Trump going Bat S--- crazy

How does what work?

Well --- you think that taking a joke out of context is "hilarious" ---- somehow means other people also don't have the intelligence to take it IN context?

That's kind of a self-delusion, doncha think?
ACTUALLY it's not TRUMP who is going 'bat sh-- crazy'. It's the Washington Establishment GOP, & Hillary, and the Liberals who will have to face him.

The Establishment GOP haven't been able to slow him down, let alone stop him, OR quell the rebellion going on within their party.

Hillary launched the 1st salvo at Trump yesterday, suggesting he would be an embarrassment to the US, only to get her ass immediately kicked by Trump's response, partially in the form of an ad showing her hilariously barking like a dog!

How does that even work?
That is going to be the question, imo. Not that I care for either Hillary or the Donald, but we may be in for months of Hillary making some position statement and the Donald butting out stuff having nothing to do with the position beyond making some attack on her marriage or looks.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

I see this election in November as being one of the lowest turnouts percentage wise in American history. Nearing the final days it will be obvious that Hillary will win by huge margins. The Donald has already alienated just about everyone but his core group. Republicans by the droves will be staying home rather than vote for this maniac clown. The lack of turn out will do massive damage to the republican advantage they have in congress.

Trump and his wealth has already made big cracks in the republican party. He will have created insurmountable Chasisms by the time the election rolls around.

I mostly agree but I'm not sure about the damage to Republican holdings in Congress. Rump is sui generis; far as I can tell he's not seen as a representative of "Republicans" by either Republicans or non-Republicans. By the same token if he were to actually take the office, he has no coattails and brings in no friends. He may bring some shills like Christie and Carson, but that's hardly enough to get any kind of legislation passed, let alone change the Constitution.

This is a practical point that his opponents (in any party) should be making. It simply will not work.
What I hear is that many republicans won't be voting and that's going to hurt 5 or 6 repub dem states
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

I see this election in November as being one of the lowest turnouts percentage wise in American history. Nearing the final days it will be obvious that Hillary will win by huge margins. The Donald has already alienated just about everyone but his core group. Republicans by the droves will be staying home rather than vote for this maniac clown. The lack of turn out will do massive damage to the republican advantage they have in congress.

Trump and his wealth has already made big cracks in the republican party. He will have created insurmountable Chasisms by the time the election rolls around.

I mostly agree but I'm not sure about the damage to Republican holdings in Congress. Rump is sui generis; far as I can tell he's not seen as a representative of "Republicans" by either Republicans or non-Republicans. By the same token if he were to actually take the office, he has no coattails and brings in no friends. He may bring some shills like Christie and Carson, but that's hardly enough to get any kind of legislation passed, let alone change the Constitution.

This is a practical point that his opponents (in any party) should be making. It simply will not work.
What I hear is that many republicans won't be voting and that's going to hurt 5 or 6 repub dem states
Yeah. And for one of the two issues that really matter to me that's actually a good thing, because the gop Justices are going to say a restriction on abortion that is designed to put all abortion clinics out of biz is ok, so long as a state can point to some, no matter how small, health benefit. Sandra Day O'Connor would not be amused.
That is going to be the question, imo. Not that I care for either Hillary or the Donald, but we may be in for months of Hillary making some position statement and the Donald butting out stuff having nothing to do with the position beyond making some attack on her marriage or looks.
The 'dog barking' video was not about her marriage or her looks...unless you are talking about 'LOOKING Presidential'. She inferred Trump would be an embarrassment...Trump just replayed her own actions - the would-be President of the United States, the most powerful free nation in the world on stage barking like a dog.

HILLARY herself brought up the question of who would be a bigger embarrassment to the US....she got her answer, IMO, in the ad showing her barking like a dog.

Trump - 1
Hillary - 0

Sorry, just my opinion.
That is going to be the question, imo. Not that I care for either Hillary or the Donald, but we may be in for months of Hillary making some position statement and the Donald butting out stuff having nothing to do with the position beyond making some attack on her marriage or looks.
The 'dog barking' video was not about her marriage or her looks...unless you are talking about 'LOOKING Presidential'. She inferred Trump would be an embarrassment...Trump just replayed her own actions - the would-be President of the United States, the most powerful free nation in the world on stage barking like a dog.

HILLARY herself brought up the question of who would be a bigger embarrassment to the US....she got her answer, IMO, in the ad showing her barking like a dog.

Trump - 1
Hillary - 0

Sorry, just my opinion.

And it's self-delusionary. It's naught but an echo of the bubblechamber you're swimming in.

Want proof? Watch the original video itself. It's from a speech in front of an audience, and the audience laughs at the line. That's because they were there for the context.

You Bubblistas who think you can pull something out of its context and then it means something it doesn't mean, are only deluding yourselves. But of course Delusion is entirely what the Rump campaign is all about.

Time to wake up.
That is going to be the question, imo. Not that I care for either Hillary or the Donald, but we may be in for months of Hillary making some position statement and the Donald butting out stuff having nothing to do with the position beyond making some attack on her marriage or looks.
The 'dog barking' video was not about her marriage or her looks...unless you are talking about 'LOOKING Presidential'. She inferred Trump would be an embarrassment...Trump just replayed her own actions - the would-be President of the United States, the most powerful free nation in the world on stage barking like a dog.

HILLARY herself brought up the question of who would be a bigger embarrassment to the US....she got her answer, IMO, in the ad showing her barking like a dog.

