Trump Guilty!

"There have been 16 wars or war-like clashes with the Palestinians since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948—almost one every five years. And it never leads to any lasting Peace."

The problem is that Israel does not want a 2 state solution for the Jews and Palestinians and they don't want a one state solution either because they do not want to assimilate them. That only leaves a state for Israel and nothing for the Palestinians which will mean everlasting wars and terrorism.
That's pretty much the size of it, yes.
After seeing what the Palestinians allowed as their government, and possibly what they believe in, hell who can blame the Israeli's for being highly cautious of these people ever being able to assimilate.
Huh? Read Flopper's post again.

"There have been 16 wars or war-like clashes with the Palestinians since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948—almost one every five years. And it never leads to any lasting Peace".

NOTE: He is right and you know it. Let me repeat - " ... since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948". NINETEEN-FORTY-EIGHT. And you are sitting there in front of your computer insinuating that the Palestinians are at fault because of the form of government they chose Democratically in 2007? Oh boy, you have no respect for Chronological Time Line! Personally, I don't give a rat's ass how militant Hamas is. After 76 years of living under the Zionist jack boot I think the Palestinians are right to find an alternative solution to their strife: FIGHT by any means necessary. Diplomacy at the U.N. achieved nothing. :mad:
This is a fallacy.

It's still possible that 57% of Gazans preferred Hamas as their second choice. Or that the party they preferred most was just as violent and evil as Hamas is. Or even worse.

So no, the numbers do not make that point.
I suppose it is possible but I think that is unlikely. Just prior to the current war a survey of Palestinians found that only 23% of respondents said they have a great deal or quite a lot of trust in Hamas; 52% had no trust at all in Hamas. The basic problem is that Hamas is a war party and for over 20 years in Gaza, they have not made any headway in solving the most critical problems, jobs, sanitation, and personal safety. Unemployment has been 50% and 2/3 of people were living in poverty before the war. Gaza has been dependent on Israel for just about everything.

The war will probably end this year and then what? 145,000 to 175,000 building have been destroyed or badly damage which includes nearly all schools attended by 600,000 children. Most of the infrastructure is badly damaged and there no government and none in sight. Survey offers a window into Palestinians’ views ahead of the Hamas attack
I suppose it is possible but I think that is unlikely. Just prior to the current war a survey of Palestinians found that only 23% of respondents said they have a great deal or quite a lot of trust in Hamas; 52% had no trust at all in Hamas. The basic problem is that Hamas is a war party and for over 20 years in Gaza, they have not made any headway in solving the most critical problems, jobs, sanitation, and personal safety. Unemployment has been 50% and 2/3 of people were living in poverty before the war. Gaza has been dependent on Israel for just about everything.

The war will probably end this year and then what? 145,000 to 175,000 building have been destroyed or badly damage which includes nearly all schools attended by 600,000 children. Most of the infrastructure is badly damaged and there no government and none in sight. Survey offers a window into Palestinians’ views ahead of the Hamas attack
Not everyone voted for Abraham Lincoln.
I suppose it is possible but I think that is unlikely
Based on what, precisely? Do you understand that the #1 alternative to Hamas is Fatah? Do you understand who and what Fatah is?

Palestinians found that only 23% of respondents said they have a great deal or quite a lot of trust in Hamas; 52% had no trust at all in Hamas.
Which STILL does not indicate a majority does not support their evil terrorism. You're spinning in the same circle.

And considering their #1 alternative is Fatah, you are far from making the point that Gazans don't generally support the evil acts of Hamas.

Plenty of Americans don't trust Trump. But they may still vote for him and still root for him to do some of the idiotic things he promises.

The basic problem is that Hamas is a war party and for over 20 years in Gaza, they have not made any headway in solving the most critical problems, jobs, sanitation, and personal safety.
Right, they have stolen foreign aid like it's their job, while convincing Gazans that it is all Israel's fault the water doesnt work. They have committed ongoing terrorist acts, while convincing Gazans that Israel but a fence around Gaza just to "be mean".
Such pathetic sealioning.

And if you don't know the charges in the indictments, you shouldn't even be commenting.
All that just to not have to list the crimes that the Bidens are being found guilty of as we speak eh ? If you can list the Trump alleged crimes so easily, then why is it so hard to list the current alleged crimes that your Biden boy's have committed ??
I suppose it is possible but I think that is unlikely. Just prior to the current war a survey of Palestinians found that only 23% of respondents said they have a great deal or quite a lot of trust in Hamas; 52% had no trust at all in Hamas. The basic problem is that Hamas is a war party and for over 20 years in Gaza, they have not made any headway in solving the most critical problems, jobs, sanitation, and personal safety. Unemployment has been 50% and 2/3 of people were living in poverty before the war. Gaza has been dependent on Israel for just about everything.

The war will probably end this year and then what? 145,000 to 175,000 building have been destroyed or badly damage which includes nearly all schools attended by 600,000 children. Most of the infrastructure is badly damaged and there no government and none in sight. Survey offers a window into Palestinians’ views ahead of the Hamas attack
Remember how Germany looked after world War two ? Remember the Marshall plan, and what does Germany look or act like today ? Gaza can easily be transformed, and the people there assimilated..

