Trump Guilty!

MOST are sympathizers and the vast majority have been bred to hate Jews.

As far as them seeing HAMAS as their liberators, then they’re idiots. HAMAS turned down land-for-peace details.
Agree, they are brainwashed just like the rabid leftist are in this country.
How many times must history be taught to you failures before you finally learn the truth in it all ?

Here's the Truth.

The UK tried to colonize Palestine with Jews from Europe. Except the Jews of Europe weren't really terribly interested.

Until Hitler turned their relatives into lampshades and bars of soap. Then the West felt a bit sad about it and went along with this colonization effort that never should have happened.

Zionism has always been based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land!" There were people there, and their land was stolen. This is why there will never be peace.
Here's the Truth.

The UK tried to colonize Palestine with Jews from Europe. Except the Jews of Europe weren't really terribly interested.

Until Hitler turned their relatives into lampshades and bars of soap. Then the West felt a bit sad about it and went along with this colonization effort that never should have happened.

Zionism has always been based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land!" There were people there, and their land was stolen. This is why there will never be peace.
Wait, so England tried to help the Jews return home to their land, but the Jews were wanting to remain world citizen's instead ??Then unfortunately the Germans started a campaign of "death too the Jews", and that is when they decided to return home to their land by way of assistance from those who had liberated them ??

Sounds like a righteous journey back home to me.

So what did the Jewish people find when they got back home ?

Maybe some comparisons are in order, and this just so we can see who is the better democracy, and the better stewards of the land in these modern times.

Could it be that the Palestinians have issue's that are being glossed over òr ignored by the world, but those who are directly affected know what the issue's are, and could teach you a thing or two if you'd open up your stubborn brainwashed mind on the matter ???
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Here's the Truth.

The UK tried to colonize Palestine with Jews from Europe. Except the Jews of Europe weren't really terribly interested.

Until Hitler turned their relatives into lampshades and bars of soap. Then the West felt a bit sad about it and went along with this colonization effort that never should have happened.

Zionism has always been based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land!" There were people there, and their land was stolen. This is why there will never be peace.
Too, there's this 👇 kind of stuff.


Jeff Danziger for June 08, 2024 - GoComics

Hamas saw OBL's sucess, where more innocents killed yielded more fanatical recruits for the cause, while the theft of land, water and resources has continued in the West Bank and elsewhere.
Too, there's this 👇 kind of stuff.

View attachment 960182
Jeff Danziger for June 08, 2024 - GoComics

Hamas saw OBL's sucess, where more innocents killed yielded more fanatical recruits for the cause, while the theft of land, water and resources has continued in the West Bank and elsewhere.
How can he join if there is no Hamas left to join ? That's the art of winning a war against one's enemy, otherwise you eradicate the threat, and then teach those who were brainwashed about who they were followers of, and how exactly they were following the worst kind of people who basically were the one's responsible for the death of his family members. Worked to turn Germany around, and it will work again to turn the Palestinian people around.
The West Bank settlers are violent, hard right fanatics. Much worse than the Israelis.
What has made them this way ? The native Indians are those who opposed the English settlers, and in many cases were violent in hopes to drive out those settlers, so I ask should the English settlers just have easily given up and go back to where they came from or stay and create the mega nation that so many from around the world want to flock too today ???????

You see, somebody has to grab the bull by it's horns and wrestle it to the ground before it can be tamed.

Why are you so damned naive in life ? Hey don't make other people stupid just because you might be. Words of advice.. 😆
What has made them this way ? The native Indians are those who opposed the English settlers, and in many cases were violent in hopes to drive out those settlers, so I ask should the English settlers just have easily given up and go back to where they came from or stay and create the mega nation that so many from around the world want to flock too today ???????

You see, somebody has to grab the bull by it's horns and wrestle it to the ground before it can be tamed.

Why are you so damned naive in life ? Hey don't make other people stupid just because you might be. Words of advice.. 😆

2000 years of persecutions. They're damaged.
How can he join if there is no Hamas left to join ? That's the art of winning a war against one's enemy, otherwise you eradicate the threat, and then teach those who were brainwashed about who they were followers of, and how exactly they were following the worst kind of people who basically were the one's responsible for the death of his family members. Worked to turn Germany around, and it will work again to turn the Palestinian people around.
Even if Israel kills every single member of Hamas that will not create a lasting peace. The families and particularly the children of tens of thousand of Palestinian that have been scarified are never going to become peaceful neighbors with the Jews. They will become the new Hamas and terrorists of the future.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”
Even if Israel kills every single member of Hamas that will not create a lasting peace. The families and particularly the children of tens of thousand of Palestinian that have been scarified are never going to become peaceful neighbors with the Jews. They will become the new Hamas and terrorists of the future.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”
You didn't read the part where I said that Israel needs to be in charge of reshaping the altitudes and mind's of those who were brainwashed. First Israel must WIN, and then the situation can be worked into a different direction for the betterment of all involved.
You didn't read the part where I said that Israel needs to be in charge of reshaping the altitudes and mind's of those who were brainwashed. First Israel must WIN, and then the situation can be worked into a different direction for the betterment of all involved.
There have been 16 wars or war-like clashes with the Palestinians since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948—almost one every five years. And it never leads to any lasting Peace.