Trump - 1
Hillary - 0

Sorry, just my opinion.
A bigger embarrassment imho would be the drumph and his punch him in his face line his flat chested women quote fat women quotes etc etc etc The world looks at us and asks wtf is wrong with the greatest country in the world??
That is going to be the question, imo. Not that I care for either Hillary or the Donald, but we may be in for months of Hillary making some position statement and the Donald butting out stuff having nothing to do with the position beyond making some attack on her marriage or looks.
The 'dog barking' video was not about her marriage or her looks...unless you are talking about 'LOOKING Presidential'. She inferred Trump would be an embarrassment...Trump just replayed her own actions - the would-be President of the United States, the most powerful free nation in the world on stage barking like a dog.

HILLARY herself brought up the question of who would be a bigger embarrassment to the US....she got her answer, IMO, in the ad showing her barking like a dog.

Trump - 1
Hillary - 0

Sorry, just my opinion.
She was talking about republicans not telling the truth.
She was talking about republicans not telling the truth.
Yeah, the POT was trying to lecture the KETTLE.
seriously easy, assuming you can, how does putting up a video taking something out of context make Trump look presidential? He's making her point that he behaves like a Jr High kid with photoshop. He can't reply to the substance. He's gonna call other leaders "losers?:"
Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.

Precisely why I won't be voting for the Democrat. They are no longer even vaguely American, IMO.
She was talking about republicans not telling the truth.
Yeah, the POT was trying to lecture the KETTLE.
seriously easy, assuming you can, how does putting up a video taking something out of context make Trump look presidential? He's making her point that he behaves like a Jr High kid with photoshop. He can't reply to the substance. He's gonna call other leaders "losers?:"
I called him a no substance guy a loose cannon America can not afford an idiot like that in the WH especially after the last one ,,,gwb, that they gave us
Want proof the Libs, WE-GOP, and the media are going bat-shite crazy?

Underneath a picture of Trump at a podium is the headline:

Around world, doubts whether Trump could 'make America great again'


The all-powerful WE-GOP hate, scheme against, and oppose him.

The all-powerful Liberals hate, scheme against, and oppose him.

The media, while LOVING the ratings and cash he rakes in for them, hate, scheme against, and oppose him.

Mexico's President hates him.

Merkel hates him.

The UK or Germany (or both) hate him and have mentioned banning him from their countries.

The ONLY people who are pulling for him are the average American Conservatives who have been beat on, shat upon, and 'ruled' by the 'WE-GOPs' and who are now rebelling....people whose only power is to vote for Trump...a power that is about to be potentially STOLEN/IGNORED at a brokered convention...


And YOU LIBS (and media and WE-GOPers) think this man is strong / powerful enough to be the next 'Hitler' and can somehow effect 'WORLD Order'.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?


They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
You mean your average American with a bit of common sense.
Who is more powerful and a bigger THREAT?

Liberals and WE-GOPers who control politics, have circumvented the Constitution and Rule of law, are imposing their will on citizens, are villainizing anyone who dares to rise up against the new Oligarchist rulers status quo, have billionaires scheming and plotting the plan to strip Americans of their elected choice and to replace their choice with a WE-GOP drone and billionaires who have joined with domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers & BLM) in organizing US-wide protests designed to shut down free speech, silence the message / voice of an opposing party...

Or a man who is representing the people, giving voice to their frustration and anger of the people for al lof the reasons mentioned above..

now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

This is the true path of a sociopath. Their worst fear is not getting constant attention. So he creates the environment to get that attention and everyone thinks, OK he's getting what he wants but that's just the beginning. There is no way on earth to fill that void in them. It just gets bigger and darker.

Look, I can almost speak w authority on this. My father is a textbook case sociopath. He's been sucking the air out of every room he walked into for 96 years now, amongst a host of other sociopathic behaviors. He's been married 5 times. Not a typo.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

This is the true path of a sociopath. Their worst fear is not getting constant attention. So he creates the environment to get that attention and everyone thinks, OK he's getting what he wants but that's just the beginning. There is no way on earth to fill that void in them. It just gets bigger and darker.

Look, I can almost speak w authority on this. My father is a textbook case sociopath. He's been sucking the air out of every room he walked into for 96 years now, amongst a host of other sociopathic behaviors. He's been married 5 times. Not a typo.
drumph only 3 times but he still has some time to beat your dads record
Liberals should be use to Extremely Narcissistic Sociopaths...hasn't seemed to bother them having Obama as President.
Here's a few words that will surely scare the hell out of Liberals:
- 'Elections have consequences!'
- 'I won!'

Obama used these statements to demand from the GOP he get whatever he wanted / wants after he won his election. I thought I would remind all the liberals about these for after Trump wins the Presidency. After he wins remember 'Elections have consequences, he won, then be quiet, and fall in line!

now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

This is the true path of a sociopath. Their worst fear is not getting constant attention. So he creates the environment to get that attention and everyone thinks, OK he's getting what he wants but that's just the beginning. There is no way on earth to fill that void in them. It just gets bigger and darker.

Look, I can almost speak w authority on this. My father is a textbook case sociopath. He's been sucking the air out of every room he walked into for 96 years now, amongst a host of other sociopathic behaviors. He's been married 5 times. Not a typo.
drumph only 3 times but he still has some time to beat your dads record

Trump has the ability to cheat behind his wife's back. He did w Marla Maples when he was married to Ivana. So he doesn't need to divorce again.

My dad married his 5th wife when he was 65. She was smart. Kept him on a cruise ship or safari in Africa until she died a few years ago.
Trump has the ability to cheat behind his wife's back.

You REALLY want to go there?!

Oh God I PRAY Hillary goes after Trump next about cheating on his wife! please, please, please....

Trump will 'reign hell' down upon Hillary, her sociopathic sexually harassing / sexually assaulting / raping / adultering husband, and any liberal who wants to open that 'Pandora's box' up!

PLEASE, Hillary, say something to Trump to open THAT up! :p

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