Trump had better not pick Haley as his Veep.

He is the reason why I am no longer a democrat. Early on he figured out how demonic democrats were. Then I started paying attention to the lying, manipulation, hatred of democrats and every spawn of hell they stand for.

Good to see you are half way free of being a cult member. Now if you could just leave the other half of the duopoly there might be hope for you.
I like Noem, but SD does not bring much to the table for votes.

Noem is 1000000000000x more competent than the current VP, who is trash.
I am waiting for Noem to suggest putting Trump on Mt Rushmore, that would cement her spot as the VP.
You mean just like our current VP? Better yet, do you mean like our current puppet President?
Didn't she just escape to Kaliphony? Pretty sure she did. No, not pretty sure, absolutely sure.

Nikki Haley is Mitt Romney with saggy tits.
Most "children" lean far left. The fact that he may lean right is exactly the opposite of being brainwashed.

most children do not lean at all, they could not care less about politics
most children do not lean at all, they could not care less about politics

By children I mean high school age up to 22 or so. They are heavily opinionated and heavily Democrat. Most grow out of it. 50 year old's still thinking like they did when they were 20 aside.
By children I mean high school age up to 22 or so. They are heavily opinionated and heavily Democrat. Most grow out of it. 50 year old's still thinking like they did when they were 20 aside.

not been my experience.
Not too likely.

I'd like to see President Trump choose Hulk Hogan as his running mate. Hogan recently joined the Christian faith, this will help him get the Judeo-Christian vote in November.

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