Trump Had to Borrow Stormy's Hush Money?

Only the best companies, tremendous companies. Trump university can give you a leg up, everyone is talking about it. The best companies folks. Believe it.
only a true financial genius could go bankrupt running casinos

the cheeto is truly, truly gifted
How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions

"In three interviews with The Times since late April, Mr. Trump acknowledged in general terms that high debt and lagging revenues had plagued his casinos.

"He did not recall details about some issues, but did not question The Times’s findings.

"He repeatedly emphasized that what really mattered about his time in Atlantic City was that he had made a lot of money there.

"Mr. Trump assembled his casino empire by borrowing money at such high interest rates — after telling regulators he would not — that the businesses had almost no chance to succeed."

Trump will be remembered as the most famous con man in history.
Let's see how good he is at "conning" Kim to give up his nukes.
I'll vote for a rich con man any day over a corrupt Clinton.
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
MSNBC's Rachel Maddcow recently waved around Trump's tax returns from a couple of years ago. They proved he paid about 128 million in federal taxes that year.
Not too bad for someone who is "broke".

"Maddow did not appear to know who provided the return to reporters. She said Johnston 'found the return in his mailbox.'
Trump’s tax return released on live TV
"'It’s entirely possible that Donald sent this to me,' Johnston said. “Donald has a very long history of leaking material about himself when it serves his interests. … With Donald, you never know. Donald creates his own reality. He says things that aren’t true. … So I think I have to include that in the list of possibilities of where it came from.'"

The return you mentioned was from 2005.
If Trump had the same income in 2018 he would pay about $3 million in federal taxes.
Can you guess why?
only a true financial genius could go bankrupt running casinos

the cheeto is truly, truly gifted
How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions

"In three interviews with The Times since late April, Mr. Trump acknowledged in general terms that high debt and lagging revenues had plagued his casinos.

"He did not recall details about some issues, but did not question The Times’s findings.

"He repeatedly emphasized that what really mattered about his time in Atlantic City was that he had made a lot of money there.

"Mr. Trump assembled his casino empire by borrowing money at such high interest rates — after telling regulators he would not — that the businesses had almost no chance to succeed."

Trump will be remembered as the most famous con man in history.
Let's see how good he is at "conning" Kim to give up his nukes.
I'll vote for a rich con man any day over a corrupt Clinton.
Trump will have to give up a few US bases in South Korea if he expects Kim to dismantle his nuclear deterrent.

btw, your choice isn't limited to corrupt crony capitalists or the corrupt Clinton crime family.
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
After MSNBC and ABC This Week destroyed Giuliani with his disastrous interview, no one knows what facts team Trump have to present other than incoherent bs littered in lies. I'm with Avenatti. That looked like the worst, most unprepared interview by a lawyer on T.V. in modern times. These folks have injected so many lies into the Stormy Daniels pay off, no one knows anything. ‘Trump has hired his mini-me. Giuliani’s a buffoon’
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
It does sound like a campaign financing loan to me too yes.

I am sure this will be on Mueller's charge sheet against Trump.
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
1990...very current. I hear Rachel Maddow has a bombshell to release on Trumps tax returns :auiqs.jpg:
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
After MSNBC and ABC This Week destroyed Giuliani with his disastrous interview, no one knows what facts team Trump have to present other than incoherent bs littered in lies. I'm with Avenatti. That looked like the worst, most unprepared interview by a lawyer on T.V. in modern times. These folks have injected so many lies into the Stormy Daniels pay off, no one knows anything. ‘Trump has hired his mini-me. Giuliani’s a buffoon’
Democratic Party propaganda apparatus goes after Giuliani. Big surprise.
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
After MSNBC and ABC This Week destroyed Giuliani with his disastrous interview, no one knows what facts team Trump have to present other than incoherent bs littered in lies. I'm with Avenatti. That looked like the worst, most unprepared interview by a lawyer on T.V. in modern times. These folks have injected so many lies into the Stormy Daniels pay off, no one knows anything. ‘Trump has hired his mini-me. Giuliani’s a buffoon’
Could Stormy provide the evidence of obstruction of justice Mueller is looking for; if so, give Rudy a big assist.

