Trump Guilty Of Looking At His Own Classified Documents

Presidents have the legal right to declassify documents.

"Sitting presidents do have “unilateral and complete authority" to declassify material, though it doesn't fully extend to information classified under the Atomic Energy Act, said national security attorney Bradley P. Moss."
The problem is .. He didn't declassify shit.
And just how would you know that?
The burden is on Trump to prove he did. Nice try asking me to prove a negative. And in this discussion since you are the one blindly believing Trump, the burden of proof is on you.
Now show me the markings and dates in those allegedly declassified documents.

Do you think the judge is going to press the prosecution to prove that Trump "did not declassify anything". That's not how the law works sweetie pie. He's're going to ask mushroom dick to prove when and how he declassified them..
The burden is on Trump to prove he did. Nice try asking me to prove a negative. And in this discussion since you are the one blindly believing Trump, the burden of proof is on you.
Now show me the markings and dates in those allegedly declassified documents.

Do you think the judge is going to press the prosecution to prove that Trump "did not declassify anything". That's not how the law works sweetie pie. He's're going to ask mushroom dick to prove when and how he declassified them..
No. Here in America a person is innocent until proven guilty. And since he was the ONLY person legally and lawfully able to declassify documents at the time ... the burden of proving his guilt lands on the current Gestapo.
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This is how loony the radical left and the weaponized DOJ have become. They are now claiming that Trump may have looked at his very own classified documents. I kid you not. Apparently it is a crime to look at your very own classified documents. Guess that means that Biden and Pence are both going to jail too because I'm sure at one point or another they also looked at their own classified documents, as well as every other president and vice president throughout history.

The day he left office they were no longer his.

Why does this confuse you so?
Ummmmmmmmmm, they were in his brain. Democrats are accusing him of reading classified information he already knew. How stupid is that?

So, your stance is now that Trump had memorized them all?

Wow, that is fucking stupid even by your standards.
Your linked article is well over 2 years old, and does not address any specific actions by McConnell to raise any concern.
So because McConnell and his wife had ties to the Bank of China two years ago means that they don't today? Two years isn't that long ago. McConnell is a RINO cuck no matter when he allied himself with China. He's supported many RINO/Democrat alliances and he's a disgusting traitor (in my honest opinion).
First, they are not trumps records, they are the people's records and he illegally took ALL of the presidential records with him instead of turning them over to the national archives,
as every president since Nixon have done...due to the Presidential records act, which states the records of the president are we the peoples.

Second, the classified documents he received and gook, were NOT records he classified, these were records of the government originated elsewhere.

Third, without a record of declassification produced by trump, where all agencies holding the top secret records were notified to reclassify them...all in writing. NONE of that happened...thus, they were never declassified.

Fourth...what trump is in trouble for is keeping presidential documents, after being served a subpoena for them, and after lying on an affidavit that all records were returned.

Security tape showing him going thru and moving these documents he SWORE under oath he had returned them ALL....shows he obstructed justice, clear as day.
So because McConnell and his wife had ties to the Bank of China two years ago means that they don't today? Two years isn't that long ago. McConnell is a RINO cuck no matter when he allied himself with China. He's supported many RINO/Democrat alliances and he's a disgusting traitor (in my honest opinion).
Would you rather have a Democrat ex-Marine female that looks like a man? That is who ran against him last time.
So, your stance is now that Trump had memorized them all?

Wow, that is fucking stupid even by your standards.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, obviously he was briefed on them at some point. Your argument that presidents immediately forget the classified info given to them is ludicrous. If that were the case then anyone knowing classified information could tell anyone they wanted and then claim they forgot it was classified.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, obviously he was briefed on them at some point.

Was he? Can you prove that?

Your argument that presidents immediately forget the classified info given to them is ludicrous

I did not say that. But your argument that president are allowed to keep classified information after leaving the White House just because they have looked at once is what is ludicrous.

Once one loses their "need to know", they no longer have access, even if they had seen them 1000 times.

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