Trump has 5% Surge Across the Polls After Saturday. How Many States Will He Win Tomorrow?

How many states will Trump win tomorrow?

  • 6

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 5

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • 4

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 1

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 0

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Rubio is going to lose Florida. The reasons are simple.

Because he supported amnesty and then lied about it. (gang of eight- he was the dupe)

He doesn't show up and do his job. (missed almost 10% of Senate votes)

He's a lousy candidate who ran a lousy campaign. (has absolutely no game when off his script)

After he loses Florida, Little Marco will drop out. He's a good little apparatchik and will do what he is told.

Wrong never supported "amnesty"

Wrong...he has an identical attendance record as Cruz after he declared for the presidency

Wrong....Trump and his legion of toads and trolls have sucked the air out of the arena but folks are waking up to the fact he's a lying turd.

Wrong...he's not losing Florida.

I could have called you a liar on each point but it's obvious you're just too lazy to have looked into your claims before you made them.
Rubio is going to lose Florida. The reasons are simple.

After he loses Florida, Little Marco will drop out. He's a good little apparatchik and will do what he is told.

Florida is gone to Donald Trump last week.
Rubio is going to lose Florida. The reasons are simple.

Because he supported amnesty and then lied about it. (gang of eight- he was the dupe)

He doesn't show up and do his job. (missed almost 10% of Senate votes)

He's a lousy candidate who ran a lousy campaign. (has absolutely no game when off his script)

After he loses Florida, Little Marco will drop out. He's a good little apparatchik and will do what he is told.

Wrong never supported "amnesty"

Wrong...he has an identical attendance record as Cruz after he declared for the presidency

Wrong....Trump and his legion of toads and trolls have sucked the air out of the arena but folks are waking up to the fact he's a lying turd.

Wrong...he's not losing Florida.

I could have called you a liar on each point but it's obvious you're just too lazy to have looked into your claims before you made them.

Put down the bong bub, you're wrong on every point.

Little Marco helped author the "gang of 8" immigration bill -their "path to citizenship" is amnesty. Sorry. this is just a simple fact.

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He has the worst voting record in the Senate. Lyin' Ted is fifth.

Every poll, without exception, shows Trump winning Florida by a large margin.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Republican Presidential Primary

Bottom line- If you're holding out for a "Marcito" victory in FLA, you're going to have a very bad evening.

Put down the bong bub, you're wrong on every point.

Little Marco helped author the "gang of 8" immigration bill -their "path to citizenship" is amnesty. Sorry. this is just a simple fact.

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He has the worst voting record in the Senate. Lyin' Ted is fifth.

Every poll, without exception, shows Trump winning Florida by a large margin.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Republican Presidential Primary

Bottom line- If you're holding out for a "Marcito" victory in FLA, you're going to have a very bad evening.


Rubio quit the "gang of eight" after discovering they had no intention of finishing the border fence and has never called for "amnesty"...only work visas....stop lying.

Overall attendance

Cruz and Rubio, as of March 3, both have a career absentee rate of 14.8 percent.


Votes missed (career)

Absentee rate


152 out of 1,026

14.8 percent


224 out of 1,512

14.8 percent

Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y., 2001-2009)

249 out of 2,616

9.5 percent


131 out of 2,865

4.6 percent
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

You lie.

1. The Ohio Quinnipiac poll was taken the 8th to the 13th, and shows Trump losing 6 points from the last Quinnipiac poll.

2. North Carolina shows no boost. The 20 point lead was one poll BEFORE this past weekend.

3. There is only one Missouri poll on realclear, from before this weekend.

Anybody can look at the poll site I listed and see that you are lying, not me.
Put down the bong bub, you're wrong on every point.

Little Marco helped author the "gang of 8" immigration bill -their "path to citizenship" is amnesty. Sorry. this is just a simple fact.

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He has the worst voting record in the Senate. Lyin' Ted is fifth.

Every poll, without exception, shows Trump winning Florida by a large margin.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Republican Presidential Primary

Bottom line- If you're holding out for a "Marcito" victory in FLA, you're going to have a very bad evening.


Rubio quit the "gang of eight" after discovering they had no intention of finishing the border fence and has never called for "amnesty"...only work visas....stop lying.

Overall attendance

Cruz and Rubio, as of March 3, both have a career absentee rate of 14.8 percent.


Votes missed (career)

Absentee rate


152 out of 1,026

14.8 percent


224 out of 1,512

14.8 percent

Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y., 2001-2009)

249 out of 2,616

9.5 percent


131 out of 2,865

4.6 percent

You need a reality check.

Reality - The gang of 8 bill (which Rubio sponsored!) included a path to citizenship. What is that called in layman's terms? Amnesty. Rubio was either for Amnesty for illegal aliens, or a hapless dupe who didn't read his own legislation.

Reality- Rubio and Cruz both missed 15% of their votes. They are both unfit.

Reality- every single poll without exception shows Rubio losing Florida.
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

You lie.

1. The Ohio Quinnipiac poll was taken the 8th to the 13th, and shows Trump losing 6 points from the last Quinnipiac poll.

