights flows, specifically Freedom of Religion...

This came later ---- blatant, unquestionable violation of the First Amendment, this time Freedom of the Press..

--- we could go into all the anti-Freedom of Assembly turds he's been flinging too. That's ..... guess what.... First Amendment yet again.

How in the fuck can this goon even take the oath of office to "preserve protect and defend" the Constitution --- if he can't even grok the First (as in primary, number one) Amendment?

Let him go be the President of North Korea. At least they're used to this kind of shit.
Fuck Donald Rump and everything he stands for.

Oh, I overlooked the first.

What is unconstitutional about banning foreign entities from entry into the United States? A far as I can tell, we can ban anyone we choose for any reason, at any time.
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