Trump Guilty Of Looking At His Own Classified Documents

Of course you did. That is your go to claim when someone asks for a link.

You lie, then you lie to cover your lie.

Trump has already stated that he has the documents in question and knew he had them but refused to give them back because he wanted to sell the info to our enemies...yet you don't care.

I agree with everything except the part in bold, due to lack of proof that's the case. It may turn out to be true, but it hasn't been proven yet.
No...he doesn't...

His defense team has been careful NOT to assert so in court.
The lawyers know that such an assertion has to be backed up by a sworn affidavit from the person making that claim. And Trump reputation for truth is so in doubt, that his affidavit without corroboration would be rejected.
No link.

Third, part and parcel of any act of declassification is communicating that act to all others who possess the same information, across all federal agencies. This point holds true regardless of whether the information exists in a document, an email, a power point presentation, and even in a government official's mental awareness. Otherwise, what would be the point of a legitimate declassification?

In light of all this, the defense asserted by Trump's team—that while in office Trump issued "standing orders" that any "documents removed from the Oval Office and taken to the residence were deemed to be declassified the moment he removed them"—is nothing short of laughable. It's a little like saying that the speed limit on the New Jersey Turnpike is whatever speed the governor chooses to drive at in any given moment.

Thoughts on the Mar-a-Lago Search and the President’s Classification and Declassification Authority

The question then becomes, “Did they willfully retain the documents and fail to deliver them to an officer or employee of the United States?” In Biden’s case, it is unlikely that the Special Counsel will find that he did because the documents were voluntarily turned over to the government as soon as they were discovered. So there is no basis to charge Biden with violating this statute. It is a very different story with Trump. In response to the grand jury subpoena, he failed to produce all of the classified documents he possessed and even denied that anymore existed. He also sought to pressure one of his lawyers to falsely tell the government that no other classified information had been found despite a thorough search. The lawyer refused. In these circumstances, it is very likely that the Special Counsel will recommend to Attorney General Merrick Garland, that he authorize charging Trump with violating this statute.

Neither Biden nor Trump Will Be Charged with any Unlawful Conduct Resulting from Their Possession of Classified Documents, but for Very Different Reasons
Apparently you need a brain laxative so you can use the search engine for a link I just posted a couple of days ago! May I recommend ExLax?

You play with yourself. Prove I lied.
And apparently you are too stupid to just go and look it up for yourself on the web like a grownup. Wind that rubber band up inside your Pentium 2 computer and give it a shot.

View attachment 772734
Are you unable to use the search function? I posted the link a few days ago.

Those links are pointless. They didn't know Obama had declassified all the documents. Duh.
They are stripped of clearance, and it is up to the incoming president to grant them clearance for the purpose of transitioning power. Therefore, if Obama took any classified documents with him when he left office and looked at them a year later, he would fall into this category. The point remains that, if we really wanted to prosecute this, we would have to go over every potential access of classified documents, such as Biden having them stored in his garage, freely available to anyone that happened to be in there and prosecute accordingly. Is that really the can of worms you want to open, or is this just another "Get TRUMP!" attempt that's supposed to only apply to him?

There is a lot of differences. Let’s use something other than classified documents. A robber is running away from police. He tosses a gun over a fence and it lands in your yard. You find it and put it in your basement. The police need the gun to link him definitely to the crime. They come around and go door to door asking if anyone found a gun. You say no. They hear a rumor that you found the gun. They ask you again if you found a gun. You deny it.

This is obviously very different than finding the gun and calling to report it. Or taking it inside and when asked admitting it and surrendering the item. Biden, and Pence didn’t secure them properly. However they did call and report it when the files were found. People tend to forgive an honest mistake. Not always. I can name several instances where someone went to jail for a mistake. However generally speaking people will forgive a mistake if the individual fesses up.

The folks getting the archive documents saw them. They told the FBI. The fbi sent a letter. Surrender the documents. Trump said there are no documents. They moved the documents and said see for yourself. The FBI apparently got people from within the compound to talk and admit the existence of the documents. The FBI again asked in a letter for any and all documents for the National Archives and anything with a classified marking.

If you don’t see the difference by now, you won’t ever.
Come on. It was directly underneath the quote which I was questioning. If you don’t wish to clarify, I’m ok with that.
There is a lot of differences. Let’s use something other than classified documents. A robber is running away from police. He tosses a gun over a fence and it lands in your yard. You find it and put it in your basement. The police need the gun to link him definitely to the crime. They come around and go door to door asking if anyone found a gun. You say no. They hear a rumor that you found the gun. They ask you again if you found a gun. You deny it.

This is obviously very different than finding the gun and calling to report it. Or taking it inside and when asked admitting it and surrendering the item. Biden, and Pence didn’t secure them properly. However they did call and report it when the files were found. People tend to forgive an honest mistake. Not always. I can name several instances where someone went to jail for a mistake. However generally speaking people will forgive a mistake if the individual fesses up.

The folks getting the archive documents saw them. They told the FBI. The fbi sent a letter. Surrender the documents. Trump said there are no documents. They moved the documents and said see for yourself. The FBI apparently got people from within the compound to talk and admit the existence of the documents. The FBI again asked in a letter for any and all documents for the National Archives and anything with a classified marking.

If you don’t see the difference by now, you won’t ever.
Not quite. More like you are responsible to protect classified documents for the federal government. You put them in a box when you leave your job and take them home, where you store them, completely unprotected, in your garage next to your car for 6 years. Then somebody finds them and all of a sudden you realize it looks bad because you were so gleeful about Orange Man Bad so you get your lawyer to send them back to the government, where they should have been the whole time. You protest that you weren't negligent because you gave them back without a fuss, didn't you? Does it negate negligence if you just give them back after you get caught with them?

Or, you steal your neighbor's underwear off her wash line, but when she catches you doing it, you give them back. No problem, right? Everybody should just leave you alone, because you gave them back.
Biden's first set of classified documents were found before the 2020 election. Then more were found recently. So, it's rather obvious that Biden must have been claiming he didn't have more after 2020, otherwise they would have been discovered in 2020. Biden and his team new they had classified documents in 2020 so if they were going to look for more, they should have looked for more at that time. Otherwise, they are implying that there were no more.
So you went from "Biden said" to.... "it's rather obvious that Biden must have been claiming".
Make up your mind man
If they weren't relevant, Trump wouldn't be headed to New York.
Abuse of power is always relevant. The Gestapo arrest their enemies at will and charge them with bogus crimes. It's a shame the US has devolved into a Hitler like environment while at the same time Democrats are claiming Republicans want to take democracy away. We can only hope that their slight of hand will not work in the long run.

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