Trump going Bat S--- crazy

This Bruce guy is freaking out, if it's giving you that much anxiety you move to your home country Israel. Your yelling/fearmongering isn't going to stop us from voting Trump.
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?


They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
I am not a trump fan for a variety of reasons....

But I must ask you...

why do you feel the need to refer to those that are against illegal immigration as nutters? They were not the ones who passed the immigration laws nor were they the ones that are breaking those laws.

In other words, why do you have to refer to those that believe in enforcing border laws as nutters?

Isn't a nutter more likely to be the one who sees no reason for laws?

The reason for the divide in this nation are people like you who simply want to see the worst in people they disagree with as opposed to understanding their sentiments.

Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?

-------------------------- according to Trump he will have mexico pay for the wall and probably built by American using precast concrete barriers , 20 feet in height . Very similar to the Israeli Seperation wall Bruce .
Last edited:
I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!

So did I. There was no alternative.

Gary Johnson is my alternative.

Same as voting for Hillary.

I love it when someone tell my vote does not matter.

So I either vote for Trump or stay home, right?

And they said Nazism was dead...

'Nazi's', 'trailer trash', 'white trash' , 'angry whites' , 'loons', 'mindless drones' , etc....

Do you really expect to get sympathy with this kind of language?
My favorite part is being told the Founding Fathers would be upset at me for calling Trumps words radical while his supporters call those protesting Trump loons and hysterical nutters...

It make you wonder the level of stupidity some of Trump supporters are at?

Hey you are so prescient about Trump based on I guess what he has evidenced. Where were you when this statement was made in 1995 by our current President?
Statement where he held in contempt law enforcement, lied to him mom and tells us that's how he plans to get his way. Then when he's elected he hires a guy that
matches his belief that it was the stupidity of the American voter they depended on!

I've frequently quoted Obama from his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95

"Of course either way you needed some luck. That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day, a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck....

I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
Think about it... NOW we know why Obama has continually knocked the police...remember his statement in 2009...that the "Cambridge police acted stupidly"?
Doesn't this sound like when he was a Senior in high school describing the "cop with nothing better to do"?
Total disrespect for the law.
That's what we have for a president!
Think about it. Obama considers Pablo's arrest "bad luck"... not that Pablo wasn't obeying the law, but

Psst, I did not vote for President Obama so ask someone that did...

Of course you being the middle of the road and compromise most important probably didn't vote!

Go fuck yourself please and I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!
Sure you did.

Yes, I did, and you writing I did not is proof that you can not accept that some people actually think before voting and are not mindless drones that support the dumbest asshole that come along.

Now prove I did not vote for them and I will wait for you to show the evidence.

They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
I am not a trump fan for a variety of reasons....

But I must ask you...

why do you feel the need to refer to those that are against illegal immigration as nutters? They were not the ones who passed the immigration laws nor were they the ones that are breaking those laws.

In other words, why do you have to refer to those that believe in enforcing border laws as nutters?

Isn't a nutter more likely to be the one who sees no reason for laws?

The reason for the divide in this nation are people like you who simply want to see the worst in people they disagree with as opposed to understanding their sentiments.

Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?

-------------------------- according to Trump he will have mexico pay for the wall and probably built by American using precast concrete barriers , 20 feet in height . Vey similar to the Israeli Seperation wall Bruce .

What else do you expect from two faced Jews? They support a wall in Israel and are against any immigration for Israel. In the US, however, they don't want us to have a wall and want to flood the nation with illegal immigrants. None of that is a coincidence, they want white's to become a minority.
I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!

So did I. There was no alternative.

Gary Johnson is my alternative.

Same as voting for Hillary.

I love it when someone tell my vote does not matter.

So I either vote for Trump or stay home, right?

And they said Nazism was dead...

There is no third-party wanna-be worth a damn in this country. Gary Johnson is going nowhere. Staying home is also a vote for Hillary.

If you want more of the current administration's policies, do your protest vote thing.
My favorite part is being told the Founding Fathers would be upset at me for calling Trumps words radical while his supporters call those protesting Trump loons and hysterical nutters...

It make you wonder the level of stupidity some of Trump supporters are at?

Hey you are so prescient about Trump based on I guess what he has evidenced. Where were you when this statement was made in 1995 by our current President?
Statement where he held in contempt law enforcement, lied to him mom and tells us that's how he plans to get his way. Then when he's elected he hires a guy that
matches his belief that it was the stupidity of the American voter they depended on!

I've frequently quoted Obama from his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95

"Of course either way you needed some luck. That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day, a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck....

I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
Think about it... NOW we know why Obama has continually knocked the police...remember his statement in 2009...that the "Cambridge police acted stupidly"?
Doesn't this sound like when he was a Senior in high school describing the "cop with nothing better to do"?
Total disrespect for the law.
That's what we have for a president!
Think about it. Obama considers Pablo's arrest "bad luck"... not that Pablo wasn't obeying the law, but

Psst, I did not vote for President Obama so ask someone that did...