First Israel must win.
That's pretty much the size of it, yes.

Huh? Read Flopper's post again.

"There have been 16 wars or war-like clashes with the Palestinians since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948—almost one every five years. And it never leads to any lasting Peace".

NOTE: He is right and you know it. Let me repeat - " ... since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948". NINETEEN-FORTY-EIGHT. And you are sitting there in front of your computer insinuating that the Palestinians are at fault because of the form of government they chose Democratically in 2007? Oh boy, you have no respect for Chronological Time Line! Personally, I don't give a rat's ass how militant Hamas is. After 76 years of living under the Zionist jack boot I think the Palestinians are right to find an alternative solution to their strife: FIGHT by any means necessary. Diplomacy at the U.N. achieved nothing. :mad:
And where did it all lead them too genius ?
You hate your country. You'd rather live under a dictatorship. That's why Putin looks good to you.
I hate enemy hamas loving democrats so much, I'd help Putin put a rocket up their asses and down their throats. Meet at the belly button. Blow it from an innie to an outtie..

Communist democrats are not this country.
And where did it all lead them too genius ?
Thank you for the over-stated personal praise but if you don't realize that Palestine is today becoming considered an equal partner in the UN then I really do not know what I must do to answer your question. Is it possible that you are unaware of the international consequences of the Hamas/Zionist conflict and the momentum of Israel's genocide of the Palestinian population?
Thank you for the over-stated personal praise but if you don't realize that Palestine is today becoming considered an equal partner in the UN then I really do not know what I must do to answer your question. Is it possible that you are unaware of the international consequences of the Hamas/Zionist conflict and the momentum of Israel's genocide of the Palestinian population?
War is hell, and there are winner's and loser's... It's what the winner does after a win that will brings about all eye's on how it's righteously reconstructed or planned out for all to benefit from if assimilate.
All two sentences?

As opposed to your several paragraphs of pretending to be too stupid To look up basic facts for yourself?

No, I am not your mommy. Go educate yourself on the topic before opening your mouth, like a normal adult.
More distraction from the site leftist parrot.
War is hell ...
Yep. I'm a war veteran myself.
.. and there are winner's and loser's ...
No, not always.
It's what the winner does after a win that will brings about all eye's on how it's righteously reconstructed ...
True, but are you speaking about the dissolved WARSAW PACT and the spread of NATO?
... or planned out for all to benefit from if assimilate.
Funny that Zionist NAZIs (for example) expect Palestinians to "assimilate" into a community that is bent on genocide claiming also that their side is "indivisible" (in a coerced pledge of allegiance) ... on one hand ... yet are in a frenzy to break up Russia and its Federation into non-assimilating malleable entities for their own benefit. There’s a double standard here that is screaming at the top of its lungs. 🗣️
Yep. I'm a war veteran myself.

No, not always.

True, but are you speaking about the dissolved WARSAW PACT and the spread of NATO?

Funny that Zionist NAZIs (for example) expect Palestinians to "assimilate" into a community that is bent on genocide claiming also that their side is "indivisible" (in a coerced pledge of allegiance) ... on one hand ... yet are in a frenzy to break up Russia and its Federation into non-assimilating malleable entities for their own benefit. There’s a double standard here that is screaming at the top of its lungs. 🗣️
Your word's might carry weight if the Palestinians weren't the type of people who allowed a cut throat government to go out in their name and committ atrocious acts of genocidal murder, and to create mayhem and chaos against an unsuspecting people who were just living peacefully in their communities, and working in their job's.

Yeah you're right, a people like the palis will probably never assimilate after being brainwashed for centuries, and that is just a shame when one looks at the differences in lifestyles, communities, infrastructures, governance, and the educational standards between the two people's.

Why do you ignore the facts, otherwise when you turn a blind eye to those facts instead of addressing them honestly like they should be addressed ?
Your word's might carry weight if the Palestinians weren't the type of people who allowed a cut throat government to go out in their name and committ atrocious acts of genocidal murder, and to create mayhem and chaos against an unsuspecting people who were just living peacefully in their communities, and working in their job's.
Whoa! Hold on to your horses. Did the American population "allow their government to go out in their name" and bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That was an act of "genocidal murder". If you agree with them (or excuse them) then I presume you have your own logical reasons for doing so. Right? Weren't the "unsuspecting Japanese civilian population just living peacefully in their communities, and working in their job's"?
Yeah you're right, a people like the palis ....
"Palis" ..... "Japs" ... "Krauts" ..... "Spics" .... "Niggas" ... "Wogs" ..... "Wops" ..... "Kikes" .... etc. What is wrong with you people?
... will probably never assimilate after being brainwashed ....
"Brainwashed"? Do you mean having their land and homes stolen at gun point requires "brainashing" in order to resist assimilating into the murderous thieves' corridors of destitution?
..... is just a shame when one looks at the differences in lifestyles, communities, infrastructures, governance, and the educational standards between the two people's.
And just how do you think those "differences" came about? Pray, do tell.
Why do you ignore the facts ....
Funny ain't it that it is I who is trying to figure out "why it is you who ignors the facts" ........
... otherwise when you turn a blind eye to those facts instead of addressing them honestly like they should be addressed ?
........ I repeat ...........

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