2. North Carolina shows no boost. The 20 point lead was one poll BEFORE this past weekend.

3. There is only one Missouri poll on realclear, from before this weekend.

Anybody can look at the poll site I listed and see that you are lying, not me.

He's been wrong about Rubio since day 1.....With each loss he becomes more strident. "But he won Puerto Rico!!!"

it's comical!
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

Kasich will win Ohio and Trump will win Florida but I would not be using polls because they have been incorrect a few times so far and Illinois and Missouri could turn on Trump and flip to Kasich seeing they're Midwest states or worst go to Cruz...

I say Trump for sure win Florida and North Carolina but after that it is anyone guess even if the polls favor Trump in states like Illinois and Missouri...
After Trump glides to a victory in Florida he is guaranteed the nomination.
For all intents and purposes, yes, he will have a mathematical lock on the nomination. With Floriduh, N Carolina, Illinois and Missouri, Trump will be uncatchable.

I have written it before the only thing Rubio or kasich are hoping for is a Brokered Convention because that is the only way they will get the nomination...

As for polls please remember they have been incorrect before and Florida can be one that could end up going to Rubio or Kasich even though Trump is polling well there and the same for Illinois and Missouri, and if that happens then the worst fears will happen and a Brokered Convention is unavoidable as can be.

So you better pray tonight that those polls stand true and if not then the shit will hit the fan and the GOP will be a bigger mess than it is now...
Trump at this moment is about 20 points ahead of Rubio in Florida.
After Kasich slit his wrists and promised amnesty to illegals Trumps is now even with Kasich.
Someone make sure to turn out the lights at Rubio's campaign office.
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

Kasich will win Ohio and Trump will win Florida but I would not be using polls because they have been incorrect a few times so far and Illinois and Missouri could turn on Trump and flip to Kasich seeing they're Midwest states or worst go to Cruz...

I say Trump for sure win Florida and North Carolina but after that it is anyone guess even if the polls favor Trump in states like Illinois and Missouri...
After Trump glides to a victory in Florida he is guaranteed the nomination.
For all intents and purposes, yes, he will have a mathematical lock on the nomination. With Floriduh, N Carolina, Illinois and Missouri, Trump will be uncatchable.

I have written it before the only thing Rubio or kasich are hoping for is a Brokered Convention because that is the only way they will get the nomination...

As for polls please remember they have been incorrect before and Florida can be one that could end up going to Rubio or Kasich even though Trump is polling well there and the same for Illinois and Missouri, and if that happens then the worst fears will happen and a Brokered Convention is unavoidable as can be.

So you better pray tonight that those polls stand true and if not then the shit will hit the fan and the GOP will be a bigger mess than it is now...
Trump at this moment is about 20 points ahead of Rubio in Florida.
After Kasich slit his wrists and promised amnesty to illegals Trumps is now even with Kasich.
Someone make sure to turn out the lights at Rubio's campaign office.

And dont let Kasich near any sharp objects and remove his shoe strings before telling him good night at his hotel room.
Rubio is going to lose Florida. The reasons are simple.

Because he supported amnesty and then lied about it. (gang of eight- he was the dupe)

He doesn't show up and do his job. (missed almost 10% of Senate votes)

He's a lousy candidate who ran a lousy campaign. (has absolutely no game when off his script)

After he loses Florida, Little Marco will drop out. He's a good little apparatchik and will do what he is told.

Wrong never supported "amnesty"

Wrong...he has an identical attendance record as Cruz after he declared for the presidency

Wrong....Trump and his legion of toads and trolls have sucked the air out of the arena but folks are waking up to the fact he's a lying turd.

Wrong...he's not losing Florida.

I could have called you a liar on each point but it's obvious you're just too lazy to have looked into your claims before you made them.
New polls show Rubio trailing in Florida; Kasich in a dogfight to win Ohio | Fox News
Ya right loser!
Every poll ever taken between Trump and Rubio in Florida shows Trump walking away with all the delegates arm in arm.
I predict Trump wins by 20 points.
I predict Trump beats Kasich by a 'C' hair.
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

You lie.

1. The Ohio Quinnipiac poll was taken the 8th to the 13th, and shows Trump losing 6 points from the last Quinnipiac poll.

2. North Carolina shows no boost. The 20 point lead was one poll BEFORE this past weekend.

3. There is only one Missouri poll on realclear, from before this weekend.

Anybody can look at the poll site I listed and see that you are lying, not me.

He's been wrong about Rubio since day 1.....With each loss he becomes more strident. "But he won Puerto Rico!!!"

it's comical!
Could it be that our friend has a full size poster of Rubio stuck on his bathroom door? IYKWIM. LOL
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

You lie.

1. The Ohio Quinnipiac poll was taken the 8th to the 13th, and shows Trump losing 6 points from the last Quinnipiac poll.

2. North Carolina shows no boost. The 20 point lead was one poll BEFORE this past weekend.

3. There is only one Missouri poll on realclear, from before this weekend.

Anybody can look at the poll site I listed and see that you are lying, not me.