Of course you being the middle of the road and compromise most important probably didn't vote!

Go fuck yourself please and I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!

You realize the response you have given is just what people say people like me that support Trump would give.
What anger and hatred you exhibited. Why you are that unhinged over people like me that support Trump? Wow... !

No, you are just fucking retarded as can be.

You and supporters of Trump have issue with anyone that does not buy into his lies.

Of course you will claim he is the only one that can save us just like the left told us the same about President Obama, and when he fails you will lie, deny and then tell everyone that history and MSM is based on lies of losers.

The reality is Trump is a joke and so are you.
My, my, my ...

It appears that the Democrats are crapping their pants involuntarily in fear. So afraid.

Good. :laugh:
lol if he ever defiles our WH you'll be crapping in your pants too billy

Pardon me?

Explain yourself, ed. While brevity is the soul of wit, more than clicks and grunts are required here.
Explain myself? This trump moron enters our WH and America is laughed at by the world The country everyone wants to be a part of ,,leaders of the world and you want that idiot as our leader??? Yes billy even behind your gated community you'll be crapping your pants
Hey you are so prescient about Trump based on I guess what he has evidenced. Where were you when this statement was made in 1995 by our current President?
Statement where he held in contempt law enforcement, lied to him mom and tells us that's how he plans to get his way. Then when he's elected he hires a guy that
matches his belief that it was the stupidity of the American voter they depended on!

I've frequently quoted Obama from his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95

"Of course either way you needed some luck. That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day, a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck....

I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
Think about it... NOW we know why Obama has continually knocked the police...remember his statement in 2009...that the "Cambridge police acted stupidly"?
Doesn't this sound like when he was a Senior in high school describing the "cop with nothing better to do"?
Total disrespect for the law.
That's what we have for a president!
Think about it. Obama considers Pablo's arrest "bad luck"... not that Pablo wasn't obeying the law, but

Psst, I did not vote for President Obama so ask someone that did...

Of course you being the middle of the road and compromise most important probably didn't vote!

Go fuck yourself please and I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!

You realize the response you have given is just what people say people like me that support Trump would give.
What anger and hatred you exhibited. Why you are that unhinged over people like me that support Trump? Wow... !

No, you are just fucking retarded as can be.

You and supporters of Trump have issue with anyone that does not buy into his lies.

Of course you will claim he is the only one that can save us just like the left told us the same about President Obama, and when he fails you will lie, deny and then tell everyone that history and MSM is based on lies of losers.

The reality is Trump is a joke and so are you.

I don't know if Trump can "save us" or not. I do know that a Democrat win in November will plunge us into something not seen here in a long time.

No threat. Observation.
This Bruce guy is freaking out, if it's giving you that much anxiety you move to your home country Israel. Your yelling/fearmongering isn't going to stop us from voting Trump.

Vote for him.

Did I write you should not vote for him?

It is your side saying I am wasting my vote on Johnson...

Also should we gas all the Jewish people of the world and finish what Hitler failed to do?
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?

Trump warns of ‘riots’ if he’s not the GOP nominee in a contested convention

The man is a lunatic. The RW loons on here love his Hitlerlike threats...

My favorite part is being told the Founding Fathers would be upset at me for calling Trumps words radical while his supporters call those protesting Trump loons and hysterical nutters...

It make you wonder the level of stupidity some of Trump supporters are at?

He has definitely captured the imagination of the loony toons. I expect most are birthers and/or bald face racists.

"We might have to kill him next time..."
But of course you buy into these types of protestors who can't get their votes recognized because they are criminals maybe?
These are your kind of people right?
View attachment 67604

She is running for President?
now he goes off on FOX news and Meagyn Kelly again ,,,,then predicts riots if he's not the candidate after getting enough votes Is this pos just asking for trouble?? How can anyone with at least double digit IQ's vote for this loose cannon?


They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
I am not a trump fan for a variety of reasons....

But I must ask you...

why do you feel the need to refer to those that are against illegal immigration as nutters? They were not the ones who passed the immigration laws nor were they the ones that are breaking those laws.

In other words, why do you have to refer to those that believe in enforcing border laws as nutters?

Isn't a nutter more likely to be the one who sees no reason for laws?

The reason for the divide in this nation are people like you who simply want to see the worst in people they disagree with as opposed to understanding their sentiments.

Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


To pay for the wall there are these two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.


Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 4.24.36 PM.png

Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???
Last edited:
I voted for McCain and Romney the last two elections, so fuck off will you!

So did I. There was no alternative.

Gary Johnson is my alternative.

Same as voting for Hillary.

I love it when someone tell my vote does not matter.

So I either vote for Trump or stay home, right?

And they said Nazism was dead...

There is no third-party wanna-be worth a damn in this country. Gary Johnson is going nowhere. Staying home is also a vote for Hillary.

If you want more of the current administration's policies, do your protest vote thing.

Thank you for telling me how I should vote and now how should I live?

