Trump has already accomplished more than Obama

Obama has more than doubled the stock market

Trump is welcome to try to match that
Obama has added more than $50 trillion to our nations wealth
More than any other President
Are Americans going to want to spend 10 hour days on a factory production line plugging the same tiny component onto a logic board?

A robot and automation will do that, they will be fixing and programming the robot and automation
GDP has gone up $4 trillion under Obama

Most in history
Unemployment has dropped five percent under Obama

beat that Trump
Obama has increased our national debt to $20 trillion.
He's also responsible for the increase in crime, loss of jobs, increase in welfare benefits, wasted government $, etc...

I have no doubt about Obama going down as being one of the worst presidents in history.
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Astounding ignorance, gullibility and lack of critical thought.

I got an idea, stop bitching about the source, read the article and consider it's merit instead taking the intellectually lazy path of blanket denial of any source that is not biased to your linking.
So the high school dropout antontoo here wants to act like he's educated and "sophisticated" and then ends his post with "not to your linking". Uh...that would be liking you nitwit.


Retard, I'm a college graduate with a degree in mathematics.

Amazing as always.
Obama has increased our national debt to $20 trillion.
He's also responsible for the increase in crime.

Actually it will be Trump who increases our debt to $20 trillion

Crime rate has dropped significantly in the last eight years
Obama has more than doubled the stock market

Obama has added more than $50 trillion to our nations wealth. More than any other President

GDP has gone up $4 trillion under Obama. Most in history

Crime rate has dropped significantly in the last eight years

Unemployment has dropped five percent under Obama

Gee... he sounds wonderful. Can you tell me exactly what he has done that was responsible for doing all of these wonderful and amazing things?
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GDP has gone up $4 trillion under Obama

Most in history

Obama spent 11trillion dollars more then all the other presidents combined..

Any one know what we got out of it?


Why are conservatives so bad at math

You don't have a link for that do you?

What math did I fuck up at?
Show $11 trillion more than all the presidents combined

I am not going to bother with your dumb ass spin you know what it was in 2008 and you know what it is now..

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