Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

I asked the question on another thread......BUT,

with the above in mind, were there SANCTIONS against Russia not already in place when the Trumpster was trying to work out this deal?
the sanctions were put on Russia in 2014 so the answer is YES, the sanctions on Russia were in place before this Cohen and Sader deal...

Didn't stop $7.5BILL in US EXPORTS to Russia in 2016. You're VERY sure that building a tower in Moscow would have been sanctioned. But there's no evidence it would have. Or even no evidence it was actually PLANNED..

Thought crimes. That really truly ALL you got here. BUT -- if you think the country ought to stop and put their collective thumbs up their asses --- like you all are doing -- keep it up. Your party and movement will pay COMPLETELY in the next elections..
it's a pattern of lying about his Russia connections and a QUID PRO QUO that could have taken place...that Mueller is looking in to....

Also,there are the meetings of Trump's team, Kushner specifically meeting with a Russian gvt bank that was sanctioned and two totally different stories told on what they met about, and there is Deutsche Bank connections who were just caught money laundering for the Russians, and the unusual loans to Trump and Kushner by them, and Wilbur Ross's connection to the Cypress Bank, another money laundering hub of the Russians who Trump hired as our Commerce Secretary and is the person who arranged the purchase of the house Trump sold for double the market value and more than double what he paid... to the Russian Oligarch, and the Russian Mob living in his Tower, and the strange communications between Alpha Bank, another Russian bank and a Trump server the FBI was investigating...etc etc etc.....

There IS SOMETHING FISHY going on, and Mueller and team, is on to it....whatever nefarious thing 'it' may be....and hopefully, we will get the truth someday when they are done....

This isn't some made up thing out of thin air FlaCalTenn!

THIS is a thought crime. That's what it is.

You have all the patience in the world to following US leadership connections to Russian Banks.. EXCEPT for Podesta and his representation of SBerBank DURING THE CAMPAIGN. Don't think Podesta was getting pressure to get favorable treatment from HIS candidate? :badgrin:

Why is that?
Hey Care4all .. How many of those actually SANCTIONED oligarchs and Russian Mafioso had SIGNIFICANT assets and projects with SBerBank? Inquiring minds NEED to know....
I am sure that this thread will be combined with another....However, I could use an answer.....

Was Trump's attempt to build the complex in Moscow in COMPLIANCE or not with the sanctions imposed on Russia since spring of 2014?
Anything to bring him down, huh, traitor?
It is cocksucks like you that are the traitors to this nation. You admire tyrants like Putin, support the Nazis in Charlottesville, and generally hate the virtues that made this nation great. And lying five times a day while occupying the White House is not a virtue.
Hey Care4all .. How many of those actually SANCTIONED oligarchs and Russian Mafioso had SIGNIFICANT assets and projects with SBerBank? Inquiring minds NEED to know....
LOL Well, now maybe you should post links to verifiable sources that explain all of that? Or maybe you are just posting to take the heat off of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

We have Trump Jr.'s e-mails that show that campaigns desire to collude with the Russians. What was offered in return?
President Donald Trump's attorney reached out to the Kremlin for assistance in building a Trump Tower in Moscow well into the business mogul's presidential campaign, he said Monday, adding that he discussed the project with Trump three times.

The attorney, Michael Cohen, denied that the project was related "in any way" to Trump's campaign, though the developments appear to contradict Trump's vehement denials of any such business connections to Russia in the past.

Rest here: Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

Well, isn't that interesting...
Go ahead. Let the Jews take him down. Let's get this over with.
LOL So there we have it. Well, c, just stay in your little bigoted cocoon. You are a pathetic individual that rejects all that has made our nation great.
Obama was a fucking saint compared to this lying bastard.

Tell that to the people of Libya and Syria that the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast ruined millions of lifes for resources that didn't belong to them.....
Bitch, that Libyan had American blood on his hands. Justice meted out.

No, what Libya had was 400 plus tons of gold that USA.INC needed to keep this fiat currency propped up and the hegemony of the biggest terrorist threat on the planet kept in place........salient facts, Old Fuck.......
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.

What law is that?

