Trump has awakened the western world to the crookedness of liberals !

The dems blew it when they hitched their wagon to the globalist anti American sovereignty the people of the western world are catching on....
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Canada may start to swing right and more for trump now since their liberal leader may be taken down
the real problem with liberalism/leftism/socialism is that it is so damned attractive to "educated" types with no real-world experience (also known as "wisdom"). It is so fucking LOGICAL and OBVIOUS, that if only The Rich would give up a little of their excess wealth and give it to The Poor, the world would be such a better place. They fill their pointy little heads with these crap ideas, then in order to "serve mankind" they go into Government.

Then, with no real world experience, they make policy for everyone actually living in the Real World, while they sit in their damned taxpayer-funded sinecures, looking down their figurative noses at the Common People who are too "stupid" to understand their wisdom.

But the fact is that MOST PEOPLE, whether you are talking about the U.S., Western Europe, Israel, know that it's all crap. But the cards are stacked against the majority of people. The "Elites" make the rules, control the Press, own the Universities.

Every once in a while, however, someone like Trump comes along who refuses to life by the rules and forces his way into the game, and THe People love him. Don't be surprised.
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the real problem with liberalism/leftism/socialism is that it is so damned attractive to "educated" types with no real-world experience (also known as "wisdom"). It is so fucking LOGICAL and OBVIOUS, that if only The Rich would give up a little of their excess wealth and give it to The Poor, the world would be such a better place. They fill their pointy little heads with these crap ideas, then in order to "serve mankind" they go into Government.

Then, with no real world experience, they make policy for everyone actually living in the Real World, while they sit in their damned taxpayer-funded sinecures, looking down their figurative noses at the Common People who are too "stupid" to understand their wisdom.

But the fact is that MOST PEOPLE, whether you are talking about the U.S., Western Europe, Israel, know that it's all crap. But the cards are stacked against the majority of people. The "Elites" make the rules, control the Press, own the Universities.

Every once in a while, however, someone like Trump comes along who refuses to life by the rules and forces his way into the game, and THe People love him. Don't be surprised.

Ross Perot was also one of trumps type

The true wise are the ones that go for balance and not wealth or degrees

America got these true wise to fight world war 11 and their logic made them win

Liberal wars or wars to help the out of balance elites will not be as successful because the true wise that chose a balanced life will not fight as hard for them

Trump has the true wise on his side and they are the most powerful of all
The isreal voters want to keep getting the 6.5 billion a year the us gives them so ben got reelected.
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The isreal voters want to keep getting the 6.5 billion a year the us gives them so ben got reelected.

Canada is also waking up to stop their crooked liberal leader

Trump will energize the men to rise up and stop the destruction of their countries by liberalism
Before Trump nobody DARED challenge the spun twisted narrative Dem's and the liberal media have concocted. In the 2016 GOP primary when Trump dared make illegals and border security a campaign issue EVERYBODY declared his campaign was finished. Right on cue Dem's and the liberal media AND half the GOP candidates attacked him. Trump is a racist. Trump is a xenophobe. Trump needs to APOLOGIZE. Not only did Trump not apologize he doubled down and the Washington establishment was STUNNED when the American people sided with Trump on the issue. KABOOM that's when Trump became the Trumpinator!
Looks like the wise conservatives of Germany is fleeing to strong conservative Tennessee.

They are also taking their Volkswagen industry to Tenn
Better to give money to friends than enemies dufus.
Not sure Israel is our friend.

Trump is about to stop Iran from harming and the power of Israel will help
Harming who? How?

Iran was trying to help n Korea to get the nukes and vice versa

That harms the world and us
Iran has verifiably stopped nuclear weapons research and not only does NK already have the bomb I thought tRump had them well in hand?

You kids need to make up.your minds.

dimocrap scum ARE NOT LIBERAL!!!!!!!

They are scum. NEVER call dimocraps 'liberals'. Never, ever, ever.

They are radicals, at best.

UnAmerican, back-stabbing, dishonest, lying scum.

NOT liberals.

I am liberal. I believe in Free Speech. They do not.

I believe in Justice for all. They do not.

I believe in equality. They do not.

dimocraps are scum. NOT liberals

dimocrap scum ARE NOT LIBERAL!!!!!!!

They are scum. NEVER call dimocraps 'liberals'. Never, ever, ever.

They are radicals, at best.

UnAmerican, back-stabbing, dishonest, lying scum.

NOT liberals.

I am liberal. I believe in Free Speech. They do not.

I believe in Justice for all. They do not.

I believe in equality. They do not.

dimocraps are scum. NOT liberals

Some truth to that

The democrats are simply very dishonest and immoral people

In some ways being liberal can be less dishonest

But liberalism will destroy nations and progress

A nation must not allow children with lower logic freedom to be around harm

That's why liberalism will always fall

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