Trump has a very good reason for not releasing his taxes

Trump paid zero in income tax a few years in the 70's, and there's probably more where that came from in later yeras.
The IRS will make you pay if you embarass them:

Why Trump tap dances on tax returns

Donald Trump has reason to be reluctant to release his tax returns. In a New York Times piece about Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Rhodes cynically explains that today’s journalism consists of young people whom he flat-out describes as ignorant. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old,” Rhodes said, “and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

What do 27-year-old reporters know about how wealthy big-business people file their taxes? In the real world, moguls like Donald Trump hire accountants and tax attorneys to file what are known as “aggressive” returns – seeking every possible deduction, exclusion, tax break or deferral.

Given this, Donald Trump is likely audited nearly every year, with the IRS settling with him on some of these issues, often for less than the IRS initially claimed he owed. If Trump releases his taxes now, the IRS – to avoid embarrassment or public criticism that they are giving a rich guy a break – might be reluctant to negotiate down from what they initially argued he owes. Therefore, Trump is likely telling the truth that his attorneys advised him not to release his tax returns until after the audit had been settled.

A man who constantly brags about how rich he is and how much money he makes doesn't release his tax returns because he obviously has something to hide.

If he doesn't have something to hide, he'd release his tax returns.
Knowing Trump, you know if his taxes made him look good he'd have released them 6 months ago.
He made his campaign ABOUT MONEY

now he refuses to bring money into his campaign..

the man is a loose cannon ...
.......................................The Trump Zika Virus Evolving
What actually occurred is that his company paid zero taxes. His personal income taxes were not zero. That's not surprising in certain years when real estate was depressed and Trump Enterprises probably suffered major losses, as in when those Casino's in Atlantic city declared bankruptcy.
He's under audit, I'm sure his attorneys have advised him not to release his returns.

This “excuse” is particularly humorous.

So here is the mindset.

He files his returns with the IRS.
The IRS (which has his information) audits him (or not—all we have are the words of Drumpf—a confirmed liar)
And now he is told to not release his returns (supposedly).

The IRS already has the data. The IRS can not be informed of anything new by releasing them.
So there is no reason to not release them unless he just wants to hide something from the voters.
Which, obviously, is the case.
The IRS will make you pay if you embarass them:

Why Trump tap dances on tax returns

Donald Trump has reason to be reluctant to release his tax returns. In a New York Times piece about Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Rhodes cynically explains that today’s journalism consists of young people whom he flat-out describes as ignorant. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old,” Rhodes said, “and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

What do 27-year-old reporters know about how wealthy big-business people file their taxes? In the real world, moguls like Donald Trump hire accountants and tax attorneys to file what are known as “aggressive” returns – seeking every possible deduction, exclusion, tax break or deferral.

Given this, Donald Trump is likely audited nearly every year, with the IRS settling with him on some of these issues, often for less than the IRS initially claimed he owed. If Trump releases his taxes now, the IRS – to avoid embarrassment or public criticism that they are giving a rich guy a break – might be reluctant to negotiate down from what they initially argued he owes. Therefore, Trump is likely telling the truth that his attorneys advised him not to release his tax returns until after the audit had been settled.
Of course he has good reasons. The returns he released in the 80's showed he paid ZERO. Trump has no problem with fucking over America as long as he gets his. That proves he's a Republican.
The damage is done as it has become a campaign issue. It will not be going away

Whether he releases the most recent return or other tax return now is immaterial


There is many questions:
Is Trump Solvent? What is his reported net worth?
How much does Trump owe which banks?
How much did Trump declare as the value of his properties?
How much Charity did he pay?
What was his effective tax rate?

And they are just a start... These seem reasonable questions to ask a future President..

Very true. My contribution was just to assure anyone who has doubt that the tax return issue isn’t going away and that this is a big deal.

Some are under the impression that campaigns are about this:

Abortion: Drumpf’s stance vs. Hillary’s stance. Incorrect. If Abortion is a front page issue (Thanks Oklahoma Legislature for placing it back in the forefront), the GOP loses since America is firmly a pro-choice nation.

It’s not about the answers but about the questions.

Anytime the issue is brought up, Drumpf loses.

It isn't a big deal.... tax returns tell very little and I promise you, probably nobody on this board would know where to begin deciphering his returns. What do you think you're going to find, he's got income from drug smuggling or something?


Well, one has to know how to read. If you don’t, they tell you very little.

I seriously doubt the average schlub can decipher Trump's returns.
He's under audit, I'm sure his attorneys have advised him not to release his returns.

This “excuse” is particularly humorous.

So here is the mindset.

He files his returns with the IRS.
The IRS (which has his information) audits him (or not—all we have are the words of Drumpf—a confirmed liar)
And now he is told to not release his returns (supposedly).

The IRS already has the data. The IRS can not be informed of anything new by releasing them.
So there is no reason to not release them unless he just wants to hide something from the voters.
Which, obviously, is the case.
Read the OP, you fucking douche bag moron. That explains why your theory is wrong.
The IRS will make you pay if you embarass them:

Why Trump tap dances on tax returns

Donald Trump has reason to be reluctant to release his tax returns. In a New York Times piece about Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Rhodes cynically explains that today’s journalism consists of young people whom he flat-out describes as ignorant. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old,” Rhodes said, “and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

What do 27-year-old reporters know about how wealthy big-business people file their taxes? In the real world, moguls like Donald Trump hire accountants and tax attorneys to file what are known as “aggressive” returns – seeking every possible deduction, exclusion, tax break or deferral.