List of American companies operating in Russia:

  1. 3M
  2. Abbott Laboratories
  3. AbbVie
  4. AECOM
  5. Air Products
  6. Albermarle Chemicals Representative Office
  7. Alcoa SMZ (Alcoa Russia)
  8. American Express Russia & CIS
  9. AmeRussia St.Petersburg, Russia
  10. Amrustrans
  11. Amsted Rail Company
  12. Amway Russia
  13. Apple
  14. Armstrong World Industries
  15. Autodesk
  16. Avis Russia
  17. Avon Beauty Products Company
  18. Black & Decker, Moscow Representative Office
  19. Boeing Russia
  20. Bristol-Myers Squibb
  21. Brown-Forman Russia
  22. Burger King
  23. Cameron
  24. Cargill
  25. Caterpillar Eurasia
  26. Caterpillar Tosno
  27. Celgene Corporation
  28. Chevron
  29. Cisco Systems
  30. Citi Russia
  31. Citibank, Saint-Petersburg Branch
  32. Coca-Cola System in Russia
  33. Colgate-Palmolive
  34. Compressor Controls Corporation
  35. CononoPhillips Russia
  36. Corning SNG
  37. Crate & Barrel
  38. Cummins Incorporated
  39. Dell
  40. Delta Air Lines
  41. Dolby
  42. Dow Europe
  43. DuPont Science and Technologies
  44. Eaton
  45. Ecolab
  46. ExxonMobil
  47. Fluor Entrprises Group
  48. Ford Sollers Holding
  49. Forever 21
  50. General Electric
  51. General Motors Russia & cIS
  52. Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories
  53. Goldman Sachs
  54. Google
  55. Halliburton
  56. Herbalife International RS
  57. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  58. Hilton Russia
  59. Honeywell
  60. Huntsman CIS
  61. IBM East Europe/Asia (NW Region Branch)
  62. IBM East Europe/Asia
  63. Intel
  64. International Paper Russia, Moscow Branch
  65. John Deere Rus
  66. Johnson & Johnson
  67. Johnson Controls International
  68. JP Morgan
  69. KBR East
  70. Kellogg Rus
  71. KFC
  72. Kimberly-Clark
  73. Kinross Gold Corporation, Moscow Representative Office
  74. Krispy Kreme
  75. Levi Strauss Moscow
  76. Lexmark International
  77. Liberty Insurance
  78. Lilly Pharma
  79. Mars Inc.
  80. Mary Kay
  81. MasterCard International
  82. McDonald’s Russia
  83. Medtronic
  84. Metlife
  85. Microsoft RUS
  86. Mondelez International
  87. Morgan Stanley
  88. Motorola Solutions
  89. Motorola Solutions, St. Petersburg Software Design Center
  90. MSD Pharmaceuticals
  91. NBCUniversal
  92. Nike
  93. NVIDIA
  94. OCV Steklovolokno (Owens Corning)
  95. Oracle Development SPB
  96. OTIS Lift
  97. PepsiCo
  98. Pfizer
  99. Philip Morris Izhora
  100. Philip Morris Sales & Marketing
  101. Procter & Gamble
  102. Qualcomm Europe, Russia Branch Office
  103. RAND Corporation
  104. SC Johnson
  105. Sealed Air
  106. Sherwin-Williams
  107. Software Technologies
  108. Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited
  109. Starbucks
  110. Subway Russia
  111. Tenneco Automotive Volga
  112. The Estee Lauder Companies
  113. The Walt Disney Company, CIS
  114. Thermo Fisher Scientific
  115. Timken-Rus Service Company
  116. United Technologies International Operations
  117. United Way of Russia
  118. Visa
  119. Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing
  120. Western Union
  121. Wrigley, A subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated-St. Petersburg Branch
  122. Xerox
  123. YRIR (YUM! Restaurants International Russia and CIS)
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union
I just checked my two beloved Genz Benz Black Pearl 30 amps. They each have 4 (Tubestore branded "premium" made in China) preamp tubes 2 for gain and 2 for reverb (designed to sound like Mullards), and a Mullard (made in Russia) rectifier tube, and 4 EL 84 power tubes (Tubestore branded "premium" made in Russia). I love China and Russia. Folks these amps, designed in Arizona back in the day, and using an USA made Eminence Alnico Red Fang speaker can sound like Fender clean or Marshall dirty and everything in between which is why Fender bought them and closed it down to avoid the competition.
Last edited:
Obama was a fucking saint compared to this lying bastard.

Tell that to the people of Libya and Syria that the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast ruined millions of lifes for resources that didn't belong to them.....
Bitch, that Libyan had American blood on his hands. Justice meted out.

