Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
ah no he doesn't ...
But since the first impeachment was based entirely on the claim that Trump did collude with Russia, and now we see there was zero evidence for that claim, then that first impeachment attempt then was an illegal insurrection.
It was an attempt to defy a legal election, based entirely on deliberate lies.

Hiolyfuckingshit. :eusa_doh:

I see now you're not just a pathological liar, you're completely batshit nuts. :cuckoo:

Numbnuts, not only did that impeachment have nothing to do with colluding with Russia, he was impeached about 8 months after Mueller exonerated Trump of colluding with Russia.

You're out of your fucking mind.

Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen
And yet again, no one is claiming otherwise.

Trump is at completely liberty to propagate his lie that the 2020 election was ‘stolen.’

Just as those of us who oppose Trump are at liberty to denounce and condemn Trump’s efforts to undermine the political process and destroy our political institutions with his election lie.
20 pages of lefty lies. Why even bother arguing with these lying sacks of shit? Does nobody any good . They will never stop lying or ever admit to being wrong . They hate America, and will not stop until they destroy this country. Are you an American or are you a Democrat?
20 pages of lefty lies. Why even bother arguing with these lying sacks of shit? Does nobody any good . They will never stop lying or ever admit to being wrong . They hate America, and will not stop until they destroy this country. Are you an American or are you a Democrat?

Projection from the herd who tried to steal the 2020 election.
Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
He doesn't have first amendment right; he should be tried for treason.
Trump has a first amendment right

This is the most pathetic defense of Trump's criminal behavior yet.

No one is denying Trump has a First Amendment right

The media is private industry , and also the gub'mit's b*tch

That they censored a potus in America basically means none of us have a 1st amd right any longer

you folks that think you can pick / choose have it all wrong

rights are not individual , they are collective

'we the people' does not mean 'you the entitled'

cut one of us, we all bleed......

The media is private industry , and also the gub'mit's b*tch

That they censored a potus in America basically means none of us have a 1st amd right any longer

you folks that think you can pick / choose have it all wrong

rights are not individual , they are collective

'we the people' does not mean 'you the entitled'

cut one of us, we all bleed......


What public entity censored a president?
People get punished all the time for non criminal acts. They get fired, suspended, banned. There are all kinds of punishments outside the criminal legal system
Well, thanks for admitting that you want to punish Trump with legal precedings when you admit that he hasn't done criminal acts.

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