Trump has 5% Surge Across the Polls After Saturday. How Many States Will He Win Tomorrow?

How many states will Trump win tomorrow?

  • 6

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 5

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • 4

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 1

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 0

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

You lie.

1. The Ohio Quinnipiac poll was taken the 8th to the 13th, and shows Trump losing 6 points from the last Quinnipiac poll.

2. North Carolina shows no boost. The 20 point lead was one poll BEFORE this past weekend.

3. There is only one Missouri poll on realclear, from before this weekend.

Anybody can look at the poll site I listed and see that you are lying, not me.

He's been wrong about Rubio since day 1.....With each loss he becomes more strident. "But he won Puerto Rico!!!"

it's comical!

Turd Polish.png
Don't know--but there is a good chance he will win most of them.

Kasich and Rubio's ego are the only things standing between Trump winning the nomination straight out and the race going into a contested convention.

In a two man race, Trump will dominate Cruz so much that he will win the nomination straight out. Cruz can not beat Trump in a state more secular than those in the Bible belt==Cruz can't win.
If Trump wins the delegate count and makes the required number there can be no contested convention. That only occurs when they all fail to meet the number.

Not if the Chairman, Paul Ryan, as the highest elected Republican official, simply says, in effect, at the first gavel, "I hear a motion to unbind all delegates. Do I hear a Second? All in favor say 'Aye'! In the opinion of the chair, the 'ayes' have it.

Boom! All delegates become unbound and the delegates can vote for whoever they want to.

Right now, there is a rule 40B for the GOP convention that limits nominations for President to only those who have won a majority of the delegates from at least EACH of 8 states. Trump has met that requirement and Cruz is at 5 states so far. Unless rule 40B is amended, it looks like even unbound candidates can only chose from between those two. The establishment will have to change it to pull a full coup.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the 'poll' numbers are from March 15 right? That's TOMORROW right?
Enjoy asshole!
QU Poll Release Detail

WTF are you blubbering about? Quinnipiac's poll was from the 8th to the 13th. Figure it out.
No. The poll is from today the 14th.

Then you explain why the actual data from the actual Qu .pdf of the official results says this:

From March 8 – 13, Quinnipiac University surveyed: 615 Florida likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points; 519 Florida likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points; 721 Ohio likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points; 543 Ohio likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percentage points.

page 2.
Would you like to put up the results of the poll so everyone can see?
Don't bother. I'll do it for you:
Enjoy your catfood sandwich.

And on Page 2 it says the poll was taken from March 8th to March 13th.

Case closed.
The 'case' will be closed tomorrow night 'Baghdad Bob'.
You're hilarious!
Still got your hoodie with Trayvon's face from when he was 12 screen printed on it?
When was the last time you wore it in public asshole?
Are you going to be wearing your 'Rubio' hoodie next month?
Fucking loser!
Don't know--but there is a good chance he will win most of them.

Kasich and Rubio's ego are the only things standing between Trump winning the nomination straight out and the race going into a contested convention.

In a two man race, Trump will dominate Cruz so much that he will win the nomination straight out. Cruz can not beat Trump in a state more secular than those in the Bible belt==Cruz can't win.
If Trump wins the delegate count and makes the required number there can be no contested convention. That only occurs when they all fail to meet the number.

Not if the Chairman, Paul Ryan, as the highest elected Republican official, simply says, in effect, at the first gavel, "I hear a motion to unbind all delegates. Do I hear a Second? All in favor say 'Aye'! In the opinion of the chair, the 'ayes' have it.

Boom! All delegates become unbound and the delegates can vote for whoever they want to.

Right now, there is a rule 40B for the GOP convention that limits nominations for President to only those who have won a majority of the delegates from at least EACH of 8 states. Trump has met that requirement and Cruz is at 5 states so far. Unless rule 40B is amended, it looks like even unbound candidates can only chose from between those two. The establishment will have to change it to pull a full coup.
Cruz and the "elite" do not have enough money to buy all those delegates. They want power and a voice IN the oval office. Look for Kasich to be VP.
Don't know--but there is a good chance he will win most of them.

Kasich and Rubio's ego are the only things standing between Trump winning the nomination straight out and the race going into a contested convention.

In a two man race, Trump will dominate Cruz so much that he will win the nomination straight out. Cruz can not beat Trump in a state more secular than those in the Bible belt==Cruz can't win.
If Trump wins the delegate count and makes the required number there can be no contested convention. That only occurs when they all fail to meet the number.

Not if the Chairman, Paul Ryan, as the highest elected Republican official, simply says, in effect, at the first gavel, "I hear a motion to unbind all delegates. Do I hear a Second? All in favor say 'Aye'! In the opinion of the chair, the 'ayes' have it.

Boom! All delegates become unbound and the delegates can vote for whoever they want to.

Right now, there is a rule 40B for the GOP convention that limits nominations for President to only those who have won a majority of the delegates from at least EACH of 8 states. Trump has met that requirement and Cruz is at 5 states so far. Unless rule 40B is amended, it looks like even unbound candidates can only chose from between those two. The establishment will have to change it to pull a full coup.
Cruz and the "elite" do not have enough money to buy all those delegates. They want power and a voice IN the oval office. Look for Kasich to be VP.

They dont have to buy all of them, just enough to get already committed delegate count over 1237 for their chosen one....

I have written it before the only thing Rubio or kasich are hoping for is a Brokered Convention because that is the only way they will get the nomination...

As for polls please remember they have been incorrect before and Florida can be one that could end up going to Rubio or Kasich even though Trump is polling well there and the same for Illinois and Missouri, and if that happens then the worst fears will happen and a Brokered Convention is unavoidable as can be.

