Trump going Bat S--- crazy

now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?


They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
--------------------------------- NUTTERS , thanks for the mention Bruce !! it'll be nice when and if the Donald gets in . I'm looking forward to the wall and the deportation squads doing there jobs just like 'IKES' boys did their jobs in Operation Wetback back in the 50s Bruce !!

Just think!! All vets will have gainful employment!! Damn, you were alive in the 50s? Ike was well thought of for "Operation Wetback" - we sent them scurrying for the border. Look from the 50s to today - Americans had jobs! Oops...I mean until NAFTA sent them all South of the Border....So, I guess the liberals got their "Operation Wetback" in reverse, huh?
------------------------ yep , that was my parents generation that did that because it was my parents that voted for IKE . They fixed my future by excluding illegal aliens from American jobs . My job was always blue collar with excellent benefits , wages and for as long as I wanted it and the only requirement was the ability to learn with on the job training .

Indeed. After I retired from the Army, I took a job as a traffic manager with one of the largest grocery wholesalers in the Midwest. Those guys who worked as drivers and warehousemen made great money, had really nice benefits and could retire with decent pensions.

Unless you are a skilled worker these days - welcome to the wonderful world of part-time employment with little (if any) benefits. Hell, one need only look around - Mexicans are doing nearly job in the workplace these days.

Our "men in Togas" keep promising to "do something about this". I've been hearing this since the early 80s. Nothing has happened from republican to democrat. Nothing but placating from both sides, while the working class takes it in the ass.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

I'm pretty convinced that Trump has a personality disorder of some kind. His followers? They're just plain crazy.

Sort of reminds you of those people who followed scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal from the Clintons and will STILL vote for the evil bitch. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't toss stones around..
I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!

So did I. There was no alternative.
there is always an alternative.....

So. What was it in those two elections?
there are lots of people not in one of the big 2 who have great ideas and are for the country, not the party, who would be better than the same old crap we see the parties putting forth.....but as long as people have your attitude about how only a Democrat or a Republican can only get elected those people will never get elected....thus every year....its the same old shit.....

There is no viable third party with any chance of winning an election in the United States. That's a bald fact.

Noble ideas often lose elections.
see?....with an attitude like that its no multiply your attitude by long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else....we will be here the next election cycle listening to the same people bitching about the same old shit they were bitching about during the last one....and then they will go out and vote for the same old shit again......there was a time when quality people ran and they put the country before the party and its wants...then there was no need for anyone outside the 2 aint that way anymore......
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

I'm pretty convinced that Trump has a personality disorder of some kind. His followers? They're just plain crazy.

Sort of reminds you of those people who followed scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal from the Clintons and will STILL vote for the evil bitch. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't toss stones around..

Not at all since most of those so-called "scandals' were little more than what Shakespeare referred to as Much Ado about Nothing.
as long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else

Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
Hopefully, Trump's run will make liberals more aware of the dangers of democracy.
as long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else

Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....
as long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else

Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

I see this election in November as being one of the lowest turnouts percentage wise in American history. Nearing the final days it will be obvious that Hillary will win by huge margins. The Donald has already alienated just about everyone but his core group. Republicans by the droves will be staying home rather than vote for this maniac clown. The lack of turn out will do massive damage to the republican advantage they have in congress.

Trump and his wealth has already made big cracks in the republican party. He will have created insurmountable Chasisms by the time the election rolls around.
as long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else

Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....
as long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else

Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.
as long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else

Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.
The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats
thats because perot quit....thats on him not other 3rd party people....
I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.
we lose anyhow no matter who gets elected right? rather than just keeping everything the same i and many others will try to get someone in who actually will try to make the so called "leaders" govern the country instead of eating their lunches and blaming each other for their collective failures....
Unless his daughter is running for office, it's irrelevant.

Actually it is very relevant.

He is close to his daughter, and the other poster anti-semitic rants make it relevant.

So there and enjoy.

I'm sure you would say it's relevant. You'd be wrong. My family has both minorities, and Klan members. Does being related to non-white people make the Klan members any less racist and bigoted?

He may like his daughter, but that doesn't tell us jack shit about his feelings about Jewish people in general.

It does for me because she is very important to him, and he is just selling nonsense to those like the other poster.

Trump is a shock jock to me, and I will never vote for him, but he is not anti-semitic like some of his supporters are.

They ( his supporters ) will have a rude awakening when they discover the Donald he is selling is not the real Donald.

Amazingly enough, that's not actually an improvement. If anything, that's WORSE than honestly being anti-semitic. "I love my daughter, but I'm going to say bad things about people of her beliefs just to get elected"? I mean, that's supposed to be BETTER?