The problem is that Israel does not want a 2 state solution for the Jews and Palestinians and they don't want a one state solution either because they do not want to assimilate them. That only leaves a state for Israel and nothing for the Palestinians which will mean everlasting wars and terrorism.
Even if Israel kills every single member of Hamas that will not create a lasting peace. The families and particularly the children of tens of thousand of Palestinian that have been scarified are never going to become peaceful neighbors with the Jews. They will become the new Hamas and terrorists of the future.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”
Which would happen if they don't kill Hamas.

So what you described is not a good reason to give death cult terrorists a pass.

I am also curious to see what the protestors who support Palestine think of what Hamas has done to Palestine. Those rockets they fling over the border? Those were fashioned from water infrastructure funded by foreign aid and dug up by Hamas. The food Hamas eats? Stolen from the Palestinians. Their operating bases? Schools and hospitals built by foreign aid and stolen from the Palestinians.
Which would happen if they don't kill Hamas.

So what you described is not a good reason to give death cult terrorists a pass.

I am also curious to see what the protestors who support Palestine think of what Hamas has done to Palestine. Those rockets they fling over the border? Those were fashioned from water infrastructure funded by foreign aid and dug up by Hamas. The food Hamas eats? Stolen from the Palestinians. Their operating bases? Schools and hospitals built by foreign aid and stolen from the Palestinians.
The protestors in the US don't support Hamas. In fact most Palestinians in Gaza don't either. After Arafat died his party fell apart and Hamas won the election in Gaza in 2005 with a plurality of 43% and there hasn't been an election since.

The unemployment in Gaza hangs in there at around 50%. Under Hamas, some Palestinians were able to get permits to work in Israel as unskilled labor. Pay was not high but it was 8 to 10 times the pay in Gaza.

Before the war, leaving Gaza was problematic for most residents. A passport and other travel documents would cost about $500 to $700 in fees, providing you can get the necessary documents. Many can not. Of course, that is a mute point today since Gaza has become a prison, with almost no one allowed to come in or out
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There have been 16 wars or war-like clashes with the Palestinians since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948—almost one every five years. And it never leads to any lasting Peace.

The problem is that Israel does not want a 2 state solution for the Jews and Palestinians and they don't want a one state solution either because they do not want to assimilate them. That only leaves a state for Israel and nothing for the Palestinians which will mean everlasting wars and terrorism.
The problem is the PALESTINIANS don’t want a two-state solution. They want Israel wiped off the map and all her Jews dead.

The way you blame the Jewish state makes me think you’re a liberal.
The protestors in the US don't support Hamas. In fact most Palestinians in Gaza don't either. After Arafat died his party fell apart and Hamas won the election in Gaza in 2005 with a plurality of 43% and there hasn't been an election since.

The unemployment in Gaza hangs in there at around 50%. Under Hamas, some Palestinians were able to get permits to work in Israel as unskilled labor. Pay was not high but it was 8 to 10 times the pay in Gaza.

Before the war, leaving Gaza was problematic for most residents. A passport and other travel documents would cost about $500 to $700 in fees, providing you can get the necessary documents. Many can not. Of course, that is a mute point today since Gaza has become a prison, with almost no one allowed to come in or out
Yup….you’re a liberal, all right. Siding with the rioters who are screaming “I am HAMAS” and “Death to Jews” and blocking Jewish kids from class - and then claiming they are not supporting HAMAS.

And I notice you credit HAMAS (a liberal wants to make terrorists look good) for allowing Palestinians to work in Israel - but NO credit to Israel for providing jobs to Muslims who hate their guts and want to see them dead, The MAJORITY of Palestinians supported the barbaric, savage massacre of innocent Jews on October 7th.
The protestors in the US don't support Hamas
Whether they do or not, I want to see them condemn hamas. Hamas has caused more.misery in Palestine than the Israeli military has.

In fact most Palestinians in Gaza don't either.
Getting only 43% of the vote most certainly does not indicate most Palestinians do not support Hamas or their actions right now.

And a plurality is a mandate, like it or not.

Did you see the video of the palestinians packing and dancing and singing in the streets, when the death cult was parading around the body of the german girl?

The last time we saw something like that in the united states is when trump lost.

Under Hamas, some Palestinians were able to get permits to work in Israel as unskilled labor.
That program has existed for decades. Some Arab Muslims who identify as Palestinian even live in Israel and are Israeli citizens.

Of course, that is a mute point today since Gaza has become a prison, with almost no one allowed to come in or out
You forgot to say why... ;)

The "why" is that the other security measures Israel attempted were not effective against the constant stream of terrorist attacks from Gaza.

As you can see.... all arrows point to Hamas and the terrorists.

I am not cheering Palestinian deaths. But I put their blood on the hands of Hamas.

Just as, if we had shot down Flight 93, I would have put the blood of the passengers and any dead on the ground on the hands of Al Qaeda.
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