So you better pray tonight that those polls stand true and if not then the shit will hit the fan and the GOP will be a bigger mess than it is now...
Trump at this moment is about 20 points ahead of Rubio in Florida.
After Kasich slit his wrists and promised amnesty to illegals Trumps is now even with Kasich.
Someone make sure to turn out the lights at Rubio's campaign office.

The latest Ohio poll shows Kasich up by 5.
Bullshit, lets see who wins tomorrow, loser.

You'll still be a liar no matter who wins.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Ohio Republican Presidential Primary

Now, based on the dates taken, which is the latest poll?

Bad target demographic, numb nuts. Trump is pulling a huge amount of support from people that did not vote int he previous Republican primary, sir duh.

You're still a liar no matter how much blubbering you put into changing the subject.
WTF are you blubbering about? Quinnipiac's poll was from the 8th to the 13th. Figure it out.
No. The poll is from today the 14th.

Then you explain why the actual data from the actual Qu .pdf of the official results says this:

From March 8 – 13, Quinnipiac University surveyed: 615 Florida likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points; 519 Florida likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points; 721 Ohio likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points; 543 Ohio likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percentage points.

page 2.
Would you like to put up the results of the poll so everyone can see?
Don't bother. I'll do it for you:
Enjoy your catfood sandwich.

And on Page 2 it says the poll was taken from March 8th to March 13th.

Case closed.
The 'case' will be closed tomorrow night 'Baghdad Bob'.
You're hilarious!
Still got your hoodie with Trayvon's face from when he was 12 screen printed on it?
When was the last time you wore it in public asshole?
Are you going to be wearing your 'Rubio' hoodie next month?
Fucking loser!

Your drunken rants don't change the fact you got caught in a bald faced lie and the more it's proven you lied the deeper you dig yourself in.

Enjoy the pissy biscuit, Ponto.
No. The poll is from today the 14th.

Then you explain why the actual data from the actual Qu .pdf of the official results says this:

From March 8 – 13, Quinnipiac University surveyed: 615 Florida likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points; 519 Florida likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points; 721 Ohio likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points; 543 Ohio likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percentage points.

page 2.
Would you like to put up the results of the poll so everyone can see?
Don't bother. I'll do it for you:
Enjoy your catfood sandwich.

And on Page 2 it says the poll was taken from March 8th to March 13th.

Case closed.
The 'case' will be closed tomorrow night 'Baghdad Bob'.
You're hilarious!
Still got your hoodie with Trayvon's face from when he was 12 screen printed on it?
When was the last time you wore it in public asshole?
Are you going to be wearing your 'Rubio' hoodie next month?
Fucking loser!

Your drunken rants don't change the fact you got caught in a bald faced lie and the more it's proven you lied the deeper you dig yourself in.

Enjoy the pissy biscuit, Ponto.

You are such a moron. That the polls does or does not go back for more days does not make it newer, ass hat. The date of the release makes it relevant, nothing else.
So going by the latest polls on RealClear, we have Trump winning Floriduh and North Carolina, which will give him about 170 delegates.

He loses Ohio to a nonfactor candidate Kasich, keeping 66 delegates off the table from any actual plausible candidates, a wash.

He splits Missouri with Cruz for 26 delegates, and takes the vast majority of Illinois (WTA) for another 69 candidates.

Now I am going to entirely ignore the poll that shows an 11% advantage to Trump in the Chicago rally brouhahah, and that gives Trump a total of 265 or so delegates to add to his current 460 which brings him to 725 delegates, needing only 512 delegates to lock the nomination completely..

And we have not even finished March yet, with much more to come; New York WTA, California (Trump-Cruz split), New Jersey WTA, West Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin.....Trump has this won.

Everyone might as well get used to the phrase 'President Donald Trump'.
Trump will win every primary except Ohio tomorrow.
New Poll: Left-Wing Protesters Drive People into Arms of Donald Trump
The poll noted that pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces clashed in Chicago last Friday, which prompted Trump to cancel the event. It then asked respondents whether this fact made them more or less likely to support Trump. Just 11 percent said they were less likely to support Trump because of this decision. Another 22 percent said they were actually more likely to back Trump, and 66 percent said their views were unchanged.

This is a net gain in votes of 11%, so this would put even Ohio in play.

Thank you Chicago Marxist thugs for giving Trump the nomination.
WTF are you blubbering about? Quinnipiac's poll was from the 8th to the 13th. Figure it out.
No. The poll is from today the 14th.

Then you explain why the actual data from the actual Qu .pdf of the official results says this:

From March 8 – 13, Quinnipiac University surveyed: 615 Florida likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points; 519 Florida likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points; 721 Ohio likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points; 543 Ohio likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percentage points.

page 2.
Would you like to put up the results of the poll so everyone can see?
Don't bother. I'll do it for you:
Enjoy your catfood sandwich.

And on Page 2 it says the poll was taken from March 8th to March 13th.

Case closed.
The 'case' will be closed tomorrow night 'Baghdad Bob'.
You're hilarious!
Still got your hoodie with Trayvon's face from when he was 12 screen printed on it?
When was the last time you wore it in public asshole?
Are you going to be wearing your 'Rubio' hoodie next month?
Fucking loser!

How's that working out for you, midget? What are you, like 3 feet tall? What's in your head? Mashed potatoes?
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

I'm feeling pretty damned good about this election.

If things keep going they way they are, Trump will be the next President of the United States.

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