Trump Guilty!

There have been 16 wars or war-like clashes with the Palestinians since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948—almost one every five years. And it never leads to any lasting Peace.

The problem is that Israel does not want a 2 state solution for the Jews and Palestinians and they don't want a one state solution either because they do not want to assimilate them. That only leaves a state for Israel and nothing for the Palestinians which will mean everlasting wars and terrorism.
After seeing what the Palestinians allowed as their government, and possibly what they believe in, hell who can blame the Israeli's for being highly cautious of these people ever being able to assimilate.

However all is not lost, because if Israel wins it will allow them to show themselves as a noble and peaceful people that just want what every civilized human being wants. Hopefully they can show the Palestinians who haven't become so hard-core yet, that there is a better way for them. Hopefully!!!
Which would happen if they don't kill Hamas.

So what you described is not a good reason to give death cult terrorists a pass.

I am also curious to see what the protestors who support Palestine think of what Hamas has done to Palestine. Those rockets they fling over the border? Those were fashioned from water infrastructure funded by foreign aid and dug up by Hamas. The food Hamas eats? Stolen from the Palestinians. Their operating bases? Schools and hospitals built by foreign aid and stolen from the Palestinians.
The protestors I have seen in the US are not supporters of Hamas but rather the Palestinian people. Hamas captured control of the legislature in 2006 with 43% of the electorate. There have been no elections since then. Hamas is not popular with most Palestinians. The only polls that shows Hamas favored by the people are those done by Hamas.

I have a neighbor who lived in Gaza most of his life. He tells me the people hate Hamas. They run the country with an iron hand. You can't leave or enter the country, get a passport, or work in Israel, without their approval. Many in Gaza or refugees and have no proof of birth in Gaza and can not leave. Now the whole place is a prison, nobody in and nobody out.
The orange pomile of shit's only way out of prison is to cancel the trials, because he is guilty as shit.

And you know it.
Guilty of what exactly ? List the crimes he's guilty of with proof thank you. Oh and then list the hypothetical crimes Biden is guilty of also thank you.
Do you want a felon as your next president?
It depends upon what he represents and if he is good for the American people. Crooks, thieves, and murderers have been screwing the American population for many decades. A "felon" is a better choice than all of those b'stards. Do you know what MAGA means? Make America Great. Who gives a shit if he was found guilty of a mere "felon"?
The point being the majority did not want Hamas.
This is a fallacy.

It's still possible that 57% of Gazans preferred Hamas as their second choice. Or that the party they preferred most was just as violent and evil as Hamas is. Or even worse.

So no, the numbers do not make that point.

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