Trump going Bat S--- crazy

Liberals should be use to Extremely Narcissistic Sociopaths...hasn't seemed to bother them having Obama as President.
Here's a few words that will surely scare the hell out of Liberals:
- 'Elections have consequences!'
- 'I won!'

Obama used these statements to demand from the GOP he get whatever he wanted / wants after he won his election. I thought I would remind all the liberals about these for after Trump wins the Presidency. After he wins remember 'Elections have consequences, he won, then be quiet, and fall in line!


All politicians are either severely narcissistic or sociopathic. You would have to have an unrealistic grandiose perception of yourself to stand onstage and tell crowds of strangers how wonderful you are. It runs on both sides of the aisle

I don't think Hillary is a sociopath. She hates being in public, making speeches and promoting herself. That's why she is so forced and phony on the stump. She IS however married to a classic sociopath. Opposites attract, I guess.
I don't think Hillary is a sociopath.
IMO Hillary IS sociopathic. There is NO WAY IN HELL you can continuously, pathologically lie as much as she does - about everything - as she does and NOT be. And it runs in the family...

Just my opinion.
Trump has the ability to cheat behind his wife's back.

You REALLY want to go there?!

Oh God I PRAY Hillary goes after Trump next about cheating on his wife! please, please, please....

Trump will 'reign hell' down upon Hillary, her sociopathic sexually harassing / sexually assaulting / raping / adultering husband, and any liberal who wants to open that 'Pandora's box' up!

PLEASE, Hillary, say something to Trump to open THAT up! :p

I don't think Trump will go there. His affair became public knowledge when Marla Maples confronted Ivana Trump in Aspen and TOLD her she was having an affair with Donald. If I can remember that I'm sure the press and Hillary do too.
I don't think Hillary is a sociopath.
IMO Hillary IS sociopathic. There is NO WAY IN HELL you can continuously, pathologically lie as much as she does - about everything - as she does and NOT be. And it runs in the family...

Just my opinion.

So you don't think other pols lie? They all do. Every single one of them in both debates are lying about what they will do when and if elected. Trump's lies are just the most outrageous though.
I don't think Trump will go there.

I don't think Trump will go there...unless Hillary does. That's the great thing about Trump - he doesn't give a damn. As I stated earlier, IMO he is not the typical timid GOP candidate who is worried about being 'PC', about nor wanting to offend anyone, and he showed yesterday he is sure as hell NOT going to allow 'you' to attack him and simply turn the other cheek.

Yesterday Hillary suggested he would be an embarrassment, and he responded immediately by embarrassing the hell out of her.
I didn't say you did. I asked a simple question.

Thank you.

And you are wrong about Trump not giving a damn. He's thin- skinned beyond comprehension.

By saying I don't think Trump gives a damn I meant he has NO PROBLEM going after you with everything he's got, to destroy you...unlike the timid 'PC' GOP politicians before him. Oh yeah, I agree he is thin-skinned, and when you insult him he goes after you with the attempt to destroy you.
Liberals should be use to Extremely Narcissistic Sociopaths...hasn't seemed to bother them having Obama as President.
Here's a few words that will surely scare the hell out of Liberals:
- 'Elections have consequences!'
- 'I won!'

Obama used these statements to demand from the GOP he get whatever he wanted / wants after he won his election. I thought I would remind all the liberals about these for after Trump wins the Presidency. After he wins remember 'Elections have consequences, he won, then be quiet, and fall in line!

yeah easy we should let your Gen Custer lead us over the cliff
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....
What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.
Remember how you used to tune into the news to see what crazy loon crap W said?

Now we're watching to see the latest anti-constitution hate speech shit Trumpery is spewing.

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Remember how you used to tune into the news to see what crazy loon crap W said?

Now we're watching to see the latest anti-constitution hate speech shit Trumpery is spewing.

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Perhaps you could post some earlier examples.
Trump has the ability to cheat behind his wife's back.

You REALLY want to go there?!

Oh God I PRAY Hillary goes after Trump next about cheating on his wife! please, please, please....

Trump will 'reign hell' down upon Hillary, her sociopathic sexually harassing / sexually assaulting / raping / adultering husband, and any liberal who wants to open that 'Pandora's box' up!

PLEASE, Hillary, say something to Trump to open THAT up! :p

I don't think Trump will go there. His affair became public knowledge when Marla Maples confronted Ivana Trump in Aspen and TOLD her she was having an affair with Donald. If I can remember that I'm sure the press and Hillary downhill from here. do too.