Personally, I think he's just shitty and disdainful and obnoxious to and about everyone on the general principle that they're not him, so they MUST be inferior.

The correct word for him is asshole or better yet pompous ass...

Look, if you knew me in real life you would be scratching your head and wondering why the hell I dislike Trump so much, but my words come off as dislike, but all I am being is factual about him.

I believe he is rude like you stated, and a blowhard to boot, but a racist or anti-Semitic, no. Yes he has said many things that will make you cringe, and reality is he has no business being President at all, but do i believe he hate Jewish people of Israel?


Does he hate people below him in society?

Oh hell yes, and that is the New Yorker blood and Scottish blood in his ugly old ass.

I am not joking when I write I am of Scottish blood, and if you ever been around a true Scot you will know they will say some very colorful things that will make you cringe, but then the next moment they will be pulling some minority person from a burning car or building.

It is the way of life with us, and yes it is not Politically Correct and for damn sure Donald is far from that, but again he is nothing like his supporters that believe in their anti-Semitic rant...

Damn, why are you making me defend the worthless fuck?

I'm not making you do anything, Sparkles. You chose to do it because you somehow feel obligated to.

I don't think Donald Trump is anti-Semitic or racist in the way his supporters are, because I think that would be too close to having a guiding principle beyond "What's good for Donald Trump". I think he has a lot of vague, generalized prejudices against anyone who's not just like him, but nothing he can't ignore/jettison should it get in the way of the first and only principle.
Gary Johnson is my alternative.

Same as voting for Hillary.

I love it when someone tell my vote does not matter.

So I either vote for Trump or stay home, right?

And they said Nazism was dead...

There is no third-party wanna-be worth a damn in this country. Gary Johnson is going nowhere. Staying home is also a vote for Hillary.

If you want more of the current administration's policies, do your protest vote thing.

No, dumbass. The only vote for Hillary is a vote that's actually cast for Hillary. Enough with this whole, "My way or Hillary, nothing else exists!" bullshit. The only way that works is if someone "owes" you his vote, and if that's what you think, get the fuck over yourself.

YOU want Donald Trump, YOU make it happen. Not my carnival, not my sideshow freak.

Frankly, I don't want any of them, but I don't want a Democrat far more than I don't want a Republican.

You say that like you think there's actually some difference between the two, or like you think Donald Trump is any more of a "Republican" than Hillary Clinton is a sex symbol.

For me to accept this false narrative that I have some personal obligation to singlehandedly head off Hillary with my one lone vote, I would have to believe that the alternative was less of a catastrophe, and I don't. Yes, yes, thank you, I know you do, and it's irrelevant to whether or not I think so, or what I do with MY vote.

A large part of the reason we're in this mess now is because we've spent so much time buying into this "bandwagon" mindset that the parties, the media, and various others have sold us under the guise of "look how clever and perceptive and calculating you can be; do this and you'll be on the winning side", as though this is some sort of meaningless sporting event with no consequences other than bragging rights.

I'm over it. If a candidate is not a good option in his own right, rather than merely clearing the utterly substandard and unacceptable bare minimum of not being Hillary Clinton (Lots of people are not Hillary Clinton. This does not mean they should be President), then I will not give them my vote, end of discussion, and the responsibility will belong to those who ignored the repeated warning and insisted on having their way, damn the consequences.
Actually it is very relevant.

He is close to his daughter, and the other poster anti-semitic rants make it relevant.

So there and enjoy.

I'm sure you would say it's relevant. You'd be wrong. My family has both minorities, and Klan members. Does being related to non-white people make the Klan members any less racist and bigoted?

He may like his daughter, but that doesn't tell us jack shit about his feelings about Jewish people in general.

It does for me because she is very important to him, and he is just selling nonsense to those like the other poster.

Trump is a shock jock to me, and I will never vote for him, but he is not anti-semitic like some of his supporters are.

They ( his supporters ) will have a rude awakening when they discover the Donald he is selling is not the real Donald.

Amazingly enough, that's not actually an improvement. If anything, that's WORSE than honestly being anti-semitic. "I love my daughter, but I'm going to say bad things about people of her beliefs just to get elected"? I mean, that's supposed to be BETTER?

Personally, I think he's just shitty and disdainful and obnoxious to and about everyone on the general principle that they're not him, so they MUST be inferior.

The correct word for him is asshole or better yet pompous ass...

Look, if you knew me in real life you would be scratching your head and wondering why the hell I dislike Trump so much, but my words come off as dislike, but all I am being is factual about him.

I believe he is rude like you stated, and a blowhard to boot, but a racist or anti-Semitic, no. Yes he has said many things that will make you cringe, and reality is he has no business being President at all, but do i believe he hate Jewish people of Israel?