The latest Ohio poll shows Kasich up by 5. You lie.
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

Kasich will win Ohio and Trump will win Florida but I would not be using polls because they have been incorrect a few times so far and Illinois and Missouri could turn on Trump and flip to Kasich seeing they're Midwest states or worst go to Cruz...

I say Trump for sure win Florida and North Carolina but after that it is anyone guess even if the polls favor Trump in states like Illinois and Missouri...
After Trump glides to a victory in Florida he is guaranteed the nomination.
For all intents and purposes, yes, he will have a mathematical lock on the nomination. With Floriduh, N Carolina, Illinois and Missouri, Trump will be uncatchable.

I have written it before the only thing Rubio or kasich are hoping for is a Brokered Convention because that is the only way they will get the nomination...

As for polls please remember they have been incorrect before and Florida can be one that could end up going to Rubio or Kasich even though Trump is polling well there and the same for Illinois and Missouri, and if that happens then the worst fears will happen and a Brokered Convention is unavoidable as can be.

So you better pray tonight that those polls stand true and if not then the shit will hit the fan and the GOP will be a bigger mess than it is now...
Trump at this moment is about 20 points ahead of Rubio in Florida.
After Kasich slit his wrists and promised amnesty to illegals Trumps is now even with Kasich.
Someone make sure to turn out the lights at Rubio's campaign office.

The latest Ohio poll shows Kasich up by 5.
Pulling data from RealClear

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Thursday in Ohio Kasich 34, Trump at 29

After Saturday, Kasich and Trump are tied in Ohio.

North Carolina gave Trump a boost from 16 up to now 20

In Missouri Trump is now up by 7

In Illinois there are no new polls since Saturday, but Trump is up by nine or more.

On Wednesday in Floriduh, Trump had leads of 7, 9, and 23, and he has been steady at a 20ish lead since.

So it is looking like Trump is gaining across the board and will win N Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Florida, and Ohio is a toss up. But really, if he takes 4 out of 5 states, Trump will have put himself well into the lead in the delegate count. Kasich winning the Ohio delegation is basically just taking them out of play as they are also denied to Cruz.

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

You lie.

1. The Ohio Quinnipiac poll was taken the 8th to the 13th, and shows Trump losing 6 points from the last Quinnipiac poll.

2. North Carolina shows no boost. The 20 point lead was one poll BEFORE this past weekend.

3. There is only one Missouri poll on realclear, from before this weekend.

Anybody can look at the poll site I listed and see that you are lying, not me.

The latest Ohio poll shows Kasich up by 5. You lie.

Poll taken of previous primary voters.

You lie.
Kasich will win Ohio and Trump will win Florida but I would not be using polls because they have been incorrect a few times so far and Illinois and Missouri could turn on Trump and flip to Kasich seeing they're Midwest states or worst go to Cruz...

I say Trump for sure win Florida and North Carolina but after that it is anyone guess even if the polls favor Trump in states like Illinois and Missouri...
After Trump glides to a victory in Florida he is guaranteed the nomination.
For all intents and purposes, yes, he will have a mathematical lock on the nomination. With Floriduh, N Carolina, Illinois and Missouri, Trump will be uncatchable.

I have written it before the only thing Rubio or kasich are hoping for is a Brokered Convention because that is the only way they will get the nomination...

As for polls please remember they have been incorrect before and Florida can be one that could end up going to Rubio or Kasich even though Trump is polling well there and the same for Illinois and Missouri, and if that happens then the worst fears will happen and a Brokered Convention is unavoidable as can be.

So you better pray tonight that those polls stand true and if not then the shit will hit the fan and the GOP will be a bigger mess than it is now...
Trump at this moment is about 20 points ahead of Rubio in Florida.
After Kasich slit his wrists and promised amnesty to illegals Trumps is now even with Kasich.
Someone make sure to turn out the lights at Rubio's campaign office.

The latest Ohio poll shows Kasich up by 5.
Bullshit, lets see who wins tomorrow, loser.
After Trump glides to a victory in Florida he is guaranteed the nomination.
For all intents and purposes, yes, he will have a mathematical lock on the nomination. With Floriduh, N Carolina, Illinois and Missouri, Trump will be uncatchable.

I have written it before the only thing Rubio or kasich are hoping for is a Brokered Convention because that is the only way they will get the nomination...

As for polls please remember they have been incorrect before and Florida can be one that could end up going to Rubio or Kasich even though Trump is polling well there and the same for Illinois and Missouri, and if that happens then the worst fears will happen and a Brokered Convention is unavoidable as can be.

So you better pray tonight that those polls stand true and if not then the shit will hit the fan and the GOP will be a bigger mess than it is now...
Trump at this moment is about 20 points ahead of Rubio in Florida.
After Kasich slit his wrists and promised amnesty to illegals Trumps is now even with Kasich.
Someone make sure to turn out the lights at Rubio's campaign office.

The latest Ohio poll shows Kasich up by 5.
Bullshit, lets see who wins tomorrow, loser.

You'll still be a liar no matter who wins.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Ohio Republican Presidential Primary

Now, based on the dates taken, which is the latest poll?

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