Given this, Donald Trump is likely audited nearly every year, with the IRS settling with him on some of these issues, often for less than the IRS initially claimed he owed. If Trump releases his taxes now, the IRS – to avoid embarrassment or public criticism that they are giving a rich guy a break – might be reluctant to negotiate down from what they initially argued he owes. Therefore, Trump is likely telling the truth that his attorneys advised him not to release his tax returns until after the audit had been settled.
Libtards that laugh at the OP are clear demonstration of todays libtards who literally know nothing.
The IRS will make you pay if you embarass them:

Why Trump tap dances on tax returns

Donald Trump has reason to be reluctant to release his tax returns. In a New York Times piece about Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Rhodes cynically explains that today’s journalism consists of young people whom he flat-out describes as ignorant. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old,” Rhodes said, “and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

What do 27-year-old reporters know about how wealthy big-business people file their taxes? In the real world, moguls like Donald Trump hire accountants and tax attorneys to file what are known as “aggressive” returns – seeking every possible deduction, exclusion, tax break or deferral.

Given this, Donald Trump is likely audited nearly every year, with the IRS settling with him on some of these issues, often for less than the IRS initially claimed he owed. If Trump releases his taxes now, the IRS – to avoid embarrassment or public criticism that they are giving a rich guy a break – might be reluctant to negotiate down from what they initially argued he owes. Therefore, Trump is likely telling the truth that his attorneys advised him not to release his tax returns until after the audit had been settled.
Of course he has good reasons. The returns he released in the 80's showed he paid ZERO. Trump has no problem with fucking over America as long as he gets his. That proves he's a Republican.

They probably also show that his companies suffered a net loss for those years.

Bottom line: You're a douche bag and an imbecile.
How does releasing a tax return embarrass the IRS?

Read the article, dumbass.

The article is just a rehash of Trump's excuses for every action he makes. It's not his's other people's fault. Like the IRS.

Funny because he released his tax returns when he applied for a casino permit. Oh, WHILE HE WAS BEING AUDITED BY THE IRS.

NOW he says he can't release them because of the audit. Get it? Before he could while under audit and NOW he says he cant.

The IRS will make you pay if you embarass them:

Why Trump tap dances on tax returns

Donald Trump has reason to be reluctant to release his tax returns. In a New York Times piece about Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Rhodes cynically explains that today’s journalism consists of young people whom he flat-out describes as ignorant. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old,” Rhodes said, “and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

What do 27-year-old reporters know about how wealthy big-business people file their taxes? In the real world, moguls like Donald Trump hire accountants and tax attorneys to file what are known as “aggressive” returns – seeking every possible deduction, exclusion, tax break or deferral.

Given this, Donald Trump is likely audited nearly every year, with the IRS settling with him on some of these issues, often for less than the IRS initially claimed he owed. If Trump releases his taxes now, the IRS – to avoid embarrassment or public criticism that they are giving a rich guy a break – might be reluctant to negotiate down from what they initially argued he owes. Therefore, Trump is likely telling the truth that his attorneys advised him not to release his tax returns until after the audit had been settled.
Of course he has good reasons. The returns he released in the 80's showed he paid ZERO. Trump has no problem with fucking over America as long as he gets his. That proves he's a Republican.

They probably also show that his companies suffered a net loss for those years.

Bottom line: You're a douche bag and an imbecile.
Wow, so many net losses and still able to build up 10 billion.

Only tards believe the right wing bullshit. Tell me you aren't a tard.
The IRS will make you pay if you embarass them:

Why Trump tap dances on tax returns

Donald Trump has reason to be reluctant to release his tax returns. In a New York Times piece about Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Rhodes cynically explains that today’s journalism consists of young people whom he flat-out describes as ignorant. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old,” Rhodes said, “and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

What do 27-year-old reporters know about how wealthy big-business people file their taxes? In the real world, moguls like Donald Trump hire accountants and tax attorneys to file what are known as “aggressive” returns – seeking every possible deduction, exclusion, tax break or deferral.

Given this, Donald Trump is likely audited nearly every year, with the IRS settling with him on some of these issues, often for less than the IRS initially claimed he owed. If Trump releases his taxes now, the IRS – to avoid embarrassment or public criticism that they are giving a rich guy a break – might be reluctant to negotiate down from what they initially argued he owes. Therefore, Trump is likely telling the truth that his attorneys advised him not to release his tax returns until after the audit had been settled.
Of course he has good reasons. The returns he released in the 80's showed he paid ZERO. Trump has no problem with fucking over America as long as he gets his. That proves he's a Republican.

They probably also show that his companies suffered a net loss for those years.

Bottom line: You're a douche bag and an imbecile.
Wow, so many net losses and still able to build up 10 billion.

Only tards believe the right wing bullshit. Tell me you aren't a tard.

Turds like you are the ones who are constantly harping on the bankruptcies a few of his companies performed. Are you now denying these bankruptcies occurred?

You really don't know which side your ass is buttered on, do you?
What actually occurred is that his company paid zero taxes. His personal income taxes were not zero. That's not surprising in certain years when real estate was depressed and Trump Enterprises probably suffered major losses, as in when those Casino's in Atlantic city declared bankruptcy.

Well, let's see and people can decide for themselves if it's a big deal or not.

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