Does he hate people below him in society?

Oh hell yes, and that is the New Yorker blood and Scottish blood in his ugly old ass.

I am not joking when I write I am of Scottish blood, and if you ever been around a true Scot you will know they will say some very colorful things that will make you cringe, but then the next moment they will be pulling some minority person from a burning car or building.

It is the way of life with us, and yes it is not Politically Correct and for damn sure Donald is far from that, but again he is nothing like his supporters that believe in their anti-Semitic rant...

Damn, why are you making me defend the worthless fuck?

I'm not making you do anything, Sparkles. You chose to do it because you somehow feel obligated to.

I don't think Donald Trump is anti-Semitic or racist in the way his supporters are, because I think that would be too close to having a guiding principle beyond "What's good for Donald Trump". I think he has a lot of vague, generalized prejudices against anyone who's not just like him, but nothing he can't ignore/jettison should it get in the way of the first and only principle.

Well said. Despite any single part of his rhetoric Rump has no pinpointable positions, since he contradicts himself so regularly. But mostly what he does is figure out what buttons he can push on gullible people. Sadly, they hear and obey, then waddle along murmuring "yes master, may I have another". It's hard to watch.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

I see this election in November as being one of the lowest turnouts percentage wise in American history. Nearing the final days it will be obvious that Hillary will win by huge margins. The Donald has already alienated just about everyone but his core group. Republicans by the droves will be staying home rather than vote for this maniac clown. The lack of turn out will do massive damage to the republican advantage they have in congress.

Trump and his wealth has already made big cracks in the republican party. He will have created insurmountable Chasisms by the time the election rolls around.

I mostly agree but I'm not sure about the damage to Republican holdings in Congress. Rump is sui generis; far as I can tell he's not seen as a representative of "Republicans" by either Republicans or non-Republicans. By the same token if he were to actually take the office, he has no coattails and brings in no friends. He may bring some shills like Christie and Carson, but that's hardly enough to get any kind of legislation passed, let alone change the Constitution.

This is a practical point that his opponents (in any party) should be making. It simply will not work.
as long as people only see 2 parties and will not look at anyone else

Sorry, but the numbers rule.

"Warring against [the principles] of the people,... there is no length to which [the delusion of the people] may not be pushed by a party in possession of the revenues and the legal authorities of the United States, for a short time indeed, but yet long enough to admit much particular mischief. There is no event, therefore, however atrocious which may not be expected."
- Thomas Jefferson
you just keep on proving what i am saying.....

What you are saying is that it's reasonable to permit the most damaging party to prevail to prove a point about 3rd party potentialities.

I disagree.
no thats not what i am saying....if everyone has your attitude about someone not in the 2 parties than someone who may be way better than the usual contenders will never get a chance because of the reluctance to cut the dam cord to a party....i would think by now people would be so fed up with the 2 parties that independents would be getting a hell of a lot of support....there are too many people who have that foolish "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....

The most successful 3rd party presidential candidate to date merely gave an election to the Democrats. No one has - and no one currently in play will - gain enough success to win a national election.

I am as fed up with the parties as anyone, but you play the pieces you have to your advantage. Otherwise, you lose.

And I'll ask it again: If the prize is a bucket of raw sewage, have you actually "won" anything?

I just don't see, "I voted for the guy who won! He destroyed the country, but at least he won!" as an acceptable goal.
ACTUALLY it's not TRUMP who is going 'bat sh-- crazy'. It's the Washington Establishment GOP, & Hillary, and the Liberals who will have to face him.

The Establishment GOP haven't been able to slow him down, let alone stop him, OR quell the rebellion going on within their party.

Hillary launched the 1st salvo at Trump yesterday, suggesting he would be an embarrassment to the US, only to get her ass immediately kicked by Trump's response, partially in the form of an ad showing her hilariously barking like a dog!

A Democratic campaign planner immediately called Trump' dangerous because they have never seen anything like him before. The GOP in the past have been too timid and unwilling to bring out the skeletons from their opponents' closets. Trump is NOT that kind of GOP....he has no problem pointing out the fact and 'calling an ugly baby ugly'. Hillary just caught a dose of REALITY yesterday...and it scares her and the libs.

It should.
ACTUALLY it's not TRUMP who is going 'bat sh-- crazy'. It's the Washington Establishment GOP, & Hillary, and the Liberals who will have to face him.

The Establishment GOP haven't been able to slow him down, let alone stop him, OR quell the rebellion going on within their party.

Hillary launched the 1st salvo at Trump yesterday, suggesting he would be an embarrassment to the US, only to get her ass immediately kicked by Trump's response, partially in the form of an ad showing her hilariously barking like a dog!

How does that even work?

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