Trump Guilty Of Looking At His Own Classified Documents

Abuse of power is always relevant. The Gestapo arrest their enemies at will and charge them with bogus crimes. It's a shame the US has devolved into a Hitler like environment while at the same time Democrats are claiming Republicans want to take democracy away. We can only hope that their slight of hand will not work in the long run.
Blah blah blah.

You don't even know what the charges are but you call them bogus. That, ironically, fulfills your claims of "gestapo".

Nice self own, Skippy.
I used to think it was not possible for someone to be this retarded and still operate a keyboard, but you fools keep proving me wrong.

You are apparently stupid enough to think someone can declassify documents which could cause grave national harm just by thinking about it.

You are stunningly stupid.
How do you know this without knowing the contents of the documents?

You need to understand that back in the old days, unclassified was a classification and therefore classified.
Blah blah blah.

You don't even know what the charges are but you call them bogus. That, ironically, fulfills your claims of "gestapo".

Nice self own, Skippy.
We all know what the charges are. Every single one of them are linked to hush money payments. Glad you are on board with realizing that is nothing but abuse of power for political reasons.
Not quite. More like you are responsible to protect classified documents for the federal government. You put them in a box when you leave your job and take them home, where you store them, completely unprotected, in your garage next to your car for 6 years. Then somebody finds them and all of a sudden you realize it looks bad because you were so gleeful about Orange Man Bad so you get your lawyer to send them back to the government, where they should have been the whole time. You protest that you weren't negligent because you gave them back without a fuss, didn't you? Does it negate negligence if you just give them back after you get caught with them?

Or, you steal your neighbor's underwear off her wash line, but when she catches you doing it, you give them back. No problem, right? Everybody should just leave you alone, because you gave them back.

A lawyer I am fond of watching compared the Hillary case and the Trump case.

A better and more reasonable analogy would be the inadvertent explanation.

In the harried days of the end of an administration the people are rushing to box up lots of documents. Literally tens of thousands. Mistakes will be made. If you are 99.99% perfect you are still going to have a dozen or so mistakes when dealing with thousands or tens of thousands of documents. We can call this human. Because none of us is perfect.

Explaining away the mistake is a lot easier when the mistake is discovered and you tell someone.

For example. Pence and Biden. They both wondered if they had made similar mistakes, recognizing that it is human to do so and very easy to make that mistake. A folder mixed in with non classified inane and routine stuff. They both sent people to search for the possible mistake. When the mistake was discovered they reported it.

Better yet. Let’s use real world stuff. You go to the bank and deposit a check for $1,000. The bank teller screws up and credits you with $10,000. An extra zero was tapped. Now. If you withdraw that money in an effort to keep it deciding the bank screwed up and screw them. You have just committed a crime. In Georgia it’s called Theft by Taking.

But if you call the bank or go back and show them the error. You aren’t in any trouble. Because the money is corrected.

It is the difference between an honest reaction and a desire to profit or deceive.

But they did it too and you can’t bust me unless you bust everyone is cried every day by every moron who gets tagged for speeding. Everyone was driving the same why am I pulled over. It is an idiotic defense. You are admitting that you were speeding. And you knowingly exceeded the speed limit. You knew you were doing the wrong thing. And it’s not fair that you got pulled over and everyone else didn’t.

When you find you have made a mistake the first step to making everyone believe it was a mistake is to tell someone.

If Trump had told the Secret Service they had a problem, these documents shouldn’t be here. Then it would have gone down like it did with Biden and Pence. We made a mistake and it was inadvertent without the intent to take something. The FBI would have collected the files, thanked Trump for his honesty and integrity, and then closed the books.

The video I posted above checked the claims regarding Hillary. The lawyer could not find where anyone had ever been prosecuted for doing what Hillary had done. But we have a lot of examples of people taking unauthorized documents and keeping them. And we have a lot of people in prison for obstruction of Justice, lying to federal agents, and the rest.

A few thousand examples of that sort of stupidity exist. People who covered up the screw up and made it much worse.

Where I work the rules are pretty simple. If you have an accident you’re gonna get a slap on the wrist. If you don’t report it or lie about it, you are fired.

But that is society as a whole isn’t it? We get angry at a screw up. But we get really furious if we are lied to about the screw up. It wasn’t a blowjob that led to the impeachment of Clinton. It was lying about it later.
But Creepy Joe is completely innocent of stealing classified documents (something Vice Presidents are forbidden to do). If you're a Pedo Democrat ... rules don't apply.
Isn't everyone forbidden to "steal classified documents?" Dumbass.
How not? A president is the highest authority and has final say on what is classified. If there is anything wrong, look to the people who approved of, gathered, boxed up and shipped it all to his home and loaded it all into the Mar A Lago storage vault.

Apparently the USA is so lax with its intelligence that even a VP or a mere senator can take stuff at will and do god knows what all with it in the back seat of his gas-guzzling corvette.

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Joe Biden obviously does not care one whit about the planet.
Yes of course the president can declassify. Did he declassify them though? Show the "declassified" markings and the dates.
Don't worry, we will be having this debate once they are made public, where you will find that 100% of the charges are linked to hush money payments to two women.
So you don't know the charges.

That said, I don't know why any potential charges that are "linked" to the hush money payments would somehow make them bogus.

Why do you think charges related to hush money are not important?
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This is how loony the radical left and the weaponized DOJ have become. They are now claiming that Trump may have looked at his very own classified documents. I kid you not. Apparently it is a crime to look at your very own classified documents. Guess that means that Biden and Pence are both going to jail too because I'm sure at one point or another they also looked at their own classified documents, as well as every other president and vice president throughout history.

What a freakish misrepresentation of this news. Just.. embarrassing to watch. Embarrassing to our country, as well.
Abuse of power is always relevant. The Gestapo arrest their enemies at will and charge them with bogus crimes. It's a shame the US has devolved into a Hitler like environment while at the same time Democrats are claiming Republicans want to take democracy away. We can only hope that their slight of hand will not work in the long run.
"Sleight", ninny.
The classification status of the documents are irrelevant to the potential statutes listed in the affidavit.

Right. Because the whole crime is just made up as they go along.

I mean--- isn't it kinda hard to feign that this is all just in pursuit of a CRIME when as far back as 2016, you all vowed to "get him" and put him in prison??? :poke:
The classification status of the documents are irrelevant to the potential statutes listed in the affidavit.

It's just smoke and mirrors by the right wing media.
Presidents have the legal right to declassify documents.

"Sitting presidents do have “unilateral and complete authority" to declassify material, though it doesn't fully extend to information classified under the Atomic Energy Act, said national security attorney Bradley P. Moss."

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