Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

Wow! She said it once in a group of people, 3 years after she conceded.

How does that compare to Trump and friends saying the election was stolen at minimum 10 times a day for the past year and a half....

+/- 6500 times in a year and a half.....

And y'all think you're not brainwashed by anyone! :rofl::rofl:
/-----/ Can you show the spreadsheet you made to count all those 6500 times?
How DARE you bring up that fact....

...just like 2 members of the 6 Jan Committee exercised their right to deny the certification of previous elections.

You ... RACIST.

You guys are more of morons than you are racist.

I promoted collusion by saying I saw no evidence of collusion??

Do you even know you’re insane, Stumpy?

You have harassed people over it, yes, so you supported that line of attack, just like you support calling Jan 6 an insurrection which is absurd.

And there is lots of you trying to promote The DemNazi Narrative that Trump Colluded with Russia, Trump Obstructed Justice. Trump Trump Trump.

Yet you level no accusations nor demand justice for the people, Obama, Clinton and Biden who actually lauched the Russian Collusion Operation Crossfire Hurricane COUP Attempt.

They committed treason and insurrection and you are like.

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You have harassed people over it, yes, so you supported that line of attack, just like you support calling Jan 6 an insurrection which is absurd.

And there is lots of you trying to promote The DemNazi Narrative that Trump Colluded with Russia, Trump Obstructed Justice. Trump Trump Trump.

Yet you level no accusations nor demand justice for the people, Obama, Clinton and Biden who actually lauched the Russian Collusion Operation Crossfire Hurricane COUP Attempt.

They committed treason and insurrection and you are like.
Can you post the definition of insurrection please?
You have harassed people over it, yes, so you supported that line of attack, just like you support calling Jan 6 an insurrection which is absurd.

And there is lots of you trying to promote The DemNazi Narrative that Trump Colluded with Russia, Trump Obstructed Justice. Trump Trump Trump.

Yet you level no accusations nor demand justice for the people, Obama, Clinton and Biden who actually lauched the Russian Collusion Operation Crossfire Hurricane COUP Attempt.

They committed treason and insurrection and you are like.

View attachment 671482

I did no such thing, Stumpy. I already proved I never believed Trump colluded with Russia. Have your trunk examined, you're batshit insane.
Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
You or I may have the Right to LIE, make Ugly hateful remarks about elections other Americans. and Our supposed public servants.
BUT that does not make it the best or Right solution for our problems.
You or I may have the Right to LIE, make Ugly hateful remarks about elections other Americans. and Our supposed public servants.
BUT that does not make it the best or Right solution for our problems.
But what if it's the very root of our problem's (a stolen election), then fixing it would be a start.
Yea it’s not. We know that is a fantasy
You want everyone to believe it because the Democrat's feel that they might have pulled it off maybe, and are now completely in the clear ???? You could be right, because the citizen's have no staying power anymore, otherwise to see things through to the end.

They would rather just lick their wounds and move on, but they are normalizing bad behavior, and therefore basically opening up other avenue's down the road a ways.
You want everyone to believe it because the Democrat's feel that they might have pulled it off maybe, and are now completely in the clear ???? You could be right, because the citizen's have no staying power anymore, otherwise to see things through to the end.

They would rather just lick their wounds and move on, but they are normalizing bad behavior, and therefore basically opening up other avenue's down the road a ways.
You are clinging desperately to a LIE my friend
I did no such thing, Stumpy. I already proved I never believed Trump colluded with Russia. Have your trunk examined, you're batshit insane.

But since the first impeachment was based entirely on the claim that Trump did collude with Russia, and now we see there was zero evidence for that claim, then that first impeachment attempt then was an illegal insurrection.
It was an attempt to defy a legal election, based entirely on deliberate lies.
Haha, is that what you thought I was saying?? Wow, you got some serious comprehension issues.

But since you asked... On the surface, from what I've seen so far, nothing criminal. I do think it did violate ethics and his oath of office and he should be penalized by not being allowed to hold public office again. Thats a no brainer. The hearings are definitely mostly political. There is a huge lie floating around this country about a stolen election which caused this riot at the capital. The actions that lead to this need to be exposed and condemned and more facts and truth need to be highlighted. That I believe is the purpose of the hearings, however, yes it is mostly political theater.
If he did nothing criminally wrong then he shouldn't be punished for anything. I appreciate you being man enough to admit that the kangaroo hearings are a political farce.
You or I may have the Right to LIE, make Ugly hateful remarks about elections other Americans. and Our supposed public servants.
BUT that does not make it the best or Right solution for our problems.
I agree that we should drop the kangaroo hoax hearings because nothing criminal was done, just as Hillary doesn't really need any hearings for claiming the election was stolen.
Trump has a first amendment right to say he thinks it might have been stolen. As president he holds public trust and has a responsibility to present honest information to the public. By declaring the election stolen without proof he is breaking that trust. He should never be allowed to hold public office again
Uh huh. You never trusted him to begin with. You had no trust for him to lose.
If he did nothing criminally wrong then he shouldn't be punished for anything. I appreciate you being man enough to admit that the kangaroo hearings are a political farce.
People get punished all the time for non criminal acts. They get fired, suspended, banned. There are all kinds of punishments outside the criminal legal system

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