Rudy Giuliani's flubs may let Stormy Daniels take down President Trump

"The legal team had clearly concluded that (with the raid on Trump’s personal counsel, Michael Cohen) it could no longer factually or legally defend the president’s prior blanket denial of an affair or knowledge of the agreement with porn star Stormy Daniels.

"Giuliani failed in the pivot rather spectacularly and might have done the impossible in making Cohen look competent in comparison.

"Giuliani later corrected his statements, and Trump went public to rebuke him to 'get his facts straight.'

"Trump added the general advice to 'learn before you speak. It's a lot easier.'

"The danger, however, is far greater than a lawyer learning about a case live on television like some legal reality show.

"The problem for Trump is that the Daniels controversy could supply the obstruction case that has long evaded special counsel Robert Mueller."
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
It does sound like a campaign financing loan to me too yes.

I am sure this will be on Mueller's charge sheet against Trump.
Trump's problems with "criminal intent" just got a lot worse.

Richard Blumenthal: Stormy Daniels payment evidence of obstruction of justice

"Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Friday that the issue of President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen’s payment to Stormy Daniels changes the Russia investigation.

"'It changes the investigation very profoundly because it provides more evidence of criminal intent. The issue here is bigger than just campaign finance violations. It’s bigger than the Ethics in Government Act,' Mr. Blumenthal said on CNN.

"He said it shows evidence of 'obstruction of justice' and proves 'motive.'

"The fact that Mr. Trump didn’t admit that he repaid Mr. Cohen for fronting the money to Ms. Daniels for her silence over an alleged affair shows he’s likely hiding more information from the American people, the senator said.

"'The payment of those funds and the hiding of it, the concealing of it — and the American people have the right to know what the truth is — clearly indicates that there is more in the way of facts that he is trying to hide. Facts about obstruction of justice,' he said"

It's hard to believe objective observers would need more evidence of Trump's long history of lying and consorting with criminals, but, obviously, some Americans haven't noticed.
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
1990...very current. I hear Rachel Maddow has a bombshell to release on Trumps tax returns :auiqs.jpg:
Perhaps you should consider the possibility that Trump has NEVER been a billionaire?

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Was Donald Trump starved for cash in fall 2016, when 62 million voters cast ballots for a candidate who told them repeatedly that he was “rich — really, really rich.”

"The way that Trump 'funneled' hush money to a porn actress just 11 days before the election sure makes it look that way. This would be consistent with four decades of Trump claiming vast wealth, but not being able to pay his bills as they come due."
Putin, the richest man on Urff, worth hundreds of thousands of trillions and zillions, gives Donn a 10 million a day allowance.He's far from broke.
All this info, I'm sure, is on Tonee Weenerz laptop with the records of Bills murders and Alex J's sex change operation history.
Dont you people read Wurld Nut weakly ?
Is he also lying about his net worth?

According to someone who's covered Trump's performances since the 1980s (David Cay Johnston), this president has never been a billionaire.

Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The “billionaire” in...

"Rudy Giuliani’s big reality-show reveal: The 'billionaire' in the White House is broke

In Giuliani’s appearance with Sean Hannity, he clearly implied Trump had to borrow the Stormy Daniels hush money..."

"As you read what follows keep two thoughts in mind.

"First, would any billionaire need months to pay a $130,000 bill?

"Second, there is not now and never has been a shred of verifiable evidence that Trump is or ever was a billionaire, a myth I first demolished using his own net worth statement prepared for a lawsuit in spring 1990.

"Trump called me a liar back then for four months until he had to put into the public record his bankers’ assessment of his riches.

"The bankers calculated that Trump was worth a negative $295 million."
After MSNBC and ABC This Week destroyed Giuliani with his disastrous interview, no one knows what facts team Trump have to present other than incoherent bs littered in lies. I'm with Avenatti. That looked like the worst, most unprepared interview by a lawyer on T.V. in modern times. These folks have injected so many lies into the Stormy Daniels pay off, no one knows anything. ‘Trump has hired his mini-me. Giuliani’s a buffoon’
Democratic Party propaganda apparatus goes after Giuliani. Big surprise.
For being a complete idiot, Giuliani went after Giuliani.

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