Trump going Bat S--- crazy

So did I. There was no alternative.

Gary Johnson is my alternative.

Same as voting for Hillary.

I love it when someone tell my vote does not matter.

So I either vote for Trump or stay home, right?

And they said Nazism was dead...

There is no third-party wanna-be worth a damn in this country. Gary Johnson is going nowhere. Staying home is also a vote for Hillary.

If you want more of the current administration's policies, do your protest vote thing.

Thank you for telling me how I should vote and now how should I live?

Moi? Non! Do what you like. You have to live with the error, not me.

What is really American or True American?

The Federalist Papers - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The Anti-Federalist Papers < 1786-1800 < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Constitution of the United States - Official

I mean let be factual the white pride nation seem very angry today and is it because St. Pat's day is tomorrow and most of you are too damn ugly to get a kiss or pinch if you forget to wear green?

I am mostly of Irish heritage. I never wear green. Generally black. I get the kiss anyway.
Gary Johnson is my alternative.

Same as voting for Hillary.

I love it when someone tell my vote does not matter.

So I either vote for Trump or stay home, right?

And they said Nazism was dead...

There is no third-party wanna-be worth a damn in this country. Gary Johnson is going nowhere. Staying home is also a vote for Hillary.

If you want more of the current administration's policies, do your protest vote thing.

Thank you for telling me how I should vote and now how should I live?

Moi? Non! Do what you like. You have to live with the error, not me.

What is really American or True American?

The Federalist Papers - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The Anti-Federalist Papers < 1786-1800 < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Constitution of the United States - Official

I mean let be factual the white pride nation seem very angry today and is it because St. Pat's day is tomorrow and most of you are too damn ugly to get a kiss or pinch if you forget to wear green?

I am mostly of Irish heritage. I never wear green. Generally black. I get the kiss anyway.

Good for you lad, so Happy St. Pat's a day early from a Kilt wear nutter...

Oh, and I call myself a nutter, so when anyone get piss about it, well remember I would never call you something that I would not say about myself first...
Just out of curiosity, exactly WHO does Trump expect to riot in the streets?

I thought all of his supporters were "wonderful, lovely people", and obeyed the law.
You disenfranchise millions of voters there will be problems. It doesn't matter who they are supporting.
Just out of curiosity, exactly WHO does Trump expect to riot in the streets?

I thought all of his supporters were "wonderful, lovely people", and obeyed the law.

The White Pride Matters Group...

You know the angry white, over eighty, and stuck in their wheelchair movement... ( Alright, I deserve whatever I get for this one )
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
He could be right about the riots if he is not picked after the majority of votes were for him.
If Bernie where to get the majority and the democrats picked Hillary, I would stand with those protesting because of it. ( I would pick a non-violent group to stand with though)
If they are going to just pick whoever they want, why waste the time voting in the first place.
Same as voting for Hillary.

I love it when someone tell my vote does not matter.

So I either vote for Trump or stay home, right?

And they said Nazism was dead...

There is no third-party wanna-be worth a damn in this country. Gary Johnson is going nowhere. Staying home is also a vote for Hillary.

If you want more of the current administration's policies, do your protest vote thing.

Thank you for telling me how I should vote and now how should I live?

Moi? Non! Do what you like. You have to live with the error, not me.

What is really American or True American?

The Federalist Papers - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The Anti-Federalist Papers < 1786-1800 < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Constitution of the United States - Official

I mean let be factual the white pride nation seem very angry today and is it because St. Pat's day is tomorrow and most of you are too damn ugly to get a kiss or pinch if you forget to wear green?

I am mostly of Irish heritage. I never wear green. Generally black. I get the kiss anyway.

Good for you lad, so Happy St. Pat's a day early from a Kilt wear nutter...

Oh, and I call myself a nutter, so when anyone get piss about it, well remember I would never call you something that I would not say about myself first...

'Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!'
I am not a trump fan for a variety of reasons....

But I must ask you...

why do you feel the need to refer to those that are against illegal immigration as nutters? They were not the ones who passed the immigration laws nor were they the ones that are breaking those laws.

In other words, why do you have to refer to those that believe in enforcing border laws as nutters?

Isn't a nutter more likely to be the one who sees no reason for laws?

The reason for the divide in this nation are people like you who simply want to see the worst in people they disagree with as opposed to understanding their sentiments.

Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .
Just out of curiosity, exactly WHO does Trump expect to riot in the streets?

I thought all of his supporters were "wonderful, lovely people", and obeyed the law.
You disenfranchise millions of voters there will be problems. It doesn't matter who they are supporting.
----------------------------- hope that you are correct , the whole thing is just a sham if Trump is screwed over CKiller !!
Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Not going to happen because the reality is illegal immigration, sex slavery and narcotics is too much of a lucrative business that our politicians at local, state and federal levels will not allow to go away.

From money they pump into enforcement to helping prop up cartels in countries like Mexico do you really think our government want it to end?

Sure they will claim otherwise, but come one do you really believe I am that naive?

Also the cheap labor force many companies employ would be gone, and there is no way those people would want that to happen.

Sure in a perfect world it would be nice to have a perfect immigration system but we live in this world and the wall you build will be tunneled under and the company that does it will be the one that help build that wall...
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

What would happen on the left if Hillary or Bernie made it to the convention floor and the DNC had plotted to steal their nomination and put up Joe Lieberman as the Democrat candidate?

Seriously. What would your side of the aisle do?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
-------------------------------------- let them laugh , why is laughing important to you Jimh . Let the Mexican laugh as they wallow in drug cartels , huge violence and poverty . Same for Europe , let them laugh as they are invaded by muslim rapist and killers JimH .
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
Your post is why. Anybody that can wrap liberals around the axle like he has has something special going for himself. It's a gift from God, it isn't something you can just learn.

Be wary liberals. Very very wary. He may want YOU for dinner. Bwahahahahah!!

Last edited:
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
He could be right about the riots if he is not picked after the majority of votes were for him.
If Bernie where to get the majority and the democrats picked Hillary, I would stand with those protesting because of it. ( I would pick a non-violent group to stand with though)
If they are going to just pick whoever they want, why waste the time voting in the first place.

Our scenario is worse. John Boehner is backing Paul Ryan as candidate for President in the here and now.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
He could be right about the riots if he is not picked after the majority of votes were for him.
If Bernie where to get the majority and the democrats picked Hillary, I would stand with those protesting because of it. ( I would pick a non-violent group to stand with though)
If they are going to just pick whoever they want, why waste the time voting in the first place.
Listen to this for your answer. WARNING: You will get very angry over what you hear >>>>> Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official
My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
-------------------------------------- let them laugh , why is laughing important to you Jimh . Let the Mexican laugh as they wallow in drug cartels , huge violence and poverty . Same for Europe , let them laugh as they are invaded by muslim rapist and killers JimH .
actually Germany is trying now to do with their muslims what Donald Trump wants to do with the illegals. Get them out and not let anymore in.
I think Germany finally gets it.
As far as mexico? F those backass taco smelling verminites. The Mexican government doesn't want the illegals back because for one, they send too much U.S money into mexico, and if they go back, mexico will go broke trying to care for them. so, F mexico and their President Senior Burrito
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?
------------------------------------------- let them dig tunnels , even with tunnels the flow is 99 percent reduced Bruce . And as time goes by and we do end up with better tunnel finding / tracking electronics . Besides that deportation and better means to exclude illegals from benefits , jobs , banking , yada , yada and the illegals will self deport Bruce .

Mexicans are laughing at is most of the world.
They voted in droves for him in Florida who's laughing ;)
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?


They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
--------------------------------- NUTTERS , thanks for the mention Bruce !! it'll be nice when and if the Donald gets in . I'm looking forward to the wall and the deportation squads doing there jobs just like 'IKES' boys did their jobs in Operation Wetback back in the 50s Bruce !!

Just think!! All vets will have gainful employment!! Damn, you were alive in the 50s? Ike was well thought of for "Operation Wetback" - we sent them scurrying for the border. Look from the 50s to today - Americans had jobs! Oops...I mean until NAFTA sent them all South of the Border....So, I guess the liberals got their "Operation Wetback" in reverse, huh?
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?
He could be right about the riots if he is not picked after the majority of votes were for him.
If Bernie where to get the majority and the democrats picked Hillary, I would stand with those protesting because of it. ( I would pick a non-violent group to stand with though)
If they are going to just pick whoever they want, why waste the time voting in the first place.
Listen to this for your answer. WARNING: You will get very angry over what you hear >>>>> Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official
I have a feeling someone just opened up an elected position in the very near future.
That statement is going to go with him for the rest of his career.

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