Trump going Bat S--- crazy

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!
Listen to this for your answer. WARNING: You will get very angry over what you hear >>>>> Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official
The only people who would get angry over that are the people so stupid they thought voting for a Republican would change things no matter how many times they swallowed that GOP lie.
the reason most are voting for Trump, ( the ones I know personally ) are doing it more to send a message to the GOP that we are tired of the bullshit that is going on in Washington and its time to bring in non career politicians to do the job.
The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!
not really, they are both short, brown, smell like grease and talk funny.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
He could be right about the riots if he is not picked after the majority of votes were for him.
If Bernie where to get the majority and the democrats picked Hillary, I would stand with those protesting because of it. ( I would pick a non-violent group to stand with though)
If they are going to just pick whoever they want, why waste the time voting in the first place.
If he has a maj, I think they gotta swallow hard and run with him. If he merely has a plurality ... there's no change of the rules. Baisically the same thing happened in 76. The delegates are all released and the candidates make their pitch as to why they should be the nominee unitl .... wait for it...... somebody gest the majority.

If the thugs want to riot, billy clubs and tasers and gas.
Adolf Trump is scary! And his supporters are even scarier!
no more scarier than people who would vote for hillary....yea i said of two half-ass people will be the president....arent we lucky.....
Harry Harry Harry surely a person with your intelligence can't equate trump that moron politically speaking , with hillary who is far above trumps level of political intelligence?
with hillary it will be the same old shit.....she will be so besides herself that she is finally the top dog,poor bill regulated to hosting all the tea eddie ...trump,clinton...its just another half-assed president to getting used to it....besides local elections are more important,they actually have an effect on your life....
Heard something the other day about how economy rises under dems falls under republicans
What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!
not really, they are both short, brown, smell like grease and talk funny.

Ummm, I think you are confusing the El Salvadorian or Filipinos with Cubans...
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
He could be right about the riots if he is not picked after the majority of votes were for him.
If Bernie where to get the majority and the democrats picked Hillary, I would stand with those protesting because of it. ( I would pick a non-violent group to stand with though)
If they are going to just pick whoever they want, why waste the time voting in the first place.
If he has a maj, I think they gotta swallow hard and run with him. If he merely has a plurality ... there's no change of the rules. Baisically the same thing happened in 76. The delegates are all released and the candidates make their pitch as to why they should be the nominee unitl .... wait for it...... somebody gest the majority.

If the thugs want to riot, billy clubs and tasers and gas.
Billy Kinetta clubs
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
He could be right about the riots if he is not picked after the majority of votes were for him.
If Bernie where to get the majority and the democrats picked Hillary, I would stand with those protesting because of it. ( I would pick a non-violent group to stand with though)
If they are going to just pick whoever they want, why waste the time voting in the first place.
If he has a maj, I think they gotta swallow hard and run with him. If he merely has a plurality ... there's no change of the rules. Baisically the same thing happened in 76. The delegates are all released and the candidates make their pitch as to why they should be the nominee unitl .... wait for it...... somebody gest the majority.

If the thugs want to riot, billy clubs and tasers and gas.
instead of riots I think the thing to do, if the dems run their winner of the votes and the republicans don't, would be for people to vote a straight dem ticket for president and anyone else running, and see if congress can wrap their head around the idea then.
if Trump gets the common vote and Cruz runs, I think it would be fitting for Cruz to be beat in such a way that never before had someone been beat, and chances are never again could anyone be beat so badly.
Its the only message that congress understands. They are in it for their seats only.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

What would happen on the left if Hillary or Bernie made it to the convention floor and the DNC had plotted to steal their nomination and put up Joe Lieberman as the Democrat candidate?

Seriously. What would your side of the aisle do?
be very pissed
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!
not really, they are both short, brown, smell like grease and talk funny.

Ummm, I think you are confusing the El Salvadorian or Filipinos with Cubans...
same difference.
I will say that the Cubans risked more coming here than the others, that might count for something.
Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!
not really, they are both short, brown, smell like grease and talk funny.

Ummm, I think you are confusing the El Salvadorian or Filipinos with Cubans...
same difference.
I will say that the Cubans risked more coming here than the others, that might count for something.

Hey, at least they know how to play Baseball and not just steal the bases... ( I know, I know, YES I know )
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

Listening to a radio announcer--there's 3 types of Trump supporter

1. The newbees--that never voted in their entire lives, and watch a lot of reality T.V. Shows.
2. The trailer trash--that think they'll get rich, because he's rich.
4. The Independents and Democrats that are doing the Operation Chaos method of voting. Meaning voting who they know Hillary Clinton can beat. This is happening everywhere in the open and mixed primary states.

In the closed primary States we see the real Republicans come out and make the "anyone but Trump" vote. They are splitting the vote between "real" Republican candidates--so Trump runs it in for a touchdown.

Trump supporters believe they have some type of John Wayne figure, but what they really have is Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary.

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Last edited:
I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!

So did I. There was no alternative.
there is always an alternative.....

So. What was it in those two elections?
there are lots of people not in one of the big 2 who have great ideas and are for the country, not the party, who would be better than the same old crap we see the parties putting forth.....but as long as people have your attitude about how only a Democrat or a Republican can only get elected those people will never get elected....thus every year....its the same old shit.....
Adolf Trump is scary! And his supporters are even scarier!
no more scarier than people who would vote for hillary....yea i said of two half-ass people will be the president....arent we lucky.....
Harry Harry Harry surely a person with your intelligence can't equate trump that moron politically speaking , with hillary who is far above trumps level of political intelligence?
with hillary it will be the same old shit.....she will be so besides herself that she is finally the top dog,poor bill regulated to hosting all the tea eddie ...trump,clinton...its just another half-assed president to getting used to it....besides local elections are more important,they actually have an effect on your life....
Heard something the other day about how economy rises under dems falls under republicans
that may depend on the quality of those in charge at the time....hillary aint bill.....
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?


They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...

'Usual nutters' that codeword for white people? Do you hate white people that much? Are you Jewish? The Jewish people are playing a very dangerous game.

They are?

Drumph is going to kiss some rich Jewish ass at AIPAC. How do you feel about that?
The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!

But neither group will vote for Phrump. :badgrin:
What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!
not really, they are both short, brown, smell like grease and talk funny.

Is this you Donald?
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?


They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...

'Usual nutters' that codeword for white people? Do you hate white people that much? Are you Jewish? The Jewish people are playing a very dangerous game.

Did you know that Trump daughter, her husband and children are, wait for it:


Care to remark on that?

Unless his daughter is running for office, it's irrelevant.
What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)

Cubans or Mexicans because there is a huge difference!?!

But neither group will vote for Phrump. :badgrin:

I wouldn't go that far to say Cubans will not but I am safe to place a bet the Mexicans will not, well at least in California and Chicago and maybe Ohio...

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