And then the bastard baby.

Then more sleeping around and more lying, cheating, stealing.

The right has hit a new low and its all downhill from here.

The worst sis that RW anti-America traitors will just make more excuses for him.

Jeeeeeez. I believe we will survive this but damn, it really is disheartening to see how gullible and hate filled the right is.

And how utterly unwilling they are to take responsibility for their own actions and words.

When did that happen?

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no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.
you dance almost as good as dean.....
Trump has the ability to cheat behind his wife's back.

You REALLY want to go there?!

Oh God I PRAY Hillary goes after Trump next about cheating on his wife! please, please, please....

Trump will 'reign hell' down upon Hillary, her sociopathic sexually harassing / sexually assaulting / raping / adultering husband, and any liberal who wants to open that 'Pandora's box' up!

PLEASE, Hillary, say something to Trump to open THAT up! :p

I don't think Trump will go there. His affair became public knowledge when Marla Maples confronted Ivana Trump in Aspen and TOLD her she was having an affair with Donald. If I can remember that I'm sure the press and Hillary downhill from here. do too.

And then the bastard baby.

Then more sleeping around and more lying, cheating, stealing.

The right has hit a new low and its all downhill from here.

The worst sis that RW anti-America traitors will just make more excuses for him.

Jeeeeeez. I believe we will survive this but damn, it really is disheartening to see how gullible and hate filled the right is.

And how utterly unwilling they are to take responsibility for their own actions and words.

When did that happen?

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so luddy a question....why is it that anyone who disagrees with you is a anti-american traitor?...
ACTUALLY it's not TRUMP who is going 'bat sh-- crazy'. It's the Washington Establishment GOP, & Hillary, and the Liberals who will have to face him.

The Establishment GOP haven't been able to slow him down, let alone stop him, OR quell the rebellion going on within their party.

Hillary launched the 1st salvo at Trump yesterday, suggesting he would be an embarrassment to the US, only to get her ass immediately kicked by Trump's response, partially in the form of an ad showing her hilariously barking like a dog!

How does that even work?
That is going to be the question, imo. Not that I care for either Hillary or the Donald, but we may be in for months of Hillary making some position statement and the Donald butting out stuff having nothing to do with the position beyond making some attack on her marriage or looks.

Oh, if he's the nominee, there's no "may" about it. He's never been willing to discuss policies seriously before; why would he be now? His followers would just get bored and wander off if he did.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

I see this election in November as being one of the lowest turnouts percentage wise in American history. Nearing the final days it will be obvious that Hillary will win by huge margins. The Donald has already alienated just about everyone but his core group. Republicans by the droves will be staying home rather than vote for this maniac clown. The lack of turn out will do massive damage to the republican advantage they have in congress.

Trump and his wealth has already made big cracks in the republican party. He will have created insurmountable Chasisms by the time the election rolls around.

I mostly agree but I'm not sure about the damage to Republican holdings in Congress. Rump is sui generis; far as I can tell he's not seen as a representative of "Republicans" by either Republicans or non-Republicans. By the same token if he were to actually take the office, he has no coattails and brings in no friends. He may bring some shills like Christie and Carson, but that's hardly enough to get any kind of legislation passed, let alone change the Constitution.

This is a practical point that his opponents (in any party) should be making. It simply will not work.
What I hear is that many republicans won't be voting and that's going to hurt 5 or 6 repub dem states

Yeah, but what you hear isn't what they're saying, because very few people are discussing simply not voting. Most of them are discussing voting for someone else.

Whether or not they're going to hold Republicans running for other offices responsible for Trump . . . well, that depends.
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.

Yeah, except now the "Republicans" are just like them in that regard, so . . .

No amount of dodging and trying to deflect off onto, "But Hillary!" is going to change the fact that Donald Trump is a coin from the same mint.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
you did not answer her question.....Republicans and Democrats both can be very destructive to the if you vote for the republican who just might fuck us up even more ... did you win just because he beat hillary?....

Her question is of no account, because that is not the prize.

As bad as the Republicans may or may not be, they pale in comparison to the nuevo-Communistas running the Democratic Party. Barack Obama has proven to be one of the most damaging entities in American history. I want the Democrats politically embarrassed, and politically destroyed.

Of course you do. You're an Eliminationist. That would leave you with the one-party state you masturbate about.

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