Should I buy Jackboots and Brown Shirts?

Should I only eat American Food?

What is really American or True American?

I mean let be factual the white pride nation seem very angry today and is it because St. Pat's day is tomorrow and most of you are too damn ugly to get a kiss or pinch if you forget to wear green?

Again thank you for telling me how to vote and the founding fathers would be so disgusted they would give us back to England...
Adolf Trump is scary! And his supporters are even scarier!
no more scarier than people who would vote for hillary....yea i said of two half-ass people will be the president....arent we lucky.....
Harry Harry Harry surely a person with your intelligence can't equate trump that moron politically speaking , with hillary who is far above trumps level of political intelligence?
with hillary it will be the same old shit.....she will be so besides herself that she is finally the top dog,poor bill regulated to hosting all the tea eddie ...trump,clinton...its just another half-assed president to getting used to it....besides local elections are more important,they actually have an effect on your life....

They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
I am not a trump fan for a variety of reasons....

But I must ask you...

why do you feel the need to refer to those that are against illegal immigration as nutters? They were not the ones who passed the immigration laws nor were they the ones that are breaking those laws.

In other words, why do you have to refer to those that believe in enforcing border laws as nutters?

Isn't a nutter more likely to be the one who sees no reason for laws?

The reason for the divide in this nation are people like you who simply want to see the worst in people they disagree with as opposed to understanding their sentiments.

Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?

-------------------------- according to Trump he will have mexico pay for the wall and probably built by American using precast concrete barriers , 20 feet in height . Very similar to the Israeli Seperation wall Bruce .

OH I'm sure Trump Tower's Wall will be 10 feet taller!

They are still stupid with a double digit IQ...

I am firmly against Trump winning the White House race but sometimes just for pure evilness I think about what if he won and how
insane would the right and left get over his victory?

Oh well, the reality is those that are voting for Trump are the usual nutters that believe that the nation is being invaded by illegal aliens and their Christian Faith is being attacked while not understanding that has been going on since the Founding Fathers formed this nation...
I am not a trump fan for a variety of reasons....

But I must ask you...

why do you feel the need to refer to those that are against illegal immigration as nutters? They were not the ones who passed the immigration laws nor were they the ones that are breaking those laws.

In other words, why do you have to refer to those that believe in enforcing border laws as nutters?

Isn't a nutter more likely to be the one who sees no reason for laws?

The reason for the divide in this nation are people like you who simply want to see the worst in people they disagree with as opposed to understanding their sentiments.

Oh, I am the one that see the worst in everyone, right?

The fact is Trump is full of shit about building a wall because it will take the Congress to get it passed, and Mexico will not pay for it to be built, so yes those supporting that believe he will get this done are nutter, wait fucking retarded. ( I am not even going to play nice on this one )

Trump supporters like to sucker punch people. Trump like to use childish taunts when debating other candidates. So yeah he is a nutter and so are his supporters.

So tell me is it alright for me to go around sucker punching people I disagree with?

Also Trump make his money off the Global Economy while his supporters claim he is anti-Global.

He has long standing friendship with the Clinton's.

Now tell why would anyone in their correct mind support him?

No, he is a nutter and his supporters are just fucking retarded.

How is that for you?
one asshole sucker punched. One out of hundreds of thousands defines the hundreds of thousands?
Well...then every democrat like to show his pecker to gilrs on twitter like Weiner.
Of course he was friends with Clinton. She was the senator from the state where he ran a very large business.'
Bernie wants to give shit away for free to everyone. Congress wont pass most if not all of then he should not try to make it happen anyway?

Whats the are full of spin and by no means aware of reality.

Gom back to having fun in your own little world.

My little world?

Wow, unhinged Trump supporters please unite and become one evil mean sucker punching machine.

The reality is Trump support the violent attack, and support attacking those that oppose him, and you are upset at me for not wanting to be a nutter like that?

Tsk,Tsk, Tsk.

I have read threads and even in this thread alone I have read one Jewish hating Trump supporter, and where is your opinion on their words?

Silence from you because you agree with their hatred.

So please understand that while you get upset at me for pointing out you are a nutter, well the truth hurts those that can not accept it.

Now tell me how will Trump build that wall?


The wall very simple two major sources of REVENUE!!

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012: So we stop sending $200 million a year for 10 years saves money to build wall.

Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Illegal Aliens Sent $21.6 Billion in Cash Back to Mexico in 2013
Simple tax on the transfers a 20% fee for every dollar: $4.3 Billion transfer revenue x 10 years... $43 billion wall!
Also please tell me why it was so pious and pompous for the POPE to bitch about Trump's wall when this is where the Pope lives.

View attachment 67615
View attachment 67616
Plus what about this WALL built by Mexico???

What about all the tunnels under it?

Oh, that's right those illegals, cartels, and evil people would never dig tunnels would they?

Want news stories of the massive amount of tunnels under that wall or will ignore the fact and tell me how that wall works?

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