No, what Libya had was 400 plus tons of gold that USA.INC needed to keep this fiat currency propped up and the hegemony of the biggest terrorist threat on the planet kept in place........salient facts, Old Fuck.......
LOL And the 'facts' came from the National Enquirer? LOL
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.

What law is that?

List of American companies operating in Russia:

  1. 3M
  2. Abbott Laboratories
  3. AbbVie
  4. AECOM
  5. Air Products
  6. Albermarle Chemicals Representative Office
  7. Alcoa SMZ (Alcoa Russia)
  8. American Express Russia & CIS
  9. AmeRussia St.Petersburg, Russia
  10. Amrustrans
  11. Amsted Rail Company
  12. Amway Russia
  13. Apple
  14. Armstrong World Industries
  15. Autodesk
  16. Avis Russia
  17. Avon Beauty Products Company
  18. Black & Decker, Moscow Representative Office
  19. Boeing Russia
  20. Bristol-Myers Squibb
  21. Brown-Forman Russia
  22. Burger King
  23. Cameron
  24. Cargill
  25. Caterpillar Eurasia
  26. Caterpillar Tosno
  27. Celgene Corporation
  28. Chevron
  29. Cisco Systems
  30. Citi Russia
  31. Citibank, Saint-Petersburg Branch
  32. Coca-Cola System in Russia
  33. Colgate-Palmolive
  34. Compressor Controls Corporation
  35. CononoPhillips Russia
  36. Corning SNG
  37. Crate & Barrel
  38. Cummins Incorporated
  39. Dell
  40. Delta Air Lines
  41. Dolby
  42. Dow Europe
  43. DuPont Science and Technologies
  44. Eaton
  45. Ecolab
  46. ExxonMobil
  47. Fluor Entrprises Group
  48. Ford Sollers Holding
  49. Forever 21
  50. General Electric
  51. General Motors Russia & cIS
  52. Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories
  53. Goldman Sachs
  54. Google
  55. Halliburton
  56. Herbalife International RS
  57. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  58. Hilton Russia
  59. Honeywell
  60. Huntsman CIS
  61. IBM East Europe/Asia (NW Region Branch)
  62. IBM East Europe/Asia
  63. Intel
  64. International Paper Russia, Moscow Branch
  65. John Deere Rus
  66. Johnson & Johnson
  67. Johnson Controls International
  68. JP Morgan
  69. KBR East
  70. Kellogg Rus
  71. KFC
  72. Kimberly-Clark
  73. Kinross Gold Corporation, Moscow Representative Office
  74. Krispy Kreme
  75. Levi Strauss Moscow
  76. Lexmark International
  77. Liberty Insurance
  78. Lilly Pharma
  79. Mars Inc.
  80. Mary Kay
  81. MasterCard International
  82. McDonald’s Russia
  83. Medtronic
  84. Metlife
  85. Microsoft RUS
  86. Mondelez International
  87. Morgan Stanley
  88. Motorola Solutions
  89. Motorola Solutions, St. Petersburg Software Design Center
  90. MSD Pharmaceuticals
  91. NBCUniversal
  92. Nike
  93. NVIDIA
  94. OCV Steklovolokno (Owens Corning)
  95. Oracle Development SPB
  96. OTIS Lift
  97. PepsiCo
  98. Pfizer
  99. Philip Morris Izhora
  100. Philip Morris Sales & Marketing
  101. Procter & Gamble
  102. Qualcomm Europe, Russia Branch Office
  103. RAND Corporation
  104. SC Johnson
  105. Sealed Air
  106. Sherwin-Williams
  107. Software Technologies
  108. Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited
  109. Starbucks
  110. Subway Russia
  111. Tenneco Automotive Volga
  112. The Estee Lauder Companies
  113. The Walt Disney Company, CIS
  114. Thermo Fisher Scientific
  115. Timken-Rus Service Company
  116. United Technologies International Operations
  117. United Way of Russia
  118. Visa
  119. Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing
  120. Western Union
  121. Wrigley, A subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated-St. Petersburg Branch
  122. Xerox
  123. YRIR (YUM! Restaurants International Russia and CIS)
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union
And I work for a Russian company here in the USA. And we roll armor plate for Israel. And I was also in uniform, on base, when we stopped the Soviet ships off of Cuba. LOL Yes, the world is a strange place at times. Does not change the fact that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown was seeking aid from Russia during his campaign, and, also, looking for a way to profit from the transactions, personally. What we need to know is what he promised Russia in exchange.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.
I don't know whether Trump erecting a hotel or opening a resort in Russia would violate U.S. sanctions against Russia. It could be that what Trump was doing did indeed violate the sanctions because it seems his firm's dealings may have involved Putin himself, or perhaps one of the "designated" Putin cronies.

