Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

Which is not the case here.

No one knew that for sure, and we still do not know for sure, since there were so many irregularities in the counting. And we need to totally dump all voting machines. They are all inherently corruptible.
Wow. This is the most pathetic defense of Trump's criminal behavior yet.

Trump is entitled to his opinion, even if it is wrong.
The only problem would be if he knew it was wrong, and still promoted it with the intent of evoking violence from others.
This isn't about opinion retard. It's about bogus claims that the election was stolen.

THIS thread is trying to claim that trump has the right to lie about that.

The thread ADMITS that it is a lie

Oh and in head to head polling matchups? Biden beats Trump

You are assuming Trump knew his election claims were wrong.
And based on the previous polls, Trumps beliefs are not unusual.
It really was odd how the democrats came up with so many last minute votes somehow, that the polls did not reflect?
I do not like Trump and do not believe a huge fraud would have gone undetected.
But Trump's believe was not beyond reason.
Yelling fire when there is no fire, can cause harm or even death.
If the police had not started beating and shooting people, then the outcome of claiming there was an election fraud would only have been a slight delay in results certification. Which is reasonable and not dangerous.
I don't think there likely was any significant election fraud, but there is always SOME election fraud, so there should always be an attempt to satisfy any worries.
It was wrong to instead start shooting people like Ashlie Babbitt.
She did not represent any sort of physical threat.
The main thing with Mrs. Babbitt is that she was unarmed, and the professionalism of the officer should have recognized that fact immediately before using deadly force. I don't know, maybe he was a wimp or something, and was literally shaking in his whittle boots when standing there (again shaking), while holding his service revolver on the ready for that angry woman to come through the door yelling I want my tour, and I want it today.
Actually, the only things confirmed to be real are some of his emails,released by hackers.

Didn't know that, did ya?

The whole laptop was also confirmed by Hunter Biden himself.
However, the FBI has never released any of what the laptop had.
Only a few emails were released from before the FBI got a hold of it.
Trump is entitled to his opinion, even if it is wrong.
The only problem would be if he knew it was wrong, and still promoted it with the intent of evoking violence from others.
We'll never know, because the deep state was seeking revenge for 2016, and he wasn't getting a fair hearing no matter what the evidence showed or didn't show.

"Eventually one shred of evidence will come to light to support something I started believing 100% 18 months ago."

Listen to yourself. Listen to what a joke that is.

Self awareness level: zero

Again, I don't think the election was stolen.
But it was not at all unreasonable to believe it might have been, at that time.
Again, I don't think the election was stolen.
But it was not at all unreasonable to believe it might have been, at that time.
If Dinesh D'Souzas documentary was correct or accurate, then we had a stolen election, but isn't it funny how that sort of evidence and theory just evaporates quickly ?
Correct. At the time it was reasonable. At this time it's inarguable.
Nope, it's still questionable until a complete assessment is done no matter how much time goes by. This stuff is to important to just let go. Election integrity depends greatly upon it being investigated thoroughly and conclusively.
The main thing with Mrs. Babbitt is that she was unarmed, and the professionalism of the officer should have recognized that fact immediately before using deadly force. I don't know, maybe he was a wimp or something, and was literally shaking in his whittle boots when standing there (again shaking), while holding his service revolver on the ready for that angry woman to come through the door yelling I want my tour, and I want it today.
That's a cute fantasy, in the fantasyland where she didn't have a hundred violent insurrectionists right behind her.

Doesn't have legs in reality, though.
That's a cute fantasy, in the fantasyland where she didn't have a hundred violent insurrectionists right behind her.

Doesn't have legs in reality, though.
I will give ya that about the mob possibly being behind her, and therefore adding to the fear's, but we'll never know, just like all the lies and insinuations or innuendo about the Uvalde shooting case.
That's a cute fantasy, in the fantasyland where she didn't have a hundred violent insurrectionists right behind her.

Doesn't have legs in reality, though.

But it is incontrovertible fact that the cop shooter could easily just have pushed her back instead of deliberately aiming at her neck and pulling the trigger without so much as a warning.
The main thing with Mrs. Babbitt is that she was unarmed, and the professionalism of the officer should have recognized that fact immediately before using deadly force. I don't know, maybe he was a wimp or something, and was literally shaking in his whittle boots when standing there (again shaking), while holding his service revolver on the ready for that angry woman to come through the door yelling I want my tour, and I want it today.

Ashes Targetpractice designated herself to be the top of the spear, attempting to lead Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists into the House chamber where some lawmakers were still holed up. The cop who shot her is a hero for putting down a traitor.
But it is incontrovertible fact that the cop shooter could easily just have pushed her back instead of deliberately aiming at her neck and pulling the trigger without so much as a warning.

Stop lying. She was warned to get back.
I will give ya that about the mob possibly being behind her, and therefore adding to the fear's, but we'll never know, just like all the lies and insinuations or innuendo about the Uvalde shooting case.
Are you joking.

Unless we watch the video. Then we know.
Hey, c'mon now. That crowd was so cheerful, they meant no one any harm.

Right. They clearly had their fill a couple minutes earlier, when they beat the shit out of that cop. They were about to start passing out flowers and acid.

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