Trump Got Us Kicked Out of Yemen

i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Well consider an aggressive force from one country entering another country without permission to carry out a mission against inhabitants of the invaded country. That is known around the world as an ACT OF WAR! Got it?

What has Saudi Arabia done in Yemen? Get a clue.
We are the United States, and Yemen is not our country
i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Isn't it their country, not ours?

Who's country is it?

They are at civil war.
Its not ours, can you figure that out?

Yes it is.. Saudi Arabia has been fighting it for us since last year with its troops and planes

And our drones.. Against the Iranians it's a proxy war

Damn not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you

Instead of screeching like a child provide evidence I lied or piss off.

No you present evidence when making a false claim that's how it works.

It is well known that the operation was planned while obummer was in office. So, that means the liar is you, silly person.

The op was more than thirty days old and wasn't vetted to the current date and time. Only an idiot goes forward with something like that.

Oh, care to bet how long the OBL mission was delayed by your hero obummer? Go ahead, I dare you to check... Dumbshit.

EXACTLY. We went when the best possible result was a reasonable expectation, we didn't shoot from the hip.
What is it with the left? Barry Hussein is out of office a month and they forgot about his eight years? Yemen was Barry's favorite target for drone strikes. They chalked up forty civilians in one strike and the tally of drone strikes by Obama is well over a hundred civilians.
This isn't about Obama, but a president who has no idea what he is doing, but wants to play tough guy with other peoples lives

The point being he is using the tools, and the MISSIONS that obummer left him. You fail on both points.
You are totally wrong. According to people in the white house, this mission was run solely because Obama wouldn't have done it. Trump needs to play tough guy
i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Well consider an aggressive force from one country entering another country without permission to carry out a mission against inhabitants of the invaded country. That is known around the world as an ACT OF WAR! Got it?

What has Saudi Arabia done in Yemen? Get a clue.
We are the United States, and Yemen is not our country

There is no Yemen central government.. Jesus
What is it with the left? Barry Hussein is out of office a month and they forgot about his eight years? Yemen was Barry's favorite target for drone strikes. They chalked up forty civilians in one strike and the tally of drone strikes by Obama is well over a hundred civilians.
This isn't about Obama, but a president who has no idea what he is doing, but wants to play tough guy with other peoples lives

The point being he is using the tools, and the MISSIONS that obummer left him. You fail on both points.

The point is he didn't use those tools to bring him up to date.
There is that word "botched" again. How was the raid botched? The civilian tally in Yemen for U.S. drone strikes is well over a hundred. Does that translate to "botched"? When Bill Clinton attacked Yugoslavia when he was literally caught with his pants down they used old WW2 maps and accidentally bombed a freaking embassy but yet nobody called it "botched" because you just didn't use that word for a democrat administration.
I also remembering Clinton bombing an aspirin factory. I guess liberals thought that was also a success.
There is that word "botched" again. How was the raid botched? The civilian tally in Yemen for U.S. drone strikes is well over a hundred. Does that translate to "botched"? When Bill Clinton attacked Yugoslavia when he was literally caught with his pants down they used old WW2 maps and accidentally bombed a freaking embassy but yet nobody called it "botched" because you just didn't use that word for a democrat administration.
The Yemeni's think so dipstick! Your erroneous and dated equivalency is just pathetic! Why not use Carters "botched" democrat administration rescue attempt which is just as irrelevant!
i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Isn't it their country, not ours?

Who's country is it?

They are at civil war.
Its not ours, can you figure that out?

Yes it is.. Saudi Arabia has been fighting it for us since last year with its troops and planes

And our drones.. Against the Iranians it's a proxy war

Damn not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you
Does Saudi Arabia have Yemens permission, cause right now we don't
Failed to get our target, service members killed and injured, killed scores of women and children, destroyed an aircraft, and wiped out a village ...

... SUCCESS!! ...

... dumbasses.

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

....The raid stirred immediate outrage among Yemeni government officials, some of whom accused the Trump administration of not fully consulting with them before the mission. Within 24 hours of the assault on a cluster of houses in a tiny village in mountainous central Yemen, the country’s foreign minister, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a post on his official Twitter account as “extrajudicial killings.”
Fake news, jackass.
i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Well consider an aggressive force from one country entering another country without permission to carry out a mission against inhabitants of the invaded country. That is known around the world as an ACT OF WAR! Got it?

What has Saudi Arabia done in Yemen? Get a clue.
We are the United States, and Yemen is not our country

There is no Yemen central government.. Jesus
Since when?
i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Well consider an aggressive force from one country entering another country without permission to carry out a mission against inhabitants of the invaded country. That is known around the world as an ACT OF WAR! Got it?
Then you mean, Nixon in Cambodia and Laos committed...oh, no!
There is that word "botched" again. How was the raid botched? The civilian tally in Yemen for U.S. drone strikes is well over a hundred. Does that translate to "botched"? When Bill Clinton attacked Yugoslavia when he was literally caught with his pants down they used old WW2 maps and accidentally bombed a freaking embassy but yet nobody called it "botched" because you just didn't use that word for a democrat administration.
I also remembering Clinton bombing an aspirin factory. I guess liberals thought that was also a success.
Stay on topic, this was trumps first military operation and it failed
i'm wondering WHY the President Trump needs Permission from 'yemenis' , eh ??
Isn't it their country, not ours?

Who's country is it?

They are at civil war.
Its not ours, can you figure that out?

Yes it is.. Saudi Arabia has been fighting it for us since last year with its troops and planes

And our drones.. Against the Iranians it's a proxy war

Damn not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you
Does Saudi Arabia have Yemens permission, cause right now we don't

Permission from whom?

Damn you are so retarded it's not even funny
What is it with the left? Barry Hussein is out of office a month and they forgot about his eight years? Yemen was Barry's favorite target for drone strikes. They chalked up forty civilians in one strike and the tally of drone strikes by Obama is well over a hundred civilians.
This isn't about Obama, but a president who has no idea what he is doing, but wants to play tough guy with other peoples lives

The point being he is using the tools, and the MISSIONS that obummer left him. You fail on both points.

The point is he didn't use those tools to bring him up to date.

Ummmm, what tools would those be? SOCOM is who runs these deals. The POTUS has no clue what is being done, not until he is asked for his OK does he know what has been planned. obummer put the head of SOCOm in place, so once again, you have an obummer appointee running things. Seems you can't catch a break.
What is it with the left? Barry Hussein is out of office a month and they forgot about his eight years? Yemen was Barry's favorite target for drone strikes. They chalked up forty civilians in one strike and the tally of drone strikes by Obama is well over a hundred civilians.
This isn't about Obama, but a president who has no idea what he is doing, but wants to play tough guy with other peoples lives

The point being he is using the tools, and the MISSIONS that obummer left him. You fail on both points.
You are totally wrong. According to people in the white house, this mission was run solely because Obama wouldn't have done it. Trump needs to play tough guy

You mean obummers people who are still trying to fuck things up? Those "people? I find them less than compelling. The fact you do says a lot about how gullible you are.
You left wing loons. The Obama approved mission was only botched because someone leaked the mission and AQ was alerted.

But worse than that is despite knowing their cover was blown, someone ordered the men into a firefight with a well prepared AQ.

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