I'll be honest. I don't have enough details about what Trump Organization's attorney(s) did, and I haven't fully read the sanctions detail.
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.

What law is that?

List of American companies operating in Russia:

  1. 3M
  2. Abbott Laboratories
  3. AbbVie
  4. AECOM
  5. Air Products
  6. Albermarle Chemicals Representative Office
  7. Alcoa SMZ (Alcoa Russia)
  8. American Express Russia & CIS
  9. AmeRussia St.Petersburg, Russia
  10. Amrustrans
  11. Amsted Rail Company
  12. Amway Russia
  13. Apple
  14. Armstrong World Industries
  15. Autodesk
  16. Avis Russia
  17. Avon Beauty Products Company
  18. Black & Decker, Moscow Representative Office
  19. Boeing Russia
  20. Bristol-Myers Squibb
  21. Brown-Forman Russia
  22. Burger King
  23. Cameron
  24. Cargill
  25. Caterpillar Eurasia
  26. Caterpillar Tosno
  27. Celgene Corporation
  28. Chevron
  29. Cisco Systems
  30. Citi Russia
  31. Citibank, Saint-Petersburg Branch
  32. Coca-Cola System in Russia
  33. Colgate-Palmolive
  34. Compressor Controls Corporation
  35. CononoPhillips Russia
  36. Corning SNG
  37. Crate & Barrel
  38. Cummins Incorporated
  39. Dell
  40. Delta Air Lines
  41. Dolby
  42. Dow Europe
  43. DuPont Science and Technologies
  44. Eaton
  45. Ecolab
  46. ExxonMobil
  47. Fluor Entrprises Group
  48. Ford Sollers Holding
  49. Forever 21
  50. General Electric
  51. General Motors Russia & cIS
  52. Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories
  53. Goldman Sachs
  54. Google
  55. Halliburton
  56. Herbalife International RS
  57. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  58. Hilton Russia
  59. Honeywell
  60. Huntsman CIS
  61. IBM East Europe/Asia (NW Region Branch)
  62. IBM East Europe/Asia
  63. Intel
  64. International Paper Russia, Moscow Branch
  65. John Deere Rus
  66. Johnson & Johnson
  67. Johnson Controls International
  68. JP Morgan
  69. KBR East
  70. Kellogg Rus
  71. KFC
  72. Kimberly-Clark
  73. Kinross Gold Corporation, Moscow Representative Office
  74. Krispy Kreme
  75. Levi Strauss Moscow
  76. Lexmark International
  77. Liberty Insurance
  78. Lilly Pharma
  79. Mars Inc.
  80. Mary Kay
  81. MasterCard International
  82. McDonald’s Russia
  83. Medtronic
  84. Metlife
  85. Microsoft RUS
  86. Mondelez International
  87. Morgan Stanley
  88. Motorola Solutions
  89. Motorola Solutions, St. Petersburg Software Design Center
  90. MSD Pharmaceuticals
  91. NBCUniversal
  92. Nike
  93. NVIDIA
  94. OCV Steklovolokno (Owens Corning)
  95. Oracle Development SPB
  96. OTIS Lift
  97. PepsiCo
  98. Pfizer
  99. Philip Morris Izhora
  100. Philip Morris Sales & Marketing
  101. Procter & Gamble
  102. Qualcomm Europe, Russia Branch Office
  103. RAND Corporation
  104. SC Johnson
  105. Sealed Air
  106. Sherwin-Williams
  107. Software Technologies
  108. Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited
  109. Starbucks
  110. Subway Russia
  111. Tenneco Automotive Volga
  112. The Estee Lauder Companies
  113. The Walt Disney Company, CIS
  114. Thermo Fisher Scientific
  115. Timken-Rus Service Company
  116. United Technologies International Operations
  117. United Way of Russia
  118. Visa
  119. Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing
  120. Western Union
  121. Wrigley, A subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated-St. Petersburg Branch
  122. Xerox
  123. YRIR (YUM! Restaurants International Russia and CIS)
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union

Operating in Russia isn't in and of itself a violation of the sanctions against Russia. Conducting business with certain individuals and/or conducting certain